This change is another minor step towards removing `AK::String` from
the Kernel. Instead of dynamically allocating the storage_name we can
instead allocate it via a KString in the factory for each device, and
then push the device name down into the StorageDevice base class.
We don't have a way of doing `AK::String::formatted(..)` with a KString
at the moment, so cleaning that up will be left for a later day.
Previously there was a mix of returning plain strings and returning
explicit string views using `operator ""sv`. This change switches them
all to standardized on `operator ""sv` as it avoids a call to strlen.
Previously there was a mix of returning plain strings and returning
explicit string views using `operator ""sv`. This change switches them
all to standardized on `operator ""sv` as it avoids a call to strlen.
A zero-initialized mbstate_t struct has to be a valid initial state, so
we can just zero-initialize it whenever we need to reset.
Having a helper function for resetting the struct might imply that you
can add additional setup operations afterwards, which is not the case.
Each TLS record has a limited max size, we should respect that and split
the packets.
Fixes RecordOverflow errors when a packet larger than 18432 bytes is
sent over.
This introduces 3 classes: NodeList, StaticNodeList and LiveNodeList.
NodeList is the base of the static and live versions. Static is a
snapshot whereas live acts on the underlying data and thus inhibits
the same issues we have currently with HTMLCollection.
They were split into separate classes to not have them weirdly
mis-mashed together.
The create functions for static and live both return a NNRP to the base
class. This is to prevent having to do awkward casting at creation
and/or return, as the bindings expect to see the base NodeList only.
For now, this can only query microseconds since boot.
Use this to print a timestamp every second. This busy-loops
until a second has passed. This might be a good first use of
interrupts soon.
qemu used to not implement this timer at some point, but
it seems to work fine even in qemu now (qemu v 5.2.0).
In commit ba97548686 `--with-termlib` was added to produce a
`libtinfo.a` file that nano then required. However, this causes ncurses
to build with _only_ screen-pointer ext funcs: e.g.
`reset_prog_mode_sp` exists, but `reset_prog_mode` does not.
By switching to `--enable-term-driver`, all functions are properly
exported again and the nano port compiles and runs just fine. :^)
Lines are drawn using squares the size of the thickness, so if the
length of the line was not a multiple of the thickness, the end of the
line was not drawn correctly.
SonarCloud flagged this "Code Smell", where we are accessing these
static methods as if they are instance methods. While it is technically
possible, it is very confusing to read when you realize they are static