{{template "base" .}} {{define "title"}}{{.Title}}{{end}} {{define "extra_css"}} {{end}} {{define "additionalnavitems"}}
{{`{{Name}}`}} => Username, folder name, admin username for provider events, domain name for certificate events.
{{`{{Event}}`}} => Event name, for example "upload", "download" for filesystem events or "add", "update" for provider events.
{{`{{Status}}`}} => Status for "upload", "download" and "ssh_cmd" events. 1 means no error, 2 means a generic error occurred, 3 means quota exceeded error.
{{`{{StatusString}}`}} => Status as string. Possible values "OK", "KO".
{{`{{ErrorString}}`}} => Error details. Replaced with an empty string if no errors occur.
{{`{{VirtualPath}}`}} => Path seen by SFTPGo users, for example "/adir/afile.txt".
{{`{{VirtualDirPath}}`}} => Parent directory for VirtualPath, for example if VirtualPath is "/adir/afile.txt", VirtualDirPath is "/adir".
{{`{{FsPath}}`}} => Full filesystem path, for example "/user/homedir/adir/afile.txt" or "C:/data/user/homedir/adir/afile.txt" on Windows.
{{`{{ObjectName}}`}} => File/directory name, for example "afile.txt" or provider object name.
{{`{{ObjectType}}`}} => Object type for provider events: "user", "group", "admin", etc.
{{`{{VirtualTargetPath}}`}} => Virtual target path for renames.
{{`{{VirtualTargetDirPath}}`}} => Parent directory for VirtualTargetPath.
{{`{{TargetName}}`}} => Target object name for renames.
{{`{{FsTargetPath}}`}} => Full filesystem target path for renames.
{{`{{FileSize}}`}} => File size.
{{`{{Protocol}}`}} => Protocol, for example "SFTP", "FTP".
{{`{{IP}}`}} => Client IP address.
{{`{{Timestamp}}`}} => Event timestamp as nanoseconds since epoch.
{{`{{ObjectData}}`}} => Provider object data serialized as JSON with sensitive fields removed.
{{`{{RetentionReports}}`}} => Data retention reports as zip compressed CSV files. Supported as email attachment, file path for multipart HTTP request and as single parameter for HTTP requests body.