403 lines
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403 lines
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package webdavd
import (
type webDavServer struct {
config *Configuration
binding Binding
func (s *webDavServer) listenAndServe(compressor *middleware.Compressor) error {
handler := compressor.Handler(s)
httpServer := &http.Server{
ReadHeaderTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: 60 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 60 * time.Second,
IdleTimeout: 60 * time.Second,
MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 16, // 64KB
ErrorLog: log.New(&logger.StdLoggerWrapper{Sender: logSender}, "", 0),
if s.config.Cors.Enabled {
c := cors.New(cors.Options{
AllowedOrigins: util.RemoveDuplicates(s.config.Cors.AllowedOrigins, true),
AllowedMethods: util.RemoveDuplicates(s.config.Cors.AllowedMethods, true),
AllowedHeaders: util.RemoveDuplicates(s.config.Cors.AllowedHeaders, true),
ExposedHeaders: util.RemoveDuplicates(s.config.Cors.ExposedHeaders, true),
MaxAge: s.config.Cors.MaxAge,
AllowCredentials: s.config.Cors.AllowCredentials,
OptionsPassthrough: true,
handler = c.Handler(handler)
httpServer.Handler = handler
if certMgr != nil && s.binding.EnableHTTPS {
serviceStatus.Bindings = append(serviceStatus.Bindings, s.binding)
certID := common.DefaultTLSKeyPaidID
if getConfigPath(s.binding.CertificateFile, "") != "" && getConfigPath(s.binding.CertificateKeyFile, "") != "" {
certID = s.binding.GetAddress()
httpServer.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{
GetCertificate: certMgr.GetCertificateFunc(certID),
MinVersion: util.GetTLSVersion(s.binding.MinTLSVersion),
NextProtos: []string{"http/1.1", "h2"},
CipherSuites: util.GetTLSCiphersFromNames(s.binding.TLSCipherSuites),
PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
logger.Debug(logSender, "", "configured TLS cipher suites for binding %#v: %v, certID: %v",
s.binding.GetAddress(), httpServer.TLSConfig.CipherSuites, certID)
if s.binding.isMutualTLSEnabled() {
httpServer.TLSConfig.ClientCAs = certMgr.GetRootCAs()
httpServer.TLSConfig.VerifyConnection = s.verifyTLSConnection
switch s.binding.ClientAuthType {
case 1:
httpServer.TLSConfig.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
case 2:
httpServer.TLSConfig.ClientAuth = tls.VerifyClientCertIfGiven
return util.HTTPListenAndServe(httpServer, s.binding.Address, s.binding.Port, true, logSender)
s.binding.EnableHTTPS = false
serviceStatus.Bindings = append(serviceStatus.Bindings, s.binding)
return util.HTTPListenAndServe(httpServer, s.binding.Address, s.binding.Port, false, logSender)
func (s *webDavServer) verifyTLSConnection(state tls.ConnectionState) error {
if certMgr != nil {
var clientCrt *x509.Certificate
var clientCrtName string
if len(state.PeerCertificates) > 0 {
clientCrt = state.PeerCertificates[0]
clientCrtName = clientCrt.Subject.String()
if len(state.VerifiedChains) == 0 {
if s.binding.ClientAuthType == 2 {
return nil
logger.Warn(logSender, "", "TLS connection cannot be verified: unable to get verification chain")
return errors.New("TLS connection cannot be verified: unable to get verification chain")
for _, verifiedChain := range state.VerifiedChains {
var caCrt *x509.Certificate
if len(verifiedChain) > 0 {
caCrt = verifiedChain[len(verifiedChain)-1]
if certMgr.IsRevoked(clientCrt, caCrt) {
logger.Debug(logSender, "", "tls handshake error, client certificate %#v has been revoked", clientCrtName)
return common.ErrCrtRevoked
return nil
// returns true if we have to handle a HEAD response, for a directory, ourself
func (s *webDavServer) checkRequestMethod(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request, connection *Connection) bool {
// see RFC4918, section 9.4
if r.Method == http.MethodGet || r.Method == http.MethodHead {
p := path.Clean(r.URL.Path)
info, err := connection.Stat(ctx, p)
if err == nil && info.IsDir() {
if r.Method == http.MethodHead {
return true
r.Method = "PROPFIND"
if r.Header.Get("Depth") == "" {
r.Header.Add("Depth", "1")
return false
// ServeHTTP implements the http.Handler interface
func (s *webDavServer) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
logger.Error(logSender, "", "panic in ServeHTTP: %#v stack trace: %v", r, string(debug.Stack()))
http.Error(w, common.ErrGenericFailure.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
ipAddr := s.checkRemoteAddress(r)
defer common.Connections.RemoveClientConnection(ipAddr)
if !common.Connections.IsNewConnectionAllowed(ipAddr) {
logger.Log(logger.LevelDebug, common.ProtocolWebDAV, "", fmt.Sprintf("connection not allowed from ip %#v", ipAddr))
http.Error(w, common.ErrConnectionDenied.Error(), http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
if common.IsBanned(ipAddr) {
http.Error(w, common.ErrConnectionDenied.Error(), http.StatusForbidden)
delay, err := common.LimitRate(common.ProtocolWebDAV, ipAddr)
if err != nil {
delay += 499999999 * time.Nanosecond
w.Header().Set("Retry-After", fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", delay.Seconds()))
w.Header().Set("X-Retry-In", delay.String())
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusTooManyRequests)
if err := common.Config.ExecutePostConnectHook(ipAddr, common.ProtocolWebDAV); err != nil {
http.Error(w, common.ErrConnectionDenied.Error(), http.StatusForbidden)
user, isCached, lockSystem, loginMethod, err := s.authenticate(r, ipAddr)
if err != nil {
updateLoginMetrics(&user, ipAddr, loginMethod, err)
w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"SFTPGo WebDAV\"")
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Authentication error: %v", err), http.StatusUnauthorized)
connectionID, err := s.validateUser(&user, r, loginMethod)
if err != nil {
// remove the cached user, we have not yet validated its filesystem
updateLoginMetrics(&user, ipAddr, loginMethod, err)
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusForbidden)
if !isCached {
err = user.CheckFsRoot(connectionID)
} else {
_, err = user.GetFilesystemForPath("/", connectionID)
if err != nil {
errClose := user.CloseFs()
logger.Warn(logSender, connectionID, "unable to check fs root: %v close fs error: %v", err, errClose)
updateLoginMetrics(&user, ipAddr, loginMethod, common.ErrInternalFailure)
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
connection := &Connection{
BaseConnection: common.NewBaseConnection(connectionID, common.ProtocolWebDAV, util.GetHTTPLocalAddress(r),
r.RemoteAddr, user),
request: r,
if err = common.Connections.Add(connection); err != nil {
errClose := user.CloseFs()
logger.Warn(logSender, connectionID, "unable add connection: %v close fs error: %v", err, errClose)
updateLoginMetrics(&user, ipAddr, loginMethod, err)
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusTooManyRequests)
defer common.Connections.Remove(connection.GetID())
updateLoginMetrics(&user, ipAddr, loginMethod, err)
ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), requestIDKey, connectionID)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, requestStartKey, time.Now())
if s.checkRequestMethod(ctx, r, connection) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8")
w.Write([]byte("")) //nolint:errcheck
writeLog(r, http.StatusMultiStatus, nil)
handler := webdav.Handler{
Prefix: s.binding.Prefix,
FileSystem: connection,
LockSystem: lockSystem,
Logger: writeLog,
handler.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx))
func (s *webDavServer) getCredentialsAndLoginMethod(r *http.Request) (string, string, string, *x509.Certificate, bool) {
var tlsCert *x509.Certificate
loginMethod := dataprovider.LoginMethodPassword
username, password, ok := r.BasicAuth()
if s.binding.isMutualTLSEnabled() && r.TLS != nil {
if len(r.TLS.PeerCertificates) > 0 {
tlsCert = r.TLS.PeerCertificates[0]
if ok {
loginMethod = dataprovider.LoginMethodTLSCertificateAndPwd
} else {
loginMethod = dataprovider.LoginMethodTLSCertificate
username = tlsCert.Subject.CommonName
password = ""
ok = true
return username, password, loginMethod, tlsCert, ok
func (s *webDavServer) authenticate(r *http.Request, ip string) (dataprovider.User, bool, webdav.LockSystem, string, error) {
var user dataprovider.User
var err error
username, password, loginMethod, tlsCert, ok := s.getCredentialsAndLoginMethod(r)
if !ok {
user.Username = username
return user, false, nil, loginMethod, common.ErrNoCredentials
cachedUser, ok := dataprovider.GetCachedWebDAVUser(username)
if ok {
if cachedUser.IsExpired() {
} else {
if !cachedUser.User.IsTLSUsernameVerificationEnabled() {
// for backward compatibility with 2.0.x we only check the password
tlsCert = nil
loginMethod = dataprovider.LoginMethodPassword
if err := dataprovider.CheckCachedUserCredentials(cachedUser, password, loginMethod, common.ProtocolWebDAV, tlsCert); err == nil {
return cachedUser.User, true, cachedUser.LockSystem, loginMethod, nil
updateLoginMetrics(&cachedUser.User, ip, loginMethod, dataprovider.ErrInvalidCredentials)
return user, false, nil, loginMethod, dataprovider.ErrInvalidCredentials
user, loginMethod, err = dataprovider.CheckCompositeCredentials(username, password, ip, loginMethod,
common.ProtocolWebDAV, tlsCert)
if err != nil {
user.Username = username
updateLoginMetrics(&user, ip, loginMethod, err)
return user, false, nil, loginMethod, dataprovider.ErrInvalidCredentials
lockSystem := webdav.NewMemLS()
cachedUser = &dataprovider.CachedUser{
User: user,
Password: password,
LockSystem: lockSystem,
if s.config.Cache.Users.ExpirationTime > 0 {
cachedUser.Expiration = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(s.config.Cache.Users.ExpirationTime) * time.Minute)
return user, false, lockSystem, loginMethod, nil
func (s *webDavServer) validateUser(user *dataprovider.User, r *http.Request, loginMethod string) (string, error) {
connID := xid.New().String()
connectionID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", common.ProtocolWebDAV, connID)
if !filepath.IsAbs(user.HomeDir) {
logger.Warn(logSender, connectionID, "user %#v has an invalid home dir: %#v. Home dir must be an absolute path, login not allowed",
user.Username, user.HomeDir)
return connID, fmt.Errorf("cannot login user with invalid home dir: %#v", user.HomeDir)
if util.Contains(user.Filters.DeniedProtocols, common.ProtocolWebDAV) {
logger.Info(logSender, connectionID, "cannot login user %#v, protocol DAV is not allowed", user.Username)
return connID, fmt.Errorf("protocol DAV is not allowed for user %#v", user.Username)
if !user.IsLoginMethodAllowed(loginMethod, common.ProtocolWebDAV, nil) {
logger.Info(logSender, connectionID, "cannot login user %#v, %v login method is not allowed",
user.Username, loginMethod)
return connID, fmt.Errorf("login method %v is not allowed for user %#v", loginMethod, user.Username)
if !user.IsLoginFromAddrAllowed(r.RemoteAddr) {
logger.Info(logSender, connectionID, "cannot login user %#v, remote address is not allowed: %v",
user.Username, r.RemoteAddr)
return connID, fmt.Errorf("login for user %#v is not allowed from this address: %v", user.Username, r.RemoteAddr)
return connID, nil
func (s *webDavServer) checkRemoteAddress(r *http.Request) string {
ipAddr := util.GetIPFromRemoteAddress(r.RemoteAddr)
var ip net.IP
isUnixSocket := filepath.IsAbs(s.binding.Address)
if !isUnixSocket {
ip = net.ParseIP(ipAddr)
if isUnixSocket || ip != nil {
for _, allow := range s.binding.allowHeadersFrom {
if allow(ip) {
parsedIP := util.GetRealIP(r, s.binding.ClientIPProxyHeader, s.binding.ClientIPHeaderDepth)
if parsedIP != "" {
ipAddr = parsedIP
r.RemoteAddr = ipAddr
return ipAddr
func writeLog(r *http.Request, status int, err error) {
scheme := "http"
if r.TLS != nil {
scheme = "https"
fields := map[string]any{
"remote_addr": r.RemoteAddr,
"proto": r.Proto,
"method": r.Method,
"user_agent": r.UserAgent(),
"uri": fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s", scheme, r.Host, r.RequestURI)}
if reqID, ok := r.Context().Value(requestIDKey).(string); ok {
fields["request_id"] = reqID
if reqStart, ok := r.Context().Value(requestStartKey).(time.Time); ok {
fields["elapsed_ms"] = time.Since(reqStart).Nanoseconds() / 1000000
if depth := r.Header.Get("Depth"); depth != "" {
fields["depth"] = depth
if contentLength := r.Header.Get("Content-Length"); contentLength != "" {
fields["content_length"] = contentLength
if timeout := r.Header.Get("Timeout"); timeout != "" {
fields["timeout"] = timeout
if status != 0 {
fields["resp_status"] = status
Str("sender", logSender).
func updateLoginMetrics(user *dataprovider.User, ip, loginMethod string, err error) {
if err != nil && err != common.ErrInternalFailure && err != common.ErrNoCredentials {
logger.ConnectionFailedLog(user.Username, ip, loginMethod, common.ProtocolWebDAV, err.Error())
event := common.HostEventLoginFailed
if _, ok := err.(*util.RecordNotFoundError); ok {
event = common.HostEventUserNotFound
common.AddDefenderEvent(ip, event)
metric.AddLoginResult(loginMethod, err)
dataprovider.ExecutePostLoginHook(user, loginMethod, ip, common.ProtocolWebDAV, err)