2024-04-29 17:07:32 +01:00

102 lines
5.8 KiB

<?php declare( strict_types = 1 ); ?>
* Title: speakers
* Slug: foam/speakers
* Categories: text
* Inserter: yes
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<figure class="wp-block-image size-full is-resized is-style-rounded"><img src="<?php echo esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ); ?>/speaker_1.webp" alt="" width="120" height="120"/></figure>
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<!-- wp:heading {"fontSize":"medium"} -->
<h2 class="wp-block-heading has-medium-font-size"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Mark Stu', 'foam' ); ?></h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p><?php echo esc_html__( 'An influential voice in cybersecurity, Mark Stu will address the evolving challenges of online security and the need for inclusive strategies to safeguard digital infrastructure, protecting individuals and organizations from cyber threats.', 'foam' ); ?></p>
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<figure class="wp-block-image size-full is-resized is-style-rounded"><img src="<?php echo esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ); ?>/speaker_6.webp" alt="" class="wp-image-60" width="120" height="120"/></figure>
<!-- /wp:image -->
<!-- wp:heading {"fontSize":"medium"} -->
<h2 class="wp-block-heading has-medium-font-size"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Rita Verma', 'foam' ); ?></h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p><?php echo esc_html__( 'A leading expert in digital marketing and consumer behavior, Verma will explore the power of inclusive marketing strategies and how businesses can effectively engage diverse audiences in the digital era.', 'foam' ); ?></p>
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<figure class="wp-block-image size-full is-resized is-style-rounded"><img src="<?php echo esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ); ?>/speaker_3.webp" alt="" class="wp-image-61" width="120" height="120"/></figure>
<!-- /wp:image -->
<!-- wp:heading {"fontSize":"medium"} -->
<h2 class="wp-block-heading has-medium-font-size"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Kendall Ramirez', 'foam' ); ?></h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p><?php echo esc_html__( 'A respected expert in human-computer interaction, Kendall Ramirez will explore the principles of inclusive design, emphasizing the need to create digital experiences that are accessible and user-friendly for individuals of all abilities.', 'foam' ); ?></p>
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<!-- wp:heading {"fontSize":"medium"} -->
<h2 class="wp-block-heading has-medium-font-size"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Dr. Isabelle Khan', 'foam' ); ?></h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p><?php echo esc_html__( 'A trailblazer in the field of virtual reality, Dr. Khan will delve into the ways VR can be harnessed for educational purposes, focusing on inclusivity in VR experiences and the democratization of knowledge.', 'foam' ); ?></p>
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<!-- /wp:image -->
<!-- wp:heading {"fontSize":"medium"} -->
<h2 class="wp-block-heading has-medium-font-size"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Alex Wong', 'foam' ); ?></h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p><?php echo esc_html__( 'A prominent figure in the world of venture capital, Alex Wong will shed light on the importance of diversity and inclusion in investment decisions, promoting equity and providing opportunities for underrepresented founders.', 'foam' ); ?></p>
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<figure class="wp-block-image size-full is-resized is-style-rounded"><img src="<?php echo esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ); ?>/speaker_5.webp" alt="" class="wp-image-59" width="120" height="120"/></figure>
<!-- /wp:image -->
<!-- wp:heading {"fontSize":"medium"} -->
<h2 class="wp-block-heading has-medium-font-size"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Robert Nguyen', 'foam' ); ?></h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p><?php echo esc_html__( 'A pioneer in the field of augmented reality, Robert Nguyen will showcase the potential of AR technologies in creating inclusive and immersive digital experiences, revolutionizing industries such as education, healthcare, and entertainment.', 'foam' ); ?></p>
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