import def distDir = "$buildDir/dist" def distJvmArgs = new ArrayList(project(':app').application.applicationDefaultJvmArgs) def releaseArguments = distJvmArgs + [ "$rootProject.versionString", "$rootProject.versionString-${new Date().format('yyyyMMddHHmm')}", "$rootProject.buildId", "$rootProject.fullVersion", "$rootProject.isStage", '' ] if (org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isMacOsX()) { releaseArguments += '-Xdock:name=XPipe' } // To remove warnings, the plugin probably does not expect the JPackage tasks to be in a separate project application { mainModule = '' mainClass = '' } def appDependencies = project(':app').configurations.findByName('runtimeClasspath').getFiles().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(f -> f.toPath().getFileName().toString(), f -> f, (f1, f2) -> f1)) .values() def appModuleNames = ['app'] appDependencies.removeIf(f -> .anyMatch(m -> f.toPath().getFileName().toString().contains("${m}.jar"))) def appModuleOutputFiles = ["${project(':app').buildDir}/libs/app.jar"] dependencies { implementation files(appDependencies.toArray()) implementation files(appModuleOutputFiles.toArray()) } // Mac does not like a zero major version def macVersion = rootProject.canonicalVersionString if (Integer.parseInt(macVersion.substring(0, 1)) == 0) { macVersion = "1" + macVersion.substring(1) } jlink { imageDir = file("$buildDir/image") options = [ // Disable this as this removes line numbers from stack traces! // '--strip-debug', '--compress', '2', '--no-header-files', '--no-man-pages', // '--strip-native-commands' ] launcher { moduleName = '' mainClassName = '' name = 'xpiped' jvmArgs = releaseArguments } jpackage { imageOutputDir = file("$distDir/jpackage") imageName = 'xpiped' if (org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isWindows()) { icon = "logo/logo.ico" appVersion = rootProject.canonicalVersionString } else if (org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isLinux()) { icon = "logo/logo.png" appVersion = rootProject.canonicalVersionString } else { icon = "logo/logo.icns" def cert = System.getenv('MACOS_DEVELOPER_ID_APPLICATION_CERTIFICATE_USER_NAME') if (cert != null) { imageOptions += [ '--mac-signing-key-user-name', cert ] } imageOptions += [ '--mac-sign', '--mac-package-signing-prefix', '', '--mac-package-name', "XPipe Desktop", '--mac-app-category', 'productivity', // '--mac-entitlements', "$projectDir/misc/mac/Entitlements.plist" ] resourceDir = file("$buildDir/macos_resources") appVersion = macVersion } skipInstaller = true applicationName = 'XPipe' } } tasks.named('jlink').get().dependsOn(rootProject.getTasksByName("jar", true)) def outputName = org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isMacOsX() ? '' : 'xpiped' def extModules = project.allExtensions.toList() task copyBundledExtensions(type: DefaultTask, dependsOn: { it.getTasksByName('createExtOutput', true)[0] }.toList()) { doLast { for (def extProject : extModules) { def dir = "${extProject.buildDir}/libs_ext" if (file(dir).exists()) { copy { from(dir) into "$distDir/jpackage/$outputName/extensions/${}" include '*.jar' } } } } } task prepareMacOSInfo(type: DefaultTask) { doLast { file("$buildDir/macos_resources").mkdirs() copy { from file("$projectDir/misc/mac/Info.plist") into file("$buildDir/macos_resources") } exec { commandLine "$projectDir/misc/mac/", macVersion, "$buildDir/macos_resources/Info.plist" } } } if (org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isMacOsX()) { jpackageImage.dependsOn(prepareMacOSInfo) } jpackage.finalizedBy(copyBundledExtensions)