Added notary server to docker base image.
Created trust suite which runs trust server for running trusted commands.
Signed-off-by: Derek McGowan <> (github: dmcgowan)
The docker-py commit used in the standard `Dockerfile` is from Feb. 2015
and is out of date with the current API level and has fixes for things
like the new docker cli config location and registry v2 changes/API
responses as well.
Also pass "NOT_ON_HOST=true" to docker-py test suite so that tests
relying on direct HOST interaction (versus running in a container) are
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Phil Estes <> (github: estesp)
Add golint to the Dockerfile, and a `validate-lint` task to the
Makefile. Currently, the linter will process a harcoded list of packages
that will expand as we fix more warnings. Eventually, the linter should
process all subpackages of the repo (excluding vendored code).
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Porterie <>
Fixes an issue with curly braces being escaped when they should not be.
This was particularly an issue in places where `--format '{{ ... }}'`
is used in the man docs.
Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <>
These will create the apt & yum repos for the deb/rpms generated by build-deb
and build-rpm.
Adds sign-repo script which signs the repo metadata with a gpg key.
Signed-off-by: Jessica Frazelle <>
These have both been updated to no longer include the empty "scratch" layer, and `hello-world` has a fix for http->https.
Signed-off-by: Andrew "Tianon" Page <>
We already vendor distribution under ./vendor, but
because the GOPATH is /go:/go/src/
Go will always compile the source code at /go not in ./vendor.
Apart from the fact that it is very inconvenient during
development, it was also a time-bomb: someone vendors a fix
from upstream distribution, but forgets to update
REGISTRY_COMMIT in the Dockerfile, and the binary doesn't get
the fix.
Signed-off-by: Tibor Vass <>
When ever something vendor/ changes the go dependencies have to downloaded again,
which requires internet access and there for is potential slow. COPY and go install is much faster, while the git urls does not change not this often.
Signed-off-by: Jörg Thalheim <>
Installs and configures bash completion for Docker.
Note that bash completion still has to be initialized by a custom
.bashrc file.
Signed-off-by: Harald Albers <>
This addresses a subtle deadlock where an error during a copy prevented pipe
closure to propagate correctly. By closing down the read end of the pipe rather
than the write end, the waiting writer is properly signaled. A nice side-effect
of this change is that errors encountered by io.Copy are now propagated to the
verifier's Write method.
A test to ensure validation errors for unsupported digest types has been added,
as well.
Signed-off-by: Stephen J Day <>
Add ability to refer to an image by repository name and digest using the
format repository@digest. Works for pull, push, run, build, and rmi.
Signed-off-by: Andy Goldstein <>
Update pull code to consider any layer download or new tag as an update.
Update hello-world frozen image to be explicitly tagged as frozen, to not interfere with pull tests. The hello-world is used by pull tests because of its small size and there is no other official image with such a size.
Signed-off-by: Derek McGowan <> (github: dmcgowan)
FROM scratch
ADD echo /
RUN [ "echo" ]
will die with
exec: "/bin/sh": stat /bin/sh: no such file or directory
Signed-off-by: Doug Davis <>
This makes it much simpler to add new "frozen" images -- simply add them to the `Dockerfile` and in `hack/make/.ensure-frozen-images` and you're off to the races.
Signed-off-by: Andrew "Tianon" Page <>
This downloads a specific image ID of `busybox:latest` from the Hub directly (within the `Dockerfile`, ready for `docker load`) instead of grabbing the source from GitHub and doing a `docker build` at daemon start time. This ensures the test suite runs more consistently.
Signed-off-by: Andrew "Tianon" Page <>
If `.bashrc` exists at the root of the source tree, it will be used as the `~/.bashrc` inside the container.
Signed-off-by: Andrew "Tianon" Page <>
Since `cirros.tar.gz` only existed to test `docker import`'s display and
presence in `docker events`, we can instead just use `docker export`
piped directly to `docker import` to achieve the same goal without
another external dependency besides `busybox` (which we already have).
While I was at it, I updated `TestImportDisplay` to also test that the
imported image actually runs successfully as well (so we're testing the
full import round-trip).
Signed-off-by: Andrew "Tianon" Page <>
Use `env -i` to very explicitly control exactly which environment variables leak into our tests. This enforces a clean separation of "build environment knobs" versus "test suite knobs".
This also includes a minor tweak to how we handle starting our integration daemon, especially to catch failure to start sooner than failing tests.
Signed-off-by: Andrew "Tianon" Page <>
Update fixes some rendering issues, including improperly escaping '$' in
blocks, and actual parsing of blockcode.
`ID=$(sudo docker run -d fedora /usr/bin/top -b)` was being converted to
`ID=do docker run -d fedora/usr/bin/top -b)`
Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <>
Since it can still be tested natively without this, this won't cause any harm while we fix the tests to actually work on Windows.
Signed-off-by: Andrew "Tianon" Page <>
Update our "registry" install to use the included Godeps libraries so that it
doesn't require anything from our current source (hence moving it up for
better caching too)
Signed-off-by: Andrew "Tianon" Page <>
v2 ping now checks for a Docker-Distribution-API-Version
header that identifies the endpoint as "registry/2.0"
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)