Over time, there have always been a few complaints about SSH connection timeout errors and slow SSH connection startup. These especially popped up in the latest release even though no obvious code was changed.
As it turns out, increasing the value for `ConnectTimeout` in SSH does not actually only change the timeout after which an error is thrown, it is also used by some servers as a guideline for their response time.
E.g. if you specify a 10s timeout, some servers will always take 10s to respond.
This is of course not mentioned in any of the spec but is more of an implementation choice.
In the latest release this caused more errors as the timeout was set higher.
It should also have affected many SSH connections basically since the release of XPipe.
I don't know how many people have been affected by this, it heavily depends on which ssh server and configuration your server runs.
I would like to exchange a few words with whoever thought: *A newly connected SSH client specified a 10s connect timeout? That means we can sit around idle for 9 seconds. That is a great idea.*