"title":"Two-factor authentication using Authenticator apps",
"msg_enabled":"Two-factor authentication is enabled",
"msg_disabled":"Secure Your Account",
"msg_info":"Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account. To log in you'll need to provide an additional authentication code.",
"recovery_codes_msg1":"Recovery codes are a set of one time use codes that can be used in place of the authentication code to login to the web UI. You can use them if you lose access to your phone to login to your account and disable or regenerate two-factor auth configuration.",
"recovery_codes_msg2":"To keep your account secure, don't share or distribute your recovery codes. We recommend saving them with a secure password manager.",
"recovery_codes_msg3":"If you generate new recovery codes, you automatically invalidate old ones.",
"info_title":"Learn about two-factor authentication",
"info1":"SSH protocol (SFTP/SCP/SSH commands) will ask for the passcode if the client uses keyboard interactive authentication.",
"info2":"HTTP protocol means Web UI and REST APIs. Web UI will ask for the passcode using a specific page. For REST API you have to add the passcode using an HTTP header.",
"info3":"FTP has no standard way to support two-factor authentication, if you enable the FTP support, you have to add the TOTP passcode after the password. For example if your password is \"password\" and your one time passcode is \"123456\" you have to use \"password123456\" as password.",
"info4":"WebDAV is not supported since each single request must be authenticated and a passcode cannot be reused.",
"setup_title":"Set up two-factor authentication",
"setup_msg":"Use your preferred Authenticator App (e.g. Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, Authy, 1Password etc. ) to scan the QR code. It will generate an authentication code for you to enter below.",
"setup_help":"If you have trouble using the QR code, select manual entry on your app, and enter the code:",
"disable_confirm":"Do you want to disable two-factor authentication for the selected user? This action is generally only required if the user has lost access to the second authentication factor",
"required_protocols":"Unable to disable two-factor authentication. The security policy configured for your account requires two-factor authentication for the following protocols: {{val}}",
"info":"Enter your current password, for security reasons, and then your new password twice, to verify that you have written it correctly. You will be logged out after changing your password",
"current":"Current password",
"new":"New password",
"confirm":"Confirm password",
"save":"Change my password",
"required_fields":"Please provide the current password and the new one two times",
"no_match":"The two password fields do not match",
"no_different":"The new password must be different from the current one",
"current_no_match":"Current password does not match",
"generic":"Unexpected error while changing password",
"required":"Password change is required. Set a new password to continue using your account"
"role_help":"Users with a role can be managed by global administrators and administrators with the same role",
"require_pwd_change":"Require password change",
"require_pwd_change_help":"The user will need to change the password from WebClient to activate the account",
"groups_help":"Groups membership impart the groups settings with the exception of membership only groups",
"primary_group":"Primary group",
"secondary_groups":"Secondary groups",
"membership_groups":"Membership groups",
"template_help":"For each user set the username and at least one of the password and public key",
"virtual_folders_help":"Quota size/files -1 means included within user quota, 0 unlimited. Don't set -1 for shared folders. You can use MB/GB/TB suffix. Without suffix we assume bytes",
"disconnect":"Disconnect the user after the update",
"disconnect_help":"This way you force the user to login again, if connected, and so to use the new configuration",
"template_help2":"The generated users can be saved or exported. Exported users can be imported from the \"Maintenance\" section of this SFTPGo instance or another.",
"template_title":"Create one or more new virtual folders from this template",
"template_name_placeholder":"replaced with the name of the specified virtual folder",
"template_help":"The generated virtual folders can be saved or exported. Exported folders can be imported from the \"Maintenance\" section of this SFTPGo instance or another.",
"home_dir_placeholder":"Absolute path to a directory on local disk",
"home_dir_help1":"Leave blank for an appropriate default",
"home_dir_help2":"Leave blank and storage to \"Local disk\" to not override the root directory",
"home_dir_help3":"Required for local disk storage providers. For other storage providers this folder will be used for temporary files, you can leave it blank for an appropriate default",
"sftp_home_help":"Restrict access to this SFTP path. Example: \"/somedir/subdir\"",
"os_read_buffer":"Download buffer (MB)",
"os_buffer_help":"0 means no buffer",
"os_write_buffer":"Upload buffer (MB)",
"access_key":"Access Key",
"access_secret":"Access Secret",
"endpoint_help":"For AWS S3, leave blank to use the default endpoint for the specified region",
"sftp_endpoint_help":"Endpoint as host:port. The port is always required",
"ul_part_size":"Upload Part Size (MB)",
"part_size_help":"0 means the default (5 MB). Minimum is 5",
"gcs_part_size_help":"0 means the default (16 MB)",
"ul_concurrency":"Upload Concurrency",
"ul_concurrency_help":"How many parts are uploaded in parallel. 0 means the default (5)",
"dl_part_size":"Download Part Size (MB)",
"dl_concurrency":"Download Concurrency",
"dl_concurrency_help":"How many parts are downloaded in parallel. 0 means the default (5)",
"ul_part_timeout":"Upload Part timeout",
"ul_part_timeout_help":"Max time limit, in seconds, to upload a single part. 0 means no limit",
"gcs_ul_part_timeout_help":"Max time limit, in seconds, to upload a single part. 0 means the default (32)",
"dl_part_timeout":"Download Part timeout",
"dl_part_timeout_help":"Max time limit, in seconds, to download a single part. 0 means no limit",
"key_prefix":"Key Prefix",
"key_prefix_help":"Restrict access to keys with the specified prefix. Example: \"somedir/subdir/\"",
"class":"Storage class",
"role_arn":"Role ARN",
"role_arn_help":"Optional IAM Role ARN to assume",
"s3_path_style":"Use path-style addressing, i.e. \"endpoint/BUCKET/KEY\"",
"credentials_file":"Credentials file",
"credentials_file_help":"Add or update credentials from a JSON file",
"auto_credentials":"Automatic credentials",
"auto_credentials_help":"Use default application credentials or credentials from environment variables",
"account_name":"Account Name",
"account_key":"Account Key",
"sas_url":"SAS URL",
"sas_url_help":"Shared Access Signature URL can be used instead of account name/key",
"emulator":"Use emulator",
"passphrase_help":"Passphrase used to derive the per-object encryption key",
"passphrase_key_help":"Passphrase used to protect your private key, if any",
"fingerprints_help":"SHA256 fingerprints to be validated when connecting to the external SFTP server, one per line. If empty any host key will be accepted: this is a security risk!",
"sftp_buffer":"Buffer size (MB)",
"sftp_buffer_help":"A buffer size greater than 0 enables concurrent transfers",
"relaxed_equality_check_help":"Enable to consider only the endpoint to determine if different configurations point to the same server. By default, both the endpoint and username must match",
"auth_verify_error":"Unable to verify OAuth2 code",
"auth_validation_error":"Unable to verify OAuth2 code",
"auth_invalid":"Invalid OAuth2 code",
"token_exchange_err":"Unable to get OAuth2 token from authorization code",
"no_refresh_token":"The OAuth2 provider returned an empty token. Some providers only return the token when the user first authorizes. If you have already registered SFTPGo with this user in the past, revoke access and try again. This way you will invalidate the previous token",
"success":"Copy the following string, without the quotes, into SMTP OAuth2 Token configuration field:"
"role_permissions":"A role admin cannot have the following permissions: {{val}}",
"view_manage":"View and manage admins",
"self_delete":"You cannot delete yourself",
"self_permissions":"You cannot remove these permissions to yourself",
"self_disable":"You cannot disable yourself",
"self_role":"You cannot add/change your role",
"password_help":"If blank the current password will not be changed",
"role_help":"Setting a role limit the administrator to only manage users with the same role. Administrators with a role cannot have the following permissions: \"manage_admins\", \"manage_roles\", \"manage_event_rules\", \"manage_apikeys\", \"manage_system\", \"manage_ip_lists\"",
"users_groups":"Groups for users",
"users_groups_help":"Groups automatically selected for new users created by this admin. The admin will still be able to choose different groups. These settings are only used for this admin UI and they will be ignored in REST API/hooks",
"group_membership":"Add as membership",
"group_primary":"Add as primary",
"group_secondary":"Add as secondary",
"user_page_pref":"User page preferences",
"user_page_pref_help":"You can hide some sections from the user page. These are not security settings and are not enforced server side in any way. They are only intended to simplify the add/update user page",
"generic_error":"Unable to obtain TLS certificates, check the server logs for more details",
"help":"From this section you can request free TLS certificates for your SFTPGo services using the ACME protocol and the HTTP-01 challenge type. You must create a DNS entry under a custom domain that you own which resolves to your SFTPGo public IP address and the port 80 must be publicly reachable. You can set the configuration options for the most common use cases and single node setups here, for advanced configurations refer to the SFTPGo docs. A service restart is required to apply changes",
"domain_help":"Multiple domains can be specified comma or space separated. They will be included in the same certificate",
"email_help":"Email used for registration and recovery contact",
"port_help":"If different from 80 you have to configure a reverse proxy",
"protocols_help":"Use the obtained certificates for the specified protocols"
"err_required_fields":"From address and Username cannot be both empty",
"client_id_required":"Client ID is required",
"client_secret_required":"Client Secret is required",
"refresh_token_required":"Refresh Token is required",
"help":"Set the SMTP configuration replacing the one defined using env vars or config file if any",
"host":"Server name",
"host_help":"If blank the configuration is disabled",
"debug":"Debug logs",
"domain_help":"HELO domain. Leave blank to use the server hostname",
"test_recipient":"Address to send test emails to",
"oauth2_provider":"OAuth2 provider",
"oauth2_provider_help":"URI to redirect to after user authentication",
"oauth2_tenant":"OAuth2 Tenant",
"oauth2_tenant_help":"Azure tenant. Typical values are \"common\", \"organizations\", \"consumers\" or the tenant identifier",
"oauth2_client_id":"OAuth2 Client ID",
"oauth2_client_secret":"OAuth2 Client Secret",
"oauth2_token":"OAuth2 Token",
"recipient_required":"Specify a recipient to send a test email",
"test_error":"Unable to send test email, check server logs for more details",
"test_ok":"No errors were reported while sending the test email. Please check your inbox to make sure",
"oauth2_flow_error":"Unable to get the URI to start OAuth2 flow",
"oauth2_question":"Do you want to start the OAuth2 flow to get a token?"
"help":"From this section you can enable algorithms disabled by default. You don't need to set values already defined using env vars or config file. A service restart is required to apply changes",
"template_user_help":"Template for SFTPGo users in JSON format. Placeholders are supported",
"template_admin_help":"Template for SFTPGo admins in JSON format. Placeholders are supported",
"placeholders_help":"Placeholders are supported",
"http_headers":"HTTP headers",
"query_parameters":"Query string parameters",
"http_timeout_help":"Ignored for multipart requests with files as attachments",
"http_body_help":"Placeholders are supported. Ignored for HTTP get requested. Leave empty for multipart requests",
"multipart_body":"Multipart body",
"multipart_body_help":"HTTP Multipart requests allow to combine one or more sets of data into a single body. For each part, you can set a file path or a body as text. Placeholders are supported in file path, body, header values",
"http_part_name":"Part name",
"http_part_file":"File path",
"http_part_headers":"Additional part headers one per line as \"key: value\"",
"command_help":"Absolute path of the command to execute",
"command_args_help":"Comma separated command arguments. Placeholders are supported",
"command_env_vars_help":"Placeholders are supported in values. Setting the name to \"$\" without quotes means retrieving the value from the environment",
"email_recipients_help":"Comma separated recipients. Placeholders are supported",
"email_bcc_help":"Comma separated Bcc addresses. Placeholders are supported",
"content_type":"Content Type",
"attachments_help":"Comma separated paths to attach. Placeholders are supported. The total size is limited to 10 MB",
"data_retention":"Data retention",
"data_retention_help":"Set the data retention, as hours, per path. Retention applies recursively. Setting 0 as retention means excluding the specified path. \"Ignore user permissions\" defines whether to delete files even if the user does not have the \"delete\" permission, by default files will be skipped if the user does not have the \"delete\" permission",
"delete_empty_dirs":"Delete empty dirs",
"ignore_user_perms":"Ignore user permissions",
"fs_action":"Filesystem action",
"paths_src_dst_help":"Paths as seen by SFTPGo users. Placeholders are supported. The required permissions are granted automatically",
"paths_help":"Comma separated paths as seen by SFTPGo users. Placeholders are supported. The required permissions are granted automatically",
"archive_path":"Archive path",
"archive_path_help":"Full path, as seen by SFTPGo users, to the zip archive to create. Placeholders are supported. If the specified file already exists, it is overwritten",
"name":"Username, virtual folder name, admin username for provider events, domain name for TLS certificate events",
"event":"Event name, for example \"upload\", \"download\" for filesystem events or \"add\", \"update\" for provider events",
"status":"Status for filesystem events. 1 means no error, 2 means a generic error occurred, 3 means quota exceeded error",
"status_string":"Status as string. Possible values \"OK\", \"KO\"",
"error_string":"Error details. Replaced with an empty string if no errors occur",
"virtual_path":"Path seen by SFTPGo users, for example \"/adir/afile.txt\"",
"virtual_dir_path":"Parent directory for \"VirtualPath\", for example if \"VirtualPath\" is \"/adir/afile.txt\", \"VirtualDirPath\" is \"/adir\"",
"fs_path":"Full filesystem path, for example \"/user/homedir/adir/afile.txt\" or \"C:/data/user/homedir/adir/afile.txt\" on Windows",
"ext":"File extension, for example \".txt\" if the filename is \"afile.txt\"",
"object_name":"File/directory name, for example \"afile.txt\" or provider object name",
"object_type":"Object type for provider events: \"user\", \"group\", \"admin\", etc",
"virtual_target_path":"Virtual target path for rename and copy operations",
"virtual_target_dir_path":"Parent directory for \"VirtualTargetPath\"",
"target_name":"Target object name for rename and copy operations",
"fs_target_path":"Full filesystem target path for rename and copy operations",
"file_size":"File size (bytes)",
"elapsed":"Elapsed time as milliseconds for filesystem events",
"protocol":"Protocol, for example \"SFTP\", \"FTP\"",
"ip":"Client IP address",
"role":"User or admin role",
"timestamp":"Event timestamp as nanoseconds since epoch",
"email":"For filesystem events, this is the email associated with the user performing the action. For the provider events, this is the email associated with the affected user or admin. Blank in all other cases",
"object_data":"Provider object data serialized as JSON with sensitive fields removed",
"object_data_string":"Provider object data as JSON escaped string with sensitive fields removed",
"retention_reports":"Data retention reports as zip compressed CSV files. Supported as email attachment, file path for multipart HTTP request and as single parameter for HTTP requests body",
"idp_field":"Identity Provider custom fields containing a string",
"metadata":"Cloud storage metadata for the downloaded file serialized as JSON",
"metadata_string":"Cloud storage metadata for the downloaded file as JSON escaped string",
"run_confirm":"Do you want to execute the selected rule?",
"run_confirm_btn":"Yes, run",
"run_error_generic":"Unable to run the selected rule",
"run_ok":"Rule actions started",
"invalid_fs_min_size":"Invalid min size",
"invalid_fs_max_size":"Invalid max size",
"action_required":"At least one action is required",
"fs_event_required":"At least one filesystem event is required",
"provider_event_required":"At least one provider event is required",
"schedule_required":"At least one schedule is required",
"schedule_invalid":"Invalid schedule",
"duplicate_actions":"Duplicate actions detected",
"sync_failure_actions":"Synchronous execution is not supported for failure actions",
"sync_unsupported":"Synchronous execution is only supported for some filesystem events and Identity Provider logins",
"sync_unsupported_fs_event":"Synchronous execution is only supported for upload and pre-* filesystem events",
"only_failure_actions":"At least a non-failure action is required",
"sync_action_required":"Event \"{{val}}\" requires at least a synchronous action",
"scheduler_help":"The scheduler uses UTC time. Hours: 0-23. Day of week: 0-6 (Sun-Sat). Day of month: 1-31. Month: 1-12. Asterisk (*) indicates a match for all the values of the field. e.g. every day of week, every day of month and so on",
"concurrent_run":"Allow concurrent execution from multiple instances",
"protocol_filters":"Protocol filters",
"object_filters":"Object filters",
"name_filters":"Name filters",
"name_filters_help":"Shell-like pattern filters for usernames, folder names. For example \"user*\"\" will match names starting with \"user\". For provider events, this filter is applied to the username of the admin executing the event",
"inverse_match":"Inverse match",
"group_name_filters":"Group name filters",
"group_name_filters_help":"Shell-like pattern filters for group names. For example \"group*\"\" will match group names starting with \"group\"",
"role_name_filters":"Role name filters",
"role_name_filters_help":"Shell-like pattern filters for role names. For example \"role*\"\" will match role names starting with \"role\"",
"path_filters":"Path filters",
"path_filters_help":"Shell-like pattern filters on filesystem event paths. For example \"/adir/*.txt\"\" will match paths in the \"/adir\" directory ending with \".txt\". Double asterisk is supported, for example \"/**/*.txt\" will match any file ending with \".txt\". \"/mydir/**\" will match any entry in \"/mydir\"",
"file_size_limits":"File size limits",
"file_size_limits_help":"0 means no limit. You can use MB/GB suffix",
"min_size":"Minimum size",
"max_size":"Maximum size",
"actions_help":"One or more actions to execute. The \"Execute sync\" option is supported for \"upload\" events and required for \"pre-*\" events and Identity provider login events if the action checks the account",
"option_failure_action":"Failure action",
"option_stop_on_failure":"Stop on failure",
"option_execute_sync":"Synchronous execution",
"no_filter":"No filter means always triggering events",