This will be used to implement painting of 2D paths. This first patch
adds support for line_to(), move_to() and close().
It will try to have the same semantics as the HTML <canvas> element.
To stroke a Path, simply pass it to Painter::stroke_path().
With this patch, it's now possible to pass a Gfx::ShareableBitmap in an
IPC message. As long as the message itself is synchronous, the bitmap
will be adopted by the receiving end, and disowned by the sender nicely
without any accounting effort like we've had to do in the past.
Use this in NotificationServer to allow sending arbitrary bitmaps as
icons instead of paths-to-icons.
SystemTheme.h:81:1: error: 'SystemTheme' defined as a struct here but previously declared as a class; this is valid, but may result in linker errors under the Microsoft C++ ABI