also gcs credentials are now encrypted, both on disk and inside the
Data provider is automatically migrated and load data will accept
old format too but you should upgrade to the new format to avoid future
When true, users' Google Cloud Storage credentials will be written to
the data provider instead of disk.
Pre-existing credentials on disk will be used as a fallback
The common package defines the interfaces that a protocol must implement
and contain code that can be shared among supported protocols.
This way should be easier to support new protocols
profiling is now available via the HTTP base URL /debug/pprof/
examples, use this URL to start and download a 30 seconds CPU profile:
use this URL to profile used memory:
use this URL to profile allocated memory:
Full docs here:
we try to remove the trailing double quote for user input such as this one
sftpgo.exe serve -c "C:\ProgramData\SFTPGO\"
the value for the -c flag is parsed as:
this is what the user specified, but the user want this value:
so we try to remove the trailing double quote.
Please note that we cannot do anything for something like this:
-c "C:\ProgramData\SFTPGO\" -l "sftpgo.log"
in this case the -l flag will be ignored and the value for the c flag is:
C:\ProgramData\SFTPGO" -l sftpgo.log
and so probably it is invalid. This is definitely a bad user input
added the "initprovider" command to initialize the database structure.
If we change the database schema the required changes will be checked
at startup and automatically applyed.
The `memory` provider can load users from a dump obtained using the
`dumpdata` REST API. This dump file can be configured using the
dataprovider `name` configuration key. It will be loaded at startup
and can be reloaded on demand using a `SIGHUP` on Unix based systems
and a `paramchange` request to the running service on Windows.
we can now have permissions such as these ones
The old permissions are automatically converted to the new structure,
no database migration is needed
md5sum, sha1sum are used by rclone.
cd, pwd improve the support for RemoteFiles mobile app.
These commands are all implemented inside SFTPGo so they work even
if the matching system commands are not available, for example on Windows
an user can now be disabled or expired.
If you are using an SQL database as dataprovider please remember to
execute the sql update script inside "sql" folder.