switch to viper for configuration and use cobra for cli

This commit is contained in:
Nicola Murino 2019-08-07 22:46:13 +02:00
parent 13d4489c48
commit 8f421b7d0f
21 changed files with 532 additions and 200 deletions

View file

@ -48,16 +48,31 @@ Alternately you can use distro packages:
## Configuration
The `sftpgo` executable supports the following command line flags:
The `sftpgo` executable can be used this way:
- `--config-dir` string. Location of the config dir. This directory should contain the `sftpgo.conf` configuration file and is used as the base for files with a relative path (eg. the private keys for the SFTP server, the SQLite database if you use SQLite as data provider). The default value is "." or the value of `SFTPGO_CONFIG_DIR` environment variable
- `--config-file-name` string. Name of the configuration file. It must be the name of a file stored in config-dir not the absolute path to the configuration file. The default value is "sftpgo.conf" or the value of `SFTPGO_CONFIG_FILE_NAME` environment variable
sftpgo [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
serve Start the SFTP Server
-h, --help help for sftpgo
-v, --version
The `serve` subcommand supports the following flags:
- `--config-dir` string. Location of the config dir. This directory should contain the `sftpgo` configuration file and is used as the base for files with a relative path (eg. the private keys for the SFTP server, the SQLite database if you use SQLite as data provider). The default value is "." or the value of `SFTPGO_CONFIG_DIR` environment variable.
- `--config-file` string. Name of the configuration file. It must be the name of a file stored in config-dir not the absolute path to the configuration file. The specified file name must have no extension we automatically load JSON, YAML, TOML, HCL and Java properties. The default value is "sftpgo" (and therefore `sftpgo.json`, `sftpgo.yaml` and so on are searched) or the value of `SFTPGO_CONFIG_FILE` environment variable
- `--log-compress` boolean. Determine if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip. Default `false` or the value of `SFTPGO_LOG_COMPRESS` environment variable (1 or `true`, 0 or `false`)
- `--log-file-path` string. Location for the log file, default "sftpgo.log" or the value of `SFTPGO_LOG_FILE_PATH` environment variable
- `--log-max-size` int. Maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated. Default 10 or the value of `SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_SIZE` environment variable
- `--log-max-backups` int. Maximum number of old log files to retain. Default 5 or the value of `SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_BACKUPS` environment variable
- `--log-max-age` int. Maximum number of days to retain old log files. Default 28 or the value of `SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_AGE` environment variable
- `--log-compress` boolean. Determine if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip. Default `false` or the integer value of `SFTPGO_LOG_COMPRESS` environment variable (> 0 is `true`, 0 or invalid integer is `false`)
- `--log-verbose` boolean. Enable verbose logs. Default `true` or the integer value of `SFTPGO_LOG_VERBOSE` environment variable (> 0 is `true`, 0 or invalid integer is `false`)
- `--log-max-backups` int. Maximum number of old log files to retain. Default 5 or the value of `SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_BACKUPS` environment variable
- `--log-max-size` int. Maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated. Default 10 or the value of `SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_SIZE` environment variable
- `--log-verbose` boolean. Enable verbose logs. Default `true` or the value of `SFTPGO_LOG_VERBOSE` environment variable (1 or `true`, 0 or `false`)
If you don't configure any private host keys, the daemon will use `id_rsa` in the configuration directory. If that file doesn't exist, the daemon will attempt to autogenerate it (if the user that executes SFTPGo has write access to the config-dir). The server supports any private key format supported by [`crypto/ssh`](https://github.com/golang/crypto/blob/master/ssh/keys.go#L32).
@ -65,7 +80,7 @@ Before starting `sftpgo` a dataprovider must be configured.
Sample SQL scripts to create the required database structure can be found insite the source tree [sql](https://github.com/drakkan/sftpgo/tree/master/sql "sql") directory. The SQL scripts filename's is, by convention, the date as `YYYYMMDD` and the suffix `.sql`. You need to apply all the SQL scripts for your database ordered by name, for example `20190706.sql` must be applied before `20190728.sql` and so on.
The `sftpgo.conf` configuration file contains the following sections:
The `sftpgo` configuration file contains the following sections:
- **"sftpd"**, the configuration for the SFTP server
- `bind_port`, integer. The port used for serving SFTP requests. Default: 2022
@ -108,7 +123,7 @@ The `sftpgo.conf` configuration file contains the following sections:
- `bind_port`, integer. The port used for serving HTTP requests. Set to 0 to disable HTTP server. Default: 8080
- `bind_address`, string. Leave blank to listen on all available network interfaces. Default: ""
Here is a full example showing the default config:
Here is a full example showing the default config in json format:
@ -159,6 +174,21 @@ If you want to use a private key that use an algorithm different from RSA or mor
The configuration can be read from JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, envfile and Java properties config files, if your config-file flag is set to `sftpgo` (default value) you need to create a configuration file called `sftpgo.json` or `sftpgo.yaml` and so on inside `config-dir`.
You can also configure all the available options using environment variables, sftpgo will check for a environment variable with a name matching the key uppercased and prefixed with the `SFTPGO_`. You need to use `__` to traverse a struct.
Let's see some examples:
- To set sftpd `bind_port` you need to define the env var `SFTPGO_SFTPD__BIND_PORT`
- To set the `execute_on` actions you need to define the env var `SFTPGO_SFTPD__ACTIONS__EXECUTE_ON` for example `SFTPGO_SFTPD__ACTIONS__EXECUTE_ON=upload,download`
To start the SFTP Server with the default values for the command line flags simply use:
sftpgo serve
## Account's configuration properties
For each account the following properties can be configured:
@ -183,20 +213,43 @@ For each account the following properties can be configured:
- `upload_bandwidth` maximum upload bandwidth as KB/s, 0 means unlimited
- `download_bandwidth` maximum download bandwidth as KB/s, 0 means unlimited
These properties are stored inside the data provider. If you want to use your existing accounts, you can create a database view. Since a view is read only, you have to disable user management and quota tracking so sftpgo will never try to write to the view.
These properties are stored inside the data provider. If you want to use your existing accounts, you can create a database view. Since a view is read only, you have to disable user management and quota tracking so SFTPGo will never try to write to the view.
SFTPGo exposes REST API to manage users and quota and to get real time reports for the active connections with possibility of forcibly closing a connection.
If quota tracking is enabled in `sftpgo.conf` configuration file, then the used size and number of files are updated each time a file is added/removed. If files are added/removed not using SFTP or if you change `track_quota` from `2` to `1`, you can rescan the user home dir and update the used quota using the REST API.
If quota tracking is enabled in `sftpgo` configuration file, then the used size and number of files are updated each time a file is added/removed. If files are added/removed not using SFTP or if you change `track_quota` from `2` to `1`, you can rescan the user home dir and update the used quota using the REST API.
REST API is designed to run on localhost or on a trusted network, if you need https or authentication you can setup a reverse proxy using an HTTP Server such as Apache or NGNIX.
REST API is designed to run on localhost or on a trusted network, if you need HTTPS or authentication you can setup a reverse proxy using an HTTP Server such as Apache or NGNIX.
For example you can setup a reverse proxy using apache this way:
ProxyPass /api/v1
ProxyPassReverse /api/v1
and you can add authentication with something like this:
<Location /api/v1>
AuthType Digest
AuthName "Private"
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile "/etc/httpd/conf/auth_digest"
Require valid-user
and, of course, you can configure the web server to use HTTPS.
The OpenAPI 3 schema for the exposed API can be found inside the source tree: [openapi.yaml](https://github.com/drakkan/sftpgo/tree/master/api/schema/openapi.yaml "OpenAPI 3 specs").
A sample CLI client for the REST API can be found inside the source tree [scripts](https://github.com/drakkan/sftpgo/tree/master/scripts "scripts") directory.
You can also generate your own REST client using an OpenAPI generator such as [swagger-codegen](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) or [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech/)
## Logs
Inside the log file each line is a JSON struct, each struct has a `sender` fields that identify the log type.
@ -247,6 +300,8 @@ The logs can be divided into the following categories:
- [go-sqlite3](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3)
- [go-sql-driver/mysql](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql)
- [lib/pq](https://github.com/lib/pq)
- [viper](https://github.com/spf13/viper)
- [cobra](https://github.com/spf13/cobra)
Some code was initially taken from [Pterodactyl sftp server](https://github.com/pterodactyl/sftp-server)

View file

@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ var (
// HTTPDConf httpd daemon configuration
type HTTPDConf struct {
// The port used for serving HTTP requests. 0 disable the HTTP server. Default: 8080
BindPort int `json:"bind_port"`
BindPort int `json:"bind_port" mapstructure:"bind_port"`
// The address to listen on. A blank value means listen on all available network interfaces. Default: ""
BindAddress string `json:"bind_address"`
BindAddress string `json:"bind_address" mapstructure:"bind_address"`
type apiResponse struct {

View file

@ -51,10 +51,8 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
configDir := ".."
logfilePath := filepath.Join(configDir, "sftpgo_api_test.log")
confName := "sftpgo.conf"
logger.InitLogger(logfilePath, 5, 1, 28, false, zerolog.DebugLevel)
configFilePath := filepath.Join(configDir, confName)
config.LoadConfig(configDir, "")
providerConf := config.GetProviderConf()
err := dataprovider.Initialize(providerConf, configDir)

cmd/root.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package cmd
import (
const (
logSender = "cmd"
var (
rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "sftpgo",
Short: "Full featured and highly configurable SFTP server",
func init() {
rootCmd.Flags().BoolP("version", "v", false, "")
rootCmd.Version = utils.GetAppVersion()
rootCmd.SetVersionTemplate(`{{printf "SFTPGo version "}}{{printf "%s" .Version}}
// Execute adds all child commands to the root command and sets flags appropriately.
// This is called by main.main(). It only needs to happen once to the rootCmd.
func Execute() {
if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {

cmd/serve.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
package cmd
import (
const (
configDirFlag = "config-dir"
configDirKey = "config_dir"
configFileFlag = "config-file"
configFileKey = "config_file"
logFilePathFlag = "log-file-path"
logFilePathKey = "log_file_path"
logMaxSizeFlag = "log-max-size"
logMaxSizeKey = "log_max_size"
logMaxBackupFlag = "log-max-backups"
logMaxBackupKey = "log_max_backups"
logMaxAgeFlag = "log-max-age"
logMaxAgeKey = "log_max_age"
logCompressFlag = "log-compress"
logCompressKey = "log_compress"
logVerboseFlag = "log-verbose"
logVerboseKey = "log_verbose"
var (
configDir string
configFile string
logFilePath string
logMaxSize int
logMaxBackups int
logMaxAge int
logCompress bool
logVerbose bool
testVar string
serveCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "serve",
Short: "Start the SFTP Server",
Long: `To start the SFTP Server with the default values for the command line flags simply use:
sftpgo serve
Please take a look at the usage below to customize the startup options`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
func init() {
viper.SetDefault(configDirKey, ".")
viper.BindEnv(configDirKey, "SFTPGO_CONFIG_DIR")
serveCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&configDir, configDirFlag, "c", viper.GetString(configDirKey),
"Location for SFTPGo config dir. This directory should contain the \"sftpgo\" configuration file or the configured "+
"config-file and it is used as the base for files with a relative path (eg. the private keys for the SFTP server, "+
"the SQLite database if you use SQLite as data provider). This flag can be set using SFTPGO_CONFIG_DIR env var too.")
viper.BindPFlag(configDirKey, serveCmd.Flags().Lookup(configDirFlag))
viper.SetDefault(configFileKey, config.DefaultConfigName)
viper.BindEnv(configFileKey, "SFTPGO_CONFIG_FILE")
serveCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&configFile, configFileFlag, "f", viper.GetString(configFileKey),
"Name for SFTPGo configuration file. It must be the name of a file stored in config-dir not the absolute path to the "+
"configuration file. The specified file name must have no extension we automatically load JSON, YAML, TOML, HCL and "+
"Java properties. Therefore if you set \"sftpgo\" then \"sftpgo.json\", \"sftpgo.yaml\" and so on are searched. "+
"This flag can be set using SFTPGO_CONFIG_FILE env var too.")
viper.BindPFlag(configFileKey, serveCmd.Flags().Lookup(configFileFlag))
viper.SetDefault(logFilePathKey, "sftpgo.log")
viper.BindEnv(logFilePathKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_FILE_PATH")
serveCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&logFilePath, logFilePathFlag, "l", viper.GetString(logFilePathKey),
"Location for the log file. This flag can be set using SFTPGO_LOG_FILE_PATH env var too.")
viper.BindPFlag(logFilePathKey, serveCmd.Flags().Lookup(logFilePathFlag))
viper.SetDefault(logMaxSizeKey, 10)
viper.BindEnv(logMaxSizeKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_SIZE")
serveCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&logMaxSize, logMaxSizeFlag, "s", viper.GetInt(logMaxSizeKey),
"Maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated. This flag can be set using SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_SIZE "+
"env var too.")
viper.BindPFlag(logMaxSizeKey, serveCmd.Flags().Lookup(logMaxSizeFlag))
viper.SetDefault(logMaxBackupKey, 5)
viper.BindEnv(logMaxBackupKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_BACKUPS")
serveCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&logMaxBackups, "log-max-backups", "b", viper.GetInt(logMaxBackupKey),
"Maximum number of old log files to retain. This flag can be set using SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_BACKUPS env var too.")
viper.BindPFlag(logMaxBackupKey, serveCmd.Flags().Lookup(logMaxBackupFlag))
viper.SetDefault(logMaxAgeKey, 28)
viper.BindEnv(logMaxAgeKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_AGE")
serveCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&logMaxAge, "log-max-age", "a", viper.GetInt(logMaxAgeKey),
"Maximum number of days to retain old log files. This flag can be set using SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_AGE env var too.")
viper.BindPFlag(logMaxAgeKey, serveCmd.Flags().Lookup(logMaxAgeFlag))
viper.SetDefault(logCompressKey, false)
viper.BindEnv(logCompressKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_COMPRESS")
serveCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&logCompress, logCompressFlag, "z", viper.GetBool(logCompressKey), "Determine if the rotated "+
"log files should be compressed using gzip. This flag can be set using SFTPGO_LOG_COMPRESS env var too.")
viper.BindPFlag(logCompressKey, serveCmd.Flags().Lookup(logCompressFlag))
viper.SetDefault(logVerboseKey, true)
viper.BindEnv(logVerboseKey, "SFTPGO_LOG_VERBOSE")
serveCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&logVerbose, logVerboseFlag, "v", viper.GetBool(logVerboseKey), "Enable verbose logs. "+
"This flag can be set using SFTPGO_LOG_VERBOSE env var too.")
viper.BindPFlag(logVerboseKey, serveCmd.Flags().Lookup(logVerboseFlag))
func startServe() {
logLevel := zerolog.DebugLevel
if !logVerbose {
logLevel = zerolog.InfoLevel
logger.InitLogger(logFilePath, logMaxSize, logMaxBackups, logMaxAge, logCompress, logLevel)
logger.Info(logSender, "starting SFTPGo, config dir: %v, config file: %v, log max size: %v log max backups: %v "+
"log max age: %v log verbose: %v, log compress: %v", configDir, configFile, logMaxSize, logMaxBackups, logMaxAge,
logVerbose, logCompress)
config.LoadConfig(configDir, configFile)
providerConf := config.GetProviderConf()
err := dataprovider.Initialize(providerConf, configDir)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(logSender, "error initializing data provider: %v", err)
logger.ErrorToConsole("error initializing data provider: %v", err)
dataProvider := dataprovider.GetProvider()
sftpdConf := config.GetSFTPDConfig()
httpdConf := config.GetHTTPDConfig()
shutdown := make(chan bool)
go func() {
logger.Debug(logSender, "initializing SFTP server with config %+v", sftpdConf)
if err := sftpdConf.Initialize(configDir); err != nil {
logger.Error(logSender, "could not start SFTP server: %v", err)
logger.ErrorToConsole("could not start SFTP server: %v", err)
shutdown <- true
if httpdConf.BindPort > 0 {
router := api.GetHTTPRouter()
go func() {
logger.Debug(logSender, "initializing HTTP server with config %+v", httpdConf)
s := &http.Server{
Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", httpdConf.BindAddress, httpdConf.BindPort),
Handler: router,
ReadTimeout: 300 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 300 * time.Second,
MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20, // 1MB
if err := s.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
logger.Error(logSender, "could not start HTTP server: %v", err)
logger.ErrorToConsole("could not start HTTP server: %v", err)
shutdown <- true
} else {
logger.Debug(logSender, "HTTP server not started, disabled in config file")
logger.DebugToConsole("HTTP server not started, disabled in config file")

View file

@ -6,20 +6,26 @@
package config
import (
const (
logSender = "config"
defaultBanner = "SFTPGo"
// DefaultConfigName defines the name for the default config file.
// This is the file name without extension, we use viper and so we
// support all the config files format supported by viper
DefaultConfigName = "sftpgo"
// ConfigEnvPrefix defines a prefix that ENVIRONMENT variables will use
configEnvPrefix = "sftpgo"
var (
@ -27,9 +33,9 @@ var (
type globalConfig struct {
SFTPD sftpd.Configuration `json:"sftpd"`
ProviderConf dataprovider.Config `json:"data_provider"`
HTTPDConfig api.HTTPDConf `json:"httpd"`
SFTPD sftpd.Configuration `json:"sftpd" mapstructure:"sftpd"`
ProviderConf dataprovider.Config `json:"data_provider" mapstructure:"data_provider"`
HTTPDConfig api.HTTPDConf `json:"httpd" mapstructure:"httpd"`
func init() {
@ -68,6 +74,17 @@ func init() {
BindAddress: "",
replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "__")
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
// GetSFTPDConfig returns the configuration for the SFTP server
@ -85,17 +102,21 @@ func GetProviderConf() dataprovider.Config {
return globalConf.ProviderConf
// LoadConfig loads the configuration from sftpgo.conf or use the default configuration.
func LoadConfig(configPath string) error {
logger.Debug(logSender, "load config from path: %v", configPath)
file, err := os.Open(configPath)
if err != nil {
// LoadConfig loads the configuration
// configDir will be added to the configuration search paths.
// The search path contains by default the current directory and on linux it contains
// $HOME/.config/sftpgo and /etc/sftpgo too.
// configName is the name of the configuration to search without extension
func LoadConfig(configDir, configName string) error {
var err error
if err = viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
logger.Warn(logSender, "error loading configuration file: %v. Default configuration will be used: %+v", err, globalConf)
logger.WarnToConsole("error loading configuration file: %v. Default configuration will be used.", err)
return err
defer file.Close()
err = json.NewDecoder(file).Decode(&globalConf)
err = viper.Unmarshal(&globalConf)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(logSender, "error parsing configuration file: %v. Default configuration will be used: %+v", err, globalConf)
logger.WarnToConsole("error parsing configuration file: %v. Default configuration will be used.", err)
@ -111,6 +132,6 @@ func LoadConfig(configPath string) error {
logger.Warn(logSender, "Configuration error: %v", err)
logger.WarnToConsole("Configuration error: %v", err)
logger.Debug(logSender, "config loaded: %+v", globalConf)
logger.Debug(logSender, "config file used: '%v', config loaded: %+v", viper.ConfigFileUsed(), globalConf)
return err

View file

@ -14,11 +14,13 @@ import (
const (
tempConfigName = "temp"
func TestLoadConfigTest(t *testing.T) {
configDir := ".."
confName := "sftpgo.conf"
configFilePath := filepath.Join(configDir, confName)
err := config.LoadConfig(configFilePath)
err := config.LoadConfig(configDir, "")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error loading config")
@ -34,25 +36,30 @@ func TestLoadConfigTest(t *testing.T) {
if config.GetSFTPDConfig().BindPort == emptySFTPDConf.BindPort {
t.Errorf("error loading SFTPD conf")
confName = "sftpgo.conf.missing"
configFilePath = filepath.Join(configDir, confName)
err = config.LoadConfig(configFilePath)
confName := tempConfigName + ".json"
configFilePath := filepath.Join(configDir, confName)
err = config.LoadConfig(configDir, tempConfigName)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("loading a non existent config file must fail")
ioutil.WriteFile(configFilePath, []byte("{invalid json}"), 0666)
err = config.LoadConfig(configFilePath)
err = config.LoadConfig(configDir, tempConfigName)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("loading an invalid config file must fail")
ioutil.WriteFile(configFilePath, []byte("{\"sftpd\": {\"bind_port\": \"a\"}}"), 0666)
err = config.LoadConfig(configDir, tempConfigName)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("loading a config with an invalid bond_port must fail")
func TestEmptyBanner(t *testing.T) {
configDir := ".."
confName := "temp.conf"
confName := tempConfigName + ".json"
configFilePath := filepath.Join(configDir, confName)
config.LoadConfig(configDir, "")
sftpdConf := config.GetSFTPDConfig()
sftpdConf.Banner = " "
c := make(map[string]sftpd.Configuration)
@ -62,7 +69,7 @@ func TestEmptyBanner(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error saving temporary configuration")
config.LoadConfig(configDir, tempConfigName)
sftpdConf = config.GetSFTPDConfig()
if strings.TrimSpace(sftpdConf.Banner) == "" {
t.Errorf("SFTPD banner cannot be empty")
@ -72,9 +79,9 @@ func TestEmptyBanner(t *testing.T) {
func TestInvalidUploadMode(t *testing.T) {
configDir := ".."
confName := "temp.conf"
confName := tempConfigName + ".json"
configFilePath := filepath.Join(configDir, confName)
config.LoadConfig(configDir, "")
sftpdConf := config.GetSFTPDConfig()
sftpdConf.UploadMode = 10
c := make(map[string]sftpd.Configuration)
@ -84,7 +91,7 @@ func TestInvalidUploadMode(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error saving temporary configuration")
err = config.LoadConfig(configFilePath)
err = config.LoadConfig(configDir, tempConfigName)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Loading configuration with invalid upload_mode must fail")

View file

@ -44,37 +44,37 @@ var (
// Config provider configuration
type Config struct {
// Driver name, must be one of the SupportedProviders
Driver string `json:"driver"`
Driver string `json:"driver" mapstructure:"driver"`
// Database name
Name string `json:"name"`
Name string `json:"name" mapstructure:"name"`
// Database host
Host string `json:"host"`
Host string `json:"host" mapstructure:"host"`
// Database port
Port int `json:"port"`
Port int `json:"port" mapstructure:"port"`
// Database username
Username string `json:"username"`
Username string `json:"username" mapstructure:"username"`
// Database password
Password string `json:"password"`
Password string `json:"password" mapstructure:"password"`
// Used for drivers mysql and postgresql.
// 0 disable SSL/TLS connections.
// 1 require ssl.
// 2 set ssl mode to verify-ca for driver postgresql and skip-verify for driver mysql.
// 3 set ssl mode to verify-full for driver postgresql and preferred for driver mysql.
SSLMode int `json:"sslmode"`
SSLMode int `json:"sslmode" mapstructure:"sslmode"`
// Custom database connection string.
// If not empty this connection string will be used instead of build one using the previous parameters
ConnectionString string `json:"connection_string"`
ConnectionString string `json:"connection_string" mapstructure:"connection_string"`
// Database table for SFTP users
UsersTable string `json:"users_table"`
UsersTable string `json:"users_table" mapstructure:"users_table"`
// Set to 0 to disable users management, 1 to enable
ManageUsers int `json:"manage_users"`
ManageUsers int `json:"manage_users" mapstructure:"manage_users"`
// Set the preferred way to track users quota between the following choices:
// 0, disable quota tracking. REST API to scan user dir and update quota will do nothing
// 1, quota is updated each time a user upload or delete a file even if the user has no quota restrictions
// 2, quota is updated each time a user upload or delete a file but only for users with quota restrictions.
// With this configuration the "quota scan" REST API can still be used to periodically update space usage
// for users without quota restrictions
TrackQuota int `json:"track_quota"`
TrackQuota int `json:"track_quota" mapstructure:"track_quota"`
// ValidationError raised if input data is not valid

View file

@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ func initializeMySQLProvider() error {
dbHandle, err = sql.Open("mysql", connectionString)
if err == nil {
numCPU := runtime.NumCPU()
logger.Debug(logSender, "mysql database handle created, connection string: \"%v\", pool size: %v", connectionString, numCPU)
logger.Debug(logSender, "mysql database handle created, connection string: '%v', pool size: %v", connectionString, numCPU)
dbHandle.SetConnMaxLifetime(1800 * time.Second)
} else {
logger.Warn(logSender, "error creating mysql database handler, connection string: \"%v\", error: %v", connectionString, err)
logger.Warn(logSender, "error creating mysql database handler, connection string: '%v', error: %v", connectionString, err)
return err

View file

@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ func initializePGSQLProvider() error {
dbHandle, err = sql.Open("postgres", connectionString)
if err == nil {
numCPU := runtime.NumCPU()
logger.Debug(logSender, "postgres database handle created, connection string: \"%v\", pool size: %v", connectionString, numCPU)
logger.Debug(logSender, "postgres database handle created, connection string: '%v', pool size: %v", connectionString, numCPU)
} else {
logger.Warn(logSender, "error creating postgres database handler, connection string: \"%v\", error: %v", connectionString, err)
logger.Warn(logSender, "error creating postgres database handler, connection string: '%v', error: %v", connectionString, err)
return err

View file

@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ func initializeSQLiteProvider(basePath string) error {
dbHandle, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", connectionString)
if err == nil {
logger.Debug(logSender, "sqlite database handle created, connection string: \"%v\"", connectionString)
logger.Debug(logSender, "sqlite database handle created, connection string: '%v'", connectionString)
} else {
logger.Warn(logSender, "error creating sqlite database handler, connection string: \"%v\", error: %v", connectionString, err)
logger.Warn(logSender, "error creating sqlite database handler, connection string: '%v', error: %v", connectionString, err)
return err

View file

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ require (
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gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2 v2.0.0 h1:1Lc07Kr7qY4U2YPouBjpCLxpiyxIVoxqXgkXLknAOE8=
gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2 v2.0.0/go.mod h1:l0ndWWf7gzL7RNwBG7wST/UCcT4T24xpD6X8LsfU/+k=
gopkg.in/resty.v1 v1.12.0/go.mod h1:mDo4pnntr5jdWRML875a/NmxYqAlA73dVijT2AXvQQo=
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gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190102054323-c2f93a96b099/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ WorkingDirectory=/etc/sftpgo
ExecStart=/usr/bin/sftpgo serve

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ package logger
import (
lumberjack "gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2"
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ func InitLogger(logFilePath string, logMaxSize int, logMaxBackups int, logMaxAge
consoleOutput := zerolog.ConsoleWriter{
Out: os.Stdout,
TimeFormat: dateFormat,
NoColor: true,
NoColor: runtime.GOOS == "windows",
consoleLogger = zerolog.New(consoleOutput).With().Timestamp().Logger().Level(level)

View file

@ -4,112 +4,12 @@
package main // import "github.com/drakkan/sftpgo"
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"
func main() {
logSender := "main"
var (
configDir string
configFileName string
logFilePath string
logMaxSize int
logMaxBackups int
logMaxAge int
logCompress bool
logVerbose bool
flag.StringVar(&configDir, "config-dir", utils.GetEnvVar("SFTPGO_CONFIG_DIR", "."), "Location for SFTPGo config dir. It must contain "+
"sftpgo.conf or the configured config-file-name and it is used as the base for files with a relative path (eg. the private "+
"keys for the SFTP server, the SQLite database if you use SQLite as data provider).")
flag.StringVar(&configFileName, "config-file-name", utils.GetEnvVar("SFTPGO_CONFIG_FILE_NAME", "sftpgo.conf"), "Name for SFTPGo "+
"configuration file. It must be the name of a file stored in config-dir not the absolute path to the configuration file")
flag.StringVar(&logFilePath, "log-file-path", utils.GetEnvVar("SFTPGO_LOG_FILE_PATH", "sftpgo.log"), "Location for the log file")
flag.IntVar(&logMaxSize, "log-max-size", utils.GetEnvVarAsInt("SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_SIZE", 10), "Maximum size in megabytes of the log file "+
"before it gets rotated.")
flag.IntVar(&logMaxBackups, "log-max-backups", utils.GetEnvVarAsInt("SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_BACKUPS", 5), "Maximum number of old log files "+
"to retain")
flag.IntVar(&logMaxAge, "log-max-age", utils.GetEnvVarAsInt("SFTPGO_LOG_MAX_AGE", 28), "Maximum number of days to retain old log files")
flag.BoolVar(&logCompress, "log-compress", utils.GetEnvVarAsInt("SFTPGO_LOG_COMPRESS", 0) > 0, "Determine if the rotated log files "+
"should be compressed using gzip")
flag.BoolVar(&logVerbose, "log-verbose", utils.GetEnvVarAsInt("SFTPGO_LOG_VERBOSE", 1) > 0, "Enable verbose logs")
configFilePath := filepath.Join(configDir, configFileName)
logLevel := zerolog.DebugLevel
if !logVerbose {
logLevel = zerolog.InfoLevel
logger.InitLogger(logFilePath, logMaxSize, logMaxBackups, logMaxAge, logCompress, logLevel)
logger.Info(logSender, "starting SFTPGo, config dir: %v", configDir)
providerConf := config.GetProviderConf()
err := dataprovider.Initialize(providerConf, configDir)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(logSender, "error initializing data provider: %v", err)
logger.ErrorToConsole("error initializing data provider: %v", err)
dataProvider := dataprovider.GetProvider()
sftpdConf := config.GetSFTPDConfig()
httpdConf := config.GetHTTPDConfig()
shutdown := make(chan bool)
go func() {
logger.Debug(logSender, "initializing SFTP server with config %+v", sftpdConf)
if err := sftpdConf.Initialize(configDir); err != nil {
logger.Error(logSender, "could not start SFTP server: %v", err)
logger.ErrorToConsole("could not start SFTP server: %v", err)
shutdown <- true
if httpdConf.BindPort > 0 {
router := api.GetHTTPRouter()
go func() {
logger.Debug(logSender, "initializing HTTP server with config %+v", httpdConf)
s := &http.Server{
Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", httpdConf.BindAddress, httpdConf.BindPort),
Handler: router,
ReadTimeout: 300 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 300 * time.Second,
MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20, // 1MB
if err := s.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
logger.Error(logSender, "could not start HTTP server: %v", err)
logger.ErrorToConsole("could not start HTTP server: %v", err)
shutdown <- true
} else {
logger.Debug(logSender, "HTTP server not started, disabled in config file")
logger.DebugToConsole("HTTP server not started, disabled in config file")

View file

@ -30,34 +30,34 @@ const defaultPrivateKeyName = "id_rsa"
// Configuration for the SFTP server
type Configuration struct {
// Identification string used by the server
Banner string `json:"banner"`
Banner string `json:"banner" mapstructure:"banner"`
// The port used for serving SFTP requests
BindPort int `json:"bind_port"`
BindPort int `json:"bind_port" mapstructure:"bind_port"`
// The address to listen on. A blank value means listen on all available network interfaces.
BindAddress string `json:"bind_address"`
BindAddress string `json:"bind_address" mapstructure:"bind_address"`
// Maximum idle timeout as minutes. If a client is idle for a time that exceeds this setting it will be disconnected
IdleTimeout int `json:"idle_timeout"`
IdleTimeout int `json:"idle_timeout" mapstructure:"idle_timeout"`
// Maximum number of authentication attempts permitted per connection.
// If set to a negative number, the number of attempts are unlimited.
// If set to zero, the number of attempts are limited to 6.
MaxAuthTries int `json:"max_auth_tries"`
MaxAuthTries int `json:"max_auth_tries" mapstructure:"max_auth_tries"`
// Umask for new files
Umask string `json:"umask"`
Umask string `json:"umask" mapstructure:"umask"`
// UploadMode 0 means standard, the files are uploaded directly to the requested path.
// 1 means atomic: the files are uploaded to a temporary path and renamed to the requested path
// when the client ends the upload. Atomic mode avoid problems such as a web server that
// serves partial files when the files are being uploaded.
UploadMode int `json:"upload_mode"`
UploadMode int `json:"upload_mode" mapstructure:"upload_mode"`
// Actions to execute on SFTP create, download, delete and rename
Actions Actions `json:"actions"`
Actions Actions `json:"actions" mapstructure:"actions"`
// Keys are a list of host keys
Keys []Key `json:"keys"`
Keys []Key `json:"keys" mapstructure:"keys"`
// Key contains information about host keys
type Key struct {
// The private key path relative to the configuration directory or absolute
PrivateKey string `json:"private_key"`
PrivateKey string `json:"private_key" mapstructure:"private_key"`
// Initialize the SFTP server and add a persistent listener to handle inbound SFTP connections.

View file

@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ type ActiveQuotaScan struct {
// An external command can be executed and/or an HTTP notification can be fired
type Actions struct {
// Valid values are download, upload, delete, rename. Empty slice to disable
ExecuteOn []string `json:"execute_on"`
ExecuteOn []string `json:"execute_on" mapstructure:"execute_on"`
// Absolute path to the command to execute, empty to disable
Command string `json:"command"`
Command string `json:"command" mapstructure:"command"`
// The URL to notify using an HTTP GET, empty to disable
HTTPNotificationURL string `json:"http_notification_url"`
HTTPNotificationURL string `json:"http_notification_url" mapstructure:"http_notification_url"`
// ConnectionStatus status for an active connection

View file

@ -74,19 +74,17 @@ RLFFQ/5nclJSdzPBOmQouC0OBcMFSrYtMeknJ4VvueVvve5HcHFaEsaMc7ABAGaLYaBQOm
configDir = ".."
confName = "sftpgo.conf"
var (
allPerms = []string{dataprovider.PermAny}
homeBasePath string
configFilePath = filepath.Join(configDir, confName)
allPerms = []string{dataprovider.PermAny}
homeBasePath string
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
logfilePath := filepath.Join(configDir, "sftpgo_sftpd_test.log")
logger.InitLogger(logfilePath, 5, 1, 28, false, zerolog.DebugLevel)
config.LoadConfig(configDir, "")
providerConf := config.GetProviderConf()
err := dataprovider.Initialize(providerConf, configDir)
@ -144,7 +142,7 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
func TestInitialization(t *testing.T) {
config.LoadConfig(configDir, "")
sftpdConf := config.GetSFTPDConfig()
sftpdConf.Umask = "invalid umask"
err := sftpdConf.Initialize(configDir)

View file

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import (
@ -13,6 +12,12 @@ import (
const logSender = "utils"
var (
version = "dev"
commit = ""
date = ""
// IsStringInSlice searches a string in a slice and returns true if the string is found
func IsStringInSlice(obj string, list []string) bool {
for _, v := range list {
@ -71,22 +76,14 @@ func SetPathPermissions(path string, uid int, gid int) {
// GetEnvVar retrieves the value of the environment variable named
// by the key. If the variable is present in the environment the it
// returns the fallback value
func GetEnvVar(key, fallback string) string {
if value, ok := os.LookupEnv(key); ok {
return value
// GetAppVersion returns the app version
func GetAppVersion() string {
v := version
if len(commit) > 0 {
v += "-" + commit
return fallback
// GetEnvVarAsInt retrieves the value of the environment variable named
// by the key and returns its value or fallback
func GetEnvVarAsInt(key string, fallback int) int {
stringValue := GetEnvVar(key, strconv.Itoa(fallback))
if value, err := strconv.Atoi(stringValue); err == nil {
return value
if len(date) > 0 {
v += "-" + date
return fallback
return v