
60 lines
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$_POST['domain'] = formatDomain($_POST['domain']);
if (dirsStatuses('dns')[$_POST['dir']] !== false)
output(403, 'Wrong value for <code>dir</code>.');
if (query('select', 'sites', ['domain' => $_POST['domain']], 'domain') !== [])
output(403, _('This domain already exists on this service. Use another one.');
$remoteAaaaRecords = dns_get_record($_POST['domain'], DNS_AAAA);
if (is_array($remoteAaaaRecords) !== true)
output(500, sprintf(_('Can\'t retrieve the %s record.'), 'AAAA');
if (equalArrays([CONF['ht']['ipv6_address']], array_column($remoteAaaaRecords, 'ipv6')) !== true)
output(403, sprintf(_('This domain must have %2$s as its only %1$s record.'), 'AAAA', '<code>' . CONF['ht']['ipv6_address'] . '</code>'));
$remoteARecords = dns_get_record($_POST['domain'], DNS_A);
if (is_array($remoteARecords) !== true)
output(500, sprintf(_('Can\'t retrieve the %s record.'), 'A');
if (equalArrays([CONF['ht']['ipv4_address']], array_column($remoteARecords, 'ip')) !== true)
output(403, sprintf(_('This domain must have %2$s as its only %1$s record.'), 'A', '<code>' . CONF['ht']['ipv4_address'] . '</code>'));
$remoteTXTRecords = dns_get_record($_POST['domain'], DNS_TXT);
if (is_array($remoteTXTRecords) !== true)
output(500, sprintf(_('Can\'t retrieve the %s record.'), 'TXT');
if (preg_match('/^' . preg_quote(SERVER_NAME, '/') . '_domain-verification=([0-9a-f]{8})-([0-9a-f]{32})$/Dm', implode(LF, array_column($remoteTXTRecords, 'txt')), $matches) !== 1)
output(403, _('No TXT record with the expected format has been found.'));
checkAuthToken($matches[1], $matches[2]);
addSite($_SESSION['id'], $_POST['dir'], $_POST['domain'], 'dns');
exec('2>&1 ' . CONF['ht']['sudo_path'] . ' ' . CONF['ht']['certbot_path'] . ' certonly' . (($_SESSION['type'] === 'approved') ? '' : ' --test-cert') . ' --key-type rsa --rsa-key-size 3072 --webroot --webroot-path /srv/niver/acme --domain ' . $_POST['domain'], $output, $returnCode);
if ($returnCode !== 0)
output(500, 'Certbot failed to get a Let\'s Encrypt certificate.', $output);
$nginxConf = 'server {
listen [' . CONF['ht']['ipv6_listen_address'] . ']:' . CONF['ht']['https_port'] . ' ssl http2;
listen ' . CONF['ht']['ipv4_listen_address'] . ':' . CONF['ht']['https_port'] . ' ssl http2;
server_name ' . $_POST['domain'] . ';
root ' . CONF['ht']['ht_path'] . '/' . $_SESSION['id'] . '/' . $_POST['dir'] . ';
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/' . $_POST['domain'] . '/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/' . $_POST['domain'] . '/privkey.pem;
include inc/ht-tls.conf;
if (file_put_contents(CONF['ht']['nginx_config_path'] . '/' . $_POST['domain'] . '.conf', $nginxConf) === false)
output(500, 'Failed to write Nginx configuration.');
// Reload Nginx
exec(CONF['ht']['sudo_path'] . ' ' . CONF['ht']['nginx_reload_cmd'], result_code: $code);
if ($code !== 0)
output(500, 'Failed to reload Nginx.');
output(200, sprintf(_('%s added on this directory.'), PAGE_METADATA['title']);