Move all of our code into a monorepo in preparation of open sourcing our server. First I describe the general plan, then later I've kept an exact log of the commands that I used. This was all done prior to this commit, but this commit (that introduces the various top level files) seems like a good way to summarize the entire process. Clone auth. Auth is our base repository. ```sh git clone https://github.com/ente-io/auth.git && cd auth ``` Move all of auth's files into `auth/`. ```sh mkdir auth git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '\.$' -e '\.\/.git$' -e '\.\/auth$'` auth git commit -m 'Move into auth/' ``` Add photos-web as a new remote, and fetch its main. ```sh git remote add photos-web https://github.com/ente-io/photos-web.git git fetch photos-web main ``` Switch to main of web-photos. ```sh git checkout -b photos-web-main photos-web/main ``` Move all of its files into `web` (note, the find now has an extra exclusion for `web`, but we keep all the old ones too): ```sh mkdir web git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '^\.$' -e '^\.\/.git$' -e '^\.\/auth$' -e '^\.\/web$'` web git commit -m 'Move into web/' ``` Switch back to main main, and merge the photos-web branch. The `--allow-unrelated-histories` flag is needed (since these two branches don't have any previous common ancestor). ```sh git checkout main git merge --allow-unrelated-histories photos-web-main ``` That's it. We then repeat this process for all the other repositories that we need to bring in. There is no magic involved here, so regular git commands will continue working. However, all the files get renamed, so to track the git history prior to this rename commit we'll need to pass the `--follow` flag. git log --follow -p -- auth/migration-guides/encrypted_export.md For some file names like README.md which exist in multiple repositories, this doesn't seem to work so good (I don't fully understand why). For example, `git log --follow -p -- auth/README.md lists the changes to all the READMEs, not just the auth README.md. ```sh git clone https://github.com/ente-io/auth.git ente cd ente mkdir auth git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '\.$' -e '\.\/.git$' -e '\.\/auth$'` auth git commit -m 'Move into auth/' git remote add photos-web https://github.com/ente-io/photos-web.git git fetch photos-web main git checkout -b photos-web-main photos-web/main mkdir web git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '^\.$' -e '^\.\/.git$' -e '^\.\/auth$' -e '^\.\/web$'` web git commit -m 'Move into web/' git checkout main git merge --allow-unrelated-histories photos-web-main git branch -D photos-web-main git remote remove photos-web git remote add photos-app https://github.com/ente-io/photos-app.git git fetch photos-app main git checkout -b photos-app-main photos-app/main mkdir mobile git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '^\.$' -e '^\.\/.git$' -e '^\.\/auth$' -e '^\.\/web$' -e '^\.\/mobile$'` mobile git commit -m 'Move into mobile/' git checkout main git merge --allow-unrelated-histories photos-app-main git branch -D photos-app-main git remote remove photos-app git remote add photos-desktop https://github.com/ente-io/photos-desktop.git git fetch photos-desktop main git checkout -b photos-desktop-main photos-desktop/main mkdir desktop git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '^\.$' -e '^\.\/.git$' -e '^\./.gitmodules$' -e '^\.\/desktop$'` desktop git mv .gitmodules desktop git commit -m 'Move into desktop/' git checkout main git merge --allow-unrelated-histories photos-desktop-main git branch -D photos-desktop-main git remote remove photos-desktop git remote add cli https://github.com/ente-io/cli.git git fetch cli main git checkout -b cli-main cli/main mkdir cli git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '^\.$' -e '^\.\/.git$' -e '^\.\/cli$'` cli git commit -m 'Move into cli/' git checkout main git merge --allow-unrelated-histories cli-main git branch -D cli-main git remote remove cli git remote add docs https://github.com/ente-io/docs.git git fetch docs main git checkout -b docs-main docs/main mkdir docs-1 git mv `find . -maxdepth 1 | grep -v -e '^\.$' -e '^\.\/.git$' -e '^\.\/docs-1$'` docs-1 git mv docs-1 docs git commit -m 'Move into docs/' git checkout main git merge --allow-unrelated-histories docs-main git branch -D docs-main git remote remove docs ```
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120.53 40.0853 120.679 39.536C120.828 38.9867 120.97 38.4213 121.103 37.84H121.871C121.679 38.624 121.466 39.3787 121.231 40.104C120.996 40.824 120.743 41.4987 120.471 42.128C120.364 42.368 120.252 42.5733 120.135 42.744C120.023 42.92 119.898 43.064 119.759 43.176C119.62 43.288 119.463 43.3707 119.287 43.424C119.116 43.4773 118.922 43.504 118.703 43.504C118.644 43.504 118.583 43.4987 118.519 43.488C118.455 43.4827 118.391 43.472 118.327 43.456C118.268 43.4453 118.212 43.432 118.159 43.416C118.111 43.4 118.076 43.3867 118.055 43.376L118.191 42.776ZM125.544 39.928C125.544 39.4427 125.424 39.0693 125.184 38.808C124.944 38.5467 124.624 38.416 124.224 38.416C124 38.416 123.824 38.424 123.696 38.44C123.573 38.456 123.474 38.4747 123.4 38.496V41.12C123.49 41.1947 123.621 41.2667 123.792 41.336C123.962 41.4053 124.149 41.44 124.352 41.44C124.565 41.44 124.746 41.4027 124.896 41.328C125.05 41.248 125.176 41.1413 125.272 41.008C125.368 40.8693 125.437 40.7093 125.48 40.528C125.522 40.3413 125.544 40.1413 125.544 39.928ZM126.32 39.928C126.32 40.2427 126.277 40.5333 126.192 40.8C126.112 41.0667 125.992 41.296 125.832 41.488C125.672 41.68 125.474 41.8293 125.24 41.936C125.01 42.0427 124.746 42.096 124.448 42.096C124.208 42.096 123.994 42.064 123.808 42C123.626 41.936 123.49 41.8747 123.4 41.816V43.48H122.656V37.968C122.832 37.9253 123.05 37.88 123.312 37.832C123.578 37.7787 123.885 37.752 124.232 37.752C124.552 37.752 124.84 37.8027 125.096 37.904C125.352 38.0053 125.57 38.1493 125.752 38.336C125.933 38.5227 126.072 38.752 126.168 39.024C126.269 39.2907 126.32 39.592 126.32 39.928ZM128.063 37.84H129.639V38.464H128.063V40.384C128.063 40.592 128.079 40.7653 128.111 40.904C128.143 41.0373 128.191 41.144 128.255 41.224C128.319 41.2987 128.399 41.352 128.495 41.384C128.591 41.416 128.703 41.432 128.831 41.432C129.055 41.432 129.233 41.408 129.367 41.36C129.505 41.3067 129.601 41.2693 129.655 41.248L129.799 41.864C129.724 41.9013 129.593 41.9467 129.407 42C129.22 42.0587 129.007 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