{{template "base" .}} {{define "title"}}{{.Title}}{{end}} {{define "extra_css"}} {{end}} {{define "additionalnavitems"}}
{{end}} {{define "page_body"}}
{{if .Error}}
Optional description
Endpoint URL, i.e https://host:port/path
Placeholders are supported
HTTP headers
Placeholders are supported in header values.
{{range $idx, $val := .Action.Options.HTTPConfig.Headers}}
Query parameters
Placeholders are supported in query values.
{{range $idx, $val := .Action.Options.HTTPConfig.QueryParameters}}
Ignored for multipart requests with files as attachments.
Placeholders are supported. Ignored for HTTP get requested. Leave empty for multipart requests.
Multipart body
Multipart requests allow to combine one or more sets of data into a single body. For each part, you can set a file path or a body as text. Placeholders are supported in file path, body, header values.
{{range $idx, $val := .Action.Options.HTTPConfig.Parts}}
One header per line as "key: value", example: "Content-Type: application/json", without quotes. Content type for files is automatically detected

One header per line as "key: value", example: "Content-Type: application/json", without quotes. Content type for files is automatically detected

Absolute path of the command to execute
Comma separated command arguments. Placeholders are supported.
Environment variables
Placeholders are supported in values.
{{range $idx, $val := .Action.Options.CmdConfig.EnvVars}}
Comma separated email recipients
Placeholders are supported
Placeholders are supported
Comma separated paths to attach. Placeholders are supported. The total size is limited to 10 MB.
Data retention
Set the data retention, as hours, per path. Retention applies recursively. Setting 0 as retention means excluding the specified path. "Ignore user permissions" defines whether to delete files even if the user does not have the "delete" permission, by default files will be skipped if the user does not have the "delete" permission.
{{range $idx, $val := .Action.Options.RetentionConfig.Folders}}
Paths to rename as seen by SFTPGo users. Placeholders are supported. The required permissions are granted automatically
{{range $idx, $val := .Action.Options.FsConfig.Renames}}
Comma separated paths to delete as seen by SFTPGo users. Placeholders are supported. The required permissions are granted automatically
Comma separated directories paths to create as seen by SFTPGo users. Placeholders are supported. The required permissions are granted automatically
Comma separated paths to check for existence as seen by SFTPGo users. Placeholders are supported. The required permissions are granted automatically
Full path, as seen by SFTPGo users, to the zip archive to create. Placeholders are supported. If the specified file already exists, it is overwritten
Comma separated paths to compress (zip) as seen by SFTPGo users. Placeholders are supported. The required permissions are granted automatically
{{end}} {{define "dialog"}} {{end}} {{define "extra_js"}} {{end}}