proxmox.displayDescription=Connect to systems in a Proxmox Virtual Environment
proxmoxVm.displayName=Proxmox VM
proxmoxVm.displayDescription=Connect to a virtual machine in a Proxmox VE via SSH
proxmoxContainer.displayName=Proxmox Container
proxmoxContainer.displayDescription=Connect to a container in a Proxmox VE
sshDynamicTunnel.hostDescription=The system to use as SOCKS proxy
sshDynamicTunnel.bindingDescription=What addresses to bind the tunnel to
sshRemoteTunnel.hostDescription=The system from which to start the remote tunnel to the origin
sshRemoteTunnel.bindingDescription=What addresses to bind the tunnel to
sshLocalTunnel.hostDescription=The system to open the tunnel to
sshLocalTunnel.bindingDescription=What addresses to bind the tunnel to
sshLocalTunnel.localAddressDescription=The local address to bind
sshLocalTunnel.remoteAddressDescription=The remote address to bind
cmd.displayName=Custom Terminal Command
cmd.displayDescription=Run a custom command on a system in your terminal
k8sPod.displayName=Kubernetes Pod
k8sPod.displayDescription=Connect to a pod and its containers via kubectl
k8sContainer.displayName=Kubernetes Container
k8sContainer.displayDescription=Open a shell to a container
k8sCluster.displayName=Kubernetes Cluster
k8sCluster.displayDescription=Connect to a cluster and its pods via kubectl
sshTunnelGroup.displayName=SSH Tunnels
sshTunnelGroup.displayCategory=All types of SSH tunnels
podmanCmd.displayName=Podman CLI
podmanCmd.displayCategory=Access Podman containers via the CLI client
podmanContainers=Podman containers
local.displayName=Local machine
local.displayDescription=The shell of the local machine
gitWindows=Git For Windows
gitForWindows.displayName=Git For Windows
gitForWindows.displayDescription=Access your local Git For Windows environment
msys2.displayDescription=Access shells of your MSYS2 environment
cygwin.displayDescription=Access shells of your Cygwin environment
gitVaultIdentityStrategy=Git SSH identity
gitVaultIdentityStrategyDescription=If you chose to use an SSH git URL as the remote and your remote repository requires an SSH identity, then set this option.\n\nIn case you provided an HTTP url, you can ignore this option.
dockerContainers=Docker containers
lxdContainers=LXD containers
dockerCmd.displayName=docker CLI client
dockerCmd.displayDescription=Access Docker containers via the docker CLI client
lxdCmd.displayName=LXD CLI client
lxdCmd.displayDescription=Access LXD containers via the lxc CLI cient
wslCmd.displayName=wsl client
wslCmd.displayDescription=Access WSL instances via the wsl CLI cient
k8sCmd.displayName=kubectl client
k8sCmd.displayDescription=Access Kubernetes clusters via kubectl
k8sClusters=Kubernetes clusters
shells=Available shells
startContainer=Start container
stopContainer=Stop container
inspectContainer=Inspect container
k8sClusterNameDescription=The name of the context the cluster is in.
podName=Pod name
k8sClusterContextDescription=The name of the context the cluster is in
k8sClusterNamespaceDescription=The custom namespace or the default one if empty
k8sConfigLocation=Config file
k8sConfigLocationDescription=The custom kubeconfig file or the default one if left empty
inspectPod=Inspect pod
showAllContainers=Show non-running containers
showAllPods=Show non-running pods
k8sPodHostDescription=The host on which the pod is located
k8sContainerDescription=The name of the Kubernetes container
k8sPodDescription=The name of the Kubernetes pod
podDescription=The pod on which the container is located
k8sClusterHostDescription=The host through which the cluster should be accessed. Must have kubectl installed and configured to be able to access the cluster.
vnc.displayDescription=Open a VNC session via an SSH tunnel
vncPortDescription=The port the VNC server is listening on
vncUsernameDescription=The optional VNC username
vncPasswordDescription=The VNC password
x11WslInstance=X11 Forward WSL instance
x11WslInstanceDescription=The local Windows Subsystem for Linux distribution to use as an X11 server when using X11 forwarding in an SSH connection. This distribution must be a WSL2 distribution.\n\nRequires a restart to apply.
wslX11SetupHeader=XPipe can use your local WSL distribution to act as an X11 display server. Would you like to set up X11 on $DIST$?
wslX11SetupContent=This will install the basic X11 packages on the WSL distribution and may take a while. You can also change which distribution is used in the settings menu.