Don't use Pico::getAbsolutePath() for $config['content_dir'], just make sure the trailing slash exists. The config.php in Picos root dir should be interpreted exactly like in Pico 0.9 (the option didn't exist in Pico 0.8), thus the path isn't necessarily relative to Picos root dir
As @PhrozenByte pointed out, we block access to the `vendor` folder
in our `.htaccess` so accessing the assets directly is very likely to
cause problems.
**Note:** This changelog only provides basic information about the enormous
changes introduced with Pico 1.0.0-beta.1. Please refer to the
UGPRADE section of the docs for details.
* [Security] (9e2604a) Prevent content_dir breakouts using malicious URLs
* [New] Pico is on its way to its first stable release!
* [New] Provide pre-bundled releases
* [New] Heavily expanded documentation (inline code docs, user docs, dev docs)
* [New] New routing system using the QUERY_STRING method; Pico now works
out-of-the-box with any webserver and without URL rewriting; use
`%base_url%?sub/page` in markdown files and `{{ "sub/page"|link }}`
in Twig templates to declare internal links
* [New] Brand new plugin system with dependencies (see `PicoPluginInterface`
and `AbstractPicoPlugin`); if you're plugin dev, you really should
take a look at the UPGRADE section of the docs!
* [New] Introducing the `PicoDeprecated` plugin to maintain full backward
compatibility with Pico 0.9 and Pico 0.8
* [New] Support YAML-style meta header comments (`---`)
* [New] Various new placeholders to use in content files (e.g. `%site_title%`)
* [New] Provide access to all meta headers in content files (`%meta.*%`)
* [New] Provide access to meta headers in `$page` arrays (`$page['meta']`)
* [New] The file extension of content files is now configurable
* [New] Add `Pico::setConfig()` method to predefine config variables
* [New] Supporting per-directory `` files
* [New] #103: Providing access to `` even when the `sub` directory
exists, provided that there is no `sub/`
* [New] #249: Support the `.twig` file extension for templates
* [New] #268, 269: Now using Travis CI; performing basic code tests and
implementing an automatic release process
* [Changed] Complete code refactoring
* [Changed] Source code now follows PSR code styling
* [Changed] Replacing constants (e.g. `ROOT_DIR`) with constructor parameters
* [Changed] Paths (e.g. `content_dir`) are now relative to Pico's root dir
* [Changed] Adding `Pico::run()` method that performs Pico's processing and
returns the rendered contents
* [Changed] Renaming all plugin events; adding some new events
* [Changed] `Pico_Plugin` is now the fully documented `DummyPlugin`
* [Changed] Meta data must start on the first line of the file now
* [Changed] Dropping the need to register meta headers for the convenience of
users and pure (!) theme devs; plugin devs are still REQUIRED to
register their meta headers during `onMetaHeaders`
* [Changed] Exclude inaccessible files from pages list
* [Changed] With alphabetical order, index files (e.g. `sub/`) are
now always placed before their sub pages (e.g. `sub/`)
* [Changed] Pico requires PHP >= 5.3.6 (due to `erusev/parsedown-extra`)
* [Changed] Pico now implicitly uses a existing `content` directory without
the need to configure this in the `config/config.php` explicitly
* [Changed] Composer: Require a v0.7 release of `erusev/parsedown-extra`
* [Changed] #93, #158: Pico doesn't parse all content files anymore; moved to
`PicoParsePagesContent` plugin, but still impacts performance;
Note: This means `$page['content']` isn't available anymore, but
usually the new `$page['raw_content']` is suitable as replacement.
* [Changed] #116: Parse meta headers using the Symfony YAML component
* [Changed] #244: Replace opendir() with scandir()
* [Changed] #246: Move `config.php` to `config/` directory
* [Changed] #253: Assume HTTPS if page is requested through port 443
* [Changed] A vast number of small improvements and changes...
* [Fixed] Sorting by date now uses timestamps and works as expected
* [Fixed] Fixing `$currentPage`, `$nextPage` and `$previousPage`
* [Fixed] #99: Support content filenames with spaces
* [Fixed] #140, #241: Use file paths as page identifiers rather than titles
* [Fixed] #248: Always set a timezone; adding `$config['timezone']` option
* [Fixed] A vast number of small bugs...
* [Removed] Removing the default Twig cache dir
* [Removed] Removing various empty `index.html` files
* [Removed] Moving Pico's excerpt feature to `PicoExcerpt` plugin