
783 lines
22 KiB

import { spawn } from 'child_process';
import fs from 'fs';
import open from 'open';
import inquirer from 'inquirer';
const remoteSSH = 'wpcom-sandbox';
const sandboxPublicThemesFolder = '/home/wpdev/public_html/wp-content/themes/pub';
const sandboxRootFolder = '/home/wpdev/public_html/';
const isWin = process.platform === 'win32';
(async function start() {
let args = process.argv.slice(2);
let command = args?.[0];
switch (command) {
case "push-button-deploy-git": return pushButtonDeploy('git');
case "push-button-deploy-svn": return pushButtonDeploy('svn');
case "clean-sandbox-git": return cleanSandboxGit();
case "clean-sandbox-svn": return cleanSandboxSvn();
case "clean-all-sandbox-git": return cleanAllSandboxGit();
case "clean-all-sandbox-svn": return cleanAllSandboxSvn();
case "push-to-sandbox": return pushToSandbox();
case "push-changes-to-sandbox": return pushChangesToSandbox();
case "version-bump-themes": return versionBumpThemes();
case "land-diff-git": return landChangesGit(args?.[1]);
case "land-diff-svn": return landChangesSvn(args?.[1]);
case "deploy-preview": return deployPreview();
case "deploy-theme": return deployThemes([args?.[1]]);
case "build-com-zip": return buildComZip([args?.[1]]);
return showHelp();
function showHelp(){
// TODO: make this helpful
console.log('Help info can go here');
Determine what changes would be deployed
async function deployPreview() {
console.log('To ensure accuracy clean your sandbox before previewing. (It is not automatically done).');
console.log('npm run sandbox:clean:git OR npm run sandbox:clean:svn')
let message = await checkForDeployability();
if (message) {
let hash = await getLastDeployedHash();
console.log(`Last deployed hash: ${hash}`);
let changedThemes = await getChangedThemes(hash);
console.log(`The following themes have changes:\n${changedThemes}`);
let logs = await executeCommand(`git log --reverse --pretty=format:%s ${hash}..HEAD`);
console.log(`\n\nCommit log of changes to be deployed:\n\n${logs}\n\n`);
Execute the first phase of a deployment.
Leverages git on the sandbox.
* Gets the last deployed hash from the sandbox
* Version bump all themes have have changes since the last deployment
* Commit the version bump change to github
* Clean the sandbox and ensure it is up-to-date
* Push all changed files (including removal of deleted files) since the last deployment
* Update the 'last deployed' hash on the sandbox
* Create a phabricator diff based on the changes since the last deployment. The description including the commit messages since the last deployment.
* Open the Phabricator Diff in your browser
* Create a tag in the github repository at this point of change which includes the phabricator link in the description
async function pushButtonDeploy(repoType) {
let prompt = await inquirer.prompt([{
type: 'confirm',
message: 'You are about to deploy /trunk. Are you ready to continue?',
name: "continue",
default: false
if (repoType != 'svn' && repoType != 'git' ) {
return console.log('Specify a repo type to use push-button deploy');
let message = await checkForDeployability();
if (message) {
return console.log(`\n\n${message}\n\n`);
try {
if (repoType === 'git' ) {
await cleanSandboxGit();
else {
await cleanSandboxSvn();
let hash = await getLastDeployedHash();
let diffUrl;
await versionBumpThemes();
let changedThemes = await getChangedThemes(hash);
await pushChangesToSandbox();
await updateLastDeployedHash();
if (repoType === 'git' ) {
diffUrl = await createGitPhabricatorDiff(hash);
else {
diffUrl = await createSvnPhabricatorDiff(hash);
let diffId = diffUrl.split('')[1];
//push changes (from version bump)
await executeCommand('git push');
await tagDeployment({
hash: hash,
diffId: diffId
console.log(`\n\nPhase One Complete\n\nYour sandbox has been updated and the diff is available for review.\nPlease give your sandbox a smoke test to determine that the changes work as expected.\nThe following themes have had changes: \n\n${changedThemes.join(' ')}\n\n\n`);
prompt = await inquirer.prompt([{
type: 'confirm',
message: 'Are you ready to land these changes?',
name: "continue",
default: false
console.log(`Aborted Automated Deploy Process Landing Phase\n\nYou will have to land these changes manually. The ID of the diff to land: ${diffId}` );
if (repoType === 'git' ) {
await landChangesGit(diffId);
else {
await landChangesSvn(diffId);
await deployThemes(changedThemes);
await buildComZips(changedThemes);
console.log(`The following themes have changed:\n${changedThemes.join('\n')}`)
console.log('\n\nAll Done!!\n\n');
catch (err) {
console.log("ERROR with deply script: ", err);
Build .zip file for .com
async function buildComZip(themeSlug) {
console.log( `Building ${themeSlug} .zip` );
let styleCss = fs.readFileSync(`${themeSlug}/style.css`, 'utf8');
// Gets the theme version (Version:) and minimum WP version (Tested up to:) from the theme's style.css
let themeVersion = getThemeMetadata(styleCss, 'Version');
let wpVersionCompat = getThemeMetadata(styleCss, 'Tested up to');
if (themeVersion && wpVersionCompat) {
await executeOnSandbox(`php ${sandboxRootFolder}bin/themes/theme-downloads/build-theme-zip.php --stylesheet=pub/${themeSlug} --themeversion=${themeVersion} --wpversioncompat=${wpVersionCompat}`, true);
else {
console.log('Unable to build theme .zip.');
if (!themeVersion) {
console.log('Could not find theme version (Version:) in the theme style.css.');
if (!wpVersionCompat) {
console.log('Could not find WP compat version (Tested up to:) in the theme style.css.');
console.log('Please build the .zip file for the theme manually.', themeSlug);
async function buildComZips(themes) {
for ( let theme of themes ) {
await buildComZip(theme);
Check to ensure that:
* The current branch is /trunk
* That trunk is up-to-date with origin/trunk
async function checkForDeployability(){
let branchName = await executeCommand('git symbolic-ref --short HEAD');
if(branchName !== 'trunk' ) {
return 'Only the /trunk branch can be deployed.';
await executeCommand('git remote update', true);
let localMasterHash = await executeCommand('git rev-parse trunk')
let remoteMasterHash = await executeCommand('git rev-parse origin/trunk')
if(localMasterHash !== remoteMasterHash) {
return 'Local /trunk is out-of-date. Pull changes to continue.'
return null;
Land the changes from the given diff ID. This is the "production merge".
This is the git version of that action.
async function landChangesGit(diffId){
return await executeOnSandbox(`cd ${sandboxPublicThemesFolder};arc patch ${diffId};arc land;exit;`, true, true);
Land the changes from the given diff ID. This is the "production merge".
This is the svn version of that action.
async function landChangesSvn(diffId){
return await executeOnSandbox(`
cd ${sandboxPublicThemesFolder};
svn ci -m ${diffId}
`, true );
async function getChangedThemes(hash) {
console.log('Determining all changed themes');
let themes = await getActionableThemes();
let changedThemes = [];
for (let theme of themes) {
let hasChanges = await checkThemeForChanges(theme, hash);
return changedThemes;
Deploy a collection of themes.
Part of the push-button-deploy process.
Can also be triggered to deploy a single theme with the command:
node ./theme-utils.mjs deploy-theme THEMENAME
async function deployThemes( themes ) {
let response;
for ( let theme of themes ) {
console.log( `Deploying ${theme}` );
let deploySuccess = false;
let attempt = 0;
while ( ! deploySuccess) {
console.log(`\nattempt #${attempt}\n\n`);
response = await executeOnSandbox( `deploy pub ${theme};exit;`, true, true );
deploySuccess = response.includes( 'successfully deployed to' );
if( ! deploySuccess ) {
console.log( 'Deploy was not successful. Trying again in 10 seconds...' );
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10000));
else {
console.log( "Deploy successful." );
Provide the hash of the last managed deployment.
This hash is used to determine all the changes that have happened between that point and the current point.
async function getLastDeployedHash() {
let result = await executeOnSandbox(`
cat ${sandboxPublicThemesFolder}/.pub-git-hash
return result;
Update the 'last deployed hash' on the server with the current hash.
async function updateLastDeployedHash() {
let hash = await executeCommand(`git rev-parse HEAD`);
await executeOnSandbox(`
echo '${hash}' > ${sandboxPublicThemesFolder}/.pub-git-hash
Version bump (increment version patch) any theme project that has had changes since the last deployment.
If a theme's version has already been changed since that last deployment then do not version bump it.
If any theme projects have had a version bump also version bump the parent project.
Commit the change.
async function versionBumpThemes() {
console.log("Version Bumping");
let themes = await getActionableThemes();
let hash = await getLastDeployedHash();
let versionBumpCount = 0;
for (let theme of themes) {
let hasChanges = await checkThemeForChanges(theme, hash);
if( ! hasChanges){
// console.log(`${theme} has no changes`);
let hasVersionBump = await checkThemeForVersionBump(theme, hash);
if( hasVersionBump ){
await versionBumpTheme(theme);
//version bump the root project if there were changes to any of the themes
let rootHasVersionBump = await checkThemeForVersionBump('.', hash);
if ( versionBumpCount > 0 && ! rootHasVersionBump ) {
await executeCommand(`npm version patch --no-git-tag-version`);
if (versionBumpCount > 0) {
console.log('commiting version-bump');
await executeCommand(`
git commit -a -m "Version Bump";
`, true);
function getThemeMetadata(styleCss, attribute) {
if ( !styleCss || !attribute ) {
return null;
switch ( attribute ) {
case 'Version':
return styleCss
.replace('-wpcom', '');
case 'Tested up to':
return styleCss
.match(/(?<=Tested up to:\s*).*?(?=\s*\r?\n|\rg)/gs);
Version Bump a Theme.
Used by versionBumpThemes to do the work of version bumping.
First increment the patch version in style.css
Then update any of these files with the new version: [package.json, style.scss, style-child-theme.scss]
async function versionBumpTheme(theme){
console.log(`${theme} needs a version bump`);
await executeCommand(`perl -pi -e 's/Version: ((\\d+\\.)*)(\\d+)(.*)$/"Version: ".$1.($3+1).$4/ge' ${theme}/style.css`, true);
let styleCss = fs.readFileSync(`${theme}/style.css`, 'utf8');
let currentVersion = getThemeMetadata(styleCss, 'Version');
let filesToUpdate = await executeCommand(`find ${theme} -name package.json -o -name style.scss -o -name style-child-theme.scss -maxdepth 2`);
filesToUpdate = filesToUpdate.split('\n').filter(item => item != '');
for ( let file of filesToUpdate ) {
await executeCommand(`perl -pi -e 's/Version: (.*)$/"Version: '${currentVersion}'"/ge' ${file}`);
await executeCommand(`perl -pi -e 's/\\"version\\": (.*)$/"\\"version\\": \\"'${currentVersion}'\\","/ge' ${file}`);
Determine if a theme has had a version bump since a given hash.
Used by versionBumpThemes
Compares the value of 'version' in style.css between the hash and current value
async function checkThemeForVersionBump(theme, hash){
return executeCommand(`
git show ${hash}:${theme}/style.css 2>/dev/null
.catch( ( error ) => {
//This is a new theme, no need to bump versions so we'll just say we've already done it
return true;
} )
.then( ( previousStyleString ) => {
if( previousStyleString === true) {
return previousStyleString;
let previousVersion = getThemeMetadata(previousStyleString, 'Version');
let styleCss = fs.readFileSync(`${theme}/style.css`, 'utf8');
let currentVersion = getThemeMetadata(styleCss, 'Version');
return previousVersion != currentVersion;
Determine if a theme has had changes since a given hash.
Used by versionBumpThemes
async function checkThemeForChanges(theme, hash){
let uncomittedChanges = await executeCommand(`git diff-index --name-only HEAD -- ${theme}`);
let comittedChanges = await executeCommand(`git diff --name-only ${hash} HEAD -- ${theme}`);
return uncomittedChanges != '' || comittedChanges != '';
Provide a list of 'actionable' themes (those themes that have style.css files)
async function getActionableThemes() {
let result = await executeCommand(`for d in */; do
if test -f "./$d/style.css"; then
echo $d;
return result
.map(item=>item.replace('/', ''));
Clean the theme sandbox.
Assumes sandbox is in 'git' mode
checkout origin/develop and ensure it's up-to-date.
Remove any other changes.
async function cleanSandboxGit() {
console.log('Cleaning the Themes Sandbox');
await executeOnSandbox(`
cd ${sandboxPublicThemesFolder};
git reset --hard HEAD;
git clean -fd;
git checkout develop;
git pull;
git status
`, true);
console.log('All done cleaning.');
Clean the entire sandbox.
Assumes sandbox is in 'git' mode
checkout origin/develop and ensure it's up-to-date.
Remove any other changes.
async function cleanAllSandboxGit() {
console.log('Cleaning the Entire Sandbox');
let response = await executeOnSandbox(`
cd ${sandboxRootFolder};
git reset --hard HEAD;
git clean -fd;
git checkout develop;
git pull;
git status
`, true);
console.log('All done cleaning.');
Clean the theme sandbox.
Assumes sandbox is in 'svn' mode
ensure trunk is up-to-date
Remove any other changes
async function cleanSandboxSvn() {
console.log('Cleaning the theme sandbox');
await executeOnSandbox(`
cd ${sandboxPublicThemesFolder};
svn revert -R .;
svn cleanup --remove-unversioned;
svn up;
`, true);
console.log('All done cleaning.');
Clean the entire sandbox.
Assumes sandbox is in 'svn' mode
ensure trunk is up-to-date
Remove any other changes
async function cleanAllSandboxSvn() {
console.log('Cleaning the entire sandbox');
await executeOnSandbox(`
cd ${sandboxRootFolder};
svn revert -R .;
svn cleanup --remove-unversioned;
svn up .;
`, true);
console.log('All done cleaning.');
Push exactly what is here (all files) up to the sandbox (with the exclusion of files noted in .sandbox-ignore)
function pushToSandbox() {
rsync -av --no-p --no-times --exclude-from='.sandbox-ignore' ./ wpcom-sandbox:${sandboxPublicThemesFolder}/
Push only (and every) change since the point-of-diversion from /trunk
Remove files from the sandbox that have been removed since the last deployed hash
async function pushChangesToSandbox() {
console.log("Pushing Changes to Sandbox.");
let hash = await getLastDeployedHash();
let deletedFiles = await getDeletedFilesSince(hash);
let changedFiles = await getComittedChangesSinceHash(hash);
//remove deleted files from changed files
changedFiles = changedFiles.filter( item => {
return false === deletedFiles.includes(item);
if(deletedFiles.length > 0) {
console.log('deleting from sandbox: ', deletedFiles);
await executeOnSandbox(`
cd ${sandboxPublicThemesFolder};
rm -f ${deletedFiles.join(' ')}
`, true);
if(changedFiles.length > 0) {
console.log('pushing changed files to sandbox:', changedFiles);
await executeCommand(`
rsync -avR --no-p --no-times --exclude-from='.sandbox-ignore' ${changedFiles.join(' ')} wpcom-sandbox:${sandboxPublicThemesFolder}/
`, true);
Provide a collection of all files that have changed since the given hash.
Used by pushChangesToSandbox
async function getComittedChangesSinceHash(hash) {
let comittedChanges = await executeCommand(`git diff ${hash} HEAD --name-only`);
comittedChanges = comittedChanges.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, " ").split(" ");
let uncomittedChanges = await executeCommand(`git diff HEAD --name-only`);
uncomittedChanges = uncomittedChanges.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, " ").split(" ");
return comittedChanges.concat(uncomittedChanges);
Provide a collection of all files that have been deleted since the given hash.
Used by pushChangesToSandbox
async function getDeletedFilesSince(hash){
let deletedSinceHash = await executeCommand(`
git log --format=format:"" --name-only -M100% --diff-filter=D ${hash}..HEAD
deletedSinceHash = deletedSinceHash.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, " ").trim().split(" ");
let deletedAndUncomitted = await executeCommand(`
git diff HEAD --name-only --diff-filter=D
deletedAndUncomitted = deletedAndUncomitted.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, " ").trim().split(" ");
return deletedSinceHash.concat(deletedAndUncomitted).filter( item => {
return item != '';
Build the Phabricator commit message.
This message contains the logs from all of the commits since the given hash.
Used by create*PhabricatorDiff
async function buildPhabricatorCommitMessageSince(hash){
let projectVersion = await executeCommand(`node -p "require('./package.json').version"`);
let logs = await executeCommand(`git log --reverse --pretty=format:%s ${hash}..HEAD`);
return `Deploy Themes ${projectVersion} to wpcom
Test Plan: Execute Smoke Test
Create a (git) Phabricator diff from a given hash.
Open the phabricator diff in your browser.
Provide the URL of the phabricator diff.
async function createGitPhabricatorDiff(hash) {
console.log('creating Phabricator Diff');
let commitMessage = await buildPhabricatorCommitMessageSince(hash);
let result = await executeOnSandbox(`
cd ${sandboxPublicThemesFolder};
git branch -D deploy
git checkout -b deploy
git add --all
git commit -m "${commitMessage}"
arc diff --create --verbatim
`, true);
let phabricatorUrl = getPhabricatorUrlFromResponse(result);
console.log('Diff Created at: ', phabricatorUrl);
if(phabricatorUrl) {
return phabricatorUrl;
Create a (svn) Phabricator diff from a given hash.
Open the phabricator diff in your browser.
Provide the URL of the phabricator diff.
async function createSvnPhabricatorDiff(hash) {
console.log('creating Phabricator Diff');
const commitTempFileLocation = '/tmp/theme-deploy-comment.txt';
const commitMessage = await buildPhabricatorCommitMessageSince(hash);
const result = await executeOnSandbox(`
cd ${sandboxPublicThemesFolder};
echo "${commitMessage}" > ${commitTempFileLocation};
svn add --force * --auto-props --parents --depth infinity -q;
svn status | grep "^\!" | sed 's/^\! *//g' | xargs svn rm;
arc diff --create --message-file ${commitTempFileLocation}
`, true);
const phabricatorUrl = getPhabricatorUrlFromResponse(result);
console.log('Diff Created at: ', phabricatorUrl);
if(phabricatorUrl) {
return phabricatorUrl;
Utility to pull the Phabricator URL from the diff creation command.
Used by createGitPhabricatorDiff
function getPhabricatorUrlFromResponse(response){
return response
?.find( item => {
return item.includes('Revision URI: ');
?.split("Revision URI: ")[1];
Create a git tag at the current hash.
In the description include the commit logs since the given hash.
Include the (cleansed) Phabricator link.
async function tagDeployment(options={}) {
let hash = options.hash || await getLastDeployedHash();
let workInTheOpenPhabricatorUrl = '';
if (options.diffId) {
workInTheOpenPhabricatorUrl = `Phabricator: ${options.diffId}-code`;
let projectVersion = await executeCommand(`node -p "require('./package.json').version"`);
let logs = await executeCommand(`git log --reverse --pretty=format:%s ${hash}..HEAD`);
let tag = `v${projectVersion}`;
let message = `Deploy Themes ${tag} to wpcom. \n\n${logs} \n\n${workInTheOpenPhabricatorUrl}`;
await executeCommand(`
git tag -a ${tag} -m "${message}"
git push origin ${tag}
Execute a command on the sandbox.
Expects the following to be configured in your ~/.ssh/config file:
Host wpcom-sandbox
User wpdev
ForwardAgent yes
function executeOnSandbox(command, logResponse, enablePsudoterminal){
return executeCommand(`ssh -tt -A ${remoteSSH} << EOF
EOF`, logResponse);
return executeCommand(`ssh -TA ${remoteSSH} << EOF
EOF`, logResponse);
Execute a command locally.
async function executeCommand(command, logResponse) {
return new Promise((resolove, reject) => {
let child;
let response = '';
let errResponse = '';
if (isWin) {
child = spawn('cmd.exe', ['/s', '/c', '"' + command + '"'], {
windowsVerbatimArguments: true,
stdio: [process.stdin, 'pipe', 'pipe'],
} else {
child = spawn(process.env.SHELL, ['-c', command]);
child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
response += data;
child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
errResponse += data;
child.on('exit', (code) => {
if (code !== 0) {