--- name: Bug report title: 'Bug title for [appname]' about: Report a bug encountered while using websoft9's product labels: bug --- **Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. ## Deployment method - [ ] subscription image from MarketPlace of Cloud - [ ] All-in-one Installer - [ ] ansible-playbook cli - [ ] mcloud - [ ] create instance from private image ## Bug source - [ ] Bugs from installation - [ ] Bugs from first use - [ ] Other (You should describe it) ## System Environment **Application Version** e.g v4.5 **OS** - [ ] Ubuntu18.x - [ ] Ubuntu20.x - [ ] Ubuntu22.x - [ ] CentOS7.x - [ ] CentOS8.x - [ ] AmazonLinux2 - [ ] OracleLinux7.8 - [ ] OracleLinux8.2 - [ ] Other (You should describe it) **Cloud PlatForm** - [ ] Azure - [ ] Aws - [ ] 阿里云 - [ ] 腾讯云 - [ ] 华为云 - [ ] AlibabaCloud - [ ] HUWEICloud - [ ] Other (You should describe it) ## Bug reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. Scroll down to '....' 4. See error ## Bug reports ### Bug Context Bug context includes bug error, error logs and service status, it is very important for resolving issue ``` # bug error (paste here) # service status (paste here) # error logs (paste here) ``` ### Bug Screenshot paste screenshot here ## Your suggestion **The reason of Bug** You can describe the reason if you have found it **Your solution for Bug** You can describe your solution here **Additional context** You can add any other context about the problem here.