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<title>WebVM - server-less Linux virtual machine for the browser</title>
<meta name="description" content="WebVM - a server-less Linux virtual machine with networking, running browser-side in HTML5/WebAssembly.">
<meta name="keywords" content="WebVM, Virtual Machine, CheerpX, x86 virtualization, WebAssembly, Tailscale, JIT">
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<meta name="twitter:description" content="WebVM - a server-less Linux virtual machine with networking, running browser-side in HTML5/WebAssembly.">
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import { State } from "/tun/tailscale_tun.js";
import { autoConf } from "/tun/tailscale_tun_auto.js";
let resolveLogin = null;
let loginPromise = new Promise((f,r) => {
resolveLogin = f;
const loginElem = document.getElementById("loginLink");
const statusElem = document.getElementById("networkStatus");
const loginUrlCb = (url) => {
loginElem.href = url;
loginElem.target = "_blank";
statusElem.innerHTML = "Tailscale Login";
const stateUpdateCb = (state) => {
case State.NeedsLogin:
case State.Running:
loginElem.href = "https://login.tailscale.com/admin/machines";
case State.Starting:
case State.Stopped:
case State.NoState:
const netmapUpdateCb = (map) => {
const ip = map.self.addresses[0];
statusElem.innerHTML = "IP: "+ip;
const { listen, connect, bind, up } = await autoConf({
window.networkInterface.bind = bind;
window.networkInterface.connect = connect;
window.networkInterface.listen = listen;
loginElem.style.cursor = "pointer";
statusElem.style.color = "white";
loginElem.onclick = () => {
loginElem.onclick = null;
statusElem.innerHTML = "Downloading network code...";
const w = window.open("login.html", "_blank");
w.onload = async () => {
await up();
w.document.body.innerHTML = "Starting login...";
statusElem.innerHTML = "Starting login...";
const url = await loginPromise;
w.location.href = url;
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<a href="https://github.com/leaningtech/webvm" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none" >
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<li style=" margin-right: 50px; height: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center;">
<a id="loginLink" style="text-decoration: none; cursor:not-allowed;">
<div id="networkStatus" style="color: grey; font-family: montserrat; font-weight: 700; font-size: large;">Tailscale Login</div>
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<div style="flex-grow:1; height:100%;display:inline-block;margin:0;" class="scrollbar" id="console">
//Utility namespace to group all functionality related to printing (both error and non error) messages
const color= "\x1b[1;35m";
const bold= "\x1b[1;37m";
const underline= "\x1b[94;4m";
const normal= "\x1b[0m";
var printOnTerm = {
getAsciiTitle: function ()
var title = [
color + " __ __ _ __ ____ __ " + normal,
color + " \\ \\ / /__| |_\\ \\ / / \\/ | " + normal,
color + " \\ \\/\\/ / -_) '_ \\ V /| |\\/| | " + normal,
color + " \\_/\\_/\\___|_.__/\\_/ |_| |_| " + normal,
return title;
getAsciiText: function ()
var text = [
"| |",
"| WebVM is a server-less virtual Linux environment running fully client-side |",
"| in HTML5/WebAssembly. |",
"| |",
"| WebVM is powered by the CheerpX virtualization engine, which enables safe, |",
"| sandboxed client-side execution of x86 binaries on any browser. |",
"| |",
"| CheerpX includes an x86-to-WebAssembly JIT compiler, a virtual block-based |",
"| file system, and a Linux syscall emulator. Read more about WebVM at |",
"| "+ underline + "https://leaningtech.com/webvm" + normal + " |",
"| |",
"| [NEW!] WebVM now supports full TCP and UDP networking via Tailscale, click |",
"| on Tailscale Login to enable it. Read the announcement: |",
"| |",
"| " + underline + "https://leaningtech.com/webvm-virtual-machine-with-networking-via-tailscale" + normal +"|",
"| |",
" Welcome to WebVM (build CX_VERSION). If unsure, try these examples:",
" python3 examples/python3/fibonacci.py ",
" gcc -o helloworld examples/c/helloworld.c && ./helloworld",
" objdump -d ./helloworld | less -M",
" vim examples/c/helloworld.c",
" curl --max-time 15 parrot.live # requires networking",
return text;
getSharedArrayBufferMissingMessage: function ()
const text = [
color + "CheerpX could not start" + normal,
"CheerpX depends on JavaScript's SharedArrayBuffer, that your browser",
" does not support.",
"SharedArrayBuffer is currently enabled by default on recent",
" versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari.",
"Give it a try from another browser!",
return text;
getErrorMessage: function (error_message)
const text = [
color + "CheerpX could not start" + normal,
"CheerpX internal error message is:",
"CheerpX is expected to work with recent desktop versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari",
"Give it a try from a desktop version / another browser!",
return text;
printMessage: function (text) {
for (var i=0; i<text.length; i++)
printError: function (message)
function writeCustom(something)
var consoleDiv = document.getElementById("console");
//xterm.js related logic
var term = new Terminal({cursorBlink:true,convertEol:true, fontFamily:"monospace", fontWeight: 400, fontWeightBold: 700});
var fitAddon = new FitAddon.FitAddon();
window.addEventListener("resize", function(ev){fitAddon.fit();}, false);
var cxReadFunc = null;
function writeData(buf)
term.write(new Uint8Array(buf));
function readData(str)
if(cxReadFunc == null)
for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++)
//Actual CheerpX and bash specific logic
function runBash()
const structure = {
name: "bash",
cmd: "/bin/bash",
args: ["--login"],
env: ["HOME=/home/user", "TERM=xterm", "USER=user", "SHELL=/bin/bash", "EDITOR=vim", "LANG=en_US.UTF-8", "LC_ALL=C"],
expectedPrompt: ">",
versionOpt: "--version",
comment_line: "#",
description_line: "The original Bourne Again SHell",
if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer === "undefined")
async function runTest(cx)
async function cxLogAndRun(cheerpx, cmd, args, env)
await cheerpx.run(cmd, args, env);
printOnTerm.printMessage(" ");
cxReadFunc = cx.setCustomConsole(writeData, term.cols, term.rows);
function preventDefaults (e) {
consoleDiv.addEventListener("dragover", preventDefaults, false);
consoleDiv.addEventListener("dragenter", preventDefaults, false);
consoleDiv.addEventListener("dragleave", preventDefaults, false);
consoleDiv.addEventListener("drop", preventDefaults, false);
var opts = {env:structure.env, cwd:"/home/user"};
while (true)
await cxLogAndRun(cx, structure.cmd, structure.args, opts);
function failCallback(err)
CheerpXApp.create({devices:[{type:"block",url:"https://disks.leaningtech.com/webvm_20221004.ext2",name:"block1"}],mounts:[{type:"ext2",dev:"block1",path:"/"},{type:"cheerpOS",dev:"/app",path:"/app"},{type:"cheerpOS",dev:"/str",path:"/data"},{type:"devs",dev:"",path:"/dev"}], networkInterface}).then(runTest, failCallback);
function initialMessage()
term.registerLinkMatcher(/https:\/\/medium\.com\/p\/40a60170b361/, function(mouseEvent, matchedString) {
window.open(matchedString, "_blank")
term.registerLinkMatcher(/https:\/\/github.com\/leaningtech\/webvm/, function(mouseEvent, matchedString) {
window.open(matchedString, "_blank")
term.registerLinkMatcher(/https:\/\/discord.leaningtech.com/, function(mouseEvent, matchedString) {
window.open(matchedString, "_blank")
console.log("Welcome. We appreciate curiosity, but be warned that keeping the DevTools open causes significant performance degradation and crashes.");
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
var cxFile = "https://cheerpxdemos.leaningtech.com/publicdeploy/CX_VERSION/cx.js";
script.src = cxFile;
script.addEventListener("load", runBash, false);
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