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// Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Nicola Murino
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Package dataprovider provides data access.
// It abstracts different data providers and exposes a common API.
package dataprovider
import (
passwordvalidator "github.com/wagslane/go-password-validator"
const (
// SQLiteDataProviderName defines the name for SQLite database provider
SQLiteDataProviderName = "sqlite"
// PGSQLDataProviderName defines the name for PostgreSQL database provider
PGSQLDataProviderName = "postgresql"
// MySQLDataProviderName defines the name for MySQL database provider
MySQLDataProviderName = "mysql"
// BoltDataProviderName defines the name for bbolt key/value store provider
BoltDataProviderName = "bolt"
// MemoryDataProviderName defines the name for memory provider
MemoryDataProviderName = "memory"
// CockroachDataProviderName defines the for CockroachDB provider
CockroachDataProviderName = "cockroachdb"
// DumpVersion defines the version for the dump.
// For restore/load we support the current version and the previous one
DumpVersion = 13
argonPwdPrefix = "$argon2id$"
bcryptPwdPrefix = "$2a$"
pbkdf2SHA1Prefix = "$pbkdf2-sha1$"
pbkdf2SHA256Prefix = "$pbkdf2-sha256$"
pbkdf2SHA512Prefix = "$pbkdf2-sha512$"
pbkdf2SHA256B64SaltPrefix = "$pbkdf2-b64salt-sha256$"
md5cryptPwdPrefix = "$1$"
md5cryptApr1PwdPrefix = "$apr1$"
sha256cryptPwdPrefix = "$5$"
sha512cryptPwdPrefix = "$6$"
md5LDAPPwdPrefix = "{MD5}"
trackQuotaDisabledError = "please enable track_quota in your configuration to use this method"
operationAdd = "add"
operationUpdate = "update"
operationDelete = "delete"
sqlPrefixValidChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789"
maxHookResponseSize = 1048576 // 1MB
iso8601UTCFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"
// Supported algorithms for hashing passwords.
// These algorithms can be used when SFTPGo hashes a plain text password
const (
HashingAlgoBcrypt = "bcrypt"
HashingAlgoArgon2ID = "argon2id"
// ordering constants
const (
OrderASC = "ASC"
OrderDESC = "DESC"
const (
protocolSSH = "SSH"
protocolFTP = "FTP"
protocolWebDAV = "DAV"
protocolHTTP = "HTTP"
var (
// SupportedProviders defines the supported data providers
SupportedProviders = []string{SQLiteDataProviderName, PGSQLDataProviderName, MySQLDataProviderName,
BoltDataProviderName, MemoryDataProviderName, CockroachDataProviderName}
// ValidPerms defines all the valid permissions for a user
ValidPerms = []string{PermAny, PermListItems, PermDownload, PermUpload, PermOverwrite, PermCreateDirs, PermRename,
PermRenameFiles, PermRenameDirs, PermDelete, PermDeleteFiles, PermDeleteDirs, PermCreateSymlinks, PermChmod,
PermChown, PermChtimes}
// ValidLoginMethods defines all the valid login methods
ValidLoginMethods = []string{SSHLoginMethodPublicKey, LoginMethodPassword, SSHLoginMethodPassword,
SSHLoginMethodKeyboardInteractive, SSHLoginMethodKeyAndPassword, SSHLoginMethodKeyAndKeyboardInt,
LoginMethodTLSCertificate, LoginMethodTLSCertificateAndPwd}
// SSHMultiStepsLoginMethods defines the supported Multi-Step Authentications
SSHMultiStepsLoginMethods = []string{SSHLoginMethodKeyAndPassword, SSHLoginMethodKeyAndKeyboardInt}
// ErrNoAuthTryed defines the error for connection closed before authentication
ErrNoAuthTryed = errors.New("no auth tryed")
// ErrNotImplemented defines the error for features not supported for a particular data provider
ErrNotImplemented = errors.New("feature not supported with the configured data provider")
// ValidProtocols defines all the valid protcols
ValidProtocols = []string{protocolSSH, protocolFTP, protocolWebDAV, protocolHTTP}
// MFAProtocols defines the supported protocols for multi-factor authentication
MFAProtocols = []string{protocolHTTP, protocolSSH, protocolFTP}
// ErrNoInitRequired defines the error returned by InitProvider if no inizialization/update is required
ErrNoInitRequired = errors.New("the data provider is up to date")
// ErrInvalidCredentials defines the error to return if the supplied credentials are invalid
ErrInvalidCredentials = errors.New("invalid credentials")
// ErrLoginNotAllowedFromIP defines the error to return if login is denied from the current IP
ErrLoginNotAllowedFromIP = errors.New("login is not allowed from this IP")
isAdminCreated atomic.Bool
validTLSUsernames = []string{string(sdk.TLSUsernameNone), string(sdk.TLSUsernameCN)}
config Config
provider Provider
sqlPlaceholders []string
internalHashPwdPrefixes = []string{argonPwdPrefix, bcryptPwdPrefix}
hashPwdPrefixes = []string{argonPwdPrefix, bcryptPwdPrefix, pbkdf2SHA1Prefix, pbkdf2SHA256Prefix,
pbkdf2SHA512Prefix, pbkdf2SHA256B64SaltPrefix, md5cryptPwdPrefix, md5cryptApr1PwdPrefix, md5LDAPPwdPrefix,
sha256cryptPwdPrefix, sha512cryptPwdPrefix}
pbkdfPwdPrefixes = []string{pbkdf2SHA1Prefix, pbkdf2SHA256Prefix, pbkdf2SHA512Prefix, pbkdf2SHA256B64SaltPrefix}
pbkdfPwdB64SaltPrefixes = []string{pbkdf2SHA256B64SaltPrefix}
unixPwdPrefixes = []string{md5cryptPwdPrefix, md5cryptApr1PwdPrefix, sha256cryptPwdPrefix, sha512cryptPwdPrefix}
sharedProviders = []string{PGSQLDataProviderName, MySQLDataProviderName, CockroachDataProviderName}
logSender = "dataprovider"
sqlTableUsers string
sqlTableFolders string
sqlTableUsersFoldersMapping string
sqlTableAdmins string
sqlTableAPIKeys string
sqlTableShares string
sqlTableDefenderHosts string
sqlTableDefenderEvents string
sqlTableActiveTransfers string
sqlTableGroups string
sqlTableUsersGroupsMapping string
sqlTableAdminsGroupsMapping string
sqlTableGroupsFoldersMapping string
sqlTableSharedSessions string
sqlTableEventsActions string
sqlTableEventsRules string
sqlTableRulesActionsMapping string
sqlTableTasks string
sqlTableNodes string
sqlTableSchemaVersion string
argon2Params *argon2id.Params
lastLoginMinDelay = 10 * time.Minute
usernameRegex = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.~]+$")
tempPath string
allowSelfConnections int
fnReloadRules FnReloadRules
fnRemoveRule FnRemoveRule
fnHandleRuleForProviderEvent FnHandleRuleForProviderEvent
func initSQLTables() {
sqlTableUsers = "users"
sqlTableFolders = "folders"
sqlTableUsersFoldersMapping = "users_folders_mapping"
sqlTableAdmins = "admins"
sqlTableAPIKeys = "api_keys"
sqlTableShares = "shares"
sqlTableDefenderHosts = "defender_hosts"
sqlTableDefenderEvents = "defender_events"
sqlTableActiveTransfers = "active_transfers"
sqlTableGroups = "groups"
sqlTableUsersGroupsMapping = "users_groups_mapping"
sqlTableGroupsFoldersMapping = "groups_folders_mapping"
sqlTableAdminsGroupsMapping = "admins_groups_mapping"
sqlTableSharedSessions = "shared_sessions"
sqlTableEventsActions = "events_actions"
sqlTableEventsRules = "events_rules"
sqlTableRulesActionsMapping = "rules_actions_mapping"
sqlTableTasks = "tasks"
sqlTableNodes = "nodes"
sqlTableSchemaVersion = "schema_version"
// FnReloadRules defined the callback to reload event rules
type FnReloadRules func()
// FnRemoveRule defines the callback to remove an event rule
type FnRemoveRule func(name string)
// FnHandleRuleForProviderEvent define the callback to handle event rules for provider events
type FnHandleRuleForProviderEvent func(operation, executor, ip, objectType, objectName string, object plugin.Renderer)
// SetEventRulesCallbacks sets the event rules callbacks
func SetEventRulesCallbacks(reload FnReloadRules, remove FnRemoveRule, handle FnHandleRuleForProviderEvent) {
fnReloadRules = reload
fnRemoveRule = remove
fnHandleRuleForProviderEvent = handle
type schemaVersion struct {
Version int
// BcryptOptions defines the options for bcrypt password hashing
type BcryptOptions struct {
Cost int `json:"cost" mapstructure:"cost"`
// Argon2Options defines the options for argon2 password hashing
type Argon2Options struct {
Memory uint32 `json:"memory" mapstructure:"memory"`
Iterations uint32 `json:"iterations" mapstructure:"iterations"`
Parallelism uint8 `json:"parallelism" mapstructure:"parallelism"`
// PasswordHashing defines the configuration for password hashing
type PasswordHashing struct {
BcryptOptions BcryptOptions `json:"bcrypt_options" mapstructure:"bcrypt_options"`
Argon2Options Argon2Options `json:"argon2_options" mapstructure:"argon2_options"`
// Algorithm to use for hashing passwords. Available algorithms: argon2id, bcrypt. Default: bcrypt
Algo string `json:"algo" mapstructure:"algo"`
// PasswordValidationRules defines the password validation rules
type PasswordValidationRules struct {
// MinEntropy defines the minimum password entropy.
// 0 means disabled, any password will be accepted.
// Take a look at the following link for more details
// https://github.com/wagslane/go-password-validator#what-entropy-value-should-i-use
MinEntropy float64 `json:"min_entropy" mapstructure:"min_entropy"`
// PasswordValidation defines the password validation rules for admins and protocol users
type PasswordValidation struct {
// Password validation rules for SFTPGo admin users
Admins PasswordValidationRules `json:"admins" mapstructure:"admins"`
// Password validation rules for SFTPGo protocol users
Users PasswordValidationRules `json:"users" mapstructure:"users"`
type wrappedFolder struct {
Folder vfs.BaseVirtualFolder
func (w *wrappedFolder) RenderAsJSON(reload bool) ([]byte, error) {
if reload {
folder, err := provider.getFolderByName(w.Folder.Name)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to reload folder before rendering as json: %v", err)
return nil, err
return json.Marshal(folder)
return json.Marshal(w.Folder)
// ObjectsActions defines the action to execute on user create, update, delete for the specified objects
type ObjectsActions struct {
// Valid values are add, update, delete. Empty slice to disable
ExecuteOn []string `json:"execute_on" mapstructure:"execute_on"`
// Valid values are user, admin, api_key
ExecuteFor []string `json:"execute_for" mapstructure:"execute_for"`
// Absolute path to an external program or an HTTP URL
Hook string `json:"hook" mapstructure:"hook"`
// ProviderStatus defines the provider status
type ProviderStatus struct {
Driver string `json:"driver"`
IsActive bool `json:"is_active"`
Error string `json:"error"`
// Config defines the provider configuration
type Config struct {
// Driver name, must be one of the SupportedProviders
Driver string `json:"driver" mapstructure:"driver"`
// Database name. For driver sqlite this can be the database name relative to the config dir
// or the absolute path to the SQLite database.
Name string `json:"name" mapstructure:"name"`
// Database host. For postgresql and cockroachdb driver you can specify multiple hosts separated by commas
Host string `json:"host" mapstructure:"host"`
// Database port
Port int `json:"port" mapstructure:"port"`
// Database username
Username string `json:"username" mapstructure:"username"`
// Database password
Password string `json:"password" mapstructure:"password"`
// Used for drivers mysql and postgresql.
// 0 disable SSL/TLS connections.
// 1 require ssl.
// 2 set ssl mode to verify-ca for driver postgresql and skip-verify for driver mysql.
// 3 set ssl mode to verify-full for driver postgresql and preferred for driver mysql.
SSLMode int `json:"sslmode" mapstructure:"sslmode"`
// Used for drivers mysql, postgresql and cockroachdb. Set to true to disable SNI
DisableSNI bool `json:"disable_sni" mapstructure:"disable_sni"`
// TargetSessionAttrs is a postgresql and cockroachdb specific option.
// It determines whether the session must have certain properties to be acceptable.
// It's typically used in combination with multiple host names to select the first
// acceptable alternative among several hosts
TargetSessionAttrs string `json:"target_session_attrs" mapstructure:"target_session_attrs"`
// Path to the root certificate authority used to verify that the server certificate was signed by a trusted CA
RootCert string `json:"root_cert" mapstructure:"root_cert"`
// Path to the client certificate for two-way TLS authentication
ClientCert string `json:"client_cert" mapstructure:"client_cert"`
// Path to the client key for two-way TLS authentication
ClientKey string `json:"client_key" mapstructure:"client_key"`
// Custom database connection string.
// If not empty this connection string will be used instead of build one using the previous parameters
ConnectionString string `json:"connection_string" mapstructure:"connection_string"`
// prefix for SQL tables
SQLTablesPrefix string `json:"sql_tables_prefix" mapstructure:"sql_tables_prefix"`
// Set the preferred way to track users quota between the following choices:
// 0, disable quota tracking. REST API to scan user dir and update quota will do nothing
// 1, quota is updated each time a user upload or delete a file even if the user has no quota restrictions
// 2, quota is updated each time a user upload or delete a file but only for users with quota restrictions
// and for virtual folders.
// With this configuration the "quota scan" REST API can still be used to periodically update space usage
// for users without quota restrictions
TrackQuota int `json:"track_quota" mapstructure:"track_quota"`
// Sets the maximum number of open connections for mysql and postgresql driver.
// Default 0 (unlimited)
PoolSize int `json:"pool_size" mapstructure:"pool_size"`
// Users default base directory.
// If no home dir is defined while adding a new user, and this value is
// a valid absolute path, then the user home dir will be automatically
// defined as the path obtained joining the base dir and the username
UsersBaseDir string `json:"users_base_dir" mapstructure:"users_base_dir"`
// Actions to execute on objects add, update, delete.
// The supported objects are user, admin, api_key.
// Update action will not be fired for internal updates such as the last login or the user quota fields.
Actions ObjectsActions `json:"actions" mapstructure:"actions"`
// Absolute path to an external program or an HTTP URL to invoke for users authentication.
// Leave empty to use builtin authentication.
// If the authentication succeed the user will be automatically added/updated inside the defined data provider.
// Actions defined for user added/updated will not be executed in this case.
// This method is slower than built-in authentication methods, but it's very flexible as anyone can
// easily write his own authentication hooks.
ExternalAuthHook string `json:"external_auth_hook" mapstructure:"external_auth_hook"`
// ExternalAuthScope defines the scope for the external authentication hook.
// - 0 means all supported authentication scopes, the external hook will be executed for password,
// public key, keyboard interactive authentication and TLS certificates
// - 1 means passwords only
// - 2 means public keys only
// - 4 means keyboard interactive only
// - 8 means TLS certificates only
// you can combine the scopes, for example 3 means password and public key, 5 password and keyboard
// interactive and so on
ExternalAuthScope int `json:"external_auth_scope" mapstructure:"external_auth_scope"`
// Absolute path to an external program or an HTTP URL to invoke just before the user login.
// This program/URL allows to modify or create the user trying to login.
// It is useful if you have users with dynamic fields to update just before the login.
// Please note that if you want to create a new user, the pre-login hook response must
// include all the mandatory user fields.
// The pre-login hook must finish within 30 seconds.
// If an error happens while executing the "PreLoginHook" then login will be denied.
// PreLoginHook and ExternalAuthHook are mutally exclusive.
// Leave empty to disable.
PreLoginHook string `json:"pre_login_hook" mapstructure:"pre_login_hook"`
// Absolute path to an external program or an HTTP URL to invoke after the user login.
// Based on the configured scope you can choose if notify failed or successful logins
// or both
PostLoginHook string `json:"post_login_hook" mapstructure:"post_login_hook"`
// PostLoginScope defines the scope for the post-login hook.
// - 0 means notify both failed and successful logins
// - 1 means notify failed logins
// - 2 means notify successful logins
PostLoginScope int `json:"post_login_scope" mapstructure:"post_login_scope"`
// Absolute path to an external program or an HTTP URL to invoke just before password
// authentication. This hook allows you to externally check the provided password,
// its main use case is to allow to easily support things like password+OTP for protocols
// without keyboard interactive support such as FTP and WebDAV. You can ask your users
// to login using a string consisting of a fixed password and a One Time Token, you
// can verify the token inside the hook and ask to SFTPGo to verify the fixed part.
CheckPasswordHook string `json:"check_password_hook" mapstructure:"check_password_hook"`
// CheckPasswordScope defines the scope for the check password hook.
// - 0 means all protocols
// - 1 means SSH
// - 2 means FTP
// - 4 means WebDAV
// you can combine the scopes, for example 6 means FTP and WebDAV
CheckPasswordScope int `json:"check_password_scope" mapstructure:"check_password_scope"`
// Defines how the database will be initialized/updated:
// - 0 means automatically
// - 1 means manually using the initprovider sub-command
UpdateMode int `json:"update_mode" mapstructure:"update_mode"`
// PasswordHashing defines the configuration for password hashing
PasswordHashing PasswordHashing `json:"password_hashing" mapstructure:"password_hashing"`
// PasswordValidation defines the password validation rules
PasswordValidation PasswordValidation `json:"password_validation" mapstructure:"password_validation"`
// Verifying argon2 passwords has a high memory and computational cost,
// by enabling, in memory, password caching you reduce this cost.
PasswordCaching bool `json:"password_caching" mapstructure:"password_caching"`
// DelayedQuotaUpdate defines the number of seconds to accumulate quota updates.
// If there are a lot of close uploads, accumulating quota updates can save you many
// queries to the data provider.
// If you want to track quotas, a scheduled quota update is recommended in any case, the stored
// quota size may be incorrect for several reasons, such as an unexpected shutdown, temporary provider
// failures, file copied outside of SFTPGo, and so on.
// 0 means immediate quota update.
DelayedQuotaUpdate int `json:"delayed_quota_update" mapstructure:"delayed_quota_update"`
// If enabled, a default admin user with username "admin" and password "password" will be created
// on first start.
// You can also create the first admin user by using the web interface or by loading initial data.
CreateDefaultAdmin bool `json:"create_default_admin" mapstructure:"create_default_admin"`
// Rules for usernames and folder names:
// - 0 means no rules
// - 1 means you can use any UTF-8 character. The names are used in URIs for REST API and Web admin.
// By default only unreserved URI characters are allowed: ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~".
// - 2 means names are converted to lowercase before saving/matching and so case
// insensitive matching is possible
// - 4 means trimming trailing and leading white spaces before saving/matching
// Rules can be combined, for example 3 means both converting to lowercase and allowing any UTF-8 character.
// Enabling these options for existing installations could be backward incompatible, some users
// could be unable to login, for example existing users with mixed cases in their usernames.
// You have to ensure that all existing users respect the defined rules.
NamingRules int `json:"naming_rules" mapstructure:"naming_rules"`
// If the data provider is shared across multiple SFTPGo instances, set this parameter to 1.
// MySQL, PostgreSQL and CockroachDB can be shared, this setting is ignored for other data
// providers. For shared data providers, SFTPGo periodically reloads the latest updated users,
// based on the "updated_at" field, and updates its internal caches if users are updated from
// a different instance. This check, if enabled, is executed every 10 minutes.
// For shared data providers, active transfers are persisted in the database and thus
// quota checks between ongoing transfers will work cross multiple instances
IsShared int `json:"is_shared" mapstructure:"is_shared"`
// Node defines the configuration for this cluster node.
// Ignored if the provider is not shared/shareable
Node NodeConfig `json:"node" mapstructure:"node"`
// Path to the backup directory. This can be an absolute path or a path relative to the config dir
BackupsPath string `json:"backups_path" mapstructure:"backups_path"`
// GetShared returns the provider share mode.
// This method is called before the provider is initialized
func (c *Config) GetShared() int {
if !util.Contains(sharedProviders, c.Driver) {
return 0
return c.IsShared
func (c *Config) convertName(name string) string {
if c.NamingRules <= 1 {
return name
if c.NamingRules&2 != 0 {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
if c.NamingRules&4 != 0 {
name = strings.TrimSpace(name)
return name
// IsDefenderSupported returns true if the configured provider supports the defender
func (c *Config) IsDefenderSupported() bool {
switch c.Driver {
case MySQLDataProviderName, PGSQLDataProviderName, CockroachDataProviderName:
return true
return false
func (c *Config) requireCustomTLSForMySQL() bool {
if config.DisableSNI {
return config.SSLMode != 0
if config.RootCert != "" && util.IsFileInputValid(config.RootCert) {
return config.SSLMode != 0
if config.ClientCert != "" && config.ClientKey != "" && util.IsFileInputValid(config.ClientCert) &&
util.IsFileInputValid(config.ClientKey) {
return config.SSLMode != 0
return false
func (c *Config) doBackup() (string, error) {
now := time.Now().UTC()
outputFile := filepath.Join(c.BackupsPath, fmt.Sprintf("backup_%s_%d.json", now.Weekday(), now.Hour()))
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "starting backup to file %q", outputFile)
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(outputFile), 0700)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to create backup dir %q: %v", outputFile, err)
return outputFile, fmt.Errorf("unable to create backup dir: %w", err)
backup, err := DumpData()
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to execute backup: %v", err)
return outputFile, fmt.Errorf("unable to dump backup data: %w", err)
dump, err := json.Marshal(backup)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to marshal backup as JSON: %v", err)
return outputFile, fmt.Errorf("unable to marshal backup data as JSON: %w", err)
err = os.WriteFile(outputFile, dump, 0600)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to save backup: %v", err)
return outputFile, fmt.Errorf("unable to save backup: %w", err)
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "backup saved to %q", outputFile)
return outputFile, nil
// ExecuteBackup executes a backup
func ExecuteBackup() (string, error) {
return config.doBackup()
// ConvertName converts the given name based on the configured rules
func ConvertName(name string) string {
return config.convertName(name)
// ActiveTransfer defines an active protocol transfer
type ActiveTransfer struct {
ID int64
Type int
ConnID string
Username string
FolderName string
IP string
TruncatedSize int64
CurrentULSize int64
CurrentDLSize int64
CreatedAt int64
UpdatedAt int64
// TransferQuota stores the allowed transfer quota fields
type TransferQuota struct {
ULSize int64
DLSize int64
TotalSize int64
AllowedULSize int64
AllowedDLSize int64
AllowedTotalSize int64
// HasSizeLimits returns true if any size limit is set
func (q *TransferQuota) HasSizeLimits() bool {
return q.AllowedDLSize > 0 || q.AllowedULSize > 0 || q.AllowedTotalSize > 0
// HasUploadSpace returns true if there is transfer upload space available
func (q *TransferQuota) HasUploadSpace() bool {
if q.TotalSize <= 0 && q.ULSize <= 0 {
return true
if q.TotalSize > 0 {
return q.AllowedTotalSize > 0
return q.AllowedULSize > 0
// HasDownloadSpace returns true if there is transfer download space available
func (q *TransferQuota) HasDownloadSpace() bool {
if q.TotalSize <= 0 && q.DLSize <= 0 {
return true
if q.TotalSize > 0 {
return q.AllowedTotalSize > 0
return q.AllowedDLSize > 0
// DefenderEntry defines a defender entry
type DefenderEntry struct {
ID int64 `json:"-"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
Score int `json:"score,omitempty"`
BanTime time.Time `json:"ban_time,omitempty"`
// GetID returns an unique ID for a defender entry
func (d *DefenderEntry) GetID() string {
return hex.EncodeToString([]byte(d.IP))
// GetBanTime returns the ban time for a defender entry as string
func (d *DefenderEntry) GetBanTime() string {
if d.BanTime.IsZero() {
return ""
return d.BanTime.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
// MarshalJSON returns the JSON encoding of a DefenderEntry.
func (d *DefenderEntry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(&struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
Score int `json:"score,omitempty"`
BanTime string `json:"ban_time,omitempty"`
ID: d.GetID(),
IP: d.IP,
Score: d.Score,
BanTime: d.GetBanTime(),
// BackupData defines the structure for the backup/restore files
type BackupData struct {
Users []User `json:"users"`
Groups []Group `json:"groups"`
Folders []vfs.BaseVirtualFolder `json:"folders"`
Admins []Admin `json:"admins"`
APIKeys []APIKey `json:"api_keys"`
Shares []Share `json:"shares"`
EventActions []BaseEventAction `json:"event_actions"`
EventRules []EventRule `json:"event_rules"`
Version int `json:"version"`
// HasFolder returns true if the folder with the given name is included
func (d *BackupData) HasFolder(name string) bool {
for _, folder := range d.Folders {
if folder.Name == name {
return true
return false
type checkPasswordRequest struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
type checkPasswordResponse struct {
// 0 KO, 1 OK, 2 partial success, -1 not executed
Status int `json:"status"`
// for status = 2 this is the password to check against the one stored
// inside the SFTPGo data provider
ToVerify string `json:"to_verify"`
// GetQuotaTracking returns the configured mode for user's quota tracking
func GetQuotaTracking() int {
return config.TrackQuota
// HasUsersBaseDir returns true if users base dir is set
func HasUsersBaseDir() bool {
return config.UsersBaseDir != ""
// Provider defines the interface that data providers must implement.
type Provider interface {
validateUserAndPass(username, password, ip, protocol string) (User, error)
validateUserAndPubKey(username string, pubKey []byte, isSSHCert bool) (User, string, error)
validateUserAndTLSCert(username, protocol string, tlsCert *x509.Certificate) (User, error)
updateQuota(username string, filesAdd int, sizeAdd int64, reset bool) error
updateTransferQuota(username string, uploadSize, downloadSize int64, reset bool) error
getUsedQuota(username string) (int, int64, int64, int64, error)
userExists(username string) (User, error)
addUser(user *User) error
updateUser(user *User) error
deleteUser(user User, softDelete bool) error
updateUserPassword(username, password string) error
getUsers(limit int, offset int, order string) ([]User, error)
dumpUsers() ([]User, error)
getRecentlyUpdatedUsers(after int64) ([]User, error)
getUsersForQuotaCheck(toFetch map[string]bool) ([]User, error)
updateLastLogin(username string) error
updateAdminLastLogin(username string) error
setUpdatedAt(username string)
getFolders(limit, offset int, order string, minimal bool) ([]vfs.BaseVirtualFolder, error)
getFolderByName(name string) (vfs.BaseVirtualFolder, error)
addFolder(folder *vfs.BaseVirtualFolder) error
updateFolder(folder *vfs.BaseVirtualFolder) error
deleteFolder(folder vfs.BaseVirtualFolder) error
updateFolderQuota(name string, filesAdd int, sizeAdd int64, reset bool) error
getUsedFolderQuota(name string) (int, int64, error)
dumpFolders() ([]vfs.BaseVirtualFolder, error)
getGroups(limit, offset int, order string, minimal bool) ([]Group, error)
getGroupsWithNames(names []string) ([]Group, error)
getUsersInGroups(names []string) ([]string, error)
groupExists(name string) (Group, error)
addGroup(group *Group) error
updateGroup(group *Group) error
deleteGroup(group Group) error
dumpGroups() ([]Group, error)
adminExists(username string) (Admin, error)
addAdmin(admin *Admin) error
updateAdmin(admin *Admin) error
deleteAdmin(admin Admin) error
getAdmins(limit int, offset int, order string) ([]Admin, error)
dumpAdmins() ([]Admin, error)
validateAdminAndPass(username, password, ip string) (Admin, error)
apiKeyExists(keyID string) (APIKey, error)
addAPIKey(apiKey *APIKey) error
updateAPIKey(apiKey *APIKey) error
deleteAPIKey(apiKey APIKey) error
getAPIKeys(limit int, offset int, order string) ([]APIKey, error)
dumpAPIKeys() ([]APIKey, error)
updateAPIKeyLastUse(keyID string) error
shareExists(shareID, username string) (Share, error)
addShare(share *Share) error
updateShare(share *Share) error
deleteShare(share Share) error
getShares(limit int, offset int, order, username string) ([]Share, error)
dumpShares() ([]Share, error)
updateShareLastUse(shareID string, numTokens int) error
getDefenderHosts(from int64, limit int) ([]DefenderEntry, error)
getDefenderHostByIP(ip string, from int64) (DefenderEntry, error)
isDefenderHostBanned(ip string) (DefenderEntry, error)
updateDefenderBanTime(ip string, minutes int) error
deleteDefenderHost(ip string) error
addDefenderEvent(ip string, score int) error
setDefenderBanTime(ip string, banTime int64) error
cleanupDefender(from int64) error
addActiveTransfer(transfer ActiveTransfer) error
updateActiveTransferSizes(ulSize, dlSize, transferID int64, connectionID string) error
removeActiveTransfer(transferID int64, connectionID string) error
cleanupActiveTransfers(before time.Time) error
getActiveTransfers(from time.Time) ([]ActiveTransfer, error)
addSharedSession(session Session) error
deleteSharedSession(key string) error
getSharedSession(key string) (Session, error)
cleanupSharedSessions(sessionType SessionType, before int64) error
getEventActions(limit, offset int, order string, minimal bool) ([]BaseEventAction, error)
dumpEventActions() ([]BaseEventAction, error)
eventActionExists(name string) (BaseEventAction, error)
addEventAction(action *BaseEventAction) error
updateEventAction(action *BaseEventAction) error
deleteEventAction(action BaseEventAction) error
getEventRules(limit, offset int, order string) ([]EventRule, error)
dumpEventRules() ([]EventRule, error)
getRecentlyUpdatedRules(after int64) ([]EventRule, error)
eventRuleExists(name string) (EventRule, error)
addEventRule(rule *EventRule) error
updateEventRule(rule *EventRule) error
deleteEventRule(rule EventRule, softDelete bool) error
getTaskByName(name string) (Task, error)
addTask(name string) error
updateTask(name string, version int64) error
updateTaskTimestamp(name string) error
setFirstDownloadTimestamp(username string) error
setFirstUploadTimestamp(username string) error
addNode() error
getNodeByName(name string) (Node, error)
getNodes() ([]Node, error)
updateNodeTimestamp() error
cleanupNodes() error
checkAvailability() error
close() error
reloadConfig() error
initializeDatabase() error
migrateDatabase() error
revertDatabase(targetVersion int) error
resetDatabase() error
// SetAllowSelfConnections sets the desired behaviour for self connections
func SetAllowSelfConnections(value int) {
allowSelfConnections = value
// SetTempPath sets the path for temporary files
func SetTempPath(fsPath string) {
tempPath = fsPath
func checkSharedMode() {
if !util.Contains(sharedProviders, config.Driver) {
config.IsShared = 0
// Initialize the data provider.
// An error is returned if the configured driver is invalid or if the data provider cannot be initialized
func Initialize(cnf Config, basePath string, checkAdmins bool) error {
config = cnf
config.Actions.ExecuteOn = util.RemoveDuplicates(config.Actions.ExecuteOn, true)
config.Actions.ExecuteFor = util.RemoveDuplicates(config.Actions.ExecuteFor, true)
cnf.BackupsPath = getConfigPath(cnf.BackupsPath, basePath)
if cnf.BackupsPath == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("required directory is invalid, backup path %#v", cnf.BackupsPath)
absoluteBackupPath, err := util.GetAbsolutePath(cnf.BackupsPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to get absolute backup path: %w", err)
config.BackupsPath = absoluteBackupPath
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "absolute backup path %q", config.BackupsPath)
if err := initializeHashingAlgo(&cnf); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateHooks(); err != nil {
return err
if err := createProvider(basePath); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkDatabase(checkAdmins); err != nil {
return err
admins, err := provider.getAdmins(1, 0, OrderASC)
if err != nil {
return err
isAdminCreated.Store(len(admins) > 0)
if err := config.Node.validate(); err != nil {
return err
return startScheduler()
func checkDatabase(checkAdmins bool) error {
if config.UpdateMode == 0 {
err := provider.initializeDatabase()
if err != nil && err != ErrNoInitRequired {
logger.WarnToConsole("Unable to initialize data provider: %v", err)
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "Unable to initialize data provider: %v", err)
return err
if err == nil {
logger.DebugToConsole("Data provider successfully initialized")
err = provider.migrateDatabase()
if err != nil && err != ErrNoInitRequired {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "database migration error: %v", err)
return err
if checkAdmins && config.CreateDefaultAdmin {
err = checkDefaultAdmin()
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "erro checking the default admin: %v", err)
return err
} else {
providerLog(logger.LevelInfo, "database initialization/migration skipped, manual mode is configured")
return nil
func validateHooks() error {
var hooks []string
if config.PreLoginHook != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(config.PreLoginHook, "http") {
hooks = append(hooks, config.PreLoginHook)
if config.ExternalAuthHook != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(config.ExternalAuthHook, "http") {
hooks = append(hooks, config.ExternalAuthHook)
if config.PostLoginHook != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(config.PostLoginHook, "http") {
hooks = append(hooks, config.PostLoginHook)
if config.CheckPasswordHook != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(config.CheckPasswordHook, "http") {
hooks = append(hooks, config.CheckPasswordHook)
for _, hook := range hooks {
if !filepath.IsAbs(hook) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid hook: %#v must be an absolute path", hook)
_, err := os.Stat(hook)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "invalid hook: %v", err)
return err
return nil
// GetBackupsPath returns the normalized backups path
func GetBackupsPath() string {
return config.BackupsPath
func initializeHashingAlgo(cnf *Config) error {
argon2Params = &argon2id.Params{
Memory: cnf.PasswordHashing.Argon2Options.Memory,
Iterations: cnf.PasswordHashing.Argon2Options.Iterations,
Parallelism: cnf.PasswordHashing.Argon2Options.Parallelism,
SaltLength: 16,
KeyLength: 32,
if config.PasswordHashing.Algo == HashingAlgoBcrypt {
if config.PasswordHashing.BcryptOptions.Cost > bcrypt.MaxCost {
err := fmt.Errorf("invalid bcrypt cost %v, max allowed %v", config.PasswordHashing.BcryptOptions.Cost, bcrypt.MaxCost)
logger.WarnToConsole("Unable to initialize data provider: %v", err)
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "Unable to initialize data provider: %v", err)
return err
return nil
func validateSQLTablesPrefix() error {
if config.SQLTablesPrefix != "" {
for _, char := range config.SQLTablesPrefix {
if !strings.Contains(sqlPrefixValidChars, strings.ToLower(string(char))) {
return errors.New("invalid sql_tables_prefix only chars in range 'a..z', 'A..Z', '0-9' and '_' are allowed")
sqlTableUsers = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableUsers
sqlTableFolders = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableFolders
sqlTableUsersFoldersMapping = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableUsersFoldersMapping
sqlTableAdmins = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableAdmins
sqlTableAPIKeys = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableAPIKeys
sqlTableShares = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableShares
sqlTableDefenderEvents = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableDefenderEvents
sqlTableDefenderHosts = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableDefenderHosts
sqlTableActiveTransfers = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableActiveTransfers
sqlTableGroups = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableGroups
sqlTableUsersGroupsMapping = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableUsersGroupsMapping
sqlTableAdminsGroupsMapping = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableAdminsGroupsMapping
sqlTableGroupsFoldersMapping = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableGroupsFoldersMapping
sqlTableSharedSessions = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableSharedSessions
sqlTableEventsActions = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableEventsActions
sqlTableEventsRules = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableEventsRules
sqlTableRulesActionsMapping = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableRulesActionsMapping
sqlTableTasks = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableTasks
sqlTableNodes = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableNodes
sqlTableSchemaVersion = config.SQLTablesPrefix + sqlTableSchemaVersion
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "sql table for users %q, folders %q users folders mapping %q admins %q "+
"api keys %q shares %q defender hosts %q defender events %q transfers %q groups %q "+
"users groups mapping %q admins groups mapping %q groups folders mapping %q shared sessions %q "+
"schema version %q events actions %q events rules %q rules actions mapping %q tasks %q nodes %q",
sqlTableUsers, sqlTableFolders, sqlTableUsersFoldersMapping, sqlTableAdmins, sqlTableAPIKeys,
sqlTableShares, sqlTableDefenderHosts, sqlTableDefenderEvents, sqlTableActiveTransfers, sqlTableGroups,
sqlTableUsersGroupsMapping, sqlTableAdminsGroupsMapping, sqlTableGroupsFoldersMapping, sqlTableSharedSessions,
sqlTableSchemaVersion, sqlTableEventsActions, sqlTableEventsRules, sqlTableRulesActionsMapping,
sqlTableTasks, sqlTableNodes)
return nil
func checkDefaultAdmin() error {
admins, err := provider.getAdmins(1, 0, OrderASC)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(admins) > 0 {
return nil
logger.Debug(logSender, "", "no admins found, try to create the default one")
// we need to create the default admin
admin := &Admin{}
if err := admin.setFromEnv(); err != nil {
return err
return provider.addAdmin(admin)
// InitializeDatabase creates the initial database structure
func InitializeDatabase(cnf Config, basePath string) error {
config = cnf
if err := initializeHashingAlgo(&cnf); err != nil {
return err
err := createProvider(basePath)
if err != nil {
return err
err = provider.initializeDatabase()
if err != nil && err != ErrNoInitRequired {
return err
return provider.migrateDatabase()
// RevertDatabase restores schema and/or data to a previous version
func RevertDatabase(cnf Config, basePath string, targetVersion int) error {
config = cnf
err := createProvider(basePath)
if err != nil {
return err
err = provider.initializeDatabase()
if err != nil && err != ErrNoInitRequired {
return err
return provider.revertDatabase(targetVersion)
// ResetDatabase restores schema and/or data to a previous version
func ResetDatabase(cnf Config, basePath string) error {
config = cnf
if err := createProvider(basePath); err != nil {
return err
return provider.resetDatabase()
// CheckAdminAndPass validates the given admin and password connecting from ip
func CheckAdminAndPass(username, password, ip string) (Admin, error) {
username = config.convertName(username)
return provider.validateAdminAndPass(username, password, ip)
// CheckCachedUserCredentials checks the credentials for a cached user
func CheckCachedUserCredentials(user *CachedUser, password, loginMethod, protocol string, tlsCert *x509.Certificate) error {
if err := user.User.CheckLoginConditions(); err != nil {
return err
if loginMethod == LoginMethodPassword && user.User.Filters.IsAnonymous {
return nil
if loginMethod != LoginMethodPassword {
_, err := checkUserAndTLSCertificate(&user.User, protocol, tlsCert)
if err != nil {
return err
if loginMethod == LoginMethodTLSCertificate {
if !user.User.IsLoginMethodAllowed(LoginMethodTLSCertificate, protocol, nil) {
return fmt.Errorf("certificate login method is not allowed for user %#v", user.User.Username)
return nil
if password == "" {
return ErrInvalidCredentials
if user.Password != "" {
if password == user.Password {
return nil
} else {
if ok, _ := isPasswordOK(&user.User, password); ok {
return nil
return ErrInvalidCredentials
// CheckCompositeCredentials checks multiple credentials.
// WebDAV users can send both a password and a TLS certificate within the same request
func CheckCompositeCredentials(username, password, ip, loginMethod, protocol string, tlsCert *x509.Certificate) (User, string, error) {
username = config.convertName(username)
if loginMethod == LoginMethodPassword {
user, err := CheckUserAndPass(username, password, ip, protocol)
return user, loginMethod, err
user, err := CheckUserBeforeTLSAuth(username, ip, protocol, tlsCert)
if err != nil {
return user, loginMethod, err
if !user.IsTLSUsernameVerificationEnabled() {
// for backward compatibility with 2.0.x we only check the password and change the login method here
// in future updates we have to return an error
user, err := CheckUserAndPass(username, password, ip, protocol)
return user, LoginMethodPassword, err
user, err = checkUserAndTLSCertificate(&user, protocol, tlsCert)
if err != nil {
return user, loginMethod, err
if loginMethod == LoginMethodTLSCertificate && !user.IsLoginMethodAllowed(LoginMethodTLSCertificate, protocol, nil) {
return user, loginMethod, fmt.Errorf("certificate login method is not allowed for user %#v", user.Username)
if loginMethod == LoginMethodTLSCertificateAndPwd {
if plugin.Handler.HasAuthScope(plugin.AuthScopePassword) {
user, err = doPluginAuth(username, password, nil, ip, protocol, nil, plugin.AuthScopePassword)
} else if config.ExternalAuthHook != "" && (config.ExternalAuthScope == 0 || config.ExternalAuthScope&1 != 0) {
user, err = doExternalAuth(username, password, nil, "", ip, protocol, nil)
} else if config.PreLoginHook != "" {
user, err = executePreLoginHook(username, LoginMethodPassword, ip, protocol, nil)
if err != nil {
return user, loginMethod, err
user, err = checkUserAndPass(&user, password, ip, protocol)
return user, loginMethod, err
// CheckUserBeforeTLSAuth checks if a user exits before trying mutual TLS
func CheckUserBeforeTLSAuth(username, ip, protocol string, tlsCert *x509.Certificate) (User, error) {
username = config.convertName(username)
if plugin.Handler.HasAuthScope(plugin.AuthScopeTLSCertificate) {
user, err := doPluginAuth(username, "", nil, ip, protocol, tlsCert, plugin.AuthScopeTLSCertificate)
if err != nil {
return user, err
err = user.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
return user, err
if config.ExternalAuthHook != "" && (config.ExternalAuthScope == 0 || config.ExternalAuthScope&8 != 0) {
user, err := doExternalAuth(username, "", nil, "", ip, protocol, tlsCert)
if err != nil {
return user, err
err = user.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
return user, err
if config.PreLoginHook != "" {
user, err := executePreLoginHook(username, LoginMethodTLSCertificate, ip, protocol, nil)
if err != nil {
return user, err
err = user.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
return user, err
user, err := UserExists(username)
if err != nil {
return user, err
err = user.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
return user, err
// CheckUserAndTLSCert returns the SFTPGo user with the given username and check if the
// given TLS certificate allow authentication without password
func CheckUserAndTLSCert(username, ip, protocol string, tlsCert *x509.Certificate) (User, error) {
username = config.convertName(username)
if plugin.Handler.HasAuthScope(plugin.AuthScopeTLSCertificate) {
user, err := doPluginAuth(username, "", nil, ip, protocol, tlsCert, plugin.AuthScopeTLSCertificate)
if err != nil {
return user, err
return checkUserAndTLSCertificate(&user, protocol, tlsCert)
if config.ExternalAuthHook != "" && (config.ExternalAuthScope == 0 || config.ExternalAuthScope&8 != 0) {
user, err := doExternalAuth(username, "", nil, "", ip, protocol, tlsCert)
if err != nil {
return user, err
return checkUserAndTLSCertificate(&user, protocol, tlsCert)
if config.PreLoginHook != "" {
user, err := executePreLoginHook(username, LoginMethodTLSCertificate, ip, protocol, nil)
if err != nil {
return user, err
return checkUserAndTLSCertificate(&user, protocol, tlsCert)
return provider.validateUserAndTLSCert(username, protocol, tlsCert)
// CheckUserAndPass retrieves the SFTPGo user with the given username and password if a match is found or an error
func CheckUserAndPass(username, password, ip, protocol string) (User, error) {
username = config.convertName(username)
if plugin.Handler.HasAuthScope(plugin.AuthScopePassword) {
user, err := doPluginAuth(username, password, nil, ip, protocol, nil, plugin.AuthScopePassword)
if err != nil {
return user, err
return checkUserAndPass(&user, password, ip, protocol)
if config.ExternalAuthHook != "" && (config.ExternalAuthScope == 0 || config.ExternalAuthScope&1 != 0) {
user, err := doExternalAuth(username, password, nil, "", ip, protocol, nil)
if err != nil {
return user, err
return checkUserAndPass(&user, password, ip, protocol)
if config.PreLoginHook != "" {
user, err := executePreLoginHook(username, LoginMethodPassword, ip, protocol, nil)
if err != nil {
return user, err
return checkUserAndPass(&user, password, ip, protocol)
return provider.validateUserAndPass(username, password, ip, protocol)
// CheckUserAndPubKey retrieves the SFTP user with the given username and public key if a match is found or an error
func CheckUserAndPubKey(username string, pubKey []byte, ip, protocol string, isSSHCert bool) (User, string, error) {
username = config.convertName(username)
if plugin.Handler.HasAuthScope(plugin.AuthScopePublicKey) {
user, err := doPluginAuth(username, "", pubKey, ip, protocol, nil, plugin.AuthScopePublicKey)
if err != nil {
return user, "", err
return checkUserAndPubKey(&user, pubKey, isSSHCert)
if config.ExternalAuthHook != "" && (config.ExternalAuthScope == 0 || config.ExternalAuthScope&2 != 0) {
user, err := doExternalAuth(username, "", pubKey, "", ip, protocol, nil)
if err != nil {
return user, "", err
return checkUserAndPubKey(&user, pubKey, isSSHCert)
if config.PreLoginHook != "" {
user, err := executePreLoginHook(username, SSHLoginMethodPublicKey, ip, protocol, nil)
if err != nil {
return user, "", err
return checkUserAndPubKey(&user, pubKey, isSSHCert)
return provider.validateUserAndPubKey(username, pubKey, isSSHCert)
// CheckKeyboardInteractiveAuth checks the keyboard interactive authentication and returns
// the authenticated user or an error
func CheckKeyboardInteractiveAuth(username, authHook string, client ssh.KeyboardInteractiveChallenge, ip, protocol string) (User, error) {
var user User
var err error
username = config.convertName(username)
if plugin.Handler.HasAuthScope(plugin.AuthScopeKeyboardInteractive) {
user, err = doPluginAuth(username, "", nil, ip, protocol, nil, plugin.AuthScopeKeyboardInteractive)
} else if config.ExternalAuthHook != "" && (config.ExternalAuthScope == 0 || config.ExternalAuthScope&4 != 0) {
user, err = doExternalAuth(username, "", nil, "1", ip, protocol, nil)
} else if config.PreLoginHook != "" {
user, err = executePreLoginHook(username, SSHLoginMethodKeyboardInteractive, ip, protocol, nil)
} else {
user, err = provider.userExists(username)
if err != nil {
return user, err
return doKeyboardInteractiveAuth(&user, authHook, client, ip, protocol)
// GetFTPPreAuthUser returns the SFTPGo user with the specified username
// after receiving the FTP "USER" command.
// If a pre-login hook is defined it will be executed so the SFTPGo user
// can be created if it does not exist
func GetFTPPreAuthUser(username, ip string) (User, error) {
var user User
var err error
if config.PreLoginHook != "" {
user, err = executePreLoginHook(username, "", ip, protocolFTP, nil)
} else {
user, err = UserExists(username)
if err != nil {
return user, err
err = user.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
return user, err
// GetUserAfterIDPAuth returns the SFTPGo user with the specified username
// after a successful authentication with an external identity provider.
// If a pre-login hook is defined it will be executed so the SFTPGo user
// can be created if it does not exist
func GetUserAfterIDPAuth(username, ip, protocol string, oidcTokenFields *map[string]any) (User, error) {
var user User
var err error
if config.PreLoginHook != "" {
user, err = executePreLoginHook(username, LoginMethodIDP, ip, protocol, oidcTokenFields)
} else {
user, err = UserExists(username)
if err != nil {
return user, err
err = user.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
return user, err
// GetDefenderHosts returns hosts that are banned or for which some violations have been detected
func GetDefenderHosts(from int64, limit int) ([]DefenderEntry, error) {
return provider.getDefenderHosts(from, limit)
// GetDefenderHostByIP returns a defender host by ip, if any
func GetDefenderHostByIP(ip string, from int64) (DefenderEntry, error) {
return provider.getDefenderHostByIP(ip, from)
// IsDefenderHostBanned returns a defender entry and no error if the specified host is banned
func IsDefenderHostBanned(ip string) (DefenderEntry, error) {
return provider.isDefenderHostBanned(ip)
// UpdateDefenderBanTime increments ban time for the specified ip
func UpdateDefenderBanTime(ip string, minutes int) error {
return provider.updateDefenderBanTime(ip, minutes)
// DeleteDefenderHost removes the specified IP from the defender lists
func DeleteDefenderHost(ip string) error {
return provider.deleteDefenderHost(ip)
// AddDefenderEvent adds an event for the given IP with the given score
// and returns the host with the updated score
func AddDefenderEvent(ip string, score int, from int64) (DefenderEntry, error) {
if err := provider.addDefenderEvent(ip, score); err != nil {
return DefenderEntry{}, err
return provider.getDefenderHostByIP(ip, from)
// SetDefenderBanTime sets the ban time for the specified IP
func SetDefenderBanTime(ip string, banTime int64) error {
return provider.setDefenderBanTime(ip, banTime)
// CleanupDefender removes events and hosts older than "from" from the data provider
func CleanupDefender(from int64) error {
return provider.cleanupDefender(from)
// UpdateShareLastUse updates the LastUseAt and UsedTokens for the given share
func UpdateShareLastUse(share *Share, numTokens int) error {
return provider.updateShareLastUse(share.ShareID, numTokens)
// UpdateAPIKeyLastUse updates the LastUseAt field for the given API key
func UpdateAPIKeyLastUse(apiKey *APIKey) error {
lastUse := util.GetTimeFromMsecSinceEpoch(apiKey.LastUseAt)
diff := -time.Until(lastUse)
if diff < 0 || diff > lastLoginMinDelay {
return provider.updateAPIKeyLastUse(apiKey.KeyID)
return nil
// UpdateLastLogin updates the last login field for the given SFTPGo user
func UpdateLastLogin(user *User) {
delay := lastLoginMinDelay
if user.Filters.ExternalAuthCacheTime > 0 {
delay = time.Duration(user.Filters.ExternalAuthCacheTime) * time.Second
if user.LastLogin <= user.UpdatedAt || !isLastActivityRecent(user.LastLogin, delay) {
err := provider.updateLastLogin(user.Username)
if err == nil {
// UpdateAdminLastLogin updates the last login field for the given SFTPGo admin
func UpdateAdminLastLogin(admin *Admin) {
if !isLastActivityRecent(admin.LastLogin, lastLoginMinDelay) {
provider.updateAdminLastLogin(admin.Username) //nolint:errcheck
// UpdateUserQuota updates the quota for the given SFTPGo user adding filesAdd and sizeAdd.
// If reset is true filesAdd and sizeAdd indicates the total files and the total size instead of the difference.
func UpdateUserQuota(user *User, filesAdd int, sizeAdd int64, reset bool) error {
if config.TrackQuota == 0 {
return util.NewMethodDisabledError(trackQuotaDisabledError)
} else if config.TrackQuota == 2 && !reset && !user.HasQuotaRestrictions() {
return nil
if filesAdd == 0 && sizeAdd == 0 && !reset {
return nil
if config.DelayedQuotaUpdate == 0 || reset {
if reset {
return provider.updateQuota(user.Username, filesAdd, sizeAdd, reset)
delayedQuotaUpdater.updateUserQuota(user.Username, filesAdd, sizeAdd)
return nil
// UpdateVirtualFolderQuota updates the quota for the given virtual folder adding filesAdd and sizeAdd.
// If reset is true filesAdd and sizeAdd indicates the total files and the total size instead of the difference.
func UpdateVirtualFolderQuota(vfolder *vfs.BaseVirtualFolder, filesAdd int, sizeAdd int64, reset bool) error {
if config.TrackQuota == 0 {
return util.NewMethodDisabledError(trackQuotaDisabledError)
if filesAdd == 0 && sizeAdd == 0 && !reset {
return nil
if config.DelayedQuotaUpdate == 0 || reset {
if reset {
return provider.updateFolderQuota(vfolder.Name, filesAdd, sizeAdd, reset)
delayedQuotaUpdater.updateFolderQuota(vfolder.Name, filesAdd, sizeAdd)
return nil
// UpdateUserTransferQuota updates the transfer quota for the given SFTPGo user.
// If reset is true uploadSize and downloadSize indicates the actual sizes instead of the difference.
func UpdateUserTransferQuota(user *User, uploadSize, downloadSize int64, reset bool) error {
if config.TrackQuota == 0 {
return util.NewMethodDisabledError(trackQuotaDisabledError)
} else if config.TrackQuota == 2 && !reset && !user.HasTransferQuotaRestrictions() {
return nil
if downloadSize == 0 && uploadSize == 0 && !reset {
return nil
if config.DelayedQuotaUpdate == 0 || reset {
if reset {
return provider.updateTransferQuota(user.Username, uploadSize, downloadSize, reset)
delayedQuotaUpdater.updateUserTransferQuota(user.Username, uploadSize, downloadSize)
return nil
// UpdateUserTransferTimestamps updates the first download/upload fields if unset
func UpdateUserTransferTimestamps(username string, isUpload bool) error {
if isUpload {
err := provider.setFirstUploadTimestamp(username)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelWarn, "unable to set first upload: %v", err)
return err
err := provider.setFirstDownloadTimestamp(username)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelWarn, "unable to set first download: %v", err)
return err
// GetUsedQuota returns the used quota for the given SFTPGo user.
func GetUsedQuota(username string) (int, int64, int64, int64, error) {
if config.TrackQuota == 0 {
return 0, 0, 0, 0, util.NewMethodDisabledError(trackQuotaDisabledError)
files, size, ulTransferSize, dlTransferSize, err := provider.getUsedQuota(username)
if err != nil {
return files, size, ulTransferSize, dlTransferSize, err
delayedFiles, delayedSize := delayedQuotaUpdater.getUserPendingQuota(username)
delayedUlTransferSize, delayedDLTransferSize := delayedQuotaUpdater.getUserPendingTransferQuota(username)
return files + delayedFiles, size + delayedSize, ulTransferSize + delayedUlTransferSize,
dlTransferSize + delayedDLTransferSize, err
// GetUsedVirtualFolderQuota returns the used quota for the given virtual folder.
func GetUsedVirtualFolderQuota(name string) (int, int64, error) {
if config.TrackQuota == 0 {
return 0, 0, util.NewMethodDisabledError(trackQuotaDisabledError)
files, size, err := provider.getUsedFolderQuota(name)
if err != nil {
return files, size, err
delayedFiles, delayedSize := delayedQuotaUpdater.getFolderPendingQuota(name)
return files + delayedFiles, size + delayedSize, err
// AddShare adds a new share
func AddShare(share *Share, executor, ipAddress string) error {
err := provider.addShare(share)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationAdd, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectShare, share.ShareID, share)
return err
// UpdateShare updates an existing share
func UpdateShare(share *Share, executor, ipAddress string) error {
err := provider.updateShare(share)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectShare, share.ShareID, share)
return err
// DeleteShare deletes an existing share
func DeleteShare(shareID string, executor, ipAddress string) error {
share, err := provider.shareExists(shareID, executor)
if err != nil {
return err
err = provider.deleteShare(share)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationDelete, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectShare, shareID, &share)
return err
// ShareExists returns the share with the given ID if it exists
func ShareExists(shareID, username string) (Share, error) {
if shareID == "" {
return Share{}, util.NewRecordNotFoundError(fmt.Sprintf("Share %#v does not exist", shareID))
return provider.shareExists(shareID, username)
// AddGroup adds a new group
func AddGroup(group *Group, executor, ipAddress string) error {
group.Name = config.convertName(group.Name)
err := provider.addGroup(group)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationAdd, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectGroup, group.Name, group)
return err
// UpdateGroup updates an existing Group
func UpdateGroup(group *Group, users []string, executor, ipAddress string) error {
err := provider.updateGroup(group)
if err == nil {
for _, user := range users {
u, err := provider.userExists(user)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectUser, u.Username, &u)
} else {
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectGroup, group.Name, group)
return err
// DeleteGroup deletes an existing Group
func DeleteGroup(name string, executor, ipAddress string) error {
name = config.convertName(name)
group, err := provider.groupExists(name)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(group.Users) > 0 {
errorString := fmt.Sprintf("the group %#v is referenced, it cannot be removed", group.Name)
return util.NewValidationError(errorString)
err = provider.deleteGroup(group)
if err == nil {
for _, user := range group.Users {
u, err := provider.userExists(user)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectUser, u.Username, &u)
executeAction(operationDelete, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectGroup, group.Name, &group)
return err
// GroupExists returns the Group with the given name if it exists
func GroupExists(name string) (Group, error) {
name = config.convertName(name)
return provider.groupExists(name)
// AddAPIKey adds a new API key
func AddAPIKey(apiKey *APIKey, executor, ipAddress string) error {
err := provider.addAPIKey(apiKey)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationAdd, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectAPIKey, apiKey.KeyID, apiKey)
return err
// UpdateAPIKey updates an existing API key
func UpdateAPIKey(apiKey *APIKey, executor, ipAddress string) error {
err := provider.updateAPIKey(apiKey)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectAPIKey, apiKey.KeyID, apiKey)
return err
// DeleteAPIKey deletes an existing API key
func DeleteAPIKey(keyID string, executor, ipAddress string) error {
apiKey, err := provider.apiKeyExists(keyID)
if err != nil {
return err
err = provider.deleteAPIKey(apiKey)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationDelete, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectAPIKey, apiKey.KeyID, &apiKey)
return err
// APIKeyExists returns the API key with the given ID if it exists
func APIKeyExists(keyID string) (APIKey, error) {
if keyID == "" {
return APIKey{}, util.NewRecordNotFoundError(fmt.Sprintf("API key %#v does not exist", keyID))
return provider.apiKeyExists(keyID)
// GetEventActions returns an array of event actions respecting limit and offset
func GetEventActions(limit, offset int, order string, minimal bool) ([]BaseEventAction, error) {
return provider.getEventActions(limit, offset, order, minimal)
// EventActionExists returns the event action with the given name if it exists
func EventActionExists(name string) (BaseEventAction, error) {
name = config.convertName(name)
return provider.eventActionExists(name)
// AddEventAction adds a new event action
func AddEventAction(action *BaseEventAction, executor, ipAddress string) error {
action.Name = config.convertName(action.Name)
err := provider.addEventAction(action)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationAdd, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectEventAction, action.Name, action)
return err
// UpdateEventAction updates an existing event action
func UpdateEventAction(action *BaseEventAction, executor, ipAddress string) error {
err := provider.updateEventAction(action)
if err == nil {
if fnReloadRules != nil {
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectEventAction, action.Name, action)
return err
// DeleteEventAction deletes an existing event action
func DeleteEventAction(name string, executor, ipAddress string) error {
name = config.convertName(name)
action, err := provider.eventActionExists(name)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(action.Rules) > 0 {
errorString := fmt.Sprintf("the event action %#q is referenced, it cannot be removed", action.Name)
return util.NewValidationError(errorString)
err = provider.deleteEventAction(action)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationDelete, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectEventAction, action.Name, &action)
return err
// GetEventRules returns an array of event rules respecting limit and offset
func GetEventRules(limit, offset int, order string) ([]EventRule, error) {
return provider.getEventRules(limit, offset, order)
// GetRecentlyUpdatedRules returns the event rules updated after the specified time
func GetRecentlyUpdatedRules(after int64) ([]EventRule, error) {
return provider.getRecentlyUpdatedRules(after)
// EventRuleExists returns the event rule with the given name if it exists
func EventRuleExists(name string) (EventRule, error) {
name = config.convertName(name)
return provider.eventRuleExists(name)
// AddEventRule adds a new event rule
func AddEventRule(rule *EventRule, executor, ipAddress string) error {
rule.Name = config.convertName(rule.Name)
err := provider.addEventRule(rule)
if err == nil {
if fnReloadRules != nil {
executeAction(operationAdd, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectEventRule, rule.Name, rule)
return err
// UpdateEventRule updates an existing event rule
func UpdateEventRule(rule *EventRule, executor, ipAddress string) error {
err := provider.updateEventRule(rule)
if err == nil {
if fnReloadRules != nil {
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectEventRule, rule.Name, rule)
return err
// DeleteEventRule deletes an existing event rule
func DeleteEventRule(name string, executor, ipAddress string) error {
name = config.convertName(name)
rule, err := provider.eventRuleExists(name)
if err != nil {
return err
err = provider.deleteEventRule(rule, config.IsShared == 1)
if err == nil {
if fnRemoveRule != nil {
executeAction(operationDelete, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectEventRule, rule.Name, &rule)
return err
// RemoveEventRule delets an existing event rule without marking it as deleted
func RemoveEventRule(rule EventRule) error {
return provider.deleteEventRule(rule, false)
// GetTaskByName returns the task with the specified name
func GetTaskByName(name string) (Task, error) {
return provider.getTaskByName(name)
// AddTask add a task with the specified name
func AddTask(name string) error {
return provider.addTask(name)
// UpdateTask updates the task with the specified name and version
func UpdateTask(name string, version int64) error {
return provider.updateTask(name, version)
// UpdateTaskTimestamp updates the timestamp for the task with the specified name
func UpdateTaskTimestamp(name string) error {
return provider.updateTaskTimestamp(name)
// GetNodes returns the other cluster nodes
func GetNodes() ([]Node, error) {
if currentNode == nil {
return nil, nil
nodes, err := provider.getNodes()
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to get other cluster nodes %v", err)
return nodes, err
// GetNodeByName returns a node, different from the current one, by name
func GetNodeByName(name string) (Node, error) {
if currentNode == nil {
return Node{}, util.NewRecordNotFoundError(errNoClusterNodes.Error())
if name == currentNode.Name {
return Node{}, util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("%s is the current node, it must refer to other nodes", name))
return provider.getNodeByName(name)
// HasAdmin returns true if the first admin has been created
// and so SFTPGo is ready to be used
func HasAdmin() bool {
return isAdminCreated.Load()
// AddAdmin adds a new SFTPGo admin
func AddAdmin(admin *Admin, executor, ipAddress string) error {
admin.Filters.RecoveryCodes = nil
admin.Filters.TOTPConfig = AdminTOTPConfig{
Enabled: false,
admin.Username = config.convertName(admin.Username)
err := provider.addAdmin(admin)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationAdd, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectAdmin, admin.Username, admin)
return err
// UpdateAdmin updates an existing SFTPGo admin
func UpdateAdmin(admin *Admin, executor, ipAddress string) error {
err := provider.updateAdmin(admin)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectAdmin, admin.Username, admin)
return err
// DeleteAdmin deletes an existing SFTPGo admin
func DeleteAdmin(username, executor, ipAddress string) error {
username = config.convertName(username)
admin, err := provider.adminExists(username)
if err != nil {
return err
err = provider.deleteAdmin(admin)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationDelete, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectAdmin, admin.Username, &admin)
return err
// AdminExists returns the admin with the given username if it exists
func AdminExists(username string) (Admin, error) {
username = config.convertName(username)
return provider.adminExists(username)
// UserExists checks if the given SFTPGo username exists, returns an error if no match is found
func UserExists(username string) (User, error) {
username = config.convertName(username)
return provider.userExists(username)
// GetUserWithGroupSettings tries to return the user with the specified username
// loading also the group settings
func GetUserWithGroupSettings(username string) (User, error) {
username = config.convertName(username)
user, err := provider.userExists(username)
if err != nil {
return user, err
err = user.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
return user, err
// GetUserVariants tries to return the user with the specified username with and without
// group settings applied
func GetUserVariants(username string) (User, User, error) {
username = config.convertName(username)
user, err := provider.userExists(username)
if err != nil {
return user, User{}, err
userWithGroupSettings := user.getACopy()
err = userWithGroupSettings.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
return user, userWithGroupSettings, err
// AddUser adds a new SFTPGo user.
func AddUser(user *User, executor, ipAddress string) error {
user.Username = config.convertName(user.Username)
err := provider.addUser(user)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationAdd, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectUser, user.Username, user)
return err
// UpdateUserPassword updates the user password
func UpdateUserPassword(username, plainPwd, executor, ipAddress string) error {
hashedPwd, err := hashPlainPassword(plainPwd)
if err != nil {
return util.NewGenericError(fmt.Sprintf("unable to set the new password: %v", err))
err = provider.updateUserPassword(username, hashedPwd)
if err != nil {
return util.NewGenericError(fmt.Sprintf("unable to set the new password: %v", err))
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectUser, username, &User{})
return nil
// UpdateUser updates an existing SFTPGo user.
func UpdateUser(user *User, executor, ipAddress string) error {
if user.groupSettingsApplied {
return errors.New("cannot save a user with group settings applied")
err := provider.updateUser(user)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectUser, user.Username, user)
return err
// DeleteUser deletes an existing SFTPGo user.
func DeleteUser(username, executor, ipAddress string) error {
username = config.convertName(username)
user, err := provider.userExists(username)
if err != nil {
return err
err = provider.deleteUser(user, config.IsShared == 1)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationDelete, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectUser, user.Username, &user)
return err
// AddActiveTransfer stores the specified transfer
func AddActiveTransfer(transfer ActiveTransfer) {
if err := provider.addActiveTransfer(transfer); err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to add transfer id %v, connection id %v: %v",
transfer.ID, transfer.ConnID, err)
// UpdateActiveTransferSizes updates the current upload and download sizes for the specified transfer
func UpdateActiveTransferSizes(ulSize, dlSize, transferID int64, connectionID string) {
if err := provider.updateActiveTransferSizes(ulSize, dlSize, transferID, connectionID); err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to update sizes for transfer id %v, connection id %v: %v",
transferID, connectionID, err)
// RemoveActiveTransfer removes the specified transfer
func RemoveActiveTransfer(transferID int64, connectionID string) {
if err := provider.removeActiveTransfer(transferID, connectionID); err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to delete transfer id %v, connection id %v: %v",
transferID, connectionID, err)
// CleanupActiveTransfers removes the transfer before the specified time
func CleanupActiveTransfers(before time.Time) error {
err := provider.cleanupActiveTransfers(before)
if err == nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "deleted active transfers updated before: %v", before)
} else {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "error deleting active transfers updated before %v: %v", before, err)
return err
// GetActiveTransfers retrieves the active transfers with an update time after the specified value
func GetActiveTransfers(from time.Time) ([]ActiveTransfer, error) {
return provider.getActiveTransfers(from)
// AddSharedSession stores a new session within the data provider
func AddSharedSession(session Session) error {
err := provider.addSharedSession(session)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to add shared session, key %#v, type: %v, err: %v",
session.Key, session.Type, err)
return err
// DeleteSharedSession deletes the session with the specified key
func DeleteSharedSession(key string) error {
err := provider.deleteSharedSession(key)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to add shared session, key %#v, err: %v", key, err)
return err
// GetSharedSession retrieves the session with the specified key
func GetSharedSession(key string) (Session, error) {
return provider.getSharedSession(key)
// CleanupSharedSessions removes the shared session with the specified type and
// before the specified time
func CleanupSharedSessions(sessionType SessionType, before time.Time) error {
err := provider.cleanupSharedSessions(sessionType, util.GetTimeAsMsSinceEpoch(before))
if err == nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "deleted shared sessions before: %v, type: %v", before, sessionType)
} else {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "error deleting shared session before %v, type %v: %v", before, sessionType, err)
return err
// ReloadConfig reloads provider configuration.
// Currently only implemented for memory provider, allows to reload the users
// from the configured file, if defined
func ReloadConfig() error {
return provider.reloadConfig()
// GetShares returns an array of shares respecting limit and offset
func GetShares(limit, offset int, order, username string) ([]Share, error) {
return provider.getShares(limit, offset, order, username)
// GetAPIKeys returns an array of API keys respecting limit and offset
func GetAPIKeys(limit, offset int, order string) ([]APIKey, error) {
return provider.getAPIKeys(limit, offset, order)
// GetAdmins returns an array of admins respecting limit and offset
func GetAdmins(limit, offset int, order string) ([]Admin, error) {
return provider.getAdmins(limit, offset, order)
// GetGroups returns an array of groups respecting limit and offset
func GetGroups(limit, offset int, order string, minimal bool) ([]Group, error) {
return provider.getGroups(limit, offset, order, minimal)
// GetUsers returns an array of users respecting limit and offset
func GetUsers(limit, offset int, order string) ([]User, error) {
return provider.getUsers(limit, offset, order)
// GetUsersForQuotaCheck returns the users with the fields required for a quota check
func GetUsersForQuotaCheck(toFetch map[string]bool) ([]User, error) {
return provider.getUsersForQuotaCheck(toFetch)
// AddFolder adds a new virtual folder.
func AddFolder(folder *vfs.BaseVirtualFolder, executor, ipAddress string) error {
folder.Name = config.convertName(folder.Name)
err := provider.addFolder(folder)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationAdd, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectFolder, folder.Name, &wrappedFolder{Folder: *folder})
return err
// UpdateFolder updates the specified virtual folder
func UpdateFolder(folder *vfs.BaseVirtualFolder, users []string, groups []string, executor, ipAddress string) error {
err := provider.updateFolder(folder)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectFolder, folder.Name, &wrappedFolder{Folder: *folder})
usersInGroups, errGrp := provider.getUsersInGroups(groups)
if errGrp == nil {
users = append(users, usersInGroups...)
users = util.RemoveDuplicates(users, false)
} else {
providerLog(logger.LevelWarn, "unable to get users in groups %+v: %v", groups, errGrp)
for _, user := range users {
u, err := provider.userExists(user)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectUser, u.Username, &u)
} else {
return err
// DeleteFolder deletes an existing folder.
func DeleteFolder(folderName, executor, ipAddress string) error {
folderName = config.convertName(folderName)
folder, err := provider.getFolderByName(folderName)
if err != nil {
return err
err = provider.deleteFolder(folder)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationDelete, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectFolder, folder.Name, &wrappedFolder{Folder: folder})
users := folder.Users
usersInGroups, errGrp := provider.getUsersInGroups(folder.Groups)
if errGrp == nil {
users = append(users, usersInGroups...)
users = util.RemoveDuplicates(users, false)
} else {
providerLog(logger.LevelWarn, "unable to get users in groups %+v: %v", folder.Groups, errGrp)
for _, user := range users {
u, err := provider.userExists(user)
if err == nil {
executeAction(operationUpdate, executor, ipAddress, actionObjectUser, u.Username, &u)
return err
// GetFolderByName returns the folder with the specified name if any
func GetFolderByName(name string) (vfs.BaseVirtualFolder, error) {
name = config.convertName(name)
return provider.getFolderByName(name)
// GetFolders returns an array of folders respecting limit and offset
func GetFolders(limit, offset int, order string, minimal bool) ([]vfs.BaseVirtualFolder, error) {
return provider.getFolders(limit, offset, order, minimal)
// DumpUsers returns all users, including confidential data
func DumpUsers() ([]User, error) {
return provider.dumpUsers()
// DumpFolders returns all folders, including confidential data
func DumpFolders() ([]vfs.BaseVirtualFolder, error) {
return provider.dumpFolders()
// DumpData returns all users, groups, folders, admins, api keys, shares, actions, rules
func DumpData() (BackupData, error) {
var data BackupData
groups, err := provider.dumpGroups()
if err != nil {
return data, err
users, err := provider.dumpUsers()
if err != nil {
return data, err
folders, err := provider.dumpFolders()
if err != nil {
return data, err
admins, err := provider.dumpAdmins()
if err != nil {
return data, err
apiKeys, err := provider.dumpAPIKeys()
if err != nil {
return data, err
shares, err := provider.dumpShares()
if err != nil {
return data, err
actions, err := provider.dumpEventActions()
if err != nil {
return data, err
rules, err := provider.dumpEventRules()
if err != nil {
return data, err
data.Users = users
data.Groups = groups
data.Folders = folders
data.Admins = admins
data.APIKeys = apiKeys
data.Shares = shares
data.EventActions = actions
data.EventRules = rules
data.Version = DumpVersion
return data, err
// ParseDumpData tries to parse data as BackupData
func ParseDumpData(data []byte) (BackupData, error) {
var dump BackupData
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &dump)
return dump, err
// GetProviderConfig returns the current provider configuration
func GetProviderConfig() Config {
return config
// GetProviderStatus returns an error if the provider is not available
func GetProviderStatus() ProviderStatus {
err := provider.checkAvailability()
status := ProviderStatus{
Driver: config.Driver,
if err == nil {
status.IsActive = true
} else {
status.IsActive = false
status.Error = err.Error()
return status
// Close releases all provider resources.
// This method is used in test cases.
// Closing an uninitialized provider is not supported
func Close() error {
return provider.close()
func createProvider(basePath string) error {
var err error
sqlPlaceholders = getSQLPlaceholders()
if err = validateSQLTablesPrefix(); err != nil {
return err
logSender = fmt.Sprintf("dataprovider_%v", config.Driver)
switch config.Driver {
case SQLiteDataProviderName:
return initializeSQLiteProvider(basePath)
case PGSQLDataProviderName, CockroachDataProviderName:
return initializePGSQLProvider()
case MySQLDataProviderName:
return initializeMySQLProvider()
case BoltDataProviderName:
return initializeBoltProvider(basePath)
case MemoryDataProviderName:
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported data provider: %v", config.Driver)
func copyBaseUserFilters(in sdk.BaseUserFilters) sdk.BaseUserFilters {
filters := sdk.BaseUserFilters{}
filters.MaxUploadFileSize = in.MaxUploadFileSize
filters.TLSUsername = in.TLSUsername
filters.UserType = in.UserType
filters.AllowedIP = make([]string, len(in.AllowedIP))
copy(filters.AllowedIP, in.AllowedIP)
filters.DeniedIP = make([]string, len(in.DeniedIP))
copy(filters.DeniedIP, in.DeniedIP)
filters.DeniedLoginMethods = make([]string, len(in.DeniedLoginMethods))
copy(filters.DeniedLoginMethods, in.DeniedLoginMethods)
filters.FilePatterns = make([]sdk.PatternsFilter, len(in.FilePatterns))
copy(filters.FilePatterns, in.FilePatterns)
filters.DeniedProtocols = make([]string, len(in.DeniedProtocols))
copy(filters.DeniedProtocols, in.DeniedProtocols)
filters.TwoFactorAuthProtocols = make([]string, len(in.TwoFactorAuthProtocols))
copy(filters.TwoFactorAuthProtocols, in.TwoFactorAuthProtocols)
filters.Hooks.ExternalAuthDisabled = in.Hooks.ExternalAuthDisabled
filters.Hooks.PreLoginDisabled = in.Hooks.PreLoginDisabled
filters.Hooks.CheckPasswordDisabled = in.Hooks.CheckPasswordDisabled
filters.DisableFsChecks = in.DisableFsChecks
filters.StartDirectory = in.StartDirectory
filters.FTPSecurity = in.FTPSecurity
filters.IsAnonymous = in.IsAnonymous
filters.AllowAPIKeyAuth = in.AllowAPIKeyAuth
filters.ExternalAuthCacheTime = in.ExternalAuthCacheTime
filters.DefaultSharesExpiration = in.DefaultSharesExpiration
filters.WebClient = make([]string, len(in.WebClient))
copy(filters.WebClient, in.WebClient)
filters.BandwidthLimits = make([]sdk.BandwidthLimit, 0, len(in.BandwidthLimits))
for _, limit := range in.BandwidthLimits {
bwLimit := sdk.BandwidthLimit{
UploadBandwidth: limit.UploadBandwidth,
DownloadBandwidth: limit.DownloadBandwidth,
Sources: make([]string, 0, len(limit.Sources)),
bwLimit.Sources = make([]string, len(limit.Sources))
copy(bwLimit.Sources, limit.Sources)
filters.BandwidthLimits = append(filters.BandwidthLimits, bwLimit)
filters.DataTransferLimits = make([]sdk.DataTransferLimit, 0, len(in.DataTransferLimits))
for _, limit := range in.DataTransferLimits {
dtLimit := sdk.DataTransferLimit{
UploadDataTransfer: limit.UploadDataTransfer,
DownloadDataTransfer: limit.DownloadDataTransfer,
TotalDataTransfer: limit.TotalDataTransfer,
Sources: make([]string, 0, len(limit.Sources)),
dtLimit.Sources = make([]string, len(limit.Sources))
copy(dtLimit.Sources, limit.Sources)
filters.DataTransferLimits = append(filters.DataTransferLimits, dtLimit)
return filters
func buildUserHomeDir(user *User) {
if user.HomeDir == "" {
if config.UsersBaseDir != "" {
user.HomeDir = filepath.Join(config.UsersBaseDir, user.Username)
switch user.FsConfig.Provider {
case sdk.SFTPFilesystemProvider, sdk.S3FilesystemProvider, sdk.AzureBlobFilesystemProvider, sdk.GCSFilesystemProvider, sdk.HTTPFilesystemProvider:
if tempPath != "" {
user.HomeDir = filepath.Join(tempPath, user.Username)
} else {
user.HomeDir = filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), user.Username)
} else {
user.HomeDir = filepath.Clean(user.HomeDir)
func isVirtualDirOverlapped(dir1, dir2 string, fullCheck bool) bool {
if dir1 == dir2 {
return true
if fullCheck {
if len(dir1) > len(dir2) {
if strings.HasPrefix(dir1, dir2+"/") {
return true
if len(dir2) > len(dir1) {
if strings.HasPrefix(dir2, dir1+"/") {
return true
return false
func validateFolderQuotaLimits(folder vfs.VirtualFolder) error {
if folder.QuotaSize < -1 {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid quota_size: %v folder path %#v", folder.QuotaSize, folder.MappedPath))
if folder.QuotaFiles < -1 {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid quota_file: %v folder path %#v", folder.QuotaFiles, folder.MappedPath))
if (folder.QuotaSize == -1 && folder.QuotaFiles != -1) || (folder.QuotaFiles == -1 && folder.QuotaSize != -1) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("virtual folder quota_size and quota_files must be both -1 or >= 0, quota_size: %v quota_files: %v",
folder.QuotaFiles, folder.QuotaSize))
return nil
func getVirtualFolderIfInvalid(folder *vfs.BaseVirtualFolder) *vfs.BaseVirtualFolder {
if err := ValidateFolder(folder); err == nil {
return folder
// we try to get the folder from the data provider if only the Name is populated
if folder.MappedPath != "" {
return folder
if folder.Name == "" {
return folder
if folder.FsConfig.Provider != sdk.LocalFilesystemProvider {
return folder
if f, err := GetFolderByName(folder.Name); err == nil {
return &f
return folder
func validateUserGroups(user *User) error {
if len(user.Groups) == 0 {
return nil
hasPrimary := false
groupNames := make(map[string]bool)
for _, g := range user.Groups {
if g.Type < sdk.GroupTypePrimary && g.Type > sdk.GroupTypeMembership {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid group type: %v", g.Type))
if g.Type == sdk.GroupTypePrimary {
if hasPrimary {
return util.NewValidationError("only one primary group is allowed")
hasPrimary = true
if groupNames[g.Name] {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("the group %#v is duplicated", g.Name))
groupNames[g.Name] = true
return nil
func validateAssociatedVirtualFolders(vfolders []vfs.VirtualFolder) ([]vfs.VirtualFolder, error) {
if len(vfolders) == 0 {
return []vfs.VirtualFolder{}, nil
var virtualFolders []vfs.VirtualFolder
folderNames := make(map[string]bool)
for _, v := range vfolders {
if v.VirtualPath == "" {
return nil, util.NewValidationError("mount/virtual path is mandatory")
cleanedVPath := util.CleanPath(v.VirtualPath)
if err := validateFolderQuotaLimits(v); err != nil {
return nil, err
folder := getVirtualFolderIfInvalid(&v.BaseVirtualFolder)
if err := ValidateFolder(folder); err != nil {
return nil, err
if folderNames[folder.Name] {
return nil, util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("the folder %#v is duplicated", folder.Name))
for _, vFolder := range virtualFolders {
if isVirtualDirOverlapped(vFolder.VirtualPath, cleanedVPath, false) {
return nil, util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid virtual folder %#v, it overlaps with virtual folder %#v",
v.VirtualPath, vFolder.VirtualPath))
virtualFolders = append(virtualFolders, vfs.VirtualFolder{
BaseVirtualFolder: *folder,
VirtualPath: cleanedVPath,
QuotaSize: v.QuotaSize,
QuotaFiles: v.QuotaFiles,
folderNames[folder.Name] = true
return virtualFolders, nil
func validateUserTOTPConfig(c *UserTOTPConfig, username string) error {
if !c.Enabled {
c.ConfigName = ""
c.Secret = kms.NewEmptySecret()
c.Protocols = nil
return nil
if c.ConfigName == "" {
return util.NewValidationError("totp: config name is mandatory")
if !util.Contains(mfa.GetAvailableTOTPConfigNames(), c.ConfigName) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("totp: config name %#v not found", c.ConfigName))
if c.Secret.IsEmpty() {
return util.NewValidationError("totp: secret is mandatory")
if c.Secret.IsPlain() {
if err := c.Secret.Encrypt(); err != nil {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("totp: unable to encrypt secret: %v", err))
if len(c.Protocols) == 0 {
return util.NewValidationError("totp: specify at least one protocol")
for _, protocol := range c.Protocols {
if !util.Contains(MFAProtocols, protocol) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("totp: invalid protocol %#v", protocol))
return nil
func validateUserRecoveryCodes(user *User) error {
for i := 0; i < len(user.Filters.RecoveryCodes); i++ {
code := &user.Filters.RecoveryCodes[i]
if code.Secret.IsEmpty() {
return util.NewValidationError("mfa: recovery code cannot be empty")
if code.Secret.IsPlain() {
if err := code.Secret.Encrypt(); err != nil {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("mfa: unable to encrypt recovery code: %v", err))
return nil
func validateUserPermissions(permsToCheck map[string][]string) (map[string][]string, error) {
permissions := make(map[string][]string)
for dir, perms := range permsToCheck {
if len(perms) == 0 && dir == "/" {
return permissions, util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("no permissions granted for the directory: %#v", dir))
if len(perms) > len(ValidPerms) {
return permissions, util.NewValidationError("invalid permissions")
for _, p := range perms {
if !util.Contains(ValidPerms, p) {
return permissions, util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid permission: %#v", p))
cleanedDir := filepath.ToSlash(path.Clean(dir))
if cleanedDir != "/" {
cleanedDir = strings.TrimSuffix(cleanedDir, "/")
if !path.IsAbs(cleanedDir) {
return permissions, util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("cannot set permissions for non absolute path: %#v", dir))
if dir != cleanedDir && cleanedDir == "/" {
return permissions, util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("cannot set permissions for invalid subdirectory: %#v is an alias for \"/\"", dir))
if util.Contains(perms, PermAny) {
permissions[cleanedDir] = []string{PermAny}
} else {
permissions[cleanedDir] = util.RemoveDuplicates(perms, false)
return permissions, nil
func validatePermissions(user *User) error {
if len(user.Permissions) == 0 {
return util.NewValidationError("please grant some permissions to this user")
if _, ok := user.Permissions["/"]; !ok {
return util.NewValidationError("permissions for the root dir \"/\" must be set")
permissions, err := validateUserPermissions(user.Permissions)
if err != nil {
return err
user.Permissions = permissions
return nil
func validatePublicKeys(user *User) error {
if len(user.PublicKeys) == 0 {
user.PublicKeys = []string{}
var validatedKeys []string
for i, k := range user.PublicKeys {
if k == "" {
_, _, _, _, err := ssh.ParseAuthorizedKey([]byte(k))
if err != nil {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse key nr. %d: %s", i+1, err))
validatedKeys = append(validatedKeys, k)
user.PublicKeys = util.RemoveDuplicates(validatedKeys, false)
return nil
func validateFiltersPatternExtensions(baseFilters *sdk.BaseUserFilters) error {
if len(baseFilters.FilePatterns) == 0 {
baseFilters.FilePatterns = []sdk.PatternsFilter{}
return nil
filteredPaths := []string{}
var filters []sdk.PatternsFilter
for _, f := range baseFilters.FilePatterns {
cleanedPath := filepath.ToSlash(path.Clean(f.Path))
if !path.IsAbs(cleanedPath) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid path %#v for file patterns filter", f.Path))
if util.Contains(filteredPaths, cleanedPath) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("duplicate file patterns filter for path %#v", f.Path))
if len(f.AllowedPatterns) == 0 && len(f.DeniedPatterns) == 0 {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("empty file patterns filter for path %#v", f.Path))
if f.DenyPolicy < sdk.DenyPolicyDefault || f.DenyPolicy > sdk.DenyPolicyHide {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid deny policy %v for path %#v", f.DenyPolicy, f.Path))
f.Path = cleanedPath
allowed := make([]string, 0, len(f.AllowedPatterns))
denied := make([]string, 0, len(f.DeniedPatterns))
for _, pattern := range f.AllowedPatterns {
_, err := path.Match(pattern, "abc")
if err != nil {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid file pattern filter %#v", pattern))
allowed = append(allowed, strings.ToLower(pattern))
for _, pattern := range f.DeniedPatterns {
_, err := path.Match(pattern, "abc")
if err != nil {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid file pattern filter %#v", pattern))
denied = append(denied, strings.ToLower(pattern))
f.AllowedPatterns = util.RemoveDuplicates(allowed, false)
f.DeniedPatterns = util.RemoveDuplicates(denied, false)
filters = append(filters, f)
filteredPaths = append(filteredPaths, cleanedPath)
baseFilters.FilePatterns = filters
return nil
func checkEmptyFiltersStruct(filters *sdk.BaseUserFilters) {
if len(filters.AllowedIP) == 0 {
filters.AllowedIP = []string{}
if len(filters.DeniedIP) == 0 {
filters.DeniedIP = []string{}
if len(filters.DeniedLoginMethods) == 0 {
filters.DeniedLoginMethods = []string{}
if len(filters.DeniedProtocols) == 0 {
filters.DeniedProtocols = []string{}
func validateIPFilters(filters *sdk.BaseUserFilters) error {
filters.DeniedIP = util.RemoveDuplicates(filters.DeniedIP, false)
for _, IPMask := range filters.DeniedIP {
_, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(IPMask)
if err != nil {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse denied IP/Mask %#v: %v", IPMask, err))
filters.AllowedIP = util.RemoveDuplicates(filters.AllowedIP, false)
for _, IPMask := range filters.AllowedIP {
_, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(IPMask)
if err != nil {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse allowed IP/Mask %#v: %v", IPMask, err))
return nil
func validateBandwidthLimit(bl sdk.BandwidthLimit) error {
if len(bl.Sources) == 0 {
return util.NewValidationError("no bandwidth limit source specified")
for _, source := range bl.Sources {
_, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(source)
if err != nil {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse bandwidth limit source %#v: %v", source, err))
return nil
func validateBandwidthLimitsFilter(filters *sdk.BaseUserFilters) error {
for idx, bandwidthLimit := range filters.BandwidthLimits {
if err := validateBandwidthLimit(bandwidthLimit); err != nil {
return err
if bandwidthLimit.DownloadBandwidth < 0 {
filters.BandwidthLimits[idx].DownloadBandwidth = 0
if bandwidthLimit.UploadBandwidth < 0 {
filters.BandwidthLimits[idx].UploadBandwidth = 0
return nil
func validateTransferLimitsFilter(filters *sdk.BaseUserFilters) error {
for idx, limit := range filters.DataTransferLimits {
filters.DataTransferLimits[idx].Sources = util.RemoveDuplicates(limit.Sources, false)
if len(limit.Sources) == 0 {
return util.NewValidationError("no data transfer limit source specified")
for _, source := range limit.Sources {
_, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(source)
if err != nil {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse data transfer limit source %#v: %v", source, err))
if limit.TotalDataTransfer > 0 {
filters.DataTransferLimits[idx].UploadDataTransfer = 0
filters.DataTransferLimits[idx].DownloadDataTransfer = 0
return nil
func updateFiltersValues(filters *sdk.BaseUserFilters) {
if filters.StartDirectory != "" {
filters.StartDirectory = util.CleanPath(filters.StartDirectory)
if filters.StartDirectory == "/" {
filters.StartDirectory = ""
func validateFilterProtocols(filters *sdk.BaseUserFilters) error {
if len(filters.DeniedProtocols) >= len(ValidProtocols) {
return util.NewValidationError("invalid denied_protocols")
for _, p := range filters.DeniedProtocols {
if !util.Contains(ValidProtocols, p) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid denied protocol %#v", p))
for _, p := range filters.TwoFactorAuthProtocols {
if !util.Contains(MFAProtocols, p) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid two factor protocol %#v", p))
return nil
func validateBaseFilters(filters *sdk.BaseUserFilters) error {
if err := validateIPFilters(filters); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateBandwidthLimitsFilter(filters); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateTransferLimitsFilter(filters); err != nil {
return err
if len(filters.DeniedLoginMethods) >= len(ValidLoginMethods) {
return util.NewValidationError("invalid denied_login_methods")
for _, loginMethod := range filters.DeniedLoginMethods {
if !util.Contains(ValidLoginMethods, loginMethod) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid login method: %#v", loginMethod))
if err := validateFilterProtocols(filters); err != nil {
return err
if filters.TLSUsername != "" {
if !util.Contains(validTLSUsernames, string(filters.TLSUsername)) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid TLS username: %#v", filters.TLSUsername))
for _, opts := range filters.WebClient {
if !util.Contains(sdk.WebClientOptions, opts) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid web client options %#v", opts))
return validateFiltersPatternExtensions(filters)
func validateBaseParams(user *User) error {
if user.Username == "" {
return util.NewValidationError("username is mandatory")
if err := checkReservedUsernames(user.Username); err != nil {
return err
if user.Email != "" && !util.IsEmailValid(user.Email) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("email %#v is not valid", user.Email))
if config.NamingRules&1 == 0 && !usernameRegex.MatchString(user.Username) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("username %#v is not valid, the following characters are allowed: a-zA-Z0-9-_.~",
if user.hasRedactedSecret() {
return util.NewValidationError("cannot save a user with a redacted secret")
if user.HomeDir == "" {
return util.NewValidationError("home_dir is mandatory")
// we can have users with no passwords and public keys, they can authenticate via SSH user certs or OIDC
/*if user.Password == "" && len(user.PublicKeys) == 0 {
return util.NewValidationError("please set a password or at least a public_key")
if !filepath.IsAbs(user.HomeDir) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("home_dir must be an absolute path, actual value: %v", user.HomeDir))
if user.DownloadBandwidth < 0 {
user.DownloadBandwidth = 0
if user.UploadBandwidth < 0 {
user.UploadBandwidth = 0
if user.TotalDataTransfer > 0 {
// if a total data transfer is defined we reset the separate upload and download limits
user.UploadDataTransfer = 0
user.DownloadDataTransfer = 0
if user.Filters.IsAnonymous {
return user.FsConfig.Validate(user.GetEncryptionAdditionalData())
func hashPlainPassword(plainPwd string) (string, error) {
if config.PasswordHashing.Algo == HashingAlgoBcrypt {
pwd, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(plainPwd), config.PasswordHashing.BcryptOptions.Cost)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("bcrypt hashing error: %w", err)
return string(pwd), nil
pwd, err := argon2id.CreateHash(plainPwd, argon2Params)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("argon2ID hashing error: %w", err)
return pwd, nil
func createUserPasswordHash(user *User) error {
if user.Password != "" && !user.IsPasswordHashed() {
if config.PasswordValidation.Users.MinEntropy > 0 {
if err := passwordvalidator.Validate(user.Password, config.PasswordValidation.Users.MinEntropy); err != nil {
return util.NewValidationError(err.Error())
hashedPwd, err := hashPlainPassword(user.Password)
if err != nil {
return err
user.Password = hashedPwd
return nil
// ValidateFolder returns an error if the folder is not valid
// FIXME: this should be defined as Folder struct method
func ValidateFolder(folder *vfs.BaseVirtualFolder) error {
if folder.Name == "" {
return util.NewValidationError("folder name is mandatory")
if config.NamingRules&1 == 0 && !usernameRegex.MatchString(folder.Name) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("folder name %#v is not valid, the following characters are allowed: a-zA-Z0-9-_.~",
if folder.FsConfig.Provider == sdk.LocalFilesystemProvider || folder.FsConfig.Provider == sdk.CryptedFilesystemProvider ||
folder.MappedPath != "" {
cleanedMPath := filepath.Clean(folder.MappedPath)
if !filepath.IsAbs(cleanedMPath) {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid folder mapped path %#v", folder.MappedPath))
folder.MappedPath = cleanedMPath
if folder.HasRedactedSecret() {
return errors.New("cannot save a folder with a redacted secret")
return folder.FsConfig.Validate(folder.GetEncryptionAdditionalData())
// ValidateUser returns an error if the user is not valid
// FIXME: this should be defined as User struct method
func ValidateUser(user *User) error {
user.OIDCCustomFields = nil
if err := validateBaseParams(user); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateUserGroups(user); err != nil {
return err
if err := validatePermissions(user); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateUserTOTPConfig(&user.Filters.TOTPConfig, user.Username); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateUserRecoveryCodes(user); err != nil {
return err
vfolders, err := validateAssociatedVirtualFolders(user.VirtualFolders)
if err != nil {
return err
user.VirtualFolders = vfolders
if user.Status < 0 || user.Status > 1 {
return util.NewValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid user status: %v", user.Status))
if err := createUserPasswordHash(user); err != nil {
return err
if err := validatePublicKeys(user); err != nil {
return err
if err := validateBaseFilters(&user.Filters.BaseUserFilters); err != nil {
return err
if !user.HasExternalAuth() {
user.Filters.ExternalAuthCacheTime = 0
if user.Filters.TOTPConfig.Enabled && util.Contains(user.Filters.WebClient, sdk.WebClientMFADisabled) {
return util.NewValidationError("two-factor authentication cannot be disabled for a user with an active configuration")
return nil
func isPasswordOK(user *User, password string) (bool, error) {
if config.PasswordCaching {
found, match := cachedPasswords.Check(user.Username, password)
if found {
return match, nil
match := false
updatePwd := true
var err error
if strings.HasPrefix(user.Password, bcryptPwdPrefix) {
if err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(user.Password), []byte(password)); err != nil {
return match, ErrInvalidCredentials
match = true
updatePwd = config.PasswordHashing.Algo != HashingAlgoBcrypt
} else if strings.HasPrefix(user.Password, argonPwdPrefix) {
match, err = argon2id.ComparePasswordAndHash(password, user.Password)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "error comparing password with argon hash: %v", err)
return match, err
updatePwd = config.PasswordHashing.Algo != HashingAlgoArgon2ID
} else if util.IsStringPrefixInSlice(user.Password, pbkdfPwdPrefixes) {
match, err = comparePbkdf2PasswordAndHash(password, user.Password)
if err != nil {
return match, err
} else if util.IsStringPrefixInSlice(user.Password, unixPwdPrefixes) {
match, err = compareUnixPasswordAndHash(user, password)
if err != nil {
return match, err
} else if strings.HasPrefix(user.Password, md5LDAPPwdPrefix) {
h := md5.New()
match = fmt.Sprintf("%s%x", md5LDAPPwdPrefix, h.Sum(nil)) == user.Password
if err == nil && match {
cachedPasswords.Add(user.Username, password)
if updatePwd {
convertUserPassword(user.Username, password)
return match, err
func convertUserPassword(username, plainPwd string) {
hashedPwd, err := hashPlainPassword(plainPwd)
if err == nil {
err = provider.updateUserPassword(username, hashedPwd)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelWarn, "unable to convert password for user %s: %v", username, err)
} else {
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "password converted for user %s", username)
func checkUserAndTLSCertificate(user *User, protocol string, tlsCert *x509.Certificate) (User, error) {
err := user.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
if err != nil {
return *user, err
err = user.CheckLoginConditions()
if err != nil {
return *user, err
switch protocol {
case protocolFTP, protocolWebDAV:
if user.Filters.TLSUsername == sdk.TLSUsernameCN {
if user.Username == tlsCert.Subject.CommonName {
return *user, nil
return *user, fmt.Errorf("CN %#v does not match username %#v", tlsCert.Subject.CommonName, user.Username)
return *user, errors.New("TLS certificate is not valid")
return *user, fmt.Errorf("certificate authentication is not supported for protocol %v", protocol)
func checkUserAndPass(user *User, password, ip, protocol string) (User, error) {
err := user.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
if err != nil {
return *user, err
err = user.CheckLoginConditions()
if err != nil {
return *user, err
if user.Filters.IsAnonymous {
return *user, nil
password, err = checkUserPasscode(user, password, protocol)
if err != nil {
return *user, ErrInvalidCredentials
if user.Password == "" || password == "" {
return *user, errors.New("credentials cannot be null or empty")
if !user.Filters.Hooks.CheckPasswordDisabled {
hookResponse, err := executeCheckPasswordHook(user.Username, password, ip, protocol)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "error executing check password hook for user %#v, ip %v, protocol %v: %v",
user.Username, ip, protocol, err)
return *user, errors.New("unable to check credentials")
switch hookResponse.Status {
case -1:
// no hook configured
case 1:
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "password accepted by check password hook for user %#v, ip %v, protocol %v",
user.Username, ip, protocol)
return *user, nil
case 2:
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "partial success from check password hook for user %#v, ip %v, protocol %v",
user.Username, ip, protocol)
password = hookResponse.ToVerify
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "password rejected by check password hook for user %#v, ip %v, protocol %v, status: %v",
user.Username, ip, protocol, hookResponse.Status)
return *user, ErrInvalidCredentials
match, err := isPasswordOK(user, password)
if !match {
err = ErrInvalidCredentials
return *user, err
func checkUserPasscode(user *User, password, protocol string) (string, error) {
if user.Filters.TOTPConfig.Enabled {
switch protocol {
case protocolFTP:
if util.Contains(user.Filters.TOTPConfig.Protocols, protocol) {
// the TOTP passcode has six digits
pwdLen := len(password)
if pwdLen < 7 {
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "password len %v is too short to contain a passcode, user %#v, protocol %v",
pwdLen, user.Username, protocol)
return "", util.NewValidationError("password too short, cannot contain the passcode")
err := user.Filters.TOTPConfig.Secret.TryDecrypt()
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to decrypt TOTP secret for user %#v, protocol %v, err: %v",
user.Username, protocol, err)
return "", err
pwd := password[0:(pwdLen - 6)]
passcode := password[(pwdLen - 6):]
match, err := mfa.ValidateTOTPPasscode(user.Filters.TOTPConfig.ConfigName, passcode,
if !match || err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelWarn, "invalid passcode for user %#v, protocol %v, err: %v",
user.Username, protocol, err)
return "", util.NewValidationError("invalid passcode")
return pwd, nil
return password, nil
func checkUserAndPubKey(user *User, pubKey []byte, isSSHCert bool) (User, string, error) {
err := user.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
if err != nil {
return *user, "", err
err = user.CheckLoginConditions()
if err != nil {
return *user, "", err
if isSSHCert {
return *user, "", nil
if len(user.PublicKeys) == 0 {
return *user, "", ErrInvalidCredentials
for i, k := range user.PublicKeys {
storedPubKey, comment, _, _, err := ssh.ParseAuthorizedKey([]byte(k))
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "error parsing stored public key %d for user %s: %v", i, user.Username, err)
return *user, "", err
if bytes.Equal(storedPubKey.Marshal(), pubKey) {
return *user, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ssh.FingerprintSHA256(storedPubKey), comment), nil
return *user, "", ErrInvalidCredentials
func compareUnixPasswordAndHash(user *User, password string) (bool, error) {
var crypter crypt.Crypter
if strings.HasPrefix(user.Password, sha512cryptPwdPrefix) {
crypter = sha512_crypt.New()
} else if strings.HasPrefix(user.Password, sha256cryptPwdPrefix) {
crypter = sha256_crypt.New()
} else if strings.HasPrefix(user.Password, md5cryptPwdPrefix) {
crypter = md5_crypt.New()
} else if strings.HasPrefix(user.Password, md5cryptApr1PwdPrefix) {
crypter = apr1_crypt.New()
} else {
return false, errors.New("unix crypt: invalid or unsupported hash format")
if err := crypter.Verify(user.Password, []byte(password)); err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
func comparePbkdf2PasswordAndHash(password, hashedPassword string) (bool, error) {
vals := strings.Split(hashedPassword, "$")
if len(vals) != 5 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("pbkdf2: hash is not in the correct format")
iterations, err := strconv.Atoi(vals[2])
if err != nil {
return false, err
expected, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(vals[4])
if err != nil {
return false, err
var salt []byte
if util.IsStringPrefixInSlice(hashedPassword, pbkdfPwdB64SaltPrefixes) {
salt, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(vals[3])
if err != nil {
return false, err
} else {
salt = []byte(vals[3])
var hashFunc func() hash.Hash
if strings.HasPrefix(hashedPassword, pbkdf2SHA256Prefix) || strings.HasPrefix(hashedPassword, pbkdf2SHA256B64SaltPrefix) {
hashFunc = sha256.New
} else if strings.HasPrefix(hashedPassword, pbkdf2SHA512Prefix) {
hashFunc = sha512.New
} else if strings.HasPrefix(hashedPassword, pbkdf2SHA1Prefix) {
hashFunc = sha1.New
} else {
return false, fmt.Errorf("pbkdf2: invalid or unsupported hash format %v", vals[1])
df := pbkdf2.Key([]byte(password), salt, iterations, len(expected), hashFunc)
return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(df, expected) == 1, nil
func getSSLMode() string {
if config.Driver == PGSQLDataProviderName || config.Driver == CockroachDataProviderName {
switch config.SSLMode {
case 0:
return "disable"
case 1:
return "require"
case 2:
return "verify-ca"
case 3:
return "verify-full"
} else if config.Driver == MySQLDataProviderName {
if config.requireCustomTLSForMySQL() {
return "custom"
switch config.SSLMode {
case 0:
return "false"
case 1:
return "true"
case 2:
return "skip-verify"
case 3:
return "preferred"
return ""
func terminateInteractiveAuthProgram(cmd *exec.Cmd, isFinished bool) {
if isFinished {
providerLog(logger.LevelInfo, "kill interactive auth program after an unexpected error")
err := cmd.Process.Kill()
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "error killing interactive auth program: %v", err)
func sendKeyboardAuthHTTPReq(url string, request *plugin.KeyboardAuthRequest) (*plugin.KeyboardAuthResponse, error) {
reqAsJSON, err := json.Marshal(request)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "error serializing keyboard interactive auth request: %v", err)
return nil, err
resp, err := httpclient.Post(url, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(reqAsJSON))
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "error getting keyboard interactive auth hook HTTP response: %v", err)
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong keyboard interactive auth http status code: %v, expected 200", resp.StatusCode)
var response plugin.KeyboardAuthResponse
err = render.DecodeJSON(resp.Body, &response)
return &response, err
func doBuiltinKeyboardInteractiveAuth(user *User, client ssh.KeyboardInteractiveChallenge, ip, protocol string) (int, error) {
answers, err := client("", "", []string{"Password: "}, []bool{false})
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if len(answers) != 1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of answers: %v", len(answers))
err = user.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
_, err = checkUserAndPass(user, answers[0], ip, protocol)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if !user.Filters.TOTPConfig.Enabled || !util.Contains(user.Filters.TOTPConfig.Protocols, protocolSSH) {
return 1, nil
err = user.Filters.TOTPConfig.Secret.TryDecrypt()
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to decrypt TOTP secret for user %#v, protocol %v, err: %v",
user.Username, protocol, err)
return 0, err
answers, err = client("", "", []string{"Authentication code: "}, []bool{false})
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if len(answers) != 1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of answers: %v", len(answers))
match, err := mfa.ValidateTOTPPasscode(user.Filters.TOTPConfig.ConfigName, answers[0],
if !match || err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelWarn, "invalid passcode for user %#v, protocol %v, err: %v",
user.Username, protocol, err)
return 0, util.NewValidationError("invalid passcode")
return 1, nil
func executeKeyboardInteractivePlugin(user *User, client ssh.KeyboardInteractiveChallenge, ip, protocol string) (int, error) {
authResult := 0
requestID := xid.New().String()
authStep := 1
req := &plugin.KeyboardAuthRequest{
Username: user.Username,
IP: ip,
Password: user.Password,
RequestID: requestID,
Step: authStep,
var response *plugin.KeyboardAuthResponse
var err error
for {
response, err = plugin.Handler.ExecuteKeyboardInteractiveStep(req)
if err != nil {
return authResult, err
if response.AuthResult != 0 {
return response.AuthResult, err
if err = response.Validate(); err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelInfo, "invalid response from keyboard interactive plugin: %v", err)
return authResult, err
answers, err := getKeyboardInteractiveAnswers(client, response, user, ip, protocol)
if err != nil {
return authResult, err
req = &plugin.KeyboardAuthRequest{
RequestID: requestID,
Step: authStep,
Username: user.Username,
Password: user.Password,
Answers: answers,
Questions: response.Questions,
func executeKeyboardInteractiveHTTPHook(user *User, authHook string, client ssh.KeyboardInteractiveChallenge, ip, protocol string) (int, error) {
authResult := 0
requestID := xid.New().String()
authStep := 1
req := &plugin.KeyboardAuthRequest{
Username: user.Username,
IP: ip,
Password: user.Password,
RequestID: requestID,
Step: authStep,
var response *plugin.KeyboardAuthResponse
var err error
for {
response, err = sendKeyboardAuthHTTPReq(authHook, req)
if err != nil {
return authResult, err
if response.AuthResult != 0 {
return response.AuthResult, err
if err = response.Validate(); err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelInfo, "invalid response from keyboard interactive http hook: %v", err)
return authResult, err
answers, err := getKeyboardInteractiveAnswers(client, response, user, ip, protocol)
if err != nil {
return authResult, err
req = &plugin.KeyboardAuthRequest{
RequestID: requestID,
Step: authStep,
Username: user.Username,
Password: user.Password,
Answers: answers,
Questions: response.Questions,
func getKeyboardInteractiveAnswers(client ssh.KeyboardInteractiveChallenge, response *plugin.KeyboardAuthResponse,
user *User, ip, protocol string,
) ([]string, error) {
questions := response.Questions
answers, err := client("", response.Instruction, questions, response.Echos)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelInfo, "error getting interactive auth client response: %v", err)
return answers, err
if len(answers) != len(questions) {
err = fmt.Errorf("client answers does not match questions, expected: %v actual: %v", questions, answers)
providerLog(logger.LevelInfo, "keyboard interactive auth error: %v", err)
return answers, err
if len(answers) == 1 && response.CheckPwd > 0 {
if response.CheckPwd == 2 {
if !user.Filters.TOTPConfig.Enabled || !util.Contains(user.Filters.TOTPConfig.Protocols, protocolSSH) {
providerLog(logger.LevelInfo, "keyboard interactive auth error: unable to check TOTP passcode, TOTP is not enabled for user %#v",
return answers, errors.New("TOTP not enabled for SSH protocol")
err := user.Filters.TOTPConfig.Secret.TryDecrypt()
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to decrypt TOTP secret for user %#v, protocol %v, err: %v",
user.Username, protocol, err)
return answers, fmt.Errorf("unable to decrypt TOTP secret: %w", err)
match, err := mfa.ValidateTOTPPasscode(user.Filters.TOTPConfig.ConfigName, answers[0],
if !match || err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelInfo, "keyboard interactive auth error: unable to validate passcode for user %#v, match? %v, err: %v",
user.Username, match, err)
return answers, errors.New("unable to validate TOTP passcode")
} else {
_, err = checkUserAndPass(user, answers[0], ip, protocol)
providerLog(logger.LevelInfo, "interactive auth hook requested password validation for user %#v, validation error: %v",
user.Username, err)
if err != nil {
return answers, err
answers[0] = "OK"
return answers, err
func handleProgramInteractiveQuestions(client ssh.KeyboardInteractiveChallenge, response *plugin.KeyboardAuthResponse,
user *User, stdin io.WriteCloser, ip, protocol string,
) error {
answers, err := getKeyboardInteractiveAnswers(client, response, user, ip, protocol)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, answer := range answers {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
answer += "\r"
answer += "\n"
_, err = stdin.Write([]byte(answer))
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "unable to write client answer to keyboard interactive program: %v", err)
return err
return nil
func executeKeyboardInteractiveProgram(user *User, authHook string, client ssh.KeyboardInteractiveChallenge, ip, protocol string) (int, error) {
authResult := 0
timeout, env, args := command.GetConfig(authHook, command.HookKeyboardInteractive)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, authHook, args...)
cmd.Env = append(env,
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_USERNAME=%v", user.Username),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_IP=%v", ip),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_PASSWORD=%v", user.Password))
stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return authResult, err
stdin, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return authResult, err
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
return authResult, err
var once sync.Once
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
for scanner.Scan() {
var response plugin.KeyboardAuthResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(scanner.Bytes(), &response)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelInfo, "interactive auth error parsing response: %v", err)
once.Do(func() { terminateInteractiveAuthProgram(cmd, false) })
if response.AuthResult != 0 {
authResult = response.AuthResult
if err = response.Validate(); err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelInfo, "invalid response from keyboard interactive program: %v", err)
once.Do(func() { terminateInteractiveAuthProgram(cmd, false) })
go func() {
err := handleProgramInteractiveQuestions(client, &response, user, stdin, ip, protocol)
if err != nil {
once.Do(func() { terminateInteractiveAuthProgram(cmd, false) })
once.Do(func() { terminateInteractiveAuthProgram(cmd, true) })
go func() {
_, err := cmd.Process.Wait()
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelWarn, "error waiting for #%v process to exit: %v", authHook, err)
return authResult, err
func doKeyboardInteractiveAuth(user *User, authHook string, client ssh.KeyboardInteractiveChallenge, ip, protocol string) (User, error) {
var authResult int
var err error
if plugin.Handler.HasAuthScope(plugin.AuthScopeKeyboardInteractive) {
authResult, err = executeKeyboardInteractivePlugin(user, client, ip, protocol)
} else if authHook != "" {
if strings.HasPrefix(authHook, "http") {
authResult, err = executeKeyboardInteractiveHTTPHook(user, authHook, client, ip, protocol)
} else {
authResult, err = executeKeyboardInteractiveProgram(user, authHook, client, ip, protocol)
} else {
authResult, err = doBuiltinKeyboardInteractiveAuth(user, client, ip, protocol)
if err != nil {
return *user, err
if authResult != 1 {
return *user, fmt.Errorf("keyboard interactive auth failed, result: %v", authResult)
err = user.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
if err != nil {
return *user, err
err = user.CheckLoginConditions()
if err != nil {
return *user, err
return *user, nil
func isCheckPasswordHookDefined(protocol string) bool {
if config.CheckPasswordHook == "" {
return false
if config.CheckPasswordScope == 0 {
return true
switch protocol {
case protocolSSH:
return config.CheckPasswordScope&1 != 0
case protocolFTP:
return config.CheckPasswordScope&2 != 0
case protocolWebDAV:
return config.CheckPasswordScope&4 != 0
return false
func getPasswordHookResponse(username, password, ip, protocol string) ([]byte, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(config.CheckPasswordHook, "http") {
var result []byte
req := checkPasswordRequest{
Username: username,
Password: password,
IP: ip,
Protocol: protocol,
reqAsJSON, err := json.Marshal(req)
if err != nil {
return result, err
resp, err := httpclient.Post(config.CheckPasswordHook, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(reqAsJSON))
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "error getting check password hook response: %v", err)
return result, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return result, fmt.Errorf("wrong http status code from chek password hook: %v, expected 200", resp.StatusCode)
return io.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(resp.Body, maxHookResponseSize))
timeout, env, args := command.GetConfig(config.CheckPasswordHook, command.HookCheckPassword)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, config.CheckPasswordHook, args...)
cmd.Env = append(env,
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_USERNAME=%v", username),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_PASSWORD=%v", password),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_IP=%v", ip),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_PROTOCOL=%v", protocol),
return cmd.Output()
func executeCheckPasswordHook(username, password, ip, protocol string) (checkPasswordResponse, error) {
var response checkPasswordResponse
if !isCheckPasswordHookDefined(protocol) {
response.Status = -1
return response, nil
startTime := time.Now()
out, err := getPasswordHookResponse(username, password, ip, protocol)
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "check password hook executed, error: %v, elapsed: %v", err, time.Since(startTime))
if err != nil {
return response, err
err = json.Unmarshal(out, &response)
return response, err
func getPreLoginHookResponse(loginMethod, ip, protocol string, userAsJSON []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(config.PreLoginHook, "http") {
var url *url.URL
var result []byte
url, err := url.Parse(config.PreLoginHook)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "invalid url for pre-login hook %#v, error: %v", config.PreLoginHook, err)
return result, err
q := url.Query()
q.Add("login_method", loginMethod)
q.Add("ip", ip)
q.Add("protocol", protocol)
url.RawQuery = q.Encode()
resp, err := httpclient.Post(url.String(), "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(userAsJSON))
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelWarn, "error getting pre-login hook response: %v", err)
return result, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusNoContent {
return result, nil
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return result, fmt.Errorf("wrong pre-login hook http status code: %v, expected 200", resp.StatusCode)
return io.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(resp.Body, maxHookResponseSize))
timeout, env, args := command.GetConfig(config.PreLoginHook, command.HookPreLogin)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, config.PreLoginHook, args...)
cmd.Env = append(env,
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_LOGIND_USER=%v", string(userAsJSON)),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_LOGIND_METHOD=%v", loginMethod),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_LOGIND_IP=%v", ip),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_LOGIND_PROTOCOL=%v", protocol),
return cmd.Output()
func executePreLoginHook(username, loginMethod, ip, protocol string, oidcTokenFields *map[string]any) (User, error) {
u, mergedUser, userAsJSON, err := getUserAndJSONForHook(username, oidcTokenFields)
if err != nil {
return u, err
if mergedUser.Filters.Hooks.PreLoginDisabled {
return u, nil
startTime := time.Now()
out, err := getPreLoginHookResponse(loginMethod, ip, protocol, userAsJSON)
if err != nil {
return u, fmt.Errorf("pre-login hook error: %v, username %#v, ip %v, protocol %v elapsed %v",
err, username, ip, protocol, time.Since(startTime))
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "pre-login hook completed, elapsed: %v", time.Since(startTime))
if util.IsByteArrayEmpty(out) {
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "empty response from pre-login hook, no modification requested for user %#v id: %v",
username, u.ID)
if u.ID == 0 {
return u, util.NewRecordNotFoundError(fmt.Sprintf("username %#v does not exist", username))
return u, nil
userID := u.ID
userPwd := u.Password
userUsedQuotaSize := u.UsedQuotaSize
userUsedQuotaFiles := u.UsedQuotaFiles
userUsedDownloadTransfer := u.UsedDownloadDataTransfer
userUsedUploadTransfer := u.UsedUploadDataTransfer
userLastQuotaUpdate := u.LastQuotaUpdate
userLastLogin := u.LastLogin
userFirstDownload := u.FirstDownload
userFirstUpload := u.FirstUpload
userCreatedAt := u.CreatedAt
totpConfig := u.Filters.TOTPConfig
recoveryCodes := u.Filters.RecoveryCodes
err = json.Unmarshal(out, &u)
if err != nil {
return u, fmt.Errorf("invalid pre-login hook response %#v, error: %v", string(out), err)
u.ID = userID
u.UsedQuotaSize = userUsedQuotaSize
u.UsedQuotaFiles = userUsedQuotaFiles
u.UsedUploadDataTransfer = userUsedUploadTransfer
u.UsedDownloadDataTransfer = userUsedDownloadTransfer
u.LastQuotaUpdate = userLastQuotaUpdate
u.LastLogin = userLastLogin
u.FirstDownload = userFirstDownload
u.FirstUpload = userFirstUpload
u.CreatedAt = userCreatedAt
if userID == 0 {
err = provider.addUser(&u)
} else {
u.UpdatedAt = util.GetTimeAsMsSinceEpoch(time.Now())
// preserve TOTP config and recovery codes
u.Filters.TOTPConfig = totpConfig
u.Filters.RecoveryCodes = recoveryCodes
err = provider.updateUser(&u)
if err == nil {
if u.Password != userPwd {
if err != nil {
return u, err
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "user %#v added/updated from pre-login hook response, id: %v", username, userID)
if userID == 0 {
return provider.userExists(username)
return u, nil
// ExecutePostLoginHook executes the post login hook if defined
func ExecutePostLoginHook(user *User, loginMethod, ip, protocol string, err error) {
if config.PostLoginHook == "" {
if config.PostLoginScope == 1 && err == nil {
if config.PostLoginScope == 2 && err != nil {
go func() {
actionsConcurrencyGuard <- struct{}{}
defer func() {
status := "0"
if err == nil {
status = "1"
userAsJSON, err := json.Marshal(user)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "error serializing user in post login hook: %v", err)
if strings.HasPrefix(config.PostLoginHook, "http") {
var url *url.URL
url, err := url.Parse(config.PostLoginHook)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "Invalid post-login hook %#v", config.PostLoginHook)
q := url.Query()
q.Add("login_method", loginMethod)
q.Add("ip", ip)
q.Add("protocol", protocol)
q.Add("status", status)
url.RawQuery = q.Encode()
startTime := time.Now()
respCode := 0
resp, err := httpclient.RetryablePost(url.String(), "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(userAsJSON))
if err == nil {
respCode = resp.StatusCode
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "post login hook executed for user %#v, ip %v, protocol %v, response code: %v, elapsed: %v err: %v",
user.Username, ip, protocol, respCode, time.Since(startTime), err)
timeout, env, args := command.GetConfig(config.PostLoginHook, command.HookPostLogin)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, config.PostLoginHook, args...)
cmd.Env = append(env,
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_LOGIND_USER=%v", string(userAsJSON)),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_LOGIND_IP=%v", ip),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_LOGIND_METHOD=%v", loginMethod),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_LOGIND_STATUS=%v", status),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_LOGIND_PROTOCOL=%v", protocol))
startTime := time.Now()
err = cmd.Run()
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "post login hook executed for user %#v, ip %v, protocol %v, elapsed %v err: %v",
user.Username, ip, protocol, time.Since(startTime), err)
func getExternalAuthResponse(username, password, pkey, keyboardInteractive, ip, protocol string, cert *x509.Certificate,
user User,
) ([]byte, error) {
var tlsCert string
if cert != nil {
var err error
tlsCert, err = util.EncodeTLSCertToPem(cert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if strings.HasPrefix(config.ExternalAuthHook, "http") {
var result []byte
authRequest := make(map[string]any)
authRequest["username"] = username
authRequest["ip"] = ip
authRequest["password"] = password
authRequest["public_key"] = pkey
authRequest["protocol"] = protocol
authRequest["keyboard_interactive"] = keyboardInteractive
authRequest["tls_cert"] = tlsCert
if user.ID > 0 {
authRequest["user"] = user
authRequestAsJSON, err := json.Marshal(authRequest)
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelError, "error serializing external auth request: %v", err)
return result, err
resp, err := httpclient.Post(config.ExternalAuthHook, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(authRequestAsJSON))
if err != nil {
providerLog(logger.LevelWarn, "error getting external auth hook HTTP response: %v", err)
return result, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "external auth hook executed, response code: %v", resp.StatusCode)
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return result, fmt.Errorf("wrong external auth http status code: %v, expected 200", resp.StatusCode)
return io.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(resp.Body, maxHookResponseSize))
var userAsJSON []byte
var err error
if user.ID > 0 {
userAsJSON, err = json.Marshal(user)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to serialize user as JSON: %w", err)
timeout, env, args := command.GetConfig(config.ExternalAuthHook, command.HookExternalAuth)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, config.ExternalAuthHook, args...)
cmd.Env = append(env,
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_USERNAME=%v", username),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_USER=%v", string(userAsJSON)),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_IP=%v", ip),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_PASSWORD=%v", password),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_PUBLIC_KEY=%v", pkey),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_PROTOCOL=%v", protocol),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_TLS_CERT=%v", strings.ReplaceAll(tlsCert, "\n", "\\n")),
fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGO_AUTHD_KEYBOARD_INTERACTIVE=%v", keyboardInteractive))
return cmd.Output()
func updateUserFromExtAuthResponse(user *User, password, pkey string) {
if password != "" {
user.Password = password
if pkey != "" && !util.IsStringPrefixInSlice(pkey, user.PublicKeys) {
user.PublicKeys = append(user.PublicKeys, pkey)
func doExternalAuth(username, password string, pubKey []byte, keyboardInteractive, ip, protocol string,
tlsCert *x509.Certificate,
) (User, error) {
var user User
u, mergedUser, err := getUserForHook(username, nil)
if err != nil {
return user, err
if mergedUser.Filters.Hooks.ExternalAuthDisabled {
return u, nil
if mergedUser.isExternalAuthCached() {
return u, nil
pkey, err := util.GetSSHPublicKeyAsString(pubKey)
if err != nil {
return user, err
startTime := time.Now()
out, err := getExternalAuthResponse(username, password, pkey, keyboardInteractive, ip, protocol, tlsCert, u)
if err != nil {
return user, fmt.Errorf("external auth error for user %#v: %v, elapsed: %v", username, err, time.Since(startTime))
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "external auth completed for user %#v, elapsed: %v", username, time.Since(startTime))
if util.IsByteArrayEmpty(out) {
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "empty response from external hook, no modification requested for user %#v id: %v",
username, u.ID)
if u.ID == 0 {
return u, util.NewRecordNotFoundError(fmt.Sprintf("username %#v does not exist", username))
return u, nil
err = json.Unmarshal(out, &user)
if err != nil {
return user, fmt.Errorf("invalid external auth response: %v", err)
// an empty username means authentication failure
if user.Username == "" {
return user, ErrInvalidCredentials
updateUserFromExtAuthResponse(&user, password, pkey)
// some users want to map multiple login usernames with a single SFTPGo account
// for example an SFTP user logins using "user1" or "user2" and the external auth
// returns "user" in both cases, so we use the username returned from
// external auth and not the one used to login
if user.Username != username {
u, err = provider.userExists(user.Username)
if u.ID > 0 && err == nil {
user.ID = u.ID
user.UsedQuotaSize = u.UsedQuotaSize
user.UsedQuotaFiles = u.UsedQuotaFiles
user.UsedUploadDataTransfer = u.UsedUploadDataTransfer
user.UsedDownloadDataTransfer = u.UsedDownloadDataTransfer
user.LastQuotaUpdate = u.LastQuotaUpdate
user.LastLogin = u.LastLogin
user.FirstDownload = u.FirstDownload
user.FirstUpload = u.FirstUpload
user.CreatedAt = u.CreatedAt
user.UpdatedAt = util.GetTimeAsMsSinceEpoch(time.Now())
// preserve TOTP config and recovery codes
user.Filters.TOTPConfig = u.Filters.TOTPConfig
user.Filters.RecoveryCodes = u.Filters.RecoveryCodes
err = provider.updateUser(&user)
if err == nil {
cachedPasswords.Add(user.Username, password)
return user, err
err = provider.addUser(&user)
if err != nil {
return user, err
return provider.userExists(user.Username)
func doPluginAuth(username, password string, pubKey []byte, ip, protocol string,
tlsCert *x509.Certificate, authScope int,
) (User, error) {
var user User
u, mergedUser, userAsJSON, err := getUserAndJSONForHook(username, nil)
if err != nil {
return user, err
if mergedUser.Filters.Hooks.ExternalAuthDisabled {
return u, nil
if mergedUser.isExternalAuthCached() {
return u, nil
pkey, err := util.GetSSHPublicKeyAsString(pubKey)
if err != nil {
return user, err
startTime := time.Now()
out, err := plugin.Handler.Authenticate(username, password, ip, protocol, pkey, tlsCert, authScope, userAsJSON)
if err != nil {
return user, fmt.Errorf("plugin auth error for user %#v: %v, elapsed: %v, auth scope: %v",
username, err, time.Since(startTime), authScope)
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "plugin auth completed for user %#v, elapsed: %v,auth scope: %v",
username, time.Since(startTime), authScope)
if util.IsByteArrayEmpty(out) {
providerLog(logger.LevelDebug, "empty response from plugin auth, no modification requested for user %#v id: %v",
username, u.ID)
if u.ID == 0 {
return u, util.NewRecordNotFoundError(fmt.Sprintf("username %#v does not exist", username))
return u, nil
err = json.Unmarshal(out, &user)
if err != nil {
return user, fmt.Errorf("invalid plugin auth response: %v", err)
updateUserFromExtAuthResponse(&user, password, pkey)
if u.ID > 0 {
user.ID = u.ID
user.UsedQuotaSize = u.UsedQuotaSize
user.UsedQuotaFiles = u.UsedQuotaFiles
user.UsedUploadDataTransfer = u.UsedUploadDataTransfer
user.UsedDownloadDataTransfer = u.UsedDownloadDataTransfer
user.LastQuotaUpdate = u.LastQuotaUpdate
user.LastLogin = u.LastLogin
user.FirstDownload = u.FirstDownload
user.FirstUpload = u.FirstUpload
// preserve TOTP config and recovery codes
user.Filters.TOTPConfig = u.Filters.TOTPConfig
user.Filters.RecoveryCodes = u.Filters.RecoveryCodes
err = provider.updateUser(&user)
if err == nil {
cachedPasswords.Add(user.Username, password)
return user, err
err = provider.addUser(&user)
if err != nil {
return user, err
return provider.userExists(user.Username)
func getUserForHook(username string, oidcTokenFields *map[string]any) (User, User, error) {
u, err := provider.userExists(username)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(*util.RecordNotFoundError); !ok {
return u, u, err
u = User{
BaseUser: sdk.BaseUser{
ID: 0,
Username: username,
mergedUser := u.getACopy()
err = mergedUser.LoadAndApplyGroupSettings()
if err != nil {
return u, mergedUser, err
u.OIDCCustomFields = oidcTokenFields
return u, mergedUser, err
func getUserAndJSONForHook(username string, oidcTokenFields *map[string]any) (User, User, []byte, error) {
u, mergedUser, err := getUserForHook(username, oidcTokenFields)
if err != nil {
return u, mergedUser, nil, err
userAsJSON, err := json.Marshal(u)
if err != nil {
return u, mergedUser, userAsJSON, err
return u, mergedUser, userAsJSON, err
func isLastActivityRecent(lastActivity int64, minDelay time.Duration) bool {
lastActivityTime := util.GetTimeFromMsecSinceEpoch(lastActivity)
diff := -time.Until(lastActivityTime)
if diff < -10*time.Second {
return false
return diff < minDelay
func getConfigPath(name, configDir string) string {
if !util.IsFileInputValid(name) {
return ""
if name != "" && !filepath.IsAbs(name) {
return filepath.Join(configDir, name)
return name
func checkReservedUsernames(username string) error {
if util.Contains(reservedUsers, username) {
return util.NewValidationError("this username is reserved")
return nil
func providerLog(level logger.LogLevel, format string, v ...any) {
logger.Log(level, logSender, "", format, v...)