package httpd import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "html/template" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( templateClientDir = "webclient" templateClientBase = "base.html" templateClientBaseLogin = "baselogin.html" templateClientLogin = "login.html" templateClientFiles = "files.html" templateClientMessage = "message.html" templateClientProfile = "profile.html" templateClientChangePwd = "changepassword.html" templateClientTwoFactor = "twofactor.html" templateClientTwoFactorRecovery = "twofactor-recovery.html" templateClientMFA = "mfa.html" templateClientEditFile = "editfile.html" templateClientShare = "share.html" templateClientShares = "shares.html" templateClientViewPDF = "viewpdf.html" pageClientFilesTitle = "My Files" pageClientSharesTitle = "Shares" pageClientProfileTitle = "My Profile" pageClientChangePwdTitle = "Change password" pageClient2FATitle = "Two-factor auth" pageClientEditFileTitle = "Edit file" pageClientForgotPwdTitle = "SFTPGo WebClient - Forgot password" pageClientResetPwdTitle = "SFTPGo WebClient - Reset password" ) // condResult is the result of an HTTP request precondition check. // See section 3. type condResult int const ( condNone condResult = iota condTrue condFalse ) var ( clientTemplates = make(map[string]*template.Template) unixEpochTime = time.Unix(0, 0) ) // isZeroTime reports whether t is obviously unspecified (either zero or Unix()=0). func isZeroTime(t time.Time) bool { return t.IsZero() || t.Equal(unixEpochTime) } type baseClientPage struct { Title string CurrentURL string FilesURL string SharesURL string ShareURL string ProfileURL string ChangePwdURL string StaticURL string LogoutURL string MFAURL string MFATitle string FilesTitle string SharesTitle string ProfileTitle string Version string CSRFToken string LoggedUser *dataprovider.User } type dirMapping struct { DirName string Href string } type viewPDFPage struct { Title string URL string StaticURL string } type editFilePage struct { baseClientPage CurrentDir string FileURL string Path string Name string ReadOnly bool Data string } type filesPage struct { baseClientPage CurrentDir string DirsURL string DownloadURL string ViewPDFURL string FileURL string CanAddFiles bool CanCreateDirs bool CanRename bool CanDelete bool CanDownload bool CanShare bool Error string Paths []dirMapping HasIntegrations bool } type clientMessagePage struct { baseClientPage Error string Success string } type clientProfilePage struct { baseClientPage PublicKeys []string CanSubmit bool AllowAPIKeyAuth bool Email string Description string Error string } type changeClientPasswordPage struct { baseClientPage Error string } type clientMFAPage struct { baseClientPage TOTPConfigs []string TOTPConfig dataprovider.UserTOTPConfig GenerateTOTPURL string ValidateTOTPURL string SaveTOTPURL string RecCodesURL string Protocols []string } type clientSharesPage struct { baseClientPage Shares []dataprovider.Share BasePublicSharesURL string } type clientSharePage struct { baseClientPage Share *dataprovider.Share Error string IsAdd bool } func getFileObjectURL(baseDir, name string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v?path=%v&_=%v", webClientFilesPath, url.QueryEscape(path.Join(baseDir, name)), time.Now().UTC().Unix()) } func getFileObjectModTime(t time.Time) string { if isZeroTime(t) { return "" } return t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04") } func loadClientTemplates(templatesPath string) { filesPaths := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientBase), filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientFiles), } editFilePath := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientBase), filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientEditFile), } sharesPaths := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientBase), filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientShares), } sharePaths := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientBase), filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientShare), } profilePaths := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientBase), filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientProfile), } changePwdPaths := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientBase), filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientChangePwd), } loginPath := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientBaseLogin), filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientLogin), } messagePath := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientBase), filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientMessage), } mfaPath := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientBase), filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientMFA), } twoFactorPath := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientBaseLogin), filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientTwoFactor), } twoFactorRecoveryPath := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientBaseLogin), filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientTwoFactorRecovery), } forgotPwdPaths := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateCommonDir, templateForgotPassword), } resetPwdPaths := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateCommonDir, templateResetPassword), } viewPDFPaths := []string{ filepath.Join(templatesPath, templateClientDir, templateClientViewPDF), } filesTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, filesPaths...) profileTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, profilePaths...) changePwdTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, changePwdPaths...) loginTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, loginPath...) messageTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, messagePath...) mfaTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, mfaPath...) twoFactorTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, twoFactorPath...) twoFactorRecoveryTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, twoFactorRecoveryPath...) editFileTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, editFilePath...) sharesTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, sharesPaths...) shareTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, sharePaths...) forgotPwdTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, forgotPwdPaths...) resetPwdTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, resetPwdPaths...) viewPDFTmpl := util.LoadTemplate(nil, viewPDFPaths...) clientTemplates[templateClientFiles] = filesTmpl clientTemplates[templateClientProfile] = profileTmpl clientTemplates[templateClientChangePwd] = changePwdTmpl clientTemplates[templateClientLogin] = loginTmpl clientTemplates[templateClientMessage] = messageTmpl clientTemplates[templateClientMFA] = mfaTmpl clientTemplates[templateClientTwoFactor] = twoFactorTmpl clientTemplates[templateClientTwoFactorRecovery] = twoFactorRecoveryTmpl clientTemplates[templateClientEditFile] = editFileTmpl clientTemplates[templateClientShares] = sharesTmpl clientTemplates[templateClientShare] = shareTmpl clientTemplates[templateForgotPassword] = forgotPwdTmpl clientTemplates[templateResetPassword] = resetPwdTmpl clientTemplates[templateClientViewPDF] = viewPDFTmpl } func getBaseClientPageData(title, currentURL string, r *http.Request) baseClientPage { var csrfToken string if currentURL != "" { csrfToken = createCSRFToken() } v := version.Get() return baseClientPage{ Title: title, CurrentURL: currentURL, FilesURL: webClientFilesPath, SharesURL: webClientSharesPath, ShareURL: webClientSharePath, ProfileURL: webClientProfilePath, ChangePwdURL: webChangeClientPwdPath, StaticURL: webStaticFilesPath, LogoutURL: webClientLogoutPath, MFAURL: webClientMFAPath, MFATitle: pageClient2FATitle, FilesTitle: pageClientFilesTitle, SharesTitle: pageClientSharesTitle, ProfileTitle: pageClientProfileTitle, Version: fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", v.Version, v.CommitHash), CSRFToken: csrfToken, LoggedUser: getUserFromToken(r), } } func renderClientForgotPwdPage(w http.ResponseWriter, error string) { data := forgotPwdPage{ CurrentURL: webClientForgotPwdPath, Error: error, CSRFToken: createCSRFToken(), StaticURL: webStaticFilesPath, Title: pageClientForgotPwdTitle, } renderClientTemplate(w, templateForgotPassword, data) } func renderClientResetPwdPage(w http.ResponseWriter, error string) { data := resetPwdPage{ CurrentURL: webClientResetPwdPath, Error: error, CSRFToken: createCSRFToken(), StaticURL: webStaticFilesPath, Title: pageClientResetPwdTitle, } renderClientTemplate(w, templateResetPassword, data) } func renderClientTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, tmplName string, data interface{}) { err := clientTemplates[tmplName].ExecuteTemplate(w, tmplName, data) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } } func renderClientMessagePage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, title, body string, statusCode int, err error, message string) { var errorString string if body != "" { errorString = body + " " } if err != nil { errorString += err.Error() } data := clientMessagePage{ baseClientPage: getBaseClientPageData(title, "", r), Error: errorString, Success: message, } w.WriteHeader(statusCode) renderClientTemplate(w, templateClientMessage, data) } func renderClientInternalServerErrorPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, page500Title, page500Body, http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "") } func renderClientBadRequestPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, page400Title, "", http.StatusBadRequest, err, "") } func renderClientForbiddenPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, body string) { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, page403Title, "", http.StatusForbidden, nil, body) } func renderClientNotFoundPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, page404Title, page404Body, http.StatusNotFound, err, "") } func renderClientTwoFactorPage(w http.ResponseWriter, error string) { data := twoFactorPage{ CurrentURL: webClientTwoFactorPath, Version: version.Get().Version, Error: error, CSRFToken: createCSRFToken(), StaticURL: webStaticFilesPath, RecoveryURL: webClientTwoFactorRecoveryPath, } renderClientTemplate(w, templateTwoFactor, data) } func renderClientTwoFactorRecoveryPage(w http.ResponseWriter, error string) { data := twoFactorPage{ CurrentURL: webClientTwoFactorRecoveryPath, Version: version.Get().Version, Error: error, CSRFToken: createCSRFToken(), StaticURL: webStaticFilesPath, } renderClientTemplate(w, templateTwoFactorRecovery, data) } func renderClientMFAPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { data := clientMFAPage{ baseClientPage: getBaseClientPageData(pageMFATitle, webClientMFAPath, r), TOTPConfigs: mfa.GetAvailableTOTPConfigNames(), GenerateTOTPURL: webClientTOTPGeneratePath, ValidateTOTPURL: webClientTOTPValidatePath, SaveTOTPURL: webClientTOTPSavePath, RecCodesURL: webClientRecoveryCodesPath, Protocols: dataprovider.MFAProtocols, } user, err := dataprovider.UserExists(data.LoggedUser.Username) if err != nil { renderInternalServerErrorPage(w, r, err) return } data.TOTPConfig = user.Filters.TOTPConfig renderClientTemplate(w, templateClientMFA, data) } func renderEditFilePage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, fileName, fileData string, readOnly bool) { data := editFilePage{ baseClientPage: getBaseClientPageData(pageClientEditFileTitle, webClientEditFilePath, r), Path: fileName, Name: path.Base(fileName), CurrentDir: path.Dir(fileName), FileURL: webClientFilePath, ReadOnly: readOnly, Data: fileData, } renderClientTemplate(w, templateClientEditFile, data) } func renderAddUpdateSharePage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, share *dataprovider.Share, error string, isAdd bool) { currentURL := webClientSharePath title := "Add a new share" if !isAdd { currentURL = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", webClientSharePath, url.PathEscape(share.ShareID)) title = "Update share" } data := clientSharePage{ baseClientPage: getBaseClientPageData(title, currentURL, r), Share: share, Error: error, IsAdd: isAdd, } renderClientTemplate(w, templateClientShare, data) } func renderFilesPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, dirName, error string, user dataprovider.User, hasIntegrations bool, ) { data := filesPage{ baseClientPage: getBaseClientPageData(pageClientFilesTitle, webClientFilesPath, r), Error: error, CurrentDir: url.QueryEscape(dirName), DownloadURL: webClientDownloadZipPath, ViewPDFURL: webClientViewPDFPath, DirsURL: webClientDirsPath, FileURL: webClientFilePath, CanAddFiles: user.CanAddFilesFromWeb(dirName), CanCreateDirs: user.CanAddDirsFromWeb(dirName), CanRename: user.CanRenameFromWeb(dirName, dirName), CanDelete: user.CanDeleteFromWeb(dirName), CanDownload: user.HasPerm(dataprovider.PermDownload, dirName), CanShare: user.CanManageShares(), HasIntegrations: hasIntegrations, } paths := []dirMapping{} if dirName != "/" { paths = append(paths, dirMapping{ DirName: path.Base(dirName), Href: "", }) for { dirName = path.Dir(dirName) if dirName == "/" || dirName == "." { break } paths = append([]dirMapping{{ DirName: path.Base(dirName), Href: getFileObjectURL("/", dirName)}, }, paths...) } } data.Paths = paths renderClientTemplate(w, templateClientFiles, data) } func renderClientProfilePage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, error string) { data := clientProfilePage{ baseClientPage: getBaseClientPageData(pageClientProfileTitle, webClientProfilePath, r), Error: error, } user, err := dataprovider.UserExists(data.LoggedUser.Username) if err != nil { renderClientInternalServerErrorPage(w, r, err) return } data.PublicKeys = user.PublicKeys data.AllowAPIKeyAuth = user.Filters.AllowAPIKeyAuth data.Email = user.Email data.Description = user.Description data.CanSubmit = user.CanChangeAPIKeyAuth() || user.CanManagePublicKeys() || user.CanChangeInfo() renderClientTemplate(w, templateClientProfile, data) } func renderClientChangePasswordPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, error string) { data := changeClientPasswordPage{ baseClientPage: getBaseClientPageData(pageClientChangePwdTitle, webChangeClientPwdPath, r), Error: error, } renderClientTemplate(w, templateClientChangePwd, data) } func handleWebClientLogout(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxLoginBodySize) c := jwtTokenClaims{} c.removeCookie(w, r, webBaseClientPath) http.Redirect(w, r, webClientLoginPath, http.StatusFound) } func handleWebClientDownloadZip(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) claims, err := getTokenClaims(r) if err != nil || claims.Username == "" { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, "Invalid token claims", "", http.StatusForbidden, nil, "") return } user, err := dataprovider.UserExists(claims.Username) if err != nil { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, "Unable to retrieve your user", "", getRespStatus(err), nil, "") return } connID := xid.New().String() connectionID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", common.ProtocolHTTP, connID) if err := checkHTTPClientUser(&user, r, connectionID); err != nil { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, err.Error()) return } connection := &Connection{ BaseConnection: common.NewBaseConnection(connID, common.ProtocolHTTP, util.GetHTTPLocalAddress(r), r.RemoteAddr, user), request: r, } common.Connections.Add(connection) defer common.Connections.Remove(connection.GetID()) name := "/" if _, ok := r.URL.Query()["path"]; ok { name = util.CleanPath(r.URL.Query().Get("path")) } files := r.URL.Query().Get("files") var filesList []string err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(files), &filesList) if err != nil { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, "Unable to get files list", "", http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "") return } w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"\"") renderCompressedFiles(w, connection, name, filesList, nil) } func (s *httpdServer) handleClientGetDirContents(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) claims, err := getTokenClaims(r) if err != nil || claims.Username == "" { sendAPIResponse(w, r, nil, "invalid token claims", http.StatusForbidden) return } user, err := dataprovider.UserExists(claims.Username) if err != nil { sendAPIResponse(w, r, nil, "Unable to retrieve your user", getRespStatus(err)) return } connID := xid.New().String() connectionID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", common.ProtocolHTTP, connID) if err := checkHTTPClientUser(&user, r, connectionID); err != nil { sendAPIResponse(w, r, err, http.StatusText(http.StatusForbidden), http.StatusForbidden) return } connection := &Connection{ BaseConnection: common.NewBaseConnection(connID, common.ProtocolHTTP, util.GetHTTPLocalAddress(r), r.RemoteAddr, user), request: r, } common.Connections.Add(connection) defer common.Connections.Remove(connection.GetID()) name := "/" if _, ok := r.URL.Query()["path"]; ok { name = util.CleanPath(r.URL.Query().Get("path")) } contents, err := connection.ReadDir(name) if err != nil { sendAPIResponse(w, r, err, "Unable to get directory contents", getMappedStatusCode(err)) return } results := make([]map[string]string, 0, len(contents)) for _, info := range contents { res := make(map[string]string) res["url"] = getFileObjectURL(name, info.Name()) if info.IsDir() { res["type"] = "1" res["size"] = "" } else { res["type"] = "2" if info.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 { res["size"] = "" } else { res["size"] = util.ByteCountIEC(info.Size()) if info.Size() < httpdMaxEditFileSize { res["edit_url"] = strings.Replace(res["url"], webClientFilesPath, webClientEditFilePath, 1) } if len(s.binding.WebClientIntegrations) > 0 { extension := path.Ext(info.Name()) for idx := range s.binding.WebClientIntegrations { if util.IsStringInSlice(extension, s.binding.WebClientIntegrations[idx].FileExtensions) { res["ext_url"] = s.binding.WebClientIntegrations[idx].URL res["ext_link"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v?path=%v&_=%v", webClientFilePath, url.QueryEscape(path.Join(name, info.Name())), time.Now().UTC().Unix()) break } } } } } res["meta"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", res["type"], info.Name()) res["name"] = info.Name() res["last_modified"] = getFileObjectModTime(info.ModTime()) results = append(results, res) } render.JSON(w, r, results) } func (s *httpdServer) handleClientGetFiles(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) claims, err := getTokenClaims(r) if err != nil || claims.Username == "" { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, "Invalid token claims") return } user, err := dataprovider.UserExists(claims.Username) if err != nil { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, "Unable to retrieve your user", "", getRespStatus(err), nil, "") return } connID := xid.New().String() connectionID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", common.ProtocolHTTP, connID) if err := checkHTTPClientUser(&user, r, connectionID); err != nil { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, err.Error()) return } connection := &Connection{ BaseConnection: common.NewBaseConnection(connID, common.ProtocolHTTP, util.GetHTTPLocalAddress(r), r.RemoteAddr, user), request: r, } common.Connections.Add(connection) defer common.Connections.Remove(connection.GetID()) name := "/" if _, ok := r.URL.Query()["path"]; ok { name = util.CleanPath(r.URL.Query().Get("path")) } var info os.FileInfo if name == "/" { info = vfs.NewFileInfo(name, true, 0, time.Now(), false) } else { info, err = connection.Stat(name, 0) } if err != nil { renderFilesPage(w, r, path.Dir(name), fmt.Sprintf("unable to stat file %#v: %v", name, err), user, len(s.binding.WebClientIntegrations) > 0) return } if info.IsDir() { renderFilesPage(w, r, name, "", user, len(s.binding.WebClientIntegrations) > 0) return } inline := r.URL.Query().Get("inline") != "" if status, err := downloadFile(w, r, connection, name, info, inline); err != nil && status != 0 { if status > 0 { if status == http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, http.StatusText(status), "", status, err, "") return } renderFilesPage(w, r, path.Dir(name), err.Error(), user, len(s.binding.WebClientIntegrations) > 0) } } } func handleClientEditFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) claims, err := getTokenClaims(r) if err != nil || claims.Username == "" { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, "Invalid token claims") return } user, err := dataprovider.UserExists(claims.Username) if err != nil { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, "Unable to retrieve your user", "", getRespStatus(err), nil, "") return } connID := xid.New().String() connectionID := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", common.ProtocolHTTP, connID) if err := checkHTTPClientUser(&user, r, connectionID); err != nil { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, err.Error()) return } connection := &Connection{ BaseConnection: common.NewBaseConnection(connID, common.ProtocolHTTP, util.GetHTTPLocalAddress(r), r.RemoteAddr, user), request: r, } common.Connections.Add(connection) defer common.Connections.Remove(connection.GetID()) name := util.CleanPath(r.URL.Query().Get("path")) info, err := connection.Stat(name, 0) if err != nil { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to stat file %#v", name), "", getRespStatus(err), nil, "") return } if info.IsDir() { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("The path %#v does not point to a file", name), "", http.StatusBadRequest, nil, "") return } if info.Size() > httpdMaxEditFileSize { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("The file size %v for %#v exceeds the maximum allowed size", util.ByteCountIEC(info.Size()), name), "", http.StatusBadRequest, nil, "") return } reader, err := connection.getFileReader(name, 0, r.Method) if err != nil { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get a reader for the file %#v", name), "", getRespStatus(err), nil, "") return } defer reader.Close() var b bytes.Buffer _, err = io.Copy(&b, reader) if err != nil { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to read the file %#v", name), "", http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, "") return } renderEditFilePage(w, r, name, b.String(), util.IsStringInSlice(sdk.WebClientWriteDisabled, user.Filters.WebClient)) } func handleClientAddShareGet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) share := &dataprovider.Share{Scope: dataprovider.ShareScopeRead} dirName := "/" if _, ok := r.URL.Query()["path"]; ok { dirName = util.CleanPath(r.URL.Query().Get("path")) } if _, ok := r.URL.Query()["files"]; ok { files := r.URL.Query().Get("files") var filesList []string err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(files), &filesList) if err != nil { renderClientMessagePage(w, r, "Invalid share list", "", http.StatusBadRequest, err, "") return } for _, f := range filesList { if f != "" { share.Paths = append(share.Paths, path.Join(dirName, f)) } } } renderAddUpdateSharePage(w, r, share, "", true) } func handleClientUpdateShareGet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) claims, err := getTokenClaims(r) if err != nil || claims.Username == "" { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, "Invalid token claims") return } shareID := getURLParam(r, "id") share, err := dataprovider.ShareExists(shareID, claims.Username) if err == nil { share.HideConfidentialData() renderAddUpdateSharePage(w, r, &share, "", false) } else if _, ok := err.(*util.RecordNotFoundError); ok { renderClientNotFoundPage(w, r, err) } else { renderClientInternalServerErrorPage(w, r, err) } } func handleClientAddSharePost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) claims, err := getTokenClaims(r) if err != nil || claims.Username == "" { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, "Invalid token claims") return } share, err := getShareFromPostFields(r) if err != nil { renderAddUpdateSharePage(w, r, share, err.Error(), true) return } if err := verifyCSRFToken(r.Form.Get(csrfFormToken)); err != nil { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, err.Error()) return } share.ID = 0 share.ShareID = util.GenerateUniqueID() share.LastUseAt = 0 share.Username = claims.Username err = dataprovider.AddShare(share, claims.Username, util.GetIPFromRemoteAddress(r.RemoteAddr)) if err == nil { http.Redirect(w, r, webClientSharesPath, http.StatusSeeOther) } else { renderAddUpdateSharePage(w, r, share, err.Error(), true) } } func handleClientUpdateSharePost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) claims, err := getTokenClaims(r) if err != nil || claims.Username == "" { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, "Invalid token claims") return } shareID := getURLParam(r, "id") share, err := dataprovider.ShareExists(shareID, claims.Username) if _, ok := err.(*util.RecordNotFoundError); ok { renderClientNotFoundPage(w, r, err) return } else if err != nil { renderClientInternalServerErrorPage(w, r, err) return } updatedShare, err := getShareFromPostFields(r) if err != nil { renderAddUpdateSharePage(w, r, updatedShare, err.Error(), false) return } if err := verifyCSRFToken(r.Form.Get(csrfFormToken)); err != nil { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, err.Error()) return } updatedShare.ShareID = shareID updatedShare.Username = claims.Username if updatedShare.Password == redactedSecret { updatedShare.Password = share.Password } err = dataprovider.UpdateShare(updatedShare, claims.Username, util.GetIPFromRemoteAddress(r.RemoteAddr)) if err == nil { http.Redirect(w, r, webClientSharesPath, http.StatusSeeOther) } else { renderAddUpdateSharePage(w, r, updatedShare, err.Error(), false) } } func handleClientGetShares(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) claims, err := getTokenClaims(r) if err != nil || claims.Username == "" { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, "Invalid token claims") return } limit := defaultQueryLimit if _, ok := r.URL.Query()["qlimit"]; ok { var err error limit, err = strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("qlimit")) if err != nil { limit = defaultQueryLimit } } shares := make([]dataprovider.Share, 0, limit) for { s, err := dataprovider.GetShares(limit, len(shares), dataprovider.OrderASC, claims.Username) if err != nil { renderInternalServerErrorPage(w, r, err) return } shares = append(shares, s...) if len(s) < limit { break } } data := clientSharesPage{ baseClientPage: getBaseClientPageData(pageClientSharesTitle, webClientSharesPath, r), Shares: shares, BasePublicSharesURL: webClientPubSharesPath, } renderClientTemplate(w, templateClientShares, data) } func handleClientGetProfile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) renderClientProfilePage(w, r, "") } func handleWebClientChangePwd(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) renderClientChangePasswordPage(w, r, "") } func handleWebClientChangePwdPost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { renderClientChangePasswordPage(w, r, err.Error()) return } if err := verifyCSRFToken(r.Form.Get(csrfFormToken)); err != nil { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, err.Error()) return } err = doChangeUserPassword(r, r.Form.Get("current_password"), r.Form.Get("new_password1"), r.Form.Get("new_password2")) if err != nil { renderClientChangePasswordPage(w, r, err.Error()) return } handleWebClientLogout(w, r) } func handleWebClientProfilePost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { renderClientProfilePage(w, r, err.Error()) return } if err := verifyCSRFToken(r.Form.Get(csrfFormToken)); err != nil { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, err.Error()) return } claims, err := getTokenClaims(r) if err != nil || claims.Username == "" { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, "Invalid token claims") return } user, err := dataprovider.UserExists(claims.Username) if err != nil { renderClientProfilePage(w, r, err.Error()) return } if !user.CanManagePublicKeys() && !user.CanChangeAPIKeyAuth() && !user.CanChangeInfo() { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, "You are not allowed to change anything") return } if user.CanManagePublicKeys() { user.PublicKeys = r.Form["public_keys"] } if user.CanChangeAPIKeyAuth() { user.Filters.AllowAPIKeyAuth = len(r.Form.Get("allow_api_key_auth")) > 0 } if user.CanChangeInfo() { user.Email = r.Form.Get("email") user.Description = r.Form.Get("description") } err = dataprovider.UpdateUser(&user, dataprovider.ActionExecutorSelf, util.GetIPFromRemoteAddress(r.RemoteAddr)) if err != nil { renderClientProfilePage(w, r, err.Error()) return } renderClientMessagePage(w, r, "Profile updated", "", http.StatusOK, nil, "Your profile has been successfully updated") } func handleWebClientMFA(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) renderClientMFAPage(w, r) } func handleWebClientTwoFactor(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) renderClientTwoFactorPage(w, "") } func handleWebClientTwoFactorRecovery(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) renderClientTwoFactorRecoveryPage(w, "") } func getShareFromPostFields(r *http.Request) (*dataprovider.Share, error) { share := &dataprovider.Share{} if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil { return share, err } share.Name = r.Form.Get("name") share.Description = r.Form.Get("description") share.Paths = r.Form["paths"] share.Password = r.Form.Get("password") share.AllowFrom = getSliceFromDelimitedValues(r.Form.Get("allowed_ip"), ",") scope, err := strconv.Atoi(r.Form.Get("scope")) if err != nil { return share, err } share.Scope = dataprovider.ShareScope(scope) maxTokens, err := strconv.Atoi(r.Form.Get("max_tokens")) if err != nil { return share, err } share.MaxTokens = maxTokens expirationDateMillis := int64(0) expirationDateString := r.Form.Get("expiration_date") if strings.TrimSpace(expirationDateString) != "" { expirationDate, err := time.Parse(webDateTimeFormat, expirationDateString) if err != nil { return share, err } expirationDateMillis = util.GetTimeAsMsSinceEpoch(expirationDate) } share.ExpiresAt = expirationDateMillis return share, nil } func handleWebClientForgotPwd(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) if !smtp.IsEnabled() { renderClientNotFoundPage(w, r, errors.New("this page does not exist")) return } renderClientForgotPwdPage(w, "") } func handleWebClientForgotPwdPost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxRequestSize) err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { renderClientForgotPwdPage(w, err.Error()) return } if err := verifyCSRFToken(r.Form.Get(csrfFormToken)); err != nil { renderClientForbiddenPage(w, r, err.Error()) return } username := r.Form.Get("username") err = handleForgotPassword(r, username, false) if err != nil { if e, ok := err.(*util.ValidationError); ok { renderClientForgotPwdPage(w, e.GetErrorString()) return } renderClientForgotPwdPage(w, err.Error()) return } http.Redirect(w, r, webClientResetPwdPath, http.StatusFound) } func handleWebClientPasswordReset(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxLoginBodySize) if !smtp.IsEnabled() { renderClientNotFoundPage(w, r, errors.New("this page does not exist")) return } renderClientResetPwdPage(w, "") } func handleClientViewPDF(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, maxLoginBodySize) name := r.URL.Query().Get("path") if name == "" { renderClientBadRequestPage(w, r, errors.New("no file specified")) return } name = util.CleanPath(name) data := viewPDFPage{ Title: path.Base(name), URL: fmt.Sprintf("%v?path=%v&inline=1", webClientFilesPath, url.QueryEscape(name)), StaticURL: webStaticFilesPath, } renderClientTemplate(w, templateClientViewPDF, data) }