FROM golang:1.19-bullseye as builder ENV GOFLAGS="-mod=readonly" RUN mkdir -p /workspace WORKDIR /workspace ARG GOPROXY COPY go.mod go.sum ./ RUN go mod download ARG COMMIT_SHA # This ARG allows to disable some optional features and it might be useful if you build the image yourself. # For example you can disable S3 and GCS support like this: # --build-arg FEATURES=nos3,nogcs ARG FEATURES COPY . . RUN set -xe && \ export COMMIT_SHA=${COMMIT_SHA:-$(git describe --always --dirty)} && \ go build $(if [ -n "${FEATURES}" ]; then echo "-tags ${FEATURES}"; fi) -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w -X${COMMIT_SHA} -X`date -u +%FT%TZ`" -v -o sftpgo # Set to "true" to download the "official" plugins in /usr/local/bin ARG DOWNLOAD_PLUGINS=false RUN if [ "${DOWNLOAD_PLUGINS}" = "true" ]; then apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y curl && ./docker/scripts/; fi FROM debian:bullseye-slim # Set to "true" to install jq and the optional git and rsync dependencies ARG INSTALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES=false RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y ca-certificates media-types && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* RUN if [ "${INSTALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES}" = "true" ]; then apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y jq git rsync && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; fi RUN mkdir -p /etc/sftpgo /var/lib/sftpgo /usr/share/sftpgo /srv/sftpgo/data /srv/sftpgo/backups RUN groupadd --system -g 1000 sftpgo && \ useradd --system --gid sftpgo --no-create-home \ --home-dir /var/lib/sftpgo --shell /usr/sbin/nologin \ --comment "SFTPGo user" --uid 1000 sftpgo COPY --from=builder /workspace/sftpgo.json /etc/sftpgo/sftpgo.json COPY --from=builder /workspace/templates /usr/share/sftpgo/templates COPY --from=builder /workspace/static /usr/share/sftpgo/static COPY --from=builder /workspace/openapi /usr/share/sftpgo/openapi COPY --from=builder /workspace/sftpgo /usr/local/bin/sftpgo-plugin-* /usr/local/bin/ # Log to the stdout so the logs will be available using docker logs ENV SFTPGO_LOG_FILE_PATH="" # Modify the default configuration file RUN sed -i 's|"users_base_dir": "",|"users_base_dir": "/srv/sftpgo/data",|' /etc/sftpgo/sftpgo.json && \ sed -i 's|"backups"|"/srv/sftpgo/backups"|' /etc/sftpgo/sftpgo.json RUN chown -R sftpgo:sftpgo /etc/sftpgo /srv/sftpgo && chown sftpgo:sftpgo /var/lib/sftpgo && chmod 700 /srv/sftpgo/backups WORKDIR /var/lib/sftpgo USER 1000:1000 CMD ["sftpgo", "serve"]