Nicola Murino 489101668c add per directory permissions
we can now have permissions such as these ones


The old permissions are automatically converted to the new structure,
no database migration is needed
2019-12-25 18:20:19 +01:00

83 lines
3.4 KiB

package cmd
import (
var (
directoryToServe string
portableSFTPDPort int
portableAdvertiseService bool
portableAdvertiseCredentials bool
portableUsername string
portablePassword string
portableLogFile string
portablePublicKeys []string
portablePermissions []string
portableSSHCommands []string
portableCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "portable",
Short: "Serve a single directory",
Long: `To serve the current working directory with auto generated credentials simply use:
sftpgo portable
Please take a look at the usage below to customize the serving parameters`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
portableDir := directoryToServe
if !filepath.IsAbs(portableDir) {
portableDir, _ = filepath.Abs(portableDir)
permissions := make(map[string][]string)
permissions["/"] = portablePermissions
service := service.Service{
ConfigDir: defaultConfigDir,
ConfigFile: defaultConfigName,
LogFilePath: portableLogFile,
LogMaxSize: defaultLogMaxSize,
LogMaxBackups: defaultLogMaxBackup,
LogMaxAge: defaultLogMaxAge,
LogCompress: defaultLogCompress,
LogVerbose: defaultLogVerbose,
Shutdown: make(chan bool),
PortableMode: 1,
PortableUser: dataprovider.User{
Username: portableUsername,
Password: portablePassword,
PublicKeys: portablePublicKeys,
Permissions: permissions,
HomeDir: portableDir,
Status: 1,
if err := service.StartPortableMode(portableSFTPDPort, portableSSHCommands, portableAdvertiseService,
portableAdvertiseCredentials); err == nil {
func init() {
portableCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&directoryToServe, "directory", "d", ".",
"Path to the directory to serve. This can be an absolute path or a path relative to the current directory")
portableCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&portableSFTPDPort, "sftpd-port", "s", 0, "0 means a random non privileged port")
portableCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&portableSSHCommands, "ssh-commands", "c", sftpd.GetDefaultSSHCommands(),
"SSH commands to enable. \"*\" means any supported SSH command including scp")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&portableUsername, "username", "u", "", "Leave empty to use an auto generated value")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&portablePassword, "password", "p", "", "Leave empty to use an auto generated value")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&portableLogFile, logFilePathFlag, "l", "", "Leave empty to disable logging")
portableCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&portablePublicKeys, "public-key", "k", []string{}, "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&portablePermissions, "permissions", "g", []string{"list", "download"},
"User's permissions. \"*\" means any permission")
portableCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&portableAdvertiseService, "advertise-service", "S", true,
"Advertise SFTP service using multicast DNS")
portableCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&portableAdvertiseCredentials, "advertise-credentials", "C", false,
"If the SFTP service is advertised via multicast DNS this flag allows to put username/password inside the advertised TXT record")