# Themes to be ignored when deploying to the WordPress.org theme repository appleton arbutus artly assembler attar awburn azur barnett barnsbury23 beep bennett blank-canvas-3 block-canvas blogorama boxedbio calvin calyx chanson cortado covr craftfully creatio-2 creatio curriculum dorna dos entry epi erma eventual exmoor farrow foam grammerone hall hari heiwa ici indice infield iotix issue jackson kansei kaze kingsley kiosko lativ loic lois luce lynx marl masu meraki messagerie montagna mpho muscat mysa nested nook organizer otis overlaid perenne pieria poesis pomme programme raw reverie ritratto russell screenplay shhh snd spearhead-blocks spiel stage startfit sten strand sunderland tenaz texty the-jazzers the-menu tu twentytwentytwo-blue twentytwentytwo-mint twentytwentytwo-pink twentytwentytwo-red twentytwentytwo-swiss verso vetro winkel xanadu # General paths to be ignored when deploying to the WordPress.org theme repository inc/headstart node_modules package.json .git *.DS_Store *.sh *.map *wpcom* *.zip postcss.config.js