{{template "base" .}} {{define "title"}}{{.Title}}{{end}} {{define "extra_css"}} {{end}} {{define "page_body"}}
{{if .IsAdd}}Add a new admin{{else}}Edit admin{{end}}
{{if .Error}}
Optional description, for example the admin full name
{{if not .IsAdd}} If empty the current password will not be changed {{end}}
Setting a role limit the administrator to only manage users with the same role. Role administrators cannot have the following permissions: "manage_admins", "manage_roles", "manage_event_rules", "manage_apikeys", "manage_system"
Groups for users
Groups automatically selected for new users created by this admin. The admin will still be able to choose different groups. These settings are only used for this admin UI and they will be ignored in REST API/hooks.
{{range $idx, $val := .Admin.Groups}}
User page preferences
You can hide some sections from the user page. These are not security settings and are not enforced server side in any way. They are only intended to simplify the user page in the WebAdmin UI.
Default expiration for newly created users as number of days
Comma separated IP/Mask in CIDR format, for example ","
Allow to impersonate this admin, in REST API, with an API key
Free form text field
{{end}} {{define "extra_js"}} {{end}}