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# __Awesome Proxmox VE__
![Proxmox VE|300](
This repo is a collection of **AWESOME** [Proxmox VE]( documentation, tools, and resources for **any user or developer**.
Feel free to **contribute** / **star** / **fork** / **pull request** . Any **recommendations** and **suggestions** are welcome.
## Table of Contents
- [API](#api)
- [Articles](#articles)
- [Blogs](#blogs)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Community](#community)
- [Tools](#tools)
- [Videos](#videos)
## API
- [Proxmox API]( Proxmox Documentation API
- Go
- [proxmox-api-go]( Using the Proxmox API in golang
- .Net
- [cv4pve-api-dotnet]( Proxmox VE Client API .Net C#
- [ProxmoxSharp]( Proxmox C# API client
- [cv4pve-api-php]( Proxmox VE Client API PHP
- [ProxmoxVE]( This PHP 5.5+ library allows you to interact with your Proxmox server API
- [pve2-api-php-client]( Proxmox 2.0 API Client for PHP
- Java
- [cv4pve-api-java]( Proxmox VE Client API Java
- [pve2-api-java]( Proxmox 2.0 API Client for Java
- Python
- [Proxmoxer]( Python Wrapper for the Proxmox 2.x API (HTTP and SSH)
- [pyproxmox]( Python Wrapper for the Proxmox 2.x API
- [Proxmoxia]( Yet another Python wrapper for the Proxmox REST API.
- Perl
- [Net-Proxmox-VE-0.006]( Pure perl API for Proxmox virtualization
- Ruby
- [Proxmox]( Need to manage a proxmox host with Ruby? This library is for you.
- Node.js
- [Proxmox]( Node.js Proxmox client
- [cv4pve-api-javascript]( Proxmox VE Client API Javascript
- PowerShell
- [cv4pve-api-powershell]( ProxmoxVE PowerShell module for accessing API
## Articles
- [Setup Docker on Proxmox VE Using ZFS Storage](
- [Recommended settings for Windows 10 and 2019 Server on Proxmox](
- [Proxmox Training](
- [Proxmox: Automatische Snapshots einrichten](
- [Installing macOS 12 “Monterey” on Proxmox 7](
- [Proxmox VE 7 Corosync QDevice in a Docker container](
## Monitoring
- [Monitoring Proxmox with InfluxDB and Grafana in 4 Easy steps](
- [Efficient Proxmox monitoring with Checkmk](
- [Proxmox VE Monitoring](
- [SNMP Scripts to monitor Proxmox VE](
## Blogs
- [pveCLI]( article Proxmox VE
- [servethehome]( article Proxmox VE
## Documentation
- [Official Wiki]( Index Wiki
- [Official Docs]( Index official documentation
## Community
- [Official Forum]( Official Forum
- [Git Developer]( Git Developer Proxmox VE
- [Bugzilla]( Bugzilla Proxmox VE
- [pve-devel]( Mailing List Developer Proxmox VE
- [pve-user]( Mailing List User Proxmox VE
- [cv4pve-tools]( cv4pve-tools Utility for Proxmox VE
- [cv4pve-metrics]( Metrics cloud for Proxmox VE
- [Reddit Proxmox]( Reddit
- [Reddit Proxmox VE]( Reddit
- [Facebook Group]( Facebook Group
## Tools
- [cv4pve-autosnap]( Automatic snapshot tool for Proxmox VE
- [cv4pve-barc]( Backup And Restore Ceph for Proxmox VE
- [cv4pve-cli]( Cli for Proxmox VE (Command Line Interfaces)
- [cv4pve-botgram]( Telegram Bot for Proxmox VE
- [cv4pve-diag]( Diagnostic tool for Proxmox VE
- [cv4pve-node-protect]( Proxmox VE protect configuration file nodes
- [cv4pve-pepper]( Launching SPICE remote-viewer having access VM running on Proxmox VE
- [cv4pve-metric]( Metrics for Proxmox VE
- [cv4pve-metrics-exporter]( Metric exporter Prometheus for Proxmox VE
- [cv4pve-api-pwsh]( Power Shell for Proxmox VE
- [pve-cli-utils]( ProxmoxVE Command Line Interface Utilities
- [proxmox-utils]( Useful shell (python) scripts for managing proxmox virtual environment.
- [proxmove]( Migrate virtual machines between different Proxmox VE clusters
- [pvekclean]( Easily remove old/unused PVE kernels on your Proxmox VE system
- [xshok-proxmox]( proxmox post installation scripts
- [pve-patches]( Incremental backup
- [proxmox-pci-switcher]( Switch among Guest VMs organized by Resource Pool
- [proxmox-tools]( 📦 A collection of stuff that I wrote for Proxmox 📦
- [Proxmox-Launcher]( Proxmox Launcher
- [Proxmox Helper Scripts](
- [pbs-exporter]( Bash script that uploads proxmox backup server API info to prometheus' pushgateway.
- [ A script to enable Wake on LAN on Proxmox
## Videos
- [Resizing Virtual Hard Drives in Proxmox](
- [Creating a Ubuntu LXC in Proxmox for Docker](
- [Proxmox 6.1 and 6.2 PCIe Passthrough](
- [Proxmox Monitoring Tools: InfluxDB2 + Grafana](
# License
This project is not affiliated with Proxmox, which is free software distributed under the [GNU Affero General Public License]( (aGPLv3).