2023-09-30 22:18:01 -04:00

1324 lines
48 KiB
Executable file

package main
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
// "sync"
// "time"
type indexPage struct{}
type errorReport struct{ Error string }
type surpriseURL struct{ Url string }
type settingsPage struct{ Worksafe, FilterHTTPS bool }
type MySQLResults struct{ Id, Url, Title, Description, Body string }
type PageData struct {
DBResults []MySQLResults
Query, Page string
FindMore bool
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
http.HandleFunc("/json", handler)
http.HandleFunc("/json/", handler)
http.HandleFunc("/surprise", surprise)
http.HandleFunc("/surprise/", surprise)
http.HandleFunc("/settings/", settings)
http.HandleFunc("/settings", settings)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe("", nil)) //set IP to localhost if reverse proxy is on the same machine
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s \n", r.Method, r.URL)
//fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s \n", r.URL.RawQuery)
//Indicate whether or not you are using shard tables
shards := true
//check if worksafe+https cookie enabled.
filterHTTPS := false
worksafe := true
worksafeHTTPSCookie, err := r.Cookie("ws")
if err != nil {
worksafe = true
filterHTTPS = false
} else if worksafeHTTPSCookie.Value == "0" {
worksafe = false
filterHTTPS = false
} else if worksafeHTTPSCookie.Value == "1" {
worksafe = true
filterHTTPS = false
} else if worksafeHTTPSCookie.Value == "2" {
worksafe = false
filterHTTPS = true
} else if worksafeHTTPSCookie.Value == "3" {
worksafe = true
filterHTTPS = true
//setup for error report
error := errorReport{}
//Get the raw query
m, _ := url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery)
//Get the query parameters (q and o)
//fmt.Fprintf(w,"%s\n%s\n", m["q"][0], m["o"][0])
json := false
if strings.Contains(r.URL.Path, "/json") {
json = true
if _, ok := m["nsfw"]; ok { //check if &nsfw added to json url
worksafe = false
query := ""
queryNoQuotes := ""
offset := "0"
page := "0"
//Check if query and page params exist
if _, ok := m["q"]; ok {
query = m["q"][0]
query = strings.Replace(query, "'", "''", -1)
query = strings.Replace(query, "- ", " ", -1)
queryNoQuotes = query
if _, ok := m["p"]; ok {//gets page num, will convert to offset further down
page = m["p"][0]
page = strings.Replace(page, "'", "''", -1)
offset = page
lim := "12"
// limDistributedInt :=
if query == "" { //what do if no query found?
//load index if no query detected
if r.URL.Path == "/" {
p := indexPage{}
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/form.html.go")
t.Execute(w, p)
} else if strings.Contains(r.URL.Path, "/json") { //load json info page if json selected
p := indexPage{}
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/json/json.html.go")
t.Execute(w, p)
} else {
p := indexPage{}
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/form.html.go")
t.Execute(w, p)
} else {
//Make sure offset is a number
offsetInt, err := strconv.Atoi(offset)
if err != nil {
offset = "0"
offsetInt = 0
//Make sure page is a number
pageInt, err := strconv.Atoi(page)
if err != nil {
page = "0"
pageInt = 0
//Convert lim to number
limInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(lim)
//convert page num to offset
if offsetInt > 0 {
offsetInt --;
offsetInt = offsetInt * limInt
offset = strconv.Itoa(offsetInt)
//get some details from the raw query
var additions string
querylen := len(query)
//see if a search redirect (! or &) is used for a different search engine
if json == false && (strings.Contains(m["q"][0],"!") || strings.Contains(m["q"][0],"&")){
searchredirect(w, r, m["q"][0])
//phone users
if query[querylen-1] == ' '{
query = query[:querylen-1]
queryNoQuotes = queryNoQuotes[:len(queryNoQuotes)-1]
querylen = len(query)
if querylen > 1 && query[0] == ' '{
query = query[1:querylen]
queryNoQuotes = queryNoQuotes[1:len(queryNoQuotes)]
querylen = len(query)
//check if user wants to limit search to a specific website
sitePos := -1
siteEnd := 0
siteURL := ""
if strings.Index(strings.ToLower(query), "site:") > -1 {
//get url user wants to search and remove it from the query string
sitePos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(query), "site:")
siteEnd = strings.Index(query[sitePos:], " ")
if siteEnd > -1 && sitePos > 1 { //site is not last part of query
siteURL = query[sitePos+5 : siteEnd+sitePos]
query = query[:sitePos-1] + query[siteEnd+sitePos:]
queryNoQuotes = queryNoQuotes[:sitePos-1] + queryNoQuotes[siteEnd+sitePos:]
additions = additions + "AND url LIKE '%" + siteURL + "%' "
} else if siteEnd > -1 && sitePos == 0 { //site is at beginning
siteURL = query[sitePos+5 : siteEnd]
query = query[siteEnd+1:]
queryNoQuotes = queryNoQuotes[siteEnd+1:]
additions = additions + "AND url LIKE '%" + siteURL + "%' "
} else if siteEnd < 0 && sitePos > 1 { //site is at end
siteURL = query[sitePos+5:]
query = query[:sitePos-1]
queryNoQuotes = queryNoQuotes[:sitePos-1]
additions = additions + "AND url LIKE '%" + siteURL + "%' "
}else if querylen > 5{
query = query[5:]
querylen = len(query)
//fmt.Printf("Addition: \n%s\nQuery: '%s'\n",additions,query)
//see if user uses -https flag (instead of cookie settings option)
if querylen > 7 && strings.ToLower(query[querylen-7:querylen]) == " -https" {
filterHTTPS = true
query = query[0 : querylen-7]
querylen = len(query)
//check if user wants to search within a time window (day,week,month)
option := ""
location := strings.Index(query, " !")
if location == -1 {
location = strings.Index(query, " &")
if location > -1 && strings.Index(query[location+1:querylen], " ") == -1 { //option is at end of query
option = query[location+2 : querylen]
query = query[:location]
queryNoQuotes = queryNoQuotes[:location]
querylen = len(query)
}else if querylen > 0 && (query[0] == '!' || query[0] == '&') && strings.Index(query, " ") > -1{ //option is at start of query
option = query[1:strings.Index(query, " ")]
query = query[strings.Index(query, " ")+1:]
queryNoQuotes = queryNoQuotes[strings.Index(queryNoQuotes, " ")+1:]
querylen = len(query)
option = strings.ToLower(option)
if option != "" {
if option == "td" { //day
additions = additions + "AND date > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY "
} else if option == "tw" { //week
additions = additions + "AND date > NOW() - INTERVAL 7 DAY "
} else if option == "tm" { //month
additions = additions + "AND date > NOW() - INTERVAL 30 DAY "
} else if option == "ty" { //year
additions = additions + "AND date > NOW() - INTERVAL 365 DAY "
//check if worksafe and filterHTTPS flags set
if worksafe == true {
additions = additions + "AND worksafe = '1' "
if filterHTTPS == true {
additions = additions + "AND http = '1' "
//search if query has quotes and remove them (so we can find the longest word in the query)
exactMatch := false
//queryNoQuotes := query
if strings.Contains(query, "\"") {
exactMatch = true
queryNoQuotes = strings.Replace(queryNoQuotes, "\"", "", -1)
//fmt.Printf("%s \n", queryNoQuotes)
//remove the '*' if contained anywhere in queryNoQuotes
if strings.Contains(queryNoQuotes, "*") && exactMatch == false {
queryNoQuotes = strings.Replace(queryNoQuotes, "*", "", -1)
//Prepare to find longest word in query
words := strings.Split(queryNoQuotes, " ")
longestWordLength := 0
longestWord := ""
wordcount := 0
longestwordelementnum := 0
queryNoQuotesOrFlags := queryNoQuotes
requiredword := ""
flags := ""
flagssetbyuser := 0
wordlen := 0
numRequiredWords := 0
//queryNoFlags := ""
//first remove any flags inside var queryNoQuotes, also grab any required words (+ prefix)
if strings.Contains(queryNoQuotes, "-") || strings.Contains(queryNoQuotes, "+") {
queryNoQuotesOrFlags = ""
for i, wordNoFlags := range words {
if i > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(wordNoFlags, "-") == false && strings.HasPrefix(wordNoFlags, "+") == false { //add a space after
queryNoQuotesOrFlags += " "
if strings.HasPrefix(wordNoFlags, "-") == false && strings.HasPrefix(wordNoFlags, "+") == false {
queryNoQuotesOrFlags += wordNoFlags
if strings.HasPrefix(wordNoFlags, "+") == true && len(wordNoFlags) > 1 && requiredword == "" { //get requiredword
requiredword = wordNoFlags[1:len(wordNoFlags)]
if i > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(wordNoFlags, "-") == true || strings.HasPrefix(wordNoFlags, "+") == true {
flags += " " + wordNoFlags
if strings.HasPrefix(wordNoFlags, "+") == true {
flags = checkformat(flags)
//now find longest word, and build extra locate statements for partial matches (when sorting results returned from replicas)
partialLocate := ""
locateWords := false
words = strings.Split(queryNoQuotesOrFlags, " ")
for _, word := range words {
if len(word) > longestWordLength {
longestWordLength = len(word)
longestWord = word
longestwordelementnum = wordcount
if wordcount < 5 && len(word) > 3{
if locateWords == false {
partialLocate += " WHEN LOCATE('" + word + "', title) "
partialLocate += "OR LOCATE('" + word + "', title) "
if word != ""{
if locateWords == true{
partialLocate += "THEN 10"
//create another query where all compatible words are marked as keywords
reqwordQuery := ""
for i, word := range words{
wordlen = len(word)
if i==0 && (strings.HasPrefix(word, "+") == true || strings.HasPrefix(word, "-") == true) && wordlen > 3{
reqwordQuery += word
if i==0 && (strings.HasPrefix(word, "+") == false && strings.HasPrefix(word, "-") == false) {
if wordlen > 2 {
reqwordQuery += "+"
reqwordQuery += word
if i!=0 && (strings.HasPrefix(word, "+") == true || strings.HasPrefix(word, "-") == true) && wordlen > 3{
reqwordQuery += " "
reqwordQuery += word
if i!=0 && (strings.HasPrefix(word, "+") == false && strings.HasPrefix(word, "-") == false) {
reqwordQuery += " "
if wordlen > 2 {
reqwordQuery += "+"
reqwordQuery += word
reqwordQuery = checkformat(reqwordQuery)
reqwordQuery += flags
//fmt.Fprintf(w,"%s\n%s\n", query,offset)
//get copy of original query because we might have to modify it somewhat
queryOriginal := query
tRes := MySQLResults{}
var res = PageData{}
//Check if query is a url.
urlDetected := false
isURL := ""
isURLlocate := ""
if strings.Index(query, " ") == -1 && strings.Index(query, "\"") == -1 && strings.Index(query, ".") > -1 { //note this will also flag on file extensions
if len(query) > 6 && (query[0:7] == "http://" || query[0:7] == "HTTP://") {
query = query[7:]
} else if len(query) > 7 && (query[0:8] == "https://" || query[0:8] == "HTTPS://") {
query = query[8:]
if len(queryNoQuotes) > 6 && (queryNoQuotes[0:7] == "http://" || queryNoQuotes[0:7] == "HTTP://") {
queryNoQuotes = queryNoQuotes[7:]
} else if len(queryNoQuotes) > 7 && (queryNoQuotes[0:8] == "https://" || queryNoQuotes[0:8] == "HTTPS://") {
queryNoQuotes = queryNoQuotes[8:]
query = "\"" + query + "\""
urlDetected = true
isURL = "WHEN MATCH(url) AGAINST('\"" + queryNoQuotes + "\"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 25"
isURLlocate = "WHEN LOCATE('" + queryNoQuotesOrFlags + "', url) THEN 25"
//if no required words set, make the longest word in the query required.
querywithrequiredword := ""
if numRequiredWords == 0 && wordcount > 1 && longestWordLength > 2{
querywithrequiredword = query + " +"
querywithrequiredword = querywithrequiredword + longestWord
//perform full text search FOR InnoDB or MyISAM
var sqlQuery, id, url, title, description, body, idList string
rangeOffset := 0
serverCount := 0
var servers []string
numServers := 0
//parse res.csv
noservers := false
repLim, _ := strconv.Atoi(lim)
repOffset, _ := strconv.Atoi(offset)
repLimStr := ""
repOffsetStr := ""
shard := ""
noresults := 0
repsearchfail := 0
var idListChans []chan string
oneword := false
if strings.Index(query, " ") == -1{
oneword = true
resourceFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile("res.csv")
if err != nil {
noservers = true
} else {
if len(resourceFile) < 2 {
noservers = true
//this switches off use of multiple connections to process a one word query. Should remove this if the database grows significantly larger
/*if strings.Contains(query, " ") == false && oneletterquery == 0 {
noservers = true
queryWithQuotesAndFlags := "\"" + queryNoQuotesOrFlags + "\"" + flags
queryWithQuotes := "\"" + queryNoQuotesOrFlags + "\""
//if query is just 1 or 2 letters, help make it work.
if utf8.RuneCountInString(queryOriginal) < 3 {
queryfix := "" + query + "*"
query = queryfix
queryWithQuotesAndFlags = queryfix
reqwordQuery = queryfix
if strings.Contains(queryOriginal,"c++")==true || strings.Contains(queryOriginal,"C++")==true{ // :) :( :) :(
queryWithQuotesAndFlags += " +programming"
if strings.Contains(queryOriginal," ")==true && longestWordLength>3{
queryWithQuotesAndFlags += " +"
queryWithQuotesAndFlags += longestWord
querytouse := query
if querywithrequiredword != ""{
querytouse = querywithrequiredword
}else if numRequiredWords > 0{
querytouse = reqwordQuery
if exactMatch == false && urlDetected == false {
querytouse = checkformat(querytouse)
reqwordQuery = checkformat(reqwordQuery)
reqwordQuery_filtered := strings.Replace(reqwordQuery, "'", "", -1)
//For a less restrictive search, replace only the first instance of reqwordQuery_filtered with querytouse_filtered in the SQL query used when calling the distributedQuery go routine
querytouse_filtered := strings.Replace(querytouse, "'", "", -1)
queryWithQuotesAndFlags_filtered := strings.Replace(queryWithQuotesAndFlags, "'", "", -1)
queryWithQuotes_filtered := strings.Replace(queryWithQuotes, "'", "", -1)
if noservers == false {
//send query to go routines.
resourceFilestring := string(resourceFile)
//just in case user is messing around res.csv with a text editor and the editor ads a line feed to the end of the file
if len(resourceFilestring) > 0 && resourceFilestring[len(resourceFilestring)-1] == byte('\n') {
resourceFilestring = resourceFilestring[0 : len(resourceFilestring)-1]
servers = strings.Split(resourceFilestring, "\n")
numServers = len(servers)
if(shards == false){
//numServers must divide evenly into lim, or lim must divide evenly into numservers
//if they do not, automatically adjust numServers until they divide evenly
//calculate number of servers to use based on lim size
if limInt > numServers {
for limInt%numServers > 0 {
numServers -= 1
} else if numServers > limInt {
for numServers%limInt > 0 {
numServers -= 1
//calculate limit and offset on distributed servers.
if numServers < limInt {
repLim = limInt / numServers
} else {
repLim = 1
repOffset = offsetInt / numServers
//calculate rangeOffset (offset for the range of returned results, important if numServers > 2*lim)
rangeOffset = offsetInt - (repOffset * numServers)
repLimStr = strconv.Itoa(repLim)
repOffsetStr = strconv.Itoa(repOffset)
//create a channel for each available server
for i := 0; i < numServers; i++ {
idListChans = append(idListChans, make(chan string))
for _, server := range servers {
serverSettings := strings.Split(server, ",")
if len(serverSettings) == 4 { //if line contains all 4 settings
//ip, database, startID, endID
//create SQL connection string //db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "remote_guest:d0gemuchw0w@tcp(192.168.1.xxx:3306)/wiby?charset=utf8mb4")
serverIP := serverSettings[0]
shard = serverSettings[1]
startID := serverSettings[2]
endID := serverSettings[3]
sqlString := "remote_guest:d0gemuchw0w@tcp(" + serverIP + ":3306)/wiby?charset=utf8mb4"
// fmt.Printf("%s %s %s %d\n",sqlString,startID,endID,numServers)
//send special distributed query, only need ID returned
/*if(exactMatch==false && urlDetected==false && oneword==false){
sqlQuery = "SELECT id FROM windex WHERE id BETWEEN " + startID + " AND " + endID + " AND enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 " + isURL + " WHEN MATCH(title) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND Match(title) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN MATCH(body) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 19 WHEN MATCH(title) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 16 WHEN MATCH(description) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 15 WHEN Match(title) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN Match(title) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) WHEN MATCH(body) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 1 WHEN MATCH(url) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 0 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + repLimStr + " OFFSET " + repOffsetStr + ""
sqlQuery = "SELECT id FROM windex WHERE id BETWEEN " + startID + " AND " + endID + " AND enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 " + isURL + " WHEN MATCH(title) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN MATCH(body) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 19 WHEN MATCH(description) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 15 WHEN MATCH(url) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 0 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + repLimStr + " OFFSET " + repOffsetStr + ""
if (exactMatch==false || flagssetbyuser > 0) && urlDetected==false && strings.Index(query, " ") != -1 && flagssetbyuser + wordcount != flagssetbyuser{
sqlQuery = "SELECT id FROM " + shard + " WHERE MATCH(tags, body, description, title, url) AGAINST('" + reqwordQuery_filtered + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotes_filtered + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 " + isURL + " WHEN MATCH(title) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotes_filtered + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN MATCH(body) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotes_filtered + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR MATCH(description) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotes_filtered + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 15 WHEN MATCH(title) AGAINST('" + reqwordQuery_filtered + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 14 WHEN MATCH(title) AGAINST('" + querytouse_filtered + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 13 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + repLimStr + " OFFSET " + repOffsetStr + ""
sqlQuery = "SELECT id FROM " + shard + " WHERE MATCH(tags, body, description, title, url) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags_filtered + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags_filtered + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 " + isURL + " WHEN MATCH(title) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags_filtered + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + repLimStr + " OFFSET " + repOffsetStr + ""
go distributedQuery(sqlString, sqlQuery, startID, endID, idListChans[serverCount])
for i := 0; i < serverCount; i++ {
//wait for channels to complete and collect results
idList += <-idListChans[i]
if len(idList) > 0 {
switch strings.Contains(idList, "e") {
case true:
repsearchfail = 1
idList = idList[1:len(idList)] //trim the first comma in the list
} else {
noresults = 1
//fmt.Printf("\nChan: %s",idList)
//init the db and set charset
//create SQL connection string
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "guest:qwer@/wiby?charset=utf8mb4")
if err != nil {
p := indexPage{}
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/error.html.go")
t.Execute(w, p)
defer db.Close()
// If Open doesn't open a connection. Validate DSN data:
err = db.Ping()
if err != nil {
error.Error = err.Error()
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/error.html.go")
t.Execute(w, error)
count := 0
countResults := 0
var ids[] string
//if all went well with replication servers, send query to master containing idList and use the rangeOffset
if numServers == serverCount && numServers > 0 && repsearchfail == 0 {
sqlQuery = "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE id IN (" + idList + ") AND enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN LOCATE('" + queryNoQuotesOrFlags + "', tags) THEN 30 " + isURLlocate + " WHEN LOCATE('" + queryNoQuotesOrFlags + "', title) THEN 20 WHEN LOCATE('" + queryNoQuotesOrFlags + "', body) OR LOCATE('" + queryNoQuotesOrFlags + "', description) THEN 15" + partialLocate + " END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + lim + " OFFSET " + strconv.Itoa(rangeOffset) + ""
} else { //else, if no replication servers or there was some sort of error, just search the database locally instead
if(exactMatch==false && urlDetected==false && oneword==false && flagssetbyuser + wordcount != flagssetbyuser){
sqlQuery = "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE MATCH(tags, body, description, title, url) AGAINST('" + querytouse + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotes + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 " + isURL + " WHEN MATCH(title) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotes + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN MATCH(body) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotes + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR MATCH(description) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotes + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 15 WHEN MATCH(title) AGAINST('" + reqwordQuery + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 14 WHEN MATCH(title) AGAINST('" + querytouse + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 13 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + lim + " OFFSET " + offset + ""
/*sqlQuery = "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 " + isURL + " WHEN MATCH(title) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 WHEN MATCH(body) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 19 WHEN MATCH(description) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 15 WHEN MATCH(url) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 0 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + lim + " OFFSET " + offset + ""*/
sqlQuery = "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE MATCH(tags, body, description, title, url) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 " + isURL + " WHEN MATCH(title) AGAINST('" + queryWithQuotesAndFlags + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 20 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + lim + " OFFSET " + offset + ""
switch noresults { //if noresults == 1, no results were found during search on active replication servers
case 0:
// Send the query
rows, err := db.Query(sqlQuery)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\n%s", err)
res.Page = strconv.Itoa(0)
res.Query = m["q"][0] //get original unsafe query
if json {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/json/results.json.go")
t.Execute(w, res)
} else {
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/results.html.go")
t.Execute(w, res)
//p := indexPage{}
//t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/form.html.go")
//t.Execute(w, p)
if urlDetected == true {
query = queryOriginal
wordtocheck := ""
stringtofind := strings.ToLower(queryNoQuotesOrFlags)
stringtofind = strings.Replace(stringtofind, "''", "'", -1)
requiredwordtofind := strings.ToLower(requiredword)
requiredwordtofind = strings.Replace(requiredwordtofind, "''", "'", -1)
longestWordtofind := strings.ToLower(longestWord)
longestWordtofind = strings.Replace(longestWordtofind, "''", "'", -1)
for rows.Next() {
//this will get set if position of longest word of query is found within body
pos := -1
err := rows.Scan(&id, &url, &title, &description, &body)
if err != nil {
error.Error = err.Error()
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/error.html.go")
t.Execute(w, error)
ids = append(ids,id)
//find query inside body of page
if exactMatch == false && (numRequiredWords == 0 || numRequiredWords + wordcount == numRequiredWords){
if len(requiredword) > 0 { //search for position of required word if any, else search for position of whole query
pos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(body), requiredwordtofind)
} else if pos == -1 {
pos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(body), stringtofind)
if pos == -1 { //not found? find position of longest query word
pos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(body), longestWordtofind)
//not found?, set position to a different word
if pos == -1 && wordcount > 1 {
if longestwordelementnum > 0 {
//wordtocheck = strings.Replace(words[0], "*", "", -1)
wordtocheck = strings.Replace(words[0], "''", "'", -1)
pos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(body), strings.ToLower(wordtocheck))
if longestwordelementnum == 0 {
//wordtocheck = strings.Replace(words[1], "*", "", -1)
wordtocheck = strings.Replace(words[1], "''", "'", -1)
pos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(body), strings.ToLower(wordtocheck))
} else { //if exact match, find position of query within body
pos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(body), stringtofind)
//still not found?, set position to 0
if pos == -1 {
pos = 0
//Adjust position for runes within body
pos = utf8.RuneCountInString(body[:pos])
starttext := 0
//ballpark := 0
ballparktext := ""
//figure out how much preceding text to use
if pos < 32 {
starttext = 0
} else if pos > 25 {
starttext = pos - 25
} else if pos > 20 {
starttext = pos - 15
//total length of the ballpark
textlength := 180
//populate the ballpark
if pos >= 0 {
ballparktext = substr(body, starttext, starttext+textlength)
} //else{ ballpark = 0}//looks unused
//find position of nearest Period
//foundPeriod := true
posPeriod := strings.Index(ballparktext, ". ") + starttext + 1
//find position of nearest Space
//foundSpace := true
posSpace := strings.Index(ballparktext, " ") + starttext
//if longest word in query is after a period+space within ballpark, reset starttext to that point
if (pos - starttext) > posPeriod {
starttext = posPeriod
//populate the bodymatch
if (pos - starttext) >= 0 {
body = substr(body, starttext, starttext+textlength)
} else {
body = ""
} else if pos > posSpace { //else if longest word in query is after a space within ballpark, reset starttext to that point
//else if(pos-starttext) > posSpace//else if longest word in query is after a space within ballpark, reset starttext to that point
starttext = posSpace
//populate the bodymatch
if (pos - starttext) >= 0 {
body = substr(body, starttext, starttext+textlength)
} else {
body = ""
} else //else just set the bodymatch to the ballparktext
//populate the bodymatch
if (pos - starttext) >= 0 {
body = ballparktext
} else {
body = ""
tRes.Id = id
tRes.Url = url
tRes.Title = html.UnescapeString(title)
tRes.Description = html.UnescapeString(description)
tRes.Body = html.UnescapeString(body)
if json == true {
tRes.Title = JSONRealEscapeString(tRes.Title)
tRes.Description = JSONRealEscapeString(tRes.Description)
tRes.Body = JSONRealEscapeString(tRes.Body)
res.DBResults = append(res.DBResults, tRes)
defer rows.Close()
if count > 0 { //new search method may cause less than the limit of row results per page even if there are more results to come, so we force a full count
count = limInt
} //end switch
//no results found (count==0), so do a wildcard search (repeat the above process) - this section will probably be removed, no longer useful
addWildcard := false
/*if count == 0 && offset == "0" && urlDetected == false && exactMatch == false {
addWildcard = true
query = strings.Replace(query, "\"", "", -1) //remove some things innodb gets fussy over
query = strings.Replace(query, "*", "", -1)
query = strings.Replace(query, "'", "", -1)
queryNoQuotes = strings.Replace(queryNoQuotes, "\"", "", -1)
queryNoQuotes = strings.Replace(queryNoQuotes, "*", "", -1)
queryNoQuotes = strings.Replace(queryNoQuotes, "'", "", -1)
query = query + "*"
if shards == false{
sqlQuery = "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + lim + " OFFSET " + offset + ""
sqlQuery = "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE Match(tags, body, description, title, url) Against('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + lim + " OFFSET " + offset + ""
if repsearchfail == 0 && noservers == false {
serverCount = 0
idList = ""
for _, server := range servers {
serverSettings := strings.Split(server, ",")
if len(serverSettings) == 4 { //if line contains all 4 settings
//ip, database, startID, endID
//create SQL connection string //db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "remote_guest:d0gemuchw0w@tcp(")
serverIP := serverSettings[0]
shard := serverSettings[1]
startID := serverSettings[2]
endID := serverSettings[3]
sqlString := "remote_guest:d0gemuchw0w@tcp(" + serverIP + ":3306)/wiby?charset=utf8mb4"
//fmt.Printf("%s %s %s %d\n",sqlString,startID,endID,numServers)
//send special distributed query, only need ID returned
sqlQuery = "SELECT id FROM windex WHERE id BETWEEN " + startID + " AND " + endID + " AND enable = '1' " + additions + " ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + repLimStr + " OFFSET " + repOffsetStr + ""
sqlQuery = "SELECT id FROM " + shard + " WHERE Match(tags, body, description, title, url) Against('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + repLimStr + " OFFSET " + repOffsetStr + ""
go distributedQuery(sqlString, sqlQuery, startID, endID, idListChans[serverCount])
for i := 0; i < serverCount; i++ {
//wait for channels to complete and collect results
idList += <-idListChans[i]
if len(idList) > 0 {
switch strings.Contains(idList, "e") {
case true:
repsearchfail = 1
idList = idList[1:len(idList)] //trim the first comma in the list
} else {
noresults = 1
//if all went well with replication servers, send query to local database containing idList and use the rangeOffset
if numServers == serverCount && numServers > 0 && repsearchfail == 0 {
sqlQuery = "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE id IN (" + idList + ") AND enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN LOCATE('" + queryNoQuotes + "', tags) THEN 30 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + lim + " OFFSET " + strconv.Itoa(rangeOffset) + ""
} else { //else, if no replication servers or there was some sort of error, search the whole local database instead
if shards == false{
sqlQuery = "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + lim + " OFFSET " + offset + ""
sqlQuery = "SELECT id, url, title, description, body FROM windex WHERE Match(tags, body, description, title, url) Against('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enable = '1' " + additions + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN MATCH(tags) AGAINST('" + query + "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) THEN 30 END DESC, id DESC LIMIT " + lim + " OFFSET " + offset + ""
rows2, err := db.Query(sqlQuery)
if err != nil {
res.Page = strconv.Itoa(0)
res.Query = m["q"][0] //get original unsafe query
if json {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/json/results.json.go")
t.Execute(w, res)
} else {
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/results.html.go")
t.Execute(w, res)
wordtocheck := ""
stringtofind := strings.ToLower(queryNoQuotesOrFlags)
stringtofind = strings.Replace(stringtofind, "''", "'", -1)
requiredwordtofind := strings.ToLower(requiredword)
requiredwordtofind = strings.Replace(requiredwordtofind, "''", "'", -1)
longestWordtofind := strings.ToLower(longestWord)
longestWordtofind = strings.Replace(longestWordtofind, "''", "'", -1)
for rows2.Next() {
//this will get set if position of longest word of query is found within body
pos := -1
err := rows2.Scan(&id, &url, &title, &description, &body)
if err != nil {
error.Error = err.Error()
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/error.html.go")
t.Execute(w, error)
//find query inside body of page
if exactMatch == false && (numRequiredWords == 0 || numRequiredWords + wordcount == numRequiredWords){
if len(requiredword) > 0 { //search for position of required word if any, else search for position of whole query
pos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(body), requiredwordtofind)
} else if pos == -1 {
pos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(body), stringtofind)
if pos == -1 { //not found? find position of longest query word
pos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(body), longestWordtofind)
//not found?, set position to a different word
if pos == -1 && wordcount > 1 {
if longestwordelementnum > 0 {
//wordtocheck = strings.Replace(words[0], "*", "", -1)
wordtocheck = strings.Replace(words[0], "''", "'", -1)
pos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(body), strings.ToLower(wordtocheck))
if longestwordelementnum == 0 {
//wordtocheck = strings.Replace(words[1], "*", "", -1)
wordtocheck = strings.Replace(words[1], "''", "'", -1)
pos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(body), strings.ToLower(wordtocheck))
} else { //if exact match, find position of query within body
pos = strings.Index(strings.ToLower(body), stringtofind)
//still not found?, set position to 0
if pos == -1 {
pos = 0
//Adjust position for runes within body
pos = utf8.RuneCountInString(body[:pos])
starttext := 0
//ballpark := 0
ballparktext := ""
//figure out how much preceding text to use
if pos < 32 {
starttext = 0
} else if pos > 25 {
starttext = pos - 25
} else if pos > 20 {
starttext = pos - 15
//total length of the ballpark
textlength := 180
//populate the ballpark
if pos >= 0 {
ballparktext = substr(body, starttext, starttext+textlength)
} //else{ ballpark = 0}//looks unused
//find position of nearest Period
//foundPeriod := true
posPeriod := strings.Index(ballparktext, ". ") + starttext + 1
//find position of nearest Space
//foundSpace := true
posSpace := strings.Index(ballparktext, " ") + starttext
//if longest word in query is after a period+space within ballpark, reset starttext to that point
if (pos - starttext) > posPeriod {
starttext = posPeriod
//populate the bodymatch
if (pos - starttext) >= 0 {
body = substr(body, starttext, starttext+textlength)
} else {
body = ""
} else if pos > posSpace { //else if longest word in query is after a space within ballpark, reset starttext to that point
//else if(pos-starttext) > posSpace//else if longest word in query is after a space within ballpark, reset starttext to that point
starttext = posSpace
//populate the bodymatch
if (pos - starttext) >= 0 {
body = substr(body, starttext, starttext+textlength)
} else {
body = ""
} else //else just set the bodymatch to the ballparktext
//populate the bodymatch
if (pos - starttext) >= 0 {
body = ballparktext
} else {
body = ""
tRes.Id = id
tRes.Url = url
tRes.Title = html.UnescapeString(title)
tRes.Description = html.UnescapeString(description)
tRes.Body = html.UnescapeString(body)
if json == true {
tRes.Title = JSONRealEscapeString(tRes.Title)
tRes.Description = JSONRealEscapeString(tRes.Description)
tRes.Body = JSONRealEscapeString(tRes.Body)
res.DBResults = append(res.DBResults, tRes)
defer rows2.Close()
//Close DB
//allow the find more link
if (countResults >= limInt || countResults > 2) && addWildcard == false{
res.FindMore = true
} else {
res.FindMore = false
if(pageInt == 0){
res.Page = strconv.Itoa(pageInt)
res.Query = m["q"][0] //get original unsafe query
if json {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/json/results.json.go")
t.Execute(w, res)
} else {
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/results.html.go")
t.Execute(w, res)
func settings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//setup for error report
error := errorReport{}
//check if worksafe (adult content) cookie enabled.
filterHTTPS := false
worksafe := true
worksafewasoff := false
worksafeHTTPSCookie, err := r.Cookie("ws")
if err != nil {
worksafe = true
filterHTTPS = false
} else if worksafeHTTPSCookie.Value == "0" {
worksafe = false
filterHTTPS = false
worksafewasoff = true
} else if worksafeHTTPSCookie.Value == "1" {
worksafe = true
filterHTTPS = false
} else if worksafeHTTPSCookie.Value == "2" {
worksafe = false
filterHTTPS = true
worksafewasoff = true
} else if worksafeHTTPSCookie.Value == "3" {
worksafe = true
filterHTTPS = true
//check if and what is the user posting
switch r.Method {
case "POST":
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
error.Error = err.Error()
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/error.html.go")
t.Execute(w, error)
worksafebox := r.Form.Get("worksafe")
agreecheck := r.Form.Get("agree")
agreesubmit := r.Form.Get("agreesubmit")
httpsbox := r.Form.Get("filterHTTPS")
//if user agrees to terms to disable adult content, set cookie and return to index
if agreecheck == "on" {
worksafe = false
//expiration := time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour)
if filterHTTPS == false {
cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "ws", Value: "0", Path: "/"}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
} else {
cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "ws", Value: "2", Path: "/"}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
p := indexPage{}
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/settings/gohome.html")
t.Execute(w, p)
//else if worksafebox is checked, return to index with worksafe on
} else if worksafebox == "on" || agreesubmit == "on" {
//expiration := time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour)
if httpsbox != "on" {
cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "ws", Value: "1", Path: "/"}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
} else {
cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "ws", Value: "3", Path: "/"}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
p := indexPage{}
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/settings/gohome.html")
t.Execute(w, p)
//else if worksafebox unchecked and no cookie, go to content agreement section
} else if worksafebox != "on" && worksafewasoff == false && agreesubmit != "on" {
p := indexPage{}
if httpsbox == "on" {
cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "ws", Value: "3", Path: "/"}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
} else {
cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "ws", Value: "1", Path: "/"}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/settings/agree.html.go")
t.Execute(w, p)
//else if worksafebox unchecked and cookie alredy agreed, go back to index
} else if worksafebox != "on" && worksafewasoff == true {
if httpsbox == "on" {
cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "ws", Value: "2", Path: "/"}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
} else {
cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "ws", Value: "0", Path: "/"}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
p := indexPage{}
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/settings/gohome.html")
t.Execute(w, p)
//load the settings page if no post value
settingspage := settingsPage{}
settingspage.Worksafe = worksafe
settingspage.FilterHTTPS = filterHTTPS
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/settings/settings.html.go")
t.Execute(w, settingspage)
func surprise(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
surprise := surpriseURL{}
//check if worksafe+HTTPS cookie enabled.
filterHTTPS := false
worksafeHTTPSCookie, err := r.Cookie("ws")
if err != nil {
filterHTTPS = false
} else if worksafeHTTPSCookie.Value == "2" {
filterHTTPS = true
} else if worksafeHTTPSCookie.Value == "3" {
filterHTTPS = true
//setup for error report
error := errorReport{}
//init the db and set charset
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "guest:qwer@/wiby?charset=utf8mb4")
if err != nil {
error.Error = err.Error()
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/error.html.go")
t.Execute(w, error)
defer db.Close()
// Open doesn't open a connection. Validate DSN data:
err = db.Ping()
if err != nil {
error.Error = err.Error()
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/error.html.go")
t.Execute(w, error)
//grab a random page
var sqlQuery string
if filterHTTPS == false {
sqlQuery = "select url from windex where worksafe = 1 and surprise = 1 order by rand() limit 1"
} else {
sqlQuery = "select url from windex where worksafe = 1 and surprise = 1 and http = 1 order by rand() limit 1"
rows, err := db.Query(sqlQuery)
if err != nil {
error.Error = err.Error()
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/error.html.go")
t.Execute(w, error)
var url string
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&url)
if err != nil {
error.Error = err.Error()
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/error.html.go")
t.Execute(w, error)
surprise.Url = url
defer rows.Close()
t, _ := template.ParseFiles("coreassets/surprise.html.go")
t.Execute(w, surprise)
func MysqlRealEscapeString(value string) string {
replace := map[string]string{"\\": "\\\\", "'": `\'`, "\\0": "\\\\0", "\n": "\\n", "\r": "\\r", `"`: `\"`, "\x1a": "\\Z"}
for b, a := range replace {
value = strings.Replace(value, b, a, -1)
return value
func JSONRealEscapeString(value string) string {
replace := map[string]string{"\\": "\\\\", "\t": "\\t", "\b": "\\b", "\n": "\\n", "\r": "\\r", "\f": "\\f" /*, `"`:`\"`*/}
for b, a := range replace {
value = strings.Replace(value, b, a, -1)
//remove control characters
buf := []rune(value)
for i, v := range buf {
if v < 32 || v == 127 {
return string(buf)
func substr(s string, start int, end int) string {
start_str_idx := 0
i := 0
for j := range s {
if i == start {
start_str_idx = j
if i == end {
return s[start_str_idx:j]
return s[start_str_idx:]
func checkformat(query string) string{
//Check if query contains a hyphenated word. Replace hyphens with a space, drop at hyphen if set as required word.
if strings.Contains(query, "-") || strings.Contains(query, "+") {
hyphenwords := strings.Split(query, " ")
query = ""
quotes := 0
for i, word := range hyphenwords {
if strings.Contains(word, "\"") {
if (strings.Contains(word, "-") || strings.Contains(word, "+")) && word[0] != '-' && word[0] != '+' && quotes%2 == 0 { //if hyphen or plus exists, not a flag, not wrapped in quotes already
word = strings.Replace(word, "-", " ", -1)
}else if strings.Contains(word, "-") && (word[0] == '+') { //if hyphen exists and is a required word
word = strings.Replace(word, "-", " ", -1)
spos := strings.Index(word, " ")
if spos != -1 {
word = word[:spos]
if spos < 4 && spos > 0 {
word = ""
if len(word)>1 && word[0] == '+' && len(word)<4{
word = word[1:]
if i > 0 {
query += " "
query += word
return query
func searchredirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, query string) {
//separate actual query from search redirect
actualquery := ""
redirect := ""
lenquery := len(query)
if strings.Index(query," ") > -1{
location := strings.Index(query, " !")
if location == -1 {
location = strings.Index(query, " &")
if location > -1 && strings.Index(query[location+1:lenquery], " ") == -1 { //redirect is at end of query
redirect = query[location+2 : lenquery]
actualquery = query[:location]
} else if (strings.Index(query, "!") == 0 || strings.Index(query, "&") == 0){ //redirect is at start of query
redirect = query[1:strings.Index(query, " ")]
actualquery = query[strings.Index(query, " ")+1:]
//fmt.Printf("\nRedirect: %s\nquery: %s\n",redirect,actualquery)
redirect = strings.ToLower(redirect)
}else if (query[0] == '!' || query[0] == '&') && lenquery > 1{
redirect = query[1:]
if redirect != "" {
//determine which search engine to redirect
if redirect == "g" { //if google text search
http.Redirect(w, r, "http://google.com/search?q="+actualquery, http.StatusSeeOther)
} else if redirect == "b" { //if bing text search
http.Redirect(w, r, "http://bing.com/search?q="+actualquery, http.StatusSeeOther)
} else if redirect == "gi" { //if google image search
http.Redirect(w, r, "http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q="+actualquery, http.StatusSeeOther)
} else if redirect == "bi" { //if bing image search
http.Redirect(w, r, "http://www.bing.com/images/search?q="+actualquery, http.StatusSeeOther)
} else if redirect == "gv" { //if google video search
http.Redirect(w, r, "http://www.google.com/search?tbm=vid&q="+actualquery, http.StatusSeeOther)
} else if redirect == "bv" { //if bing video search
http.Redirect(w, r, "http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q="+actualquery, http.StatusSeeOther)
} else if redirect == "gm" { //if google maps search
http.Redirect(w, r, "http://www.google.com/maps/search/"+actualquery, http.StatusSeeOther)
} else if redirect == "bm" { //if bing maps search
http.Redirect(w, r, "http://www.bing.com/maps?q="+actualquery, http.StatusSeeOther)
}/* else {
http.Redirect(w, r, "/?q="+actualquery, http.StatusSeeOther)
func distributedQuery(con string, sqlQuery string, startID string, endID string, idListChan chan<- string) {
var id string
var idList string
count := 0
//defer wg.Done()
//init the db
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", con)
if err != nil {
idList = idList + "e" //will look for this when channels are processed
defer db.Close()
// If Open doesn't open a connection. Validate DSN data:
err = db.Ping()
if err != nil {
//fmt.Printf("%s\n", sqlQuery)
// Send the query
rows, err := db.Query(sqlQuery)
if err == nil {
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
//idString = idstring + "id = " + id + " or "
idList += "," + id
} else {
idList = idList + "e" //will look for this when channels are processed
fmt.Printf("%s", err)
//fmt.Printf("%s - %s\n", idList,con)
idListChan <- idList