1174 lines
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1174 lines
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//go:build !noazblob
// +build !noazblob
package vfs
import (
const (
azureDefaultEndpoint = "blob.core.windows.net"
// AzureBlobFs is a Fs implementation for Azure Blob storage.
type AzureBlobFs struct {
connectionID string
localTempDir string
// if not empty this fs is mouted as virtual folder in the specified path
mountPath string
config *AzBlobFsConfig
hasContainerAccess bool
containerClient *azblob.ContainerClient
ctxTimeout time.Duration
ctxLongTimeout time.Duration
func init() {
// NewAzBlobFs returns an AzBlobFs object that allows to interact with Azure Blob storage
func NewAzBlobFs(connectionID, localTempDir, mountPath string, config AzBlobFsConfig) (Fs, error) {
if localTempDir == "" {
if tempPath != "" {
localTempDir = tempPath
} else {
localTempDir = filepath.Clean(os.TempDir())
fs := &AzureBlobFs{
connectionID: connectionID,
localTempDir: localTempDir,
mountPath: getMountPath(mountPath),
config: &config,
ctxTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
ctxLongTimeout: 90 * time.Second,
if err := fs.config.validate(); err != nil {
return fs, err
if err := fs.config.tryDecrypt(); err != nil {
return fs, err
version := version.Get()
clientOptions := &azblob.ClientOptions{
Telemetry: policy.TelemetryOptions{
ApplicationID: fmt.Sprintf("SFTPGo-%v_%v", version.Version, version.CommitHash),
if fs.config.SASURL.GetPayload() != "" {
parts, err := azblob.NewBlobURLParts(fs.config.SASURL.GetPayload())
if err != nil {
return fs, fmt.Errorf("invalid SAS URL: %w", err)
if parts.ContainerName != "" {
if fs.config.Container != "" && fs.config.Container != parts.ContainerName {
return fs, fmt.Errorf("container name in SAS URL %#v and container provided %#v do not match",
parts.ContainerName, fs.config.Container)
fs.config.Container = parts.ContainerName
} else {
if fs.config.Container == "" {
return fs, errors.New("container is required with this SAS URL")
svc, err := azblob.NewServiceClientWithNoCredential(fs.config.SASURL.GetPayload(), clientOptions)
if err != nil {
return fs, fmt.Errorf("invalid credentials: %v", err)
fs.hasContainerAccess = false
fs.containerClient, err = svc.NewContainerClient(fs.config.Container)
return fs, err
credential, err := azblob.NewSharedKeyCredential(fs.config.AccountName, fs.config.AccountKey.GetPayload())
if err != nil {
return fs, fmt.Errorf("invalid credentials: %v", err)
var endpoint string
if fs.config.UseEmulator {
endpoint = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", fs.config.Endpoint, fs.config.AccountName)
} else {
endpoint = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s.%s/", fs.config.AccountName, fs.config.Endpoint)
svc, err := azblob.NewServiceClientWithSharedKey(endpoint, credential, clientOptions)
if err != nil {
return fs, fmt.Errorf("invalid credentials: %v", err)
fs.hasContainerAccess = true
fs.containerClient, err = svc.NewContainerClient(fs.config.Container)
return fs, err
// Name returns the name for the Fs implementation
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) Name() string {
if !fs.config.SASURL.IsEmpty() {
return fmt.Sprintf("Azure Blob with SAS URL, container %#v", fs.config.Container)
return fmt.Sprintf("Azure Blob container %#v", fs.config.Container)
// ConnectionID returns the connection ID associated to this Fs implementation
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) ConnectionID() string {
return fs.connectionID
// Stat returns a FileInfo describing the named file
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) Stat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
if name == "" || name == "." {
if fs.hasContainerAccess {
err := fs.checkIfBucketExists()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return updateFileInfoModTime(fs.getStorageID(), name, NewFileInfo(name, true, 0, time.Now(), false))
if fs.config.KeyPrefix == name+"/" {
return updateFileInfoModTime(fs.getStorageID(), name, NewFileInfo(name, true, 0, time.Now(), false))
attrs, err := fs.headObject(name)
if err == nil {
contentType := util.GetStringFromPointer(attrs.ContentType)
isDir := contentType == dirMimeType
return updateFileInfoModTime(fs.getStorageID(), name, NewFileInfo(name, isDir,
util.GetTimeFromPointer(attrs.LastModified), false))
if !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, err
// now check if this is a prefix (virtual directory)
hasContents, err := fs.hasContents(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if hasContents {
return updateFileInfoModTime(fs.getStorageID(), name, NewFileInfo(name, true, 0, time.Now(), false))
return nil, os.ErrNotExist
// Lstat returns a FileInfo describing the named file
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) Lstat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
return fs.Stat(name)
// Open opens the named file for reading
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) Open(name string, offset int64) (File, *pipeat.PipeReaderAt, func(), error) {
r, w, err := pipeat.PipeInDir(fs.localTempDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
blockBlob, err := fs.containerClient.NewBlockBlobClient(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() {
defer cancelFn()
err := fs.handleMultipartDownload(ctx, blockBlob, offset, w)
w.CloseWithError(err) //nolint:errcheck
fsLog(fs, logger.LevelDebug, "download completed, path: %#v size: %v, err: %+v", name, w.GetWrittenBytes(), err)
metric.AZTransferCompleted(w.GetWrittenBytes(), 1, err)
return nil, r, cancelFn, nil
// Create creates or opens the named file for writing
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) Create(name string, flag int) (File, *PipeWriter, func(), error) {
r, w, err := pipeat.PipeInDir(fs.localTempDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
blockBlob, err := fs.containerClient.NewBlockBlobClient(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
p := NewPipeWriter(w)
headers := azblob.BlobHTTPHeaders{}
var contentType string
if flag == -1 {
contentType = dirMimeType
} else {
contentType = mime.TypeByExtension(path.Ext(name))
if contentType != "" {
headers.BlobContentType = &contentType
go func() {
defer cancelFn()
err := fs.handleMultipartUpload(ctx, r, blockBlob, &headers)
r.CloseWithError(err) //nolint:errcheck
fsLog(fs, logger.LevelDebug, "upload completed, path: %#v, readed bytes: %v, err: %+v", name, r.GetReadedBytes(), err)
metric.AZTransferCompleted(r.GetReadedBytes(), 0, err)
return nil, p, cancelFn, nil
// Rename renames (moves) source to target.
// We don't support renaming non empty directories since we should
// rename all the contents too and this could take long time: think
// about directories with thousands of files, for each file we should
// execute a StartCopyFromURL call.
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) Rename(source, target string) error {
if source == target {
return nil
fi, err := fs.Stat(source)
if err != nil {
return err
if fi.IsDir() {
hasContents, err := fs.hasContents(source)
if err != nil {
return err
if hasContents {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot rename non empty directory: %#v", source)
dstBlob, err := fs.containerClient.NewBlockBlobClient(target)
if err != nil {
return err
srcBlob, err := fs.containerClient.NewBlockBlobClient(source)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(fs.ctxLongTimeout))
defer cancelFn()
resp, err := dstBlob.StartCopyFromURL(ctx, srcBlob.URL(), fs.getCopyOptions())
if err != nil {
return err
copyStatus := azblob.CopyStatusType(util.GetStringFromPointer((*string)(resp.CopyStatus)))
nErrors := 0
for copyStatus == azblob.CopyStatusTypePending {
// Poll until the copy is complete.
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
resp, err := dstBlob.GetProperties(ctx, &azblob.BlobGetPropertiesOptions{
BlobAccessConditions: &azblob.BlobAccessConditions{},
if err != nil {
// A GetProperties failure may be transient, so allow a couple
// of them before giving up.
if ctx.Err() != nil || nErrors == 3 {
return err
} else {
copyStatus = azblob.CopyStatusType(util.GetStringFromPointer((*string)(resp.CopyStatus)))
if copyStatus != azblob.CopyStatusTypeSuccess {
err := fmt.Errorf("copy failed with status: %s", copyStatus)
return err
fs.preserveModificationTime(source, target, fi)
return fs.Remove(source, fi.IsDir())
// Remove removes the named file or (empty) directory.
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) Remove(name string, isDir bool) error {
if isDir {
hasContents, err := fs.hasContents(name)
if err != nil {
return err
if hasContents {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot remove non empty directory: %#v", name)
blobBlock, err := fs.containerClient.NewBlockBlobClient(name)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(fs.ctxTimeout))
defer cancelFn()
_, err = blobBlock.Delete(ctx, &azblob.BlobDeleteOptions{
DeleteSnapshots: azblob.DeleteSnapshotsOptionTypeInclude.ToPtr(),
if plugin.Handler.HasMetadater() && err == nil && !isDir {
if errMetadata := plugin.Handler.RemoveMetadata(fs.getStorageID(), ensureAbsPath(name)); errMetadata != nil {
fsLog(fs, logger.LevelWarn, "unable to remove metadata for path %#v: %+v", name, errMetadata)
return err
// Mkdir creates a new directory with the specified name and default permissions
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) Mkdir(name string) error {
_, err := fs.Stat(name)
if !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
_, w, _, err := fs.Create(name, -1)
if err != nil {
return err
return w.Close()
// Symlink creates source as a symbolic link to target.
func (*AzureBlobFs) Symlink(source, target string) error {
return ErrVfsUnsupported
// Readlink returns the destination of the named symbolic link
func (*AzureBlobFs) Readlink(name string) (string, error) {
return "", ErrVfsUnsupported
// Chown changes the numeric uid and gid of the named file.
func (*AzureBlobFs) Chown(name string, uid int, gid int) error {
return ErrVfsUnsupported
// Chmod changes the mode of the named file to mode.
func (*AzureBlobFs) Chmod(name string, mode os.FileMode) error {
return ErrVfsUnsupported
// Chtimes changes the access and modification times of the named file.
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) Chtimes(name string, atime, mtime time.Time, isUploading bool) error {
if !plugin.Handler.HasMetadater() {
return ErrVfsUnsupported
if !isUploading {
info, err := fs.Stat(name)
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() {
return ErrVfsUnsupported
return plugin.Handler.SetModificationTime(fs.getStorageID(), ensureAbsPath(name),
// Truncate changes the size of the named file.
// Truncate by path is not supported, while truncating an opened
// file is handled inside base transfer
func (*AzureBlobFs) Truncate(name string, size int64) error {
return ErrVfsUnsupported
// ReadDir reads the directory named by dirname and returns
// a list of directory entries.
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) ReadDir(dirname string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
var result []os.FileInfo
// dirname must be already cleaned
prefix := fs.getPrefix(dirname)
modTimes, err := getFolderModTimes(fs.getStorageID(), dirname)
if err != nil {
return result, err
prefixes := make(map[string]bool)
pager := fs.containerClient.ListBlobsHierarchy("/", &azblob.ContainerListBlobsHierarchyOptions{
Include: []azblob.ListBlobsIncludeItem{},
Prefix: &prefix,
hasNext := true
for hasNext {
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(fs.ctxTimeout))
defer cancelFn()
if hasNext = pager.NextPage(ctx); hasNext {
resp := pager.PageResponse()
for _, blobPrefix := range resp.ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse.Segment.BlobPrefixes {
name := util.GetStringFromPointer(blobPrefix.Name)
// we don't support prefixes == "/" this will be sent if a key starts with "/"
if name == "" || name == "/" {
// sometime we have duplicate prefixes, maybe an Azurite bug
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, prefix)
if _, ok := prefixes[strings.TrimSuffix(name, "/")]; ok {
result = append(result, NewFileInfo(name, true, 0, time.Now(), false))
prefixes[strings.TrimSuffix(name, "/")] = true
for _, blobItem := range resp.ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse.Segment.BlobItems {
name := util.GetStringFromPointer(blobItem.Name)
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, prefix)
size := int64(0)
isDir := false
modTime := time.Now()
if blobItem.Properties != nil {
size = util.GetIntFromPointer(blobItem.Properties.ContentLength)
modTime = util.GetTimeFromPointer(blobItem.Properties.LastModified)
contentType := util.GetStringFromPointer(blobItem.Properties.ContentType)
isDir = (contentType == dirMimeType)
if isDir {
// check if the dir is already included, it will be sent as blob prefix if it contains at least one item
if _, ok := prefixes[name]; ok {
prefixes[name] = true
if t, ok := modTimes[name]; ok {
modTime = util.GetTimeFromMsecSinceEpoch(t)
result = append(result, NewFileInfo(name, isDir, size, modTime, false))
err = pager.Err()
return result, err
// IsUploadResumeSupported returns true if resuming uploads is supported.
// Resuming uploads is not supported on Azure Blob
func (*AzureBlobFs) IsUploadResumeSupported() bool {
return false
// IsAtomicUploadSupported returns true if atomic upload is supported.
// Azure Blob uploads are already atomic, we don't need to upload to a temporary
// file
func (*AzureBlobFs) IsAtomicUploadSupported() bool {
return false
// IsNotExist returns a boolean indicating whether the error is known to
// report that a file or directory does not exist
func (*AzureBlobFs) IsNotExist(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
var errStorage *azblob.StorageError
if errors.As(err, &errStorage) {
return errStorage.StatusCode() == http.StatusNotFound
var errResp *azcore.ResponseError
if errors.As(err, &errResp) {
return errResp.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound
// os.ErrNotExist can be returned internally by fs.Stat
return errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist)
// IsPermission returns a boolean indicating whether the error is known to
// report that permission is denied.
func (*AzureBlobFs) IsPermission(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
var errStorage *azblob.StorageError
if errors.As(err, &errStorage) {
statusCode := errStorage.StatusCode()
return statusCode == http.StatusForbidden || statusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized
var errResp *azcore.ResponseError
if errors.As(err, &errResp) {
return errResp.StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden || errResp.StatusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized
return false
// IsNotSupported returns true if the error indicate an unsupported operation
func (*AzureBlobFs) IsNotSupported(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
return err == ErrVfsUnsupported
// CheckRootPath creates the specified local root directory if it does not exists
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) CheckRootPath(username string, uid int, gid int) bool {
// we need a local directory for temporary files
osFs := NewOsFs(fs.ConnectionID(), fs.localTempDir, "")
return osFs.CheckRootPath(username, uid, gid)
// ScanRootDirContents returns the number of files contained in the bucket,
// and their size
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) ScanRootDirContents() (int, int64, error) {
numFiles := 0
size := int64(0)
pager := fs.containerClient.ListBlobsFlat(&azblob.ContainerListBlobsFlatOptions{
Prefix: &fs.config.KeyPrefix,
hasNext := true
for hasNext {
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(fs.ctxTimeout))
defer cancelFn()
if hasNext = pager.NextPage(ctx); hasNext {
resp := pager.PageResponse()
for _, blobItem := range resp.ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse.Segment.BlobItems {
if blobItem.Properties != nil {
contentType := util.GetStringFromPointer(blobItem.Properties.ContentType)
isDir := (contentType == dirMimeType)
blobSize := util.GetIntFromPointer(blobItem.Properties.ContentLength)
if isDir && blobSize == 0 {
size += blobSize
err := pager.Err()
return numFiles, size, err
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) getFileNamesInPrefix(fsPrefix string) (map[string]bool, error) {
fileNames := make(map[string]bool)
prefix := ""
if fsPrefix != "/" {
prefix = strings.TrimPrefix(fsPrefix, "/")
pager := fs.containerClient.ListBlobsHierarchy("/", &azblob.ContainerListBlobsHierarchyOptions{
Include: []azblob.ListBlobsIncludeItem{},
Prefix: &prefix,
hasNext := true
for hasNext {
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(fs.ctxTimeout))
defer cancelFn()
if hasNext = pager.NextPage(ctx); hasNext {
resp := pager.PageResponse()
for _, blobItem := range resp.ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse.Segment.BlobItems {
name := util.GetStringFromPointer(blobItem.Name)
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, prefix)
if blobItem.Properties != nil {
contentType := util.GetStringFromPointer(blobItem.Properties.ContentType)
isDir := (contentType == dirMimeType)
if isDir {
fileNames[name] = true
err := pager.Err()
return fileNames, err
// CheckMetadata checks the metadata consistency
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) CheckMetadata() error {
return fsMetadataCheck(fs, fs.getStorageID(), fs.config.KeyPrefix)
// GetDirSize returns the number of files and the size for a folder
// including any subfolders
func (*AzureBlobFs) GetDirSize(dirname string) (int, int64, error) {
return 0, 0, ErrVfsUnsupported
// GetAtomicUploadPath returns the path to use for an atomic upload.
// Azure Blob Storage uploads are already atomic, we never call this method
func (*AzureBlobFs) GetAtomicUploadPath(name string) string {
return ""
// GetRelativePath returns the path for a file relative to the user's home dir.
// This is the path as seen by SFTPGo users
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) GetRelativePath(name string) string {
rel := path.Clean(name)
if rel == "." {
rel = ""
if !path.IsAbs(rel) {
rel = "/" + rel
if fs.config.KeyPrefix != "" {
if !strings.HasPrefix(rel, "/"+fs.config.KeyPrefix) {
rel = "/"
rel = path.Clean("/" + strings.TrimPrefix(rel, "/"+fs.config.KeyPrefix))
if fs.mountPath != "" {
rel = path.Join(fs.mountPath, rel)
return rel
// Walk walks the file tree rooted at root, calling walkFn for each file or
// directory in the tree, including root
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) Walk(root string, walkFn filepath.WalkFunc) error {
prefix := fs.getPrefix(root)
pager := fs.containerClient.ListBlobsFlat(&azblob.ContainerListBlobsFlatOptions{
Prefix: &prefix,
hasNext := true
for hasNext {
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(fs.ctxTimeout))
defer cancelFn()
if hasNext = pager.NextPage(ctx); hasNext {
resp := pager.PageResponse()
for _, blobItem := range resp.ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse.Segment.BlobItems {
name := util.GetStringFromPointer(blobItem.Name)
if fs.isEqual(name, prefix) {
blobSize := int64(0)
lastModified := time.Now()
isDir := false
if blobItem.Properties != nil {
contentType := util.GetStringFromPointer(blobItem.Properties.ContentType)
isDir = (contentType == dirMimeType)
blobSize = util.GetIntFromPointer(blobItem.Properties.ContentLength)
lastModified = util.GetTimeFromPointer(blobItem.Properties.LastModified)
err := walkFn(name, NewFileInfo(name, isDir, blobSize, lastModified, false), nil)
if err != nil {
return err
err := pager.Err()
if err != nil {
return err
return walkFn(root, NewFileInfo(root, true, 0, time.Now(), false), nil)
// Join joins any number of path elements into a single path
func (*AzureBlobFs) Join(elem ...string) string {
return strings.TrimPrefix(path.Join(elem...), "/")
// HasVirtualFolders returns true if folders are emulated
func (*AzureBlobFs) HasVirtualFolders() bool {
return true
// ResolvePath returns the matching filesystem path for the specified sftp path
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) ResolvePath(virtualPath string) (string, error) {
if fs.mountPath != "" {
virtualPath = strings.TrimPrefix(virtualPath, fs.mountPath)
if !path.IsAbs(virtualPath) {
virtualPath = path.Clean("/" + virtualPath)
return fs.Join(fs.config.KeyPrefix, strings.TrimPrefix(virtualPath, "/")), nil
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) headObject(name string) (azblob.BlobGetPropertiesResponse, error) {
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(fs.ctxTimeout))
defer cancelFn()
blobClient, err := fs.containerClient.NewBlockBlobClient(name)
if err != nil {
return azblob.BlobGetPropertiesResponse{}, err
resp, err := blobClient.GetProperties(ctx, &azblob.BlobGetPropertiesOptions{
BlobAccessConditions: &azblob.BlobAccessConditions{},
return resp, err
// GetMimeType returns the content type
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) GetMimeType(name string) (string, error) {
response, err := fs.headObject(name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return util.GetStringFromPointer(response.ContentType), nil
// Close closes the fs
func (*AzureBlobFs) Close() error {
return nil
// GetAvailableDiskSize returns the available size for the specified path
func (*AzureBlobFs) GetAvailableDiskSize(dirName string) (*sftp.StatVFS, error) {
return nil, ErrStorageSizeUnavailable
func (*AzureBlobFs) getPrefix(name string) string {
prefix := ""
if name != "" && name != "." {
prefix = strings.TrimPrefix(name, "/")
if !strings.HasSuffix(prefix, "/") {
prefix += "/"
return prefix
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) isEqual(key string, virtualName string) bool {
if key == virtualName {
return true
if key == virtualName+"/" {
return true
if key+"/" == virtualName {
return true
return false
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) setConfigDefaults() {
if fs.config.Endpoint == "" {
fs.config.Endpoint = azureDefaultEndpoint
if fs.config.UploadPartSize == 0 {
fs.config.UploadPartSize = 5
if fs.config.UploadPartSize < 1024*1024 {
fs.config.UploadPartSize *= 1024 * 1024
if fs.config.UploadConcurrency == 0 {
fs.config.UploadConcurrency = 5
if fs.config.DownloadPartSize == 0 {
fs.config.DownloadPartSize = 5
if fs.config.DownloadPartSize < 1024*1024 {
fs.config.DownloadPartSize *= 1024 * 1024
if fs.config.DownloadConcurrency == 0 {
fs.config.DownloadConcurrency = 5
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) checkIfBucketExists() error {
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(fs.ctxTimeout))
defer cancelFn()
_, err := fs.containerClient.GetProperties(ctx, &azblob.ContainerGetPropertiesOptions{})
return err
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) hasContents(name string) (bool, error) {
result := false
prefix := fs.getPrefix(name)
maxResults := int32(1)
pager := fs.containerClient.ListBlobsFlat(&azblob.ContainerListBlobsFlatOptions{
MaxResults: &maxResults,
Prefix: &prefix,
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(fs.ctxTimeout))
defer cancelFn()
if pager.NextPage(ctx) {
resp := pager.PageResponse()
result = len(resp.ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse.Segment.BlobItems) > 0
err := pager.Err()
return result, err
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) downloadPart(ctx context.Context, blockBlob *azblob.BlockBlobClient, buf []byte,
w io.WriterAt, offset, count, writeOffset int64,
) error {
if count == 0 {
return nil
resp, err := blockBlob.Download(ctx, &azblob.BlobDownloadOptions{
Offset: &offset,
Count: &count,
if err != nil {
return err
body := resp.Body(&azblob.RetryReaderOptions{MaxRetryRequests: 2})
defer body.Close()
_, err = io.ReadAtLeast(body, buf, int(count))
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = fs.writeAtFull(w, buf, writeOffset, int(count))
return err
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) handleMultipartDownload(ctx context.Context, blockBlob *azblob.BlockBlobClient,
offset int64, writer io.WriterAt,
) error {
props, err := blockBlob.GetProperties(ctx, &azblob.BlobGetPropertiesOptions{
BlobAccessConditions: &azblob.BlobAccessConditions{},
if err != nil {
fsLog(fs, logger.LevelError, "unable to get blob properties, download aborted: %+v", err)
return err
contentLength := util.GetIntFromPointer(props.ContentLength)
sizeToDownload := contentLength - offset
if sizeToDownload < 0 {
fsLog(fs, logger.LevelError, "invalid multipart download size or offset, size: %v, offset: %v, size to download: %v",
contentLength, offset, sizeToDownload)
return errors.New("the requested offset exceeds the file size")
if sizeToDownload == 0 {
fsLog(fs, logger.LevelDebug, "nothing to download, offset %v, content length %v", offset, contentLength)
return nil
partSize := fs.config.DownloadPartSize
guard := make(chan struct{}, fs.config.DownloadConcurrency)
blockCtxTimeout := time.Duration(fs.config.DownloadPartSize/(1024*1024)) * time.Minute
pool := newBufferAllocator(int(partSize))
finished := false
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var errOnce sync.Once
var poolError error
poolCtx, poolCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer poolCancel()
for part := 0; !finished; part++ {
start := offset
end := offset + partSize
if end >= contentLength {
end = contentLength
finished = true
writeOffset := int64(part) * partSize
offset = end
guard <- struct{}{}
if poolError != nil {
fsLog(fs, logger.LevelDebug, "pool error, download for part %v not started", part)
buf := pool.getBuffer()
go func(start, end, writeOffset int64, buf []byte) {
defer func() {
innerCtx, cancelFn := context.WithDeadline(poolCtx, time.Now().Add(blockCtxTimeout))
defer cancelFn()
count := end - start
err := fs.downloadPart(innerCtx, blockBlob, buf, writer, start, count, writeOffset)
if err != nil {
errOnce.Do(func() {
poolError = err
fsLog(fs, logger.LevelError, "multipart download error: %+v", poolError)
}(start, end, writeOffset, buf)
return poolError
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) handleMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader,
blockBlob *azblob.BlockBlobClient, httpHeaders *azblob.BlobHTTPHeaders,
) error {
partSize := fs.config.UploadPartSize
guard := make(chan struct{}, fs.config.UploadConcurrency)
blockCtxTimeout := time.Duration(fs.config.UploadPartSize/(1024*1024)) * time.Minute
// sync.Pool seems to use a lot of memory so prefer our own, very simple, allocator
// we only need to recycle few byte slices
pool := newBufferAllocator(int(partSize))
finished := false
binaryBlockID := make([]byte, 8)
var blocks []string
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var errOnce sync.Once
var poolError error
poolCtx, poolCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer poolCancel()
for part := 0; !finished; part++ {
buf := pool.getBuffer()
n, err := fs.readFill(reader, buf)
if err == io.EOF {
// read finished, if n > 0 we need to process the last data chunck
if n == 0 {
finished = true
} else if err != nil {
return err
blockID := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(binaryBlockID)
blocks = append(blocks, blockID)
guard <- struct{}{}
if poolError != nil {
fsLog(fs, logger.LevelError, "pool error, upload for part %v not started", part)
go func(blockID string, buf []byte, bufSize int) {
defer func() {
bufferReader := &bytesReaderWrapper{
Reader: bytes.NewReader(buf[:bufSize]),
innerCtx, cancelFn := context.WithDeadline(poolCtx, time.Now().Add(blockCtxTimeout))
defer cancelFn()
_, err := blockBlob.StageBlock(innerCtx, blockID, bufferReader, &azblob.BlockBlobStageBlockOptions{})
if err != nil {
errOnce.Do(func() {
poolError = err
fsLog(fs, logger.LevelDebug, "multipart upload error: %+v", poolError)
}(blockID, buf, n)
if poolError != nil {
return poolError
commitOptions := azblob.BlockBlobCommitBlockListOptions{
BlobHTTPHeaders: httpHeaders,
if fs.config.AccessTier != "" {
commitOptions.Tier = (*azblob.AccessTier)(&fs.config.AccessTier)
_, err := blockBlob.CommitBlockList(ctx, blocks, &commitOptions)
return err
func (*AzureBlobFs) writeAtFull(w io.WriterAt, buf []byte, offset int64, count int) (int, error) {
written := 0
for written < count {
n, err := w.WriteAt(buf[written:count], offset+int64(written))
written += n
if err != nil {
return written, err
return written, nil
// copied from rclone
func (*AzureBlobFs) readFill(r io.Reader, buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
var nn int
for n < len(buf) && err == nil {
nn, err = r.Read(buf[n:])
n += nn
return n, err
// copied from rclone
func (*AzureBlobFs) incrementBlockID(blockID []byte) {
for i, digit := range blockID {
newDigit := digit + 1
blockID[i] = newDigit
if newDigit >= digit {
// exit if no carry
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) preserveModificationTime(source, target string, fi os.FileInfo) {
if plugin.Handler.HasMetadater() {
if !fi.IsDir() {
err := plugin.Handler.SetModificationTime(fs.getStorageID(), ensureAbsPath(target),
if err != nil {
fsLog(fs, logger.LevelWarn, "unable to preserve modification time after renaming %#v -> %#v: %+v",
source, target, err)
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) getCopyOptions() *azblob.BlobStartCopyOptions {
copyOptions := &azblob.BlobStartCopyOptions{}
if fs.config.AccessTier != "" {
copyOptions.Tier = (*azblob.AccessTier)(&fs.config.AccessTier)
return copyOptions
func (fs *AzureBlobFs) getStorageID() string {
if fs.config.Endpoint != "" {
if !strings.HasSuffix(fs.config.Endpoint, "/") {
return fmt.Sprintf("azblob://%v/%v", fs.config.Endpoint, fs.config.Container)
return fmt.Sprintf("azblob://%v%v", fs.config.Endpoint, fs.config.Container)
return fmt.Sprintf("azblob://%v", fs.config.Container)
type bytesReaderWrapper struct {
func (b *bytesReaderWrapper) Close() error {
return nil
type bufferAllocator struct {
available [][]byte
bufferSize int
finalized bool
func newBufferAllocator(size int) *bufferAllocator {
return &bufferAllocator{
bufferSize: size,
finalized: false,
func (b *bufferAllocator) getBuffer() []byte {
defer b.Unlock()
if len(b.available) > 0 {
var result []byte
truncLength := len(b.available) - 1
result = b.available[truncLength]
b.available[truncLength] = nil
b.available = b.available[:truncLength]
return result
return make([]byte, b.bufferSize)
func (b *bufferAllocator) releaseBuffer(buf []byte) {
defer b.Unlock()
if b.finalized || len(buf) != b.bufferSize {
b.available = append(b.available, buf)
func (b *bufferAllocator) free() {
defer b.Unlock()
b.available = nil
b.finalized = true