const wrapper = document.querySelector(".wrapper"), inputPart = wrapper.querySelector(".input-part"), infoTxt = inputPart.querySelector(".info-txt"), inputField = inputPart.querySelector("input"), locationBtn = inputPart.querySelector("button"), wIcon = wrapper.querySelector(".weather-part img"), arrowBack = wrapper.querySelector("header i"); const apiKey = "ADD_API_KEY"; let api; inputField.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { if (e.key == "Enter" && inputField.value != "") { requestApi(inputField.value); } }); locationBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { if (navigator.geolocation) { //if browser supports geolocation navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError); } else { alert("your browser does not support geolocation api"); } }); function onSuccess(position) { const { latitude, longitude } = position.coords; //getting latitue and longitude of use device from coords obj api = `${latitude}&lon=${longitude}&units=metric&appid=${apiKey}`; fecthData(); } function onError(error) { infoTxt.innerText = error.message; infoTxt.classList.add("error"); } function requestApi(city) { api = `${city}&units=metric&appid=${apiKey}`; fecthData(); } function fecthData() { infoTxt.innerText = "Getting Weather details...."; infoTxt.classList.add("pending"); // getting api response and returning it with parsing into js obj and in another // then function calling weatherDetails() with passing api result as an argument fetch(api) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((result) => weatherDetails(result)); } function weatherDetails(info) { if (info.cod == "404") { infoTxt.innerText = `${inputField.value} isn't a valid city name`; infoTxt.classList.replace("pending", "error"); } else { // lets gets const city =; const country =; const { description, id } =[0]; const { feels_like, humidity, temp } = info.main; if (id == 800) { wIcon.src = "/clear.svg"; } else if (id >= 200 && id <= 232) { wIcon.src = "/storm.svg"; } else if (id >= 600 && id <= 622) { wIcon.src = "/snow.svg"; } else if (id >= 701 && id <= 781) { wIcon.src = "/haze.svg"; } else if (id >= 801 && id <= 804) { wIcon.src = "/cloud.svg"; } else if ((id >= 500 && id <= 531) || (id >= 300 && id <= 321)) { wIcon.src = "/rain.svg"; } // lets pass thes values to partivular html element wrapper.querySelector(".temp .numb").innerText = Math.floor(temp); wrapper.querySelector(".weather").innerText = description; wrapper.querySelector(".location span").innerText = `${city}, ${country}`; wrapper.querySelector(".temp .numb-2").innerText = Math.floor(feels_like); wrapper.querySelector(".humidity span").innerText = `${humidity}%`; infoTxt.classList.remove("pending", "error"); wrapper.classList.add("active"); console.log("info", info); } } arrowBack.addEventListener("click", () => { wrapper.classList.remove("active"); });