<?=_('When an account is created, it\'s a <em>testing</em> account. A testing account is only temporary and with limited capabilities on the services. Once the account is validated by using an approval key requested to an administrator, it becomes an <em>approved</em> account.')?>
<summary><?=sprintf(_('Your account is at %s%% of the rate limit.'),'<span title="'.abs($tokens-MAX_ACCOUNT_TOKENS).'/'.MAX_ACCOUNT_TOKENS.'">'.abs(intval($tokens/MAX_ACCOUNT_TOKENS*100)-100).'</title>')?></summary>
<?=_('Most of the form submissions bring you closer to the rate limit. If you reach it, you need to wait in order to be able to submit forms again.')?>
<p><?=sprintf(_('The current account\'s internal ID is %s.'),'<small><code>'.($_SESSION['id']??'0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef').'</code></small>')?></p>