const theme = process.argv[ 2 ]; if ( ! theme ) { console.error( '\x1b[41m', 'You must specify a theme!' ); return; } /** * We need a Github personal access token to continue. * * The most robust way is to add an environment variable to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc depending on the shell you're using. To check which shell you're using, run `echo $SHELL` in a terminal. * * The environment variable in your shell rc should look like this: * export THEME_GITHUB_TOKEN= * * Alternatively, you can replace `PUT YOUR ACCESS TOKEN HERE` with the actual access token value. */ const octokit = new Octokit( { auth: process.env.THEME_GITHUB_TOKEN || `PUT YOUR ACCESS TOKEN HERE`, } ); function sleep( ms ) { return new Promise( ( resolve ) => { setTimeout( resolve, ms ); } ); } async function createLabel() { try { await sleep( 1000 ); return await octokit.request( 'POST /repos/Automattic/themes/labels', { name: '[Theme] ' + theme, color: 'c1f4a1', description: 'Automatically generated label for ' + theme + '.', } ); } catch ( error ) { console.log( error ); } } async function createMilestone() { try { await sleep( 1000 ); return await octokit.request( 'POST /repos/Automattic/themes/milestones', { title: theme, description: 'Automatically generated milestone for ' + theme + '.', } ); } catch ( error ) { console.error( '\x1b[41m', 'Milestone already created.' ); } } async function createIssues( milestoneNumber ) { const issues = [ 'Block Patterns', 'Create Base Theme', 'Styles: Colors', 'Styles: Typography — Fonts & Weights', 'Styles: Typography — Sizes & Line Height', 'Styles: Links', 'Styles: Buttons', 'Styles: Layout', 'Styles: Comments', 'Styles: Navigation', 'Styles: Quote', 'Styles: Variations', 'Templates: Search, Category, Tag', 'Templates: 404', 'Templates: Single', 'Templates: Page', 'Templates: Index', 'Templates: Header template part', 'Templates: Footer template part', 'Pre-launch: Screenshot, readme.txt & description', 'Pre-launch: Demo Site', 'Pre-launch: Showcase Entry', 'Pre-launch: Headstart Annotation', ]; issues.forEach( async ( issue ) => { try { await sleep( 1000 ); return await octokit.request( 'POST /repos/Automattic/themes/issues', { title: theme + ': ' + issue, labels: [ '[Theme] ' + theme ], milestone: milestoneNumber, } ); // If you want to automatically add this to the Theme Dev Board, uncomment this. // .then( ( issueData ) => { // addIssueToProject( issueData ); // } ); } catch ( error ) { console.log( error ); } } ); } async function addIssueToProject( issueData ) { try { await sleep( 1000 ); return await octokit.request( 'POST /projects/columns/11021541/cards', { note: null, content_id:, content_url:, content_type: 'Issue', mediaType: { previews: [ 'inertia' ], }, } ); } catch ( error ) { console.log( error ); } } createLabel().then( () => { createMilestone().then( ( milestoneData ) => { const milestoneNumber =; createIssues( milestoneNumber ); } ); } );