Websoft9/docker-influxdata Docker Compose to deploy InfluxData in production public, fork 2021-08-17T01:03:13Z
Websoft9/docker-guacamole Docker Compose to deploy Apache Guacamole Server public, fork 2021-08-17T01:03:10Z
Websoft9/docker-gitlab Docker Compose to deploy Gitlab in production public, fork 2021-08-17T01:02:58Z
Websoft9/docker-bigbluebutton Docker files for BigBlueButton public, fork 2021-08-17T01:02:55Z
Websoft9/docker-cmak CMAK (previous known as Kafka Manager) As Docker Image public, fork 2021-08-17T01:02:55Z
Websoft9/docker-drupal Docker Compose to deploy Drupal in production public, fork 2021-08-17T01:02:55Z
Websoft9/docker-logstash Docker Compose to deploy Logstash in production public, fork 2021-08-16T08:33:27Z
Websoft9/docker-redash Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data. public, fork 2021-08-13T12:55:12Z
Websoft9/docker-squid Docker Compose to deploy Squid in production public 2021-08-13T07:44:21Z
Websoft9/ansible-lamp Automatic installation for LAMP on Linux public 2021-08-12T06:20:20Z
Websoft9/docker-tinyproxy public 2021-08-11T10:13:51Z
Websoft9/role_rethinkdb Install RethinkDB on Linux public 2021-08-11T06:47:43Z
Websoft9/role_elasticsearch public 2021-08-10T10:15:28Z
Websoft9/role_init Initialization And Random Password public 2021-08-10T09:45:10Z
Websoft9/role_nginx Install Nginx and configure vhost public 2021-08-10T09:02:49Z
Websoft9/recruitment Websoft9 人才招募 public 2021-08-09T03:03:31Z
Websoft9/docker-zammad Zammad Docker images for docker-compose public, fork 2021-08-07T08:03:05Z
Websoft9/docker-rancher public 2021-08-06T04:27:07Z
Websoft9/docker-awx Docker Compose to deploy AWX in production public, fork 2021-08-05T01:07:23Z
Websoft9/role_common common role public 2021-08-03T03:53:30Z
Websoft9/googlecloud-platform public 2021-07-29T03:47:43Z
Websoft9/role_ruby public 2021-07-28T07:18:26Z
Websoft9/role_kibana ELK kibana public 2021-07-28T03:33:51Z
Websoft9/docker-seafile Docker Compose to deploy Seafile in production public, fork 2021-07-26T08:13:15Z
Websoft9/docker-onlyofficedocs Docker Compose to deploy OLYOFFICE Docs in production public, fork 2021-07-23T08:02:00Z
Websoft9/docker-codeserver Docker Compose to deploy CodesServer in production public, fork 2021-07-23T06:27:27Z
Websoft9/role_apache public 2021-07-22T08:53:28Z
Websoft9/docker-akeneo Docker Compose to deploy Akeneo in production public, fork 2021-07-22T04:10:48Z
Websoft9/role_mariadb public 2021-07-21T10:03:05Z
Websoft9/role_postgresql Install PostgreSQL and configure it public 2021-07-21T08:23:12Z
Websoft9/role_tomcat Install Tomcat public 2021-07-20T06:04:33Z
Websoft9/docker-zabbix Docker Compose to deploy Zabbix in production public, fork 2021-07-20T05:51:53Z
Websoft9/docker-kibana Docker Compose to deploy Kibana in production public 2021-07-20T05:51:45Z
Websoft9/docker-memadmin Memcached admin for docker public, fork 2021-07-20T05:51:44Z
Websoft9/docker-redmine Docker Compose to deploy Redmine in production public, fork 2021-07-20T05:51:36Z
Websoft9/docker-countly Docker Compose to deploy Sever in production public, fork 2021-07-20T05:51:21Z
Websoft9/docker-elasticsearch Docker Compose to deploy Elasticsearch in production public, fork 2021-07-20T05:51:12Z
Websoft9/role_php public 2021-07-19T07:44:35Z
Websoft9/role_oracledb public 2021-07-16T06:25:08Z
Websoft9/role_memcached public 2021-06-30T06:20:46Z
Websoft9/9panel 9Panel是由Websoft9自主研发的镜像可视化安装向导工具 public 2021-06-25T09:40:18Z
Websoft9/huaweicloud-platform Using the Images of Websoft9, you should have some skills on HUAWEI CLOUD public 2021-06-25T09:18:52Z
Websoft9/win-ansible-template Ansible repository template for Windows of Websoft9 public 2021-06-19T10:11:58Z
Websoft9/websoft9.github.io All html docs of Websoft9 public 2021-06-19T10:11:52Z
Websoft9/role_wkhtmltopdf Docker Compose to deploy WkhtmltoPDF in production public 2021-06-19T10:11:42Z
Websoft9/role_uwsgi public 2021-06-19T10:11:34Z
Websoft9/role_tools Useful tools for application public 2021-06-19T10:11:30Z
Websoft9/role_tomcat-nginx public 2021-06-19T10:11:27Z
Websoft9/role_template template for module role public 2021-06-19T10:11:19Z
Websoft9/role_sqlite public 2021-06-19T10:11:15Z
Websoft9/role_runtime public 2021-06-19T10:11:11Z
Websoft9/role_preend public 2021-06-19T10:10:47Z
Websoft9/role_passenger Install Passenger open source with Nginx or Apache public 2021-06-19T10:10:35Z
Websoft9/role_lnmp role_lnmp public 2021-06-19T10:09:54Z
Websoft9/role_lamp role_lamp public 2021-06-19T10:09:50Z
Websoft9/role_kafka Automatic Kafka installation public 2021-06-19T10:09:47Z
Websoft9/role_jetty public 2021-06-19T10:09:43Z
Websoft9/role_jdk Install JDK&JRE on Linux public 2021-06-19T10:09:39Z
Websoft9/role_inotify_watch public 2021-06-19T10:09:35Z
Websoft9/role_end role_end public 2021-06-19T10:09:23Z
Websoft9/role_caddy public 2021-06-19T10:09:04Z
Websoft9/mgithub Github 批量管理工具,基于 GitHub CLI, Git public 2021-06-19T10:08:51Z
Websoft9/docker-collabora Collabora Online is a collaborative online office suite based on LibreOffice technology. This is also the source for the Collabora Office apps for iOS and Android. public, fork 2021-06-19T09:45:49Z
Websoft9/azure-platform Using the Images of Websoft9, you should have some skills on Azure public 2021-06-19T09:44:58Z
Websoft9/aws-platform Using the Images of Websoft9, you should have some skills on AWS CLOUD public 2021-06-19T09:44:55Z
Websoft9/alibabacloud-platform Using the Images of Websoft9, you should have some skills on Alibaba CLOUD public 2021-06-19T09:44:51Z
Websoft9/ansible-alldocs public 2021-06-17T11:43:03Z
Websoft9/role_9panel public 2021-04-23T06:42:14Z
Websoft9/doc-faq The most common guide for user, including cloud service use, account password, etc. public 2021-04-20T08:37:12Z
Websoft9/mpackage Auto build rpm/deb packges public 2021-01-19T06:34:09Z
Websoft9/win-ansible-phpstudy public 2020-11-11T07:01:09Z
Websoft9/win-ansible-xampp 待研发 public 2020-11-11T07:00:01Z
Websoft9/windows Windows云服务器其运维指南,以及一些有用的小工具 public 2020-11-11T06:59:22Z
Websoft9/win-ansible-wampserver WampServer自动化安装脚本 public 2020-11-11T06:58:06Z
Websoft9/win-ansible-dotnet .net public 2020-11-11T06:51:40Z
Websoft9/win_ansible_phpstudy Install ansible on windows server public 2020-11-11T06:49:07Z
Websoft9/win_ansible_wamp public 2020-11-11T06:47:27Z
Websoft9/tencentcloud-platform 腾讯云平台文档 public 2020-11-11T06:46:00Z