- Per user and per directory permission management: list directory contents, upload, overwrite, download, delete, rename, create directories, create symlinks, change owner/group and mode, change access and modification times.
- Per user files/folders ownership mapping: you can map all the users to the system account that runs SFTPGo (all platforms are supported) or you can run SFTPGo as root user and map each user or group of users to a different system account (\*NIX only).
- Support for HAProxy PROXY protocol: you can proxy and/or load balance the SFTP/SCP service without losing the information about the client's address.
- [REST API](./docs/rest-api.md) for users management, backup, restore and real time reports of the active connections with possibility of forcibly closing a connection.
- [Web based administration interface](./docs/web-admin.md) to easily manage users and connections.
Sample Dockerfiles for [Debian](https://www.debian.org "Debian") and [Alpine](https://alpinelinux.org "Alpine") are available inside the source tree [docker](./docker "docker") directory.
- [sftpgo](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/sftpgo/). This package follow stable releases. It requires `git`, `gcc` and `go` to build.
- [sftpgo-bin](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/sftpgo-bin/). This package follow stable releases downloading the prebuilt linux binary from GitHub. It does not require `git`, `gcc` and `go` to build.
- [sftpgo-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/sftpgo-git/). This package build and install the latest git master. It requires `git`, `gcc` and `go` to build.
SQL based data providers (SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL) require the creation of a database containing the required tables. Memory and bolt data providers do not require an initialization.
The `initprovider` command is enough for new installations. From now on, the database structure will be automatically checked and updated, if required, at startup.
If you are upgrading from version 0.9.5 or before, you have to manually execute the SQL scripts to create the required database structure. These scripts can be found inside the source tree [sql](./sql "sql") directory. The SQL scripts filename is, by convention, the date as `YYYYMMDD` and the suffix `.sql`. You need to apply all the SQL scripts for your database ordered by name. For example, `20190828.sql` must be applied before `20191112.sql`, and so on.
After applying these scripts, your database structure is the same as the one obtained using `initprovider` for new installations, so from now on, you don't have to manually upgrade your database anymore.
Custom authentication methods can easily be added. SFTPGo supports external authentication modules, and writing a new backend can be as simple as a few lines of shell script. More information can be found [here](./docs/external-auth.md).
The user configuration, retrieved from the data provider, can be modified by an external program. More information about this can be found [here](./docs/dynamic-user-mod.md).
SFTPGo allows you to configure custom commands and/or HTTP notifications on file upload, download, delete, rename, on SSH commands and on user add, update and delete.
Each user can be mapped to whole bucket or to a bucket virtual folder. This way, the mapped bucket/virtual folder is exposed over SFTP/SCP. More information about S3 integration can be found [here](./docs/s3.md).
Each user can be mapped with a Google Cloud Storage bucket or a bucket virtual folder. This way, the mapped bucket/virtual folder is exposed over SFTP/SCP. More information about Google Cloud Storage integration can be found [here](./docs/google-cloud-storage.md).
Anyway, some backends require a pay per use account (or they offer free account for a limited time period only). To be able to add support for such backends or to review pull requests, please provide a test account. The test account must be available for enough time to be able to maintain the backend and do basic tests before each new release.
The **connection failed logs** can be used for integration in tools such as [Fail2ban](http://www.fail2ban.org/). Example of [jails](./fail2ban/jails) and [filters](./fail2ban/filters) working with `systemd`/`journald` are available in fail2ban directory.
The main bootlenecks are the encryption and the messages authentication, so if you can use a fast cipher with implicit message authentication, for example `aes128-gcm@openssh.com`, you will get a big performance boost.