This PR should remove all Headstart Annotations from themes in this repo.
Why? Headstart annotations stored in themes are generated, tested, and sent for translation via WP-CLI scripts running on subversion-ed WordPress sandboxes. I recently updated Headstart annotations for our 20+ recent themes in order to correct some issues in our FSE Plugin and Page Layout feature. When discussing how to get these annotations updated in this themes repo @michaeldcain and came up with two options.
1. Copy-paste back into the affected themes in this repo.
2. Just remove all the Headstart annotations from this repo.
The second option seemed the simplest. It leaves **all** Headstart annotations on "ignore-able" for this GH repo and reduces the chance of Headstart annotations becoming out of date in this GH repo, potentially reducing future errors.
Starting from WordPress 5.2 a new function is added – `wp_body_open()` – that is used to trigger a `wp_body_open` action. The function should be placed inside of the <body> tag immediately after it is opened.
* Update hever for FSE header and footer support. Add CSS column and block margin changes to Varia so that colums can be used to layout header and footer template parts more accurately.
* Remove CSS margin mods that now exist in Varia
* Remove varia mod to match master.
* Bump theme version number to 1.4.0
* Fix margin in FSE header
* Added FSE support to Alves.
* Note: the theme `#masthead` style were preventing the FSE header to be full width as intended. Instead of needlessly overriding the whole `header.php`, I've opted to add a simpler `body:not( .fse-enabled ) #masthead`.
* Update Varia (and the other FSE themes) with FSE improvements:
* Hide the (+) icons when rendering the Template Part block inside the Page editor (especially useful for the Columns block).
* Remove the top margin if the Site Title block is the first child of an editor layout.
* Make sure each column in a Columns block is max width, so that nested FSE blocks can behave as expected.