mirror of
synced 2024-11-29 11:00:32 +00:00
some clients, for example rclone can request only part of a file, we have no way to detect this so we haven't return an error if the downloaded size does not match the file size
1646 lines
44 KiB
1646 lines
44 KiB
package sftpd
import (
type MockChannel struct {
Buffer *bytes.Buffer
StdErrBuffer *bytes.Buffer
ReadError error
WriteError error
ShortWriteErr bool
func (c *MockChannel) Read(data []byte) (int, error) {
if c.ReadError != nil {
return 0, c.ReadError
return c.Buffer.Read(data)
func (c *MockChannel) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {
if c.WriteError != nil {
return 0, c.WriteError
if c.ShortWriteErr {
return 0, nil
return c.Buffer.Write(data)
func (c *MockChannel) Close() error {
return nil
func (c *MockChannel) CloseWrite() error {
return nil
func (c *MockChannel) SendRequest(name string, wantReply bool, payload []byte) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
func (c *MockChannel) Stderr() io.ReadWriter {
return c.StdErrBuffer
// MockOsFs mockable OsFs
type MockOsFs struct {
err error
statErr error
isAtomicUploadSupported bool
// Name returns the name for the Fs implementation
func (fs MockOsFs) Name() string {
return "mockOsFs"
// IsUploadResumeSupported returns true if upload resume is supported
func (MockOsFs) IsUploadResumeSupported() bool {
return false
// IsAtomicUploadSupported returns true if atomic upload is supported
func (fs MockOsFs) IsAtomicUploadSupported() bool {
return fs.isAtomicUploadSupported
// Stat returns a FileInfo describing the named file
func (fs MockOsFs) Stat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
if fs.statErr != nil {
return nil, fs.statErr
return os.Stat(name)
// Remove removes the named file or (empty) directory.
func (fs MockOsFs) Remove(name string, isDir bool) error {
if fs.err != nil {
return fs.err
return os.Remove(name)
// Rename renames (moves) source to target
func (fs MockOsFs) Rename(source, target string) error {
if fs.err != nil {
return fs.err
return os.Rename(source, target)
func newMockOsFs(err, statErr error, atomicUpload bool, connectionID, rootDir string) vfs.Fs {
return &MockOsFs{
Fs: vfs.NewOsFs(connectionID, rootDir),
err: err,
statErr: statErr,
isAtomicUploadSupported: atomicUpload,
func TestWrongActions(t *testing.T) {
actionsCopy := actions
badCommand := "/bad/command"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
badCommand = "C:\\bad\\command"
actions = Actions{
ExecuteOn: []string{operationDownload},
Command: badCommand,
HTTPNotificationURL: "",
err := executeAction(operationDownload, "username", "path", "", "", 0, true)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("action with bad command must fail")
err = executeAction(operationDelete, "username", "path", "", "", 0, true)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("action not configured must silently fail")
actions.Command = ""
actions.HTTPNotificationURL = "http://foo\x7f.com/"
err = executeAction(operationDownload, "username", "path", "", "", 0, true)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("action with bad url must fail")
actions = actionsCopy
func TestActionHTTP(t *testing.T) {
actionsCopy := actions
actions = Actions{
ExecuteOn: []string{operationDownload},
Command: "",
HTTPNotificationURL: "",
err := executeAction(operationDownload, "username", "path", "", "", 0, true)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
actions = actionsCopy
func TestRemoveNonexistentTransfer(t *testing.T) {
transfer := Transfer{}
err := removeTransfer(&transfer)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("remove nonexistent transfer must fail")
func TestRemoveNonexistentQuotaScan(t *testing.T) {
err := RemoveQuotaScan("username")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("remove nonexistent transfer must fail")
func TestGetOSOpenFlags(t *testing.T) {
var flags sftp.FileOpenFlags
flags.Write = true
flags.Excl = true
osFlags := getOSOpenFlags(flags)
if osFlags&os.O_WRONLY == 0 || osFlags&os.O_EXCL == 0 {
t.Errorf("error getting os flags from sftp file open flags")
flags.Append = true
// append flag should be ignored to allow resume
if osFlags&os.O_WRONLY == 0 || osFlags&os.O_EXCL == 0 {
t.Errorf("error getting os flags from sftp file open flags")
func TestUploadResumeInvalidOffset(t *testing.T) {
testfile := "testfile"
file, _ := os.Create(testfile)
transfer := Transfer{
file: file,
path: file.Name(),
start: time.Now(),
bytesSent: 0,
bytesReceived: 0,
user: dataprovider.User{
Username: "testuser",
connectionID: "",
transferType: transferUpload,
lastActivity: time.Now(),
isNewFile: false,
protocol: protocolSFTP,
transferError: nil,
isFinished: false,
minWriteOffset: 10,
lock: new(sync.Mutex),
_, err := transfer.WriteAt([]byte("test"), 0)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("upload with invalid offset must fail")
err = transfer.Close()
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Invalid write offset") {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
func TestReadWriteErrors(t *testing.T) {
testfile := "testfile"
file, _ := os.Create(testfile)
transfer := Transfer{
file: file,
path: file.Name(),
start: time.Now(),
bytesSent: 0,
bytesReceived: 0,
user: dataprovider.User{
Username: "testuser",
connectionID: "",
transferType: transferDownload,
lastActivity: time.Now(),
isNewFile: false,
protocol: protocolSFTP,
transferError: nil,
isFinished: false,
minWriteOffset: 0,
expectedSize: 10,
lock: new(sync.Mutex),
_, err := transfer.WriteAt([]byte("test"), 0)
if err == nil {
t.Error("writing to closed file must fail")
buf := make([]byte, 32768)
_, err = transfer.ReadAt(buf, 0)
if err == nil {
t.Error("reading from a closed file must fail")
err = transfer.Close()
if err == nil {
t.Error("upoload must fail the expected size does not match")
r, _, _ := pipeat.Pipe()
transfer = Transfer{
readerAt: r,
writerAt: nil,
start: time.Now(),
bytesSent: 0,
bytesReceived: 0,
user: dataprovider.User{
Username: "testuser",
connectionID: "",
transferType: transferDownload,
lastActivity: time.Now(),
isNewFile: false,
protocol: protocolSFTP,
transferError: nil,
isFinished: false,
lock: new(sync.Mutex),
_, err = transfer.ReadAt(buf, 0)
if err == nil {
t.Error("reading from a closed pipe must fail")
r, w, _ := pipeat.Pipe()
transfer = Transfer{
readerAt: nil,
writerAt: w,
start: time.Now(),
bytesSent: 0,
bytesReceived: 0,
user: dataprovider.User{
Username: "testuser",
connectionID: "",
transferType: transferDownload,
lastActivity: time.Now(),
isNewFile: false,
protocol: protocolSFTP,
transferError: nil,
isFinished: false,
lock: new(sync.Mutex),
_, err = transfer.WriteAt([]byte("test"), 0)
if err == nil {
t.Error("writing to closed pipe must fail")
func TestTransferCancelFn(t *testing.T) {
testfile := "testfile"
file, _ := os.Create(testfile)
isCancelled := false
cancelFn := func() {
isCancelled = true
transfer := Transfer{
file: file,
cancelFn: cancelFn,
path: file.Name(),
start: time.Now(),
bytesSent: 0,
bytesReceived: 0,
user: dataprovider.User{
Username: "testuser",
connectionID: "",
transferType: transferDownload,
lastActivity: time.Now(),
isNewFile: false,
protocol: protocolSFTP,
transferError: nil,
isFinished: false,
minWriteOffset: 0,
expectedSize: 10,
lock: new(sync.Mutex),
transfer.TransferError(errors.New("fake error, this will trigger cancelFn"))
if !isCancelled {
t.Error("cancelFn not called")
func TestMockFsErrors(t *testing.T) {
errFake := errors.New("fake error")
fs := newMockOsFs(errFake, errFake, false, "123", os.TempDir())
u := dataprovider.User{}
u.Username = "test"
u.Permissions = make(map[string][]string)
u.Permissions["/"] = []string{dataprovider.PermAny}
u.HomeDir = os.TempDir()
c := Connection{
fs: fs,
User: u,
testfile := filepath.Join(u.HomeDir, "testfile")
request := sftp.NewRequest("Remove", testfile)
ioutil.WriteFile(testfile, []byte("test"), 0666)
err := c.handleSFTPRemove(testfile, request)
if err != sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
_, err = c.Filewrite(request)
if err != sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
var flags sftp.FileOpenFlags
flags.Write = true
flags.Trunc = false
flags.Append = true
_, err = c.handleSFTPUploadToExistingFile(flags, testfile, testfile, 0)
if err != sftp.ErrSSHFxOpUnsupported {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
func TestUploadFiles(t *testing.T) {
oldUploadMode := uploadMode
uploadMode = uploadModeAtomic
c := Connection{
fs: vfs.NewOsFs("123", os.TempDir()),
var flags sftp.FileOpenFlags
flags.Write = true
flags.Trunc = true
_, err := c.handleSFTPUploadToExistingFile(flags, "missing_path", "other_missing_path", 0)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("upload to existing file must fail if one or both paths are invalid")
uploadMode = uploadModeStandard
_, err = c.handleSFTPUploadToExistingFile(flags, "missing_path", "other_missing_path", 0)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("upload to existing file must fail if one or both paths are invalid")
missingFile := "missing/relative/file.txt"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
missingFile = "missing\\relative\\file.txt"
_, err = c.handleSFTPUploadToNewFile(".", missingFile)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("upload new file in missing path must fail")
c.fs = newMockOsFs(nil, nil, false, "123", os.TempDir())
f, _ := ioutil.TempFile("", "temp")
_, err = c.handleSFTPUploadToExistingFile(flags, f.Name(), f.Name(), 123)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
if len(activeTransfers) != 1 {
t.Errorf("unexpected number of transfer, expected 1, current: %v", len(activeTransfers))
transfer := activeTransfers[0]
if transfer.initialSize != 123 {
t.Errorf("unexpected initial size: %v", transfer.initialSize)
err = transfer.Close()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
if len(activeTransfers) != 0 {
t.Errorf("unexpected number of transfer, expected 0, current: %v", len(activeTransfers))
uploadMode = oldUploadMode
func TestWithInvalidHome(t *testing.T) {
u := dataprovider.User{}
u.HomeDir = "home_rel_path"
_, err := loginUser(u, "password", "")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("login a user with an invalid home_dir must fail")
u.HomeDir = os.TempDir()
fs, _ := u.GetFilesystem("123")
c := Connection{
User: u,
fs: fs,
_, err = c.fs.ResolvePath("../upper_path")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("tested path is not a home subdir")
func TestSFTPCmdTargetPath(t *testing.T) {
u := dataprovider.User{}
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
u.HomeDir = "C:\\invalid_home"
} else {
u.HomeDir = "/invalid_home"
u.Username = "test"
u.Permissions = make(map[string][]string)
u.Permissions["/"] = []string{dataprovider.PermAny}
fs, _ := u.GetFilesystem("123")
connection := Connection{
User: u,
fs: fs,
_, err := connection.getSFTPCmdTargetPath("invalid_path")
if err != sftp.ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile {
t.Errorf("getSFTPCmdTargetPath must fal with the expected error: %v", err)
func TestGetSFTPErrorFromOSError(t *testing.T) {
err := os.ErrNotExist
fs := vfs.NewOsFs("", os.TempDir())
err = vfs.GetSFTPError(fs, err)
if err != sftp.ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
err = os.ErrPermission
err = vfs.GetSFTPError(fs, err)
if err != sftp.ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
err = vfs.GetSFTPError(fs, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
func TestSetstatModeIgnore(t *testing.T) {
originalMode := setstatMode
setstatMode = 1
connection := Connection{}
err := connection.handleSFTPSetstat("invalid", nil)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v setstat should be silently ignore in mode 1", err)
setstatMode = originalMode
func TestSFTPGetUsedQuota(t *testing.T) {
u := dataprovider.User{}
u.HomeDir = "home_rel_path"
u.Username = "test_invalid_user"
u.QuotaSize = 4096
u.QuotaFiles = 1
u.Permissions = make(map[string][]string)
u.Permissions["/"] = []string{dataprovider.PermAny}
connection := Connection{
User: u,
res := connection.hasSpace(false)
if res != false {
t.Errorf("has space must return false if the user is invalid")
func TestSupportedSSHCommands(t *testing.T) {
cmds := GetSupportedSSHCommands()
if len(cmds) != len(supportedSSHCommands) {
t.Errorf("supported ssh commands does not match")
for _, c := range cmds {
if !utils.IsStringInSlice(c, supportedSSHCommands) {
t.Errorf("invalid ssh command: %v", c)
func TestSSHCommandPath(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: nil,
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
sshCommand := sshCommand{
command: "test",
connection: connection,
args: []string{},
path := sshCommand.getDestPath()
if path != "" {
t.Errorf("path must be empty")
sshCommand.args = []string{"-t", "/tmp/../path"}
path = sshCommand.getDestPath()
if path != "/path" {
t.Errorf("unexpected path: %v", path)
sshCommand.args = []string{"-t", "/tmp/"}
path = sshCommand.getDestPath()
if path != "/tmp/" {
t.Errorf("unexpected path: %v", path)
sshCommand.args = []string{"-t", "tmp/"}
path = sshCommand.getDestPath()
if path != "/tmp/" {
t.Errorf("unexpected path: %v", path)
sshCommand.args = []string{"-t", "/tmp/../../../path"}
path = sshCommand.getDestPath()
if path != "/path" {
t.Errorf("unexpected path: %v", path)
sshCommand.args = []string{"-t", ".."}
path = sshCommand.getDestPath()
if path != "/" {
t.Errorf("unexpected path: %v", path)
sshCommand.args = []string{"-t", "."}
path = sshCommand.getDestPath()
if path != "/" {
t.Errorf("unexpected path: %v", path)
sshCommand.args = []string{"-t", "//"}
path = sshCommand.getDestPath()
if path != "/" {
t.Errorf("unexpected path: %v", path)
sshCommand.args = []string{"-t", "../.."}
path = sshCommand.getDestPath()
if path != "/" {
t.Errorf("unexpected path: %v", path)
sshCommand.args = []string{"-t", "/.."}
path = sshCommand.getDestPath()
if path != "/" {
t.Errorf("unexpected path: %v", path)
sshCommand.args = []string{"-f", "/a space.txt"}
path = sshCommand.getDestPath()
if path != "/a space.txt" {
t.Errorf("unexpected path: %v", path)
func TestSSHParseCommandPayload(t *testing.T) {
cmd := "command -a -f some\\ spaces\\ \\ .txt"
name, args, _ := parseCommandPayload(cmd)
if name != "command" {
t.Errorf("unexpected command: %v", name)
if len(args) != 3 {
t.Errorf("unexpected number of arguments %v/3", len(args))
if !utils.IsStringInSlice("some spaces .txt", args) {
t.Errorf("command parsing error, expected arguments not found: %v", args)
func TestSSHCommandErrors(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
readErr := fmt.Errorf("test read error")
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
server, client := net.Pipe()
defer server.Close()
defer client.Close()
user := dataprovider.User{}
user.Permissions = make(map[string][]string)
user.Permissions["/"] = []string{dataprovider.PermAny}
fs, _ := user.GetFilesystem("123")
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
netConn: client,
User: user,
fs: fs,
cmd := sshCommand{
command: "md5sum",
connection: connection,
args: []string{},
err := cmd.handle()
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("ssh command must fail, we are sending a fake error")
cmd = sshCommand{
command: "md5sum",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"/../../test_file.dat"},
err = cmd.handle()
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("ssh command must fail, we are requesting an invalid path")
cmd = sshCommand{
command: "git-receive-pack",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"/../../testrepo"},
err = cmd.handle()
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("ssh command must fail, we are requesting an invalid path")
cmd.connection.User.HomeDir = os.TempDir()
cmd.connection.User.QuotaFiles = 1
cmd.connection.User.UsedQuotaFiles = 2
fs, _ = cmd.connection.User.GetFilesystem("123")
cmd.connection.fs = fs
err = cmd.handle()
if err != errQuotaExceeded {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
cmd.connection.User.QuotaFiles = 0
cmd.connection.User.UsedQuotaFiles = 0
cmd.connection.User.Permissions = make(map[string][]string)
cmd.connection.User.Permissions["/"] = []string{dataprovider.PermListItems}
err = cmd.handle()
if err != errPermissionDenied {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
cmd.connection.User.Permissions["/"] = []string{dataprovider.PermAny}
cmd.command = "invalid_command"
command, err := cmd.getSystemCommand()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
err = cmd.executeSystemCommand(command)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("invalid command must fail")
command, err = cmd.getSystemCommand()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
err = cmd.executeSystemCommand(command)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("command must fail, pipe was already assigned")
err = cmd.executeSystemCommand(command)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("command must fail, pipe was already assigned")
command, err = cmd.getSystemCommand()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
err = cmd.executeSystemCommand(command)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("command must fail, pipe was already assigned")
func TestSSHCommandsRemoteFs(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
server, client := net.Pipe()
defer server.Close()
defer client.Close()
user := dataprovider.User{}
user.FsConfig = dataprovider.Filesystem{
Provider: 1}
fs, _ := user.GetFilesystem("123")
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
netConn: client,
User: user,
fs: fs,
cmd := sshCommand{
command: "md5sum",
connection: connection,
args: []string{},
err := cmd.handleHashCommands()
if err == nil {
t.Error("command must fail for a non local filesystem")
command, err := cmd.getSystemCommand()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
err = cmd.executeSystemCommand(command)
if err == nil {
t.Error("command must fail for a non local filesystem")
func TestSSHCommandQuotaScan(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
readErr := fmt.Errorf("test read error")
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
server, client := net.Pipe()
defer server.Close()
defer client.Close()
permissions := make(map[string][]string)
permissions["/"] = []string{dataprovider.PermAny}
user := dataprovider.User{
Permissions: permissions,
QuotaFiles: 1,
HomeDir: "invalid_path",
fs, _ := user.GetFilesystem("123")
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
netConn: client,
User: user,
fs: fs,
cmd := sshCommand{
command: "git-receive-pack",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"/testrepo"},
err := cmd.rescanHomeDir()
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("scanning an invalid home dir must fail")
func TestRsyncOptions(t *testing.T) {
permissions := make(map[string][]string)
permissions["/"] = []string{dataprovider.PermAny}
user := dataprovider.User{
Permissions: permissions,
HomeDir: os.TempDir(),
fs, _ := user.GetFilesystem("123")
conn := Connection{
User: user,
fs: fs,
sshCmd := sshCommand{
command: "rsync",
connection: conn,
args: []string{"--server", "-vlogDtprze.iLsfxC", ".", "/"},
cmd, err := sshCmd.getSystemCommand()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
if !utils.IsStringInSlice("--safe-links", cmd.cmd.Args) {
t.Errorf("--safe-links must be added if the user has the create symlinks permission")
permissions["/"] = []string{dataprovider.PermDownload, dataprovider.PermUpload, dataprovider.PermCreateDirs,
dataprovider.PermListItems, dataprovider.PermOverwrite, dataprovider.PermDelete, dataprovider.PermRename}
user.Permissions = permissions
fs, _ = user.GetFilesystem("123")
conn = Connection{
User: user,
fs: fs,
sshCmd = sshCommand{
command: "rsync",
connection: conn,
args: []string{"--server", "-vlogDtprze.iLsfxC", ".", "/"},
cmd, err = sshCmd.getSystemCommand()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
if !utils.IsStringInSlice("--munge-links", cmd.cmd.Args) {
t.Errorf("--munge-links must be added if the user has the create symlinks permission")
func TestSystemCommandErrors(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
readErr := fmt.Errorf("test read error")
writeErr := fmt.Errorf("test write error")
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: nil,
WriteError: writeErr,
server, client := net.Pipe()
defer server.Close()
defer client.Close()
permissions := make(map[string][]string)
permissions["/"] = []string{dataprovider.PermAny}
user := dataprovider.User{
Permissions: permissions,
HomeDir: os.TempDir(),
fs, _ := user.GetFilesystem("123")
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
netConn: client,
User: user,
fs: fs,
sshCmd := sshCommand{
command: "ls",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"/"},
systemCmd, err := sshCmd.getSystemCommand()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
systemCmd.cmd.Dir = os.TempDir()
// FIXME: the command completes but the fake client was unable to read the response
// no error is reported in this case
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: nil,
sshCmd.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannel
transfer := Transfer{
transferType: transferDownload,
lock: new(sync.Mutex)}
destBuff := make([]byte, 65535)
dst := bytes.NewBuffer(destBuff)
_, err = transfer.copyFromReaderToWriter(dst, sshCmd.connection.channel, 0)
if err != readErr {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: nil,
WriteError: nil,
sshCmd.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannel
_, err = transfer.copyFromReaderToWriter(dst, sshCmd.connection.channel, 1)
if err != errQuotaExceeded {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: nil,
WriteError: nil,
ShortWriteErr: true,
sshCmd.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannel
_, err = transfer.copyFromReaderToWriter(sshCmd.connection.channel, dst, 0)
if err != io.ErrShortWrite {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
func TestTransferUpdateQuota(t *testing.T) {
transfer := Transfer{
transferType: transferUpload,
bytesReceived: 123,
lock: new(sync.Mutex)}
transfer.TransferError(errors.New("fake error"))
if transfer.updateQuota(1) {
t.Errorf("update quota must fail, there is a error and this is a remote upload")
func TestGetConnectionInfo(t *testing.T) {
c := ConnectionStatus{
Username: "test_user",
ConnectionID: "123",
ClientVersion: "client",
RemoteAddress: "",
Protocol: protocolSSH,
SSHCommand: "sha1sum /test_file.dat",
info := c.GetConnectionInfo()
if !strings.Contains(info, "sha1sum /test_file.dat") {
t.Errorf("ssh command not found in connection info")
func TestSCPFileMode(t *testing.T) {
mode := getFileModeAsString(0, true)
if mode != "0755" {
t.Errorf("invalid file mode: %v expected: 0755", mode)
mode = getFileModeAsString(0700, true)
if mode != "0700" {
t.Errorf("invalid file mode: %v expected: 0700", mode)
mode = getFileModeAsString(0750, true)
if mode != "0750" {
t.Errorf("invalid file mode: %v expected: 0750", mode)
mode = getFileModeAsString(0777, true)
if mode != "0777" {
t.Errorf("invalid file mode: %v expected: 0777", mode)
mode = getFileModeAsString(0640, false)
if mode != "0640" {
t.Errorf("invalid file mode: %v expected: 0640", mode)
mode = getFileModeAsString(0600, false)
if mode != "0600" {
t.Errorf("invalid file mode: %v expected: 0600", mode)
mode = getFileModeAsString(0, false)
if mode != "0644" {
t.Errorf("invalid file mode: %v expected: 0644", mode)
fileMode := uint32(0777)
fileMode = fileMode | uint32(os.ModeSetgid)
fileMode = fileMode | uint32(os.ModeSetuid)
fileMode = fileMode | uint32(os.ModeSticky)
mode = getFileModeAsString(os.FileMode(fileMode), false)
if mode != "7777" {
t.Errorf("invalid file mode: %v expected: 7777", mode)
fileMode = uint32(0644)
fileMode = fileMode | uint32(os.ModeSetgid)
mode = getFileModeAsString(os.FileMode(fileMode), false)
if mode != "4644" {
t.Errorf("invalid file mode: %v expected: 4644", mode)
fileMode = uint32(0600)
fileMode = fileMode | uint32(os.ModeSetuid)
mode = getFileModeAsString(os.FileMode(fileMode), false)
if mode != "2600" {
t.Errorf("invalid file mode: %v expected: 2600", mode)
fileMode = uint32(0044)
fileMode = fileMode | uint32(os.ModeSticky)
mode = getFileModeAsString(os.FileMode(fileMode), false)
if mode != "1044" {
t.Errorf("invalid file mode: %v expected: 1044", mode)
func TestSCPParseUploadMessage(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: nil,
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
scpCommand := scpCommand{
sshCommand: sshCommand{
command: "scp",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"-t", "/tmp"},
_, _, err := scpCommand.parseUploadMessage("invalid")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("parsing invalid upload message must fail")
_, _, err = scpCommand.parseUploadMessage("D0755 0")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("parsing incomplete upload message must fail")
_, _, err = scpCommand.parseUploadMessage("D0755 invalidsize testdir")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("parsing upload message with invalid size must fail")
_, _, err = scpCommand.parseUploadMessage("D0755 0 ")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("parsing upload message with invalid name must fail")
func TestSCPProtocolMessages(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
readErr := fmt.Errorf("test read error")
writeErr := fmt.Errorf("test write error")
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: writeErr,
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
scpCommand := scpCommand{
sshCommand: sshCommand{
command: "scp",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"-t", "/tmp"},
_, err := scpCommand.readProtocolMessage()
if err == nil || err != readErr {
t.Errorf("read protocol message must fail, we are sending a fake error")
err = scpCommand.sendConfirmationMessage()
if err != writeErr {
t.Errorf("write confirmation message must fail, we are sending a fake error")
err = scpCommand.sendProtocolMessage("E\n")
if err != writeErr {
t.Errorf("write confirmation message must fail, we are sending a fake error")
_, err = scpCommand.getNextUploadProtocolMessage()
if err == nil || err != readErr {
t.Errorf("read next upload protocol message must fail, we are sending a fake read error")
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer([]byte("T1183832947 0 1183833773 0\n")),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: nil,
WriteError: writeErr,
scpCommand.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannel
_, err = scpCommand.getNextUploadProtocolMessage()
if err == nil || err != writeErr {
t.Errorf("read next upload protocol message must fail, we are sending a fake write error")
respBuffer := []byte{0x02}
protocolErrorMsg := "protocol error msg"
respBuffer = append(respBuffer, protocolErrorMsg...)
respBuffer = append(respBuffer, 0x0A)
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(respBuffer),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: nil,
WriteError: nil,
scpCommand.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannel
err = scpCommand.readConfirmationMessage()
if err == nil || err.Error() != protocolErrorMsg {
t.Errorf("read confirmation message must return the expected protocol error, actual err: %v", err)
func TestSCPTestDownloadProtocolMessages(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
readErr := fmt.Errorf("test read error")
writeErr := fmt.Errorf("test write error")
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: writeErr,
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
scpCommand := scpCommand{
sshCommand: sshCommand{
command: "scp",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"-f", "-p", "/tmp"},
path := "testDir"
os.Mkdir(path, 0777)
stat, _ := os.Stat(path)
err := scpCommand.sendDownloadProtocolMessages(path, stat)
if err != writeErr {
t.Errorf("sendDownloadProtocolMessages must return the expected error: %v", err)
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: nil,
err = scpCommand.sendDownloadProtocolMessages(path, stat)
if err != readErr {
t.Errorf("sendDownloadProtocolMessages must return the expected error: %v", err)
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: writeErr,
scpCommand.args = []string{"-f", "/tmp"}
scpCommand.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannel
err = scpCommand.sendDownloadProtocolMessages(path, stat)
if err != writeErr {
t.Errorf("sendDownloadProtocolMessages must return the expected error: %v", err)
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: nil,
scpCommand.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannel
err = scpCommand.sendDownloadProtocolMessages(path, stat)
if err != readErr {
t.Errorf("sendDownloadProtocolMessages must return the expected error: %v", err)
func TestSCPCommandHandleErrors(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
readErr := fmt.Errorf("test read error")
writeErr := fmt.Errorf("test write error")
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: writeErr,
server, client := net.Pipe()
defer server.Close()
defer client.Close()
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
netConn: client,
scpCommand := scpCommand{
sshCommand: sshCommand{
command: "scp",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"-f", "/tmp"},
err := scpCommand.handle()
if err == nil || err != readErr {
t.Errorf("scp download must fail, we are sending a fake error")
scpCommand.args = []string{"-i", "/tmp"}
err = scpCommand.handle()
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("invalid scp command must fail")
func TestSCPErrorsMockFs(t *testing.T) {
errFake := errors.New("fake error")
fs := newMockOsFs(errFake, errFake, false, "123", os.TempDir())
u := dataprovider.User{}
u.Username = "test"
u.Permissions = make(map[string][]string)
u.Permissions["/"] = []string{dataprovider.PermAny}
u.HomeDir = os.TempDir()
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
server, client := net.Pipe()
defer server.Close()
defer client.Close()
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
netConn: client,
fs: fs,
User: u,
scpCommand := scpCommand{
sshCommand: sshCommand{
command: "scp",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"-r", "-t", "/tmp"},
err := scpCommand.handleUpload("test", 0)
if err != errFake {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
testfile := filepath.Join(u.HomeDir, "testfile")
ioutil.WriteFile(testfile, []byte("test"), 0666)
stat, _ := os.Stat(u.HomeDir)
err = scpCommand.handleRecursiveDownload(u.HomeDir, stat)
if err != errFake {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
scpCommand.sshCommand.connection.fs = newMockOsFs(errFake, nil, true, "123", os.TempDir())
err = scpCommand.handleUpload(filepath.Base(testfile), 0)
if err != errFake {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
err = scpCommand.handleUploadFile(testfile, testfile, 0, false, 4)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
func TestSCPRecursiveDownloadErrors(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
readErr := fmt.Errorf("test read error")
writeErr := fmt.Errorf("test write error")
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: writeErr,
server, client := net.Pipe()
defer server.Close()
defer client.Close()
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
netConn: client,
fs: vfs.NewOsFs("123", os.TempDir()),
scpCommand := scpCommand{
sshCommand: sshCommand{
command: "scp",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"-r", "-f", "/tmp"},
path := "testDir"
os.Mkdir(path, 0777)
stat, _ := os.Stat(path)
err := scpCommand.handleRecursiveDownload("invalid_dir", stat)
if err != writeErr {
t.Errorf("recursive upload download must fail with the expected error: %v", err)
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: nil,
WriteError: nil,
scpCommand.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannel
err = scpCommand.handleRecursiveDownload("invalid_dir", stat)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("recursive upload download must fail for a non existing dir")
func TestSCPRecursiveUploadErrors(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
readErr := fmt.Errorf("test read error")
writeErr := fmt.Errorf("test write error")
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: writeErr,
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
scpCommand := scpCommand{
sshCommand: sshCommand{
command: "scp",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"-r", "-t", "/tmp"},
err := scpCommand.handleRecursiveUpload()
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("recursive upload must fail, we send a fake error message")
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: nil,
scpCommand.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannel
err = scpCommand.handleRecursiveUpload()
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("recursive upload must fail, we send a fake error message")
func TestSCPCreateDirs(t *testing.T) {
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
u := dataprovider.User{}
u.HomeDir = "home_rel_path"
u.Username = "test"
u.Permissions = make(map[string][]string)
u.Permissions["/"] = []string{dataprovider.PermAny}
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: nil,
WriteError: nil,
fs, _ := u.GetFilesystem("123")
connection := Connection{
User: u,
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
fs: fs,
scpCommand := scpCommand{
sshCommand: sshCommand{
command: "scp",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"-r", "-t", "/tmp"},
err := scpCommand.handleCreateDir("invalid_dir")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("create invalid dir must fail")
func TestSCPDownloadFileData(t *testing.T) {
testfile := "testfile"
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
readErr := fmt.Errorf("test read error")
writeErr := fmt.Errorf("test write error")
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
mockSSHChannelReadErr := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: nil,
mockSSHChannelWriteErr := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: nil,
WriteError: writeErr,
connection := Connection{
channel: &mockSSHChannelReadErr,
scpCommand := scpCommand{
sshCommand: sshCommand{
command: "scp",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"-r", "-f", "/tmp"},
ioutil.WriteFile(testfile, []byte("test"), 0666)
stat, _ := os.Stat(testfile)
err := scpCommand.sendDownloadFileData(testfile, stat, nil)
if err != readErr {
t.Errorf("send download file data must fail with the expected error: %v", err)
scpCommand.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannelWriteErr
err = scpCommand.sendDownloadFileData(testfile, stat, nil)
if err != writeErr {
t.Errorf("send download file data must fail with the expected error: %v", err)
scpCommand.args = []string{"-r", "-p", "-f", "/tmp"}
err = scpCommand.sendDownloadFileData(testfile, stat, nil)
if err != writeErr {
t.Errorf("send download file data must fail with the expected error: %v", err)
scpCommand.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannelReadErr
err = scpCommand.sendDownloadFileData(testfile, stat, nil)
if err != readErr {
t.Errorf("send download file data must fail with the expected error: %v", err)
func TestSCPUploadFiledata(t *testing.T) {
testfile := "testfile"
buf := make([]byte, 65535)
stdErrBuf := make([]byte, 65535)
readErr := fmt.Errorf("test read error")
writeErr := fmt.Errorf("test write error")
mockSSHChannel := MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: writeErr,
connection := Connection{
User: dataprovider.User{
Username: "testuser",
protocol: protocolSCP,
channel: &mockSSHChannel,
scpCommand := scpCommand{
sshCommand: sshCommand{
command: "scp",
connection: connection,
args: []string{"-r", "-t", "/tmp"},
file, _ := os.Create(testfile)
transfer := Transfer{
file: file,
path: file.Name(),
start: time.Now(),
bytesSent: 0,
bytesReceived: 0,
user: scpCommand.connection.User,
connectionID: "",
transferType: transferDownload,
lastActivity: time.Now(),
isNewFile: true,
protocol: connection.protocol,
transferError: nil,
isFinished: false,
minWriteOffset: 0,
lock: new(sync.Mutex),
err := scpCommand.getUploadFileData(2, &transfer)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("upload must fail, we send a fake write error message")
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: readErr,
WriteError: nil,
scpCommand.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannel
file, _ = os.Create(testfile)
transfer.file = file
transfer.isFinished = false
err = scpCommand.getUploadFileData(2, &transfer)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("upload must fail, we send a fake read error message")
respBuffer := []byte("12")
respBuffer = append(respBuffer, 0x02)
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(respBuffer),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: nil,
WriteError: nil,
scpCommand.connection.channel = &mockSSHChannel
file, _ = os.Create(testfile)
transfer.file = file
transfer.isFinished = false
err = scpCommand.getUploadFileData(2, &transfer)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("upload must fail, we have not enough data to read")
// the file is already closed so we have an error on trasfer closing
mockSSHChannel = MockChannel{
Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf),
StdErrBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(stdErrBuf),
ReadError: nil,
WriteError: nil,
err = scpCommand.getUploadFileData(0, &transfer)
if err != errTransferClosed {
t.Errorf("upload must fail, the transfer is already closed")
err = os.Remove(testfile)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error removing test file: %v", err)
func TestUploadError(t *testing.T) {
oldUploadMode := uploadMode
uploadMode = uploadModeAtomic
connection := Connection{
User: dataprovider.User{
Username: "testuser",
protocol: protocolSCP,
testfile := "testfile"
fileTempName := "temptestfile"
file, _ := os.Create(fileTempName)
transfer := Transfer{
file: file,
path: testfile,
start: time.Now(),
bytesSent: 0,
bytesReceived: 100,
user: connection.User,
connectionID: "",
transferType: transferUpload,
lastActivity: time.Now(),
isNewFile: true,
protocol: connection.protocol,
transferError: nil,
isFinished: false,
minWriteOffset: 0,
lock: new(sync.Mutex),
errFake := errors.New("fake error")
err := transfer.Close()
if err != errFake {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
if transfer.bytesReceived > 0 {
t.Errorf("bytes received should be 0 for a failed transfer: %v", transfer.bytesReceived)
_, err = os.Stat(testfile)
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Errorf("file uploaded must be deleted after an error: %v", err)
_, err = os.Stat(fileTempName)
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Errorf("file uploaded must be deleted after an error: %v", err)
uploadMode = oldUploadMode
func TestConnectionStatusStruct(t *testing.T) {
var transfers []connectionTransfer
transferUL := connectionTransfer{
OperationType: operationUpload,
StartTime: utils.GetTimeAsMsSinceEpoch(time.Now()),
Size: 123,
LastActivity: utils.GetTimeAsMsSinceEpoch(time.Now()),
Path: "/test.upload",
transferDL := connectionTransfer{
OperationType: operationDownload,
StartTime: utils.GetTimeAsMsSinceEpoch(time.Now()),
Size: 123,
LastActivity: utils.GetTimeAsMsSinceEpoch(time.Now()),
Path: "/test.download",
transfers = append(transfers, transferUL)
transfers = append(transfers, transferDL)
c := ConnectionStatus{
Username: "test",
ConnectionID: "123",
ClientVersion: "fakeClient-1.0.0",
RemoteAddress: "",
ConnectionTime: utils.GetTimeAsMsSinceEpoch(time.Now()),
LastActivity: utils.GetTimeAsMsSinceEpoch(time.Now()),
Protocol: "SFTP",
Transfers: transfers,
durationString := c.GetConnectionDuration()
if len(durationString) == 0 {
t.Errorf("error getting connection duration")
transfersString := c.GetTransfersAsString()
if len(transfersString) == 0 {
t.Errorf("error getting transfers as string")
connInfo := c.GetConnectionInfo()
if len(connInfo) == 0 {
t.Errorf("error getting connection info")
func TestSFTPExtensions(t *testing.T) {
initialSFTPExtensions := sftpExtensions
c := Configuration{}
err := c.configureSFTPExtensions()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error configuring SFTP extensions")
sftpExtensions = append(sftpExtensions, "invalid@example.com")
err = c.configureSFTPExtensions()
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("configuring invalid SFTP extensions must fail")
sftpExtensions = initialSFTPExtensions