2022-04-23 01:57:43 +02:00

119 lines
3.4 KiB

define("DOMAIN_EXAMPLE", "example"); // From RFC2606: Reserved Top Level DNS Names > 2. TLDs for Testing, & Documentation Examples
define("NIVER_TEMPLATE_PATH", "/usr/local/share/niver"); // Templates directory (nginx, knot...)
define("PREFIX", ""); // Prefix in URL, if any
define("ROOT_PATH", "/srv/php/niver" . PREFIX); // niver-php directory
define("SERVICE", substr(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), strlen(PREFIX) + 1));
define("PAGE", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.php'));
define("DB_PATH", ROOT_PATH . "/db/niver.db"); // Niver's SQLite database
// Service-specific functions and constants
if (SERVICE !== "")
require ROOT_PATH . "/" . SERVICE . ".php";
// Page titles definition
require "pages.php";
function antiCSRF() {
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_SEC_FETCH_SITE']) OR $_SERVER['HTTP_SEC_FETCH_SITE'] !== "same-origin")
exit("ERROR: Anti-CSRF verification failed ! (Wrong or unset Sec-Fetch-Site HTTP header)");
// Session initialisation (with cookies)
if (
isset($_COOKIE['niver']) // Resume session
(SERVICE === "auth" // Create new session
AND PAGE === "login"
AND isset($_POST['username']))
) {
'name' => 'niver',
'sid_length' => 64,
'sid_bits_per_character' => 6,
'cookie_secure' => true,
'cookie_httponly' => true,
'cookie_samesite' => 'Strict',
'cookie_path' => PREFIX . '/',
'cookie_lifetime' => 432000, // = 60*60*24*5 = 5 days
'gc_maxlifetime' => 10800,
'use_strict_mode' => true,
'use_cookies' => true,
'use_only_cookies' => true,
// Less > CSS compilation
// Color scheme
define("THEME", array(
// Displayed on light theme
'darkRegColor' => "#D100D1",
'darkNsColor' => "#006DFF",
'darkHtColor' => "#008768",
'darkAuthColor' => "#EE0000",
// Displayed on dark theme
'lightRegColor' => "#FF50FF",
'lightNsColor' => "#00FFFF",
'lightHtColor' => "#FFFF00",
'lightAuthColor' => "#00FF00",
'lightColor' => '#FFFFFF',
'darkColor' => '#000000',
require_once ROOT_PATH . "/lessphp/lib/Less/Autoloader.php";
// List files in less/
$relativeLessFiles = array_diff(scandir(ROOT_PATH . "/less"), array('..', '.'));
// Replace keys by values, and values by keys
$relativeLessFiles = array_flip($relativeLessFiles);
// Change relative paths into absolute paths
foreach ($relativeLessFiles as $relativeLessFile => $nothing) {
$absoluteLessFiles[ROOT_PATH . "/less/" . $relativeLessFile] = "";
// Generate one minified CSS file into public/css/ from sources in less/
$options = array(
'cache_dir' => ROOT_PATH . '/public/css/',
'compress' => true
$cssFileName = Less_Cache::Get($absoluteLessFiles, $options, THEME);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
if (isset($page['title']) AND $page['title'] != "Accueil")
echo $page['title'] . " < ";
if (isset($page['service']))
echo $page['service'] . " < ";
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<?= PREFIX ?>/css/<?= $cssFileName ?>">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<a href="<?= PREFIX ?>/">Niver</a><?php
if (isset($page['service']))
echo ' > <a href="./">' . $page['service'] . '</a>';
if (PAGE != "index")
echo ' > <a href="' . PAGE . '">' . $page['title'] . "</a>";
<?php if (isset($page['title'])) { ?>
<h1><?= $page['title'] ?></h1>
<?php } ?>