
143 lines
5.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

if (processForm() AND isset($_POST['zone-content'])) { // Update zone
// Get current SOA record
$current_zone_content = file_get_contents(CONF['ns']['knot_zones_path'] . '/' . $_POST['zone'] . 'zone');
if ($current_zone_content === false)
output(500, 'Unable to read zone file.');
if (preg_match('/^(?<soa>' . preg_quote($_POST['zone']) . '[\t ]+[0-9]{1,16}[\t ]+SOA[\t ]+.+)$/m', $current_zone_content, $matches) !== 1)
output(500, 'Unable to get current serial from zone file.');
// Generate new zone content
$new_zone_content = $matches['soa'] . LF;
if (strlen($_POST['zone-content']) > ZONE_MAX_CHARACTERS)
output(403, 'La zone n\'est pas autorisée à dépasser ' . ZONE_MAX_CHARACTERS . ' caractères.');
foreach (explode("\r\n", $_POST['zone-content']) as $line) {
if ($line === '') continue;
if (preg_match('/^(?<domain>[a-z0-9@._-]+)(?:[\t ]+(?<ttl>[0-9]{1,16}))?(?:[\t ]+IN)?[\t ]+(?<type>[A-Z]{1,16})[\t ]+(?<value>.+)$/', $line, $matches) !== 1)
output(403, 'La zone est mal formatée (selon Niver).');
if (in_array($matches['type'], ALLOWED_TYPES, true) !== true)
output(403, 'Le type <code>' . $matches['type'] . '</code> n\'est pas autorisé.');
if ($matches['ttl'] !== '' AND $matches['ttl'] < MIN_TTL)
output(403, 'Les TTLs inférieurs à ' . MIN_TTL . ' secondes ne sont pas autorisés.');
if ($matches['ttl'] !== '' AND $matches['ttl'] > MAX_TTL)
output(403, 'Les TTLs supérieurs à ' . MAX_TTL . ' secondes ne sont pas autorisés.');
$new_zone_content .= $matches['domain'] . ' ' . (($matches['ttl'] === '') ? DEFAULT_TTL : $matches['ttl']) . ' ' . $matches['type'] . ' ' . $matches['value'] . LF;
// Send the zone content to kzonecheck's stdin
$process = proc_open(CONF['ns']['kzonecheck_path'] . ' --origin ' . $_POST['zone'] . ' --dnssec off -', [0 => ['pipe', 'r']], $pipes);
if (is_resource($process) !== true)
output(500, 'Can\'t spawn kzonecheck.');
fwrite($pipes[0], $new_zone_content);
if (proc_close($process) !== 0)
output(403, 'Le contenu de zone envoyé n\'est pas valide (selon <code>kzonecheck</code>).');
exec(CONF['dns']['knotc_path'] . ' --blocking --timeout 10 zone-freeze ' . $_POST['zone'], $output, $return_code);
if ($return_code !== 0)
output(500, 'Failed to freeze zone file.', $output);
exec(CONF['dns']['knotc_path'] . ' --blocking --timeout 10 zone-flush ' . $_POST['zone'], $output, $return_code);
if ($return_code !== 0)
output(500, 'Failed to flush zone file.', $output);
if (file_put_contents(CONF['ns']['knot_zones_path'] . '/' . $_POST['zone'] . 'zone', $new_zone_content) === false)
output(500, 'Failed to write zone file.');
exec(CONF['dns']['knotc_path'] . ' --blocking --timeout 10 zone-reload ' . $_POST['zone'], $output, $return_code);
if ($return_code !== 0)
output(500, 'Failed to reload zone file.', $output);
exec(CONF['dns']['knotc_path'] . ' --blocking --timeout 10 zone-thaw ' . $_POST['zone'], $output, $return_code);
if ($return_code !== 0)
output(500, 'Failed to thaw zone file.', $output);
output(200, 'La zone a été mise à jour.');
<form method="post">
<label for="zone">Zone à modifier</label>
<select required="" name="zone" id="zone">
<option value="" disabled="" selected="">-</option>
if (isset($_SESSION['username']))
foreach (nsListUserZones($_SESSION['username']) as $zone)
echo ' <option value="' . $zone . '">' . $zone . '</option>' . LF;
<input type="submit" value="Afficher">
if (processForm()) { // Display zone
$zone_content = file_get_contents(CONF['ns']['knot_zones_path'] . '/' . $_POST['zone'] . 'zone');
if ($zone_content === false)
output(500, 'Unable to read zone file.');
$displayed_zone_content = '';
foreach(explode(LF, $zone_content) as $zone_line) {
if (empty($zone_line) OR str_starts_with($zone_line, ';'))
if (preg_match('/^(?:(?:[a-z0-9_-]{1,63}\.){1,127})?' . preg_quote($_POST['zone'], '/') . '[\t ]+[0-9]{1,8}[\t ]+(?<type>[A-Z]{1,16})[\t ]+.+$/', $zone_line, $matches)) {
if (in_array($matches['type'], ALLOWED_TYPES, true) !== true)
$displayed_zone_content .= $zone_line . LF;
$displayed_zone_content .= LF;
<form method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="zone" value="<?= $_POST['zone'] ?>">
<label for="zone-content">Nouveau contenu de la zone <code><strong><?= $_POST['zone'] ?></strong></code></label>
<textarea id="zone-content" name="zone-content" wrap="off" rows="<?= substr_count($displayed_zone_content, LF) + 1 ?>"><?= htmlspecialchars($displayed_zone_content) ?></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Remplacer">
global $final_message;
<h2>Valeurs par défaut</h2>
<p>Si le TTL est omis, il sera définit à <code><?= DEFAULT_TTL ?></code> secondes.</p>
<p>La précision de la classe (<code>IN</code>) est facultative.</p>
<h2>Valeurs autorisées</h2>
<p>La zone n'est pas autorisée à dépasser <?= ZONE_MAX_CHARACTERS ?> caractères.</p>
<p>Les TTLs ne sont autorisés qu'entre <code><?= MIN_TTL ?></code> et <code><?= MAX_TTL ?></code> secondes.</p>
<p>Les seuls types dont l'édition est autorisée sont :</p>
foreach (ALLOWED_TYPES as $allowed_type)
echo ' <li><code>' . $allowed_type . '</code></li>';