{{template "base" .}} {{- define "page_body"}}
{{`{{Name}}`}} => Username, folder name, admin username for provider events, domain name for certificate events.
{{`{{Event}}`}} => Event name, for example "upload", "download" for filesystem events or "add", "update" for provider events.
{{`{{Status}}`}} => Status for "upload", "download" and "ssh_cmd" events. 1 means no error, 2 means a generic error occurred, 3 means quota exceeded error.
{{`{{StatusString}}`}} => Status as string. Possible values "OK", "KO".
{{`{{ErrorString}}`}} => Error details. Replaced with an empty string if no errors occur.
{{`{{VirtualPath}}`}} => Path seen by SFTPGo users, for example "/adir/afile.txt".
{{`{{EscapedVirtualPath}}`}} => HTTP query string encoded path, for example "%2Fadir%2Fafile.txt".
{{`{{VirtualDirPath}}`}} => Parent directory for VirtualPath, for example if VirtualPath is "/adir/afile.txt", VirtualDirPath is "/adir".
{{`{{FsPath}}`}} => Full filesystem path, for example "/user/homedir/adir/afile.txt" or "C:/data/user/homedir/adir/afile.txt" on Windows.
{{`{{Ext}}`}} => File extension, for example ".txt" if the filename is "afile.txt".
{{`{{ObjectName}}`}} => File/directory name, for example "afile.txt" or provider object name.
{{`{{ObjectType}}`}} => Object type for provider events: "user", "group", "admin", etc.
{{`{{VirtualTargetPath}}`}} => Virtual target path for renames.
{{`{{VirtualTargetDirPath}}`}} => Parent directory for VirtualTargetPath.
{{`{{TargetName}}`}} => Target object name for renames.
{{`{{FsTargetPath}}`}} => Full filesystem target path for renames.
{{`{{FileSize}}`}} => File size.
{{`{{Elapsed}}`}} => Elapsed time as milliseconds for filesystem events.
{{`{{Protocol}}`}} => Protocol, for example "SFTP", "FTP".
{{`{{IP}}`}} => Client IP address.
{{`{{Role}}`}} => User or admin role.
{{`{{Timestamp}}`}} => Event timestamp as nanoseconds since epoch.
{{`{{DateTime}}`}} => Timestamp formatted as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ZZZ.
{{`{{Email}}`}} => For filesystem events, this is the email associated with the user performing the action. For the provider events, this is the email associated with the affected user or admin. Blank in all other cases.
{{`{{ObjectData}}`}} => Provider object data serialized as JSON with sensitive fields removed.
{{`{{ObjectDataString}}`}} => Provider object data as JSON escaped string with sensitive fields removed.
{{`{{RetentionReports}}`}} => Data retention reports as zip compressed CSV files. Supported as email attachment, file path for multipart HTTP request and as single parameter for HTTP requests body.
{{`{{Metadata}}`}} => Cloud storage metadata for the downloaded file serialized as JSON.
{{`{{MetadataString}}`}} => Cloud storage metadata for the downloaded file as JSON escaped string.
{{`{{UID}}`}} => Unique ID.