# Tipi — A personal homeserver for everyone
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#### Join the discussion
> ⚠️ Tipi is still at an early stage of development and issues are to be expected. Feel free to open an issue or pull request if you find a bug.
Tipi is a personal homeserver orchestrator that makes it easy to manage and run multiple services on a single server. It is based on Docker and comes with a simple web interface to manage your services. Tipi is designed to be easy to use, so you don't have to worry about manual configuration or networking. Simply install Tipi on your server and use the web interface to add and manage services. You can see a list of available services in the [App Store repo](https://github.com/meienberger/runtipi-appstore) and request new ones if you don't see what you need. To get started, follow the installation instructions below.
## Demo
You can try out a demo of Tipi at [demo.runtipi.com](https://demo.runtipi.com) using the following credentials:
username: user@runtipi.com
password: runtipi
## 🛠 Installation
### Installation Requirements
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or higher is recommended. However other major Linux distribution are supported but may lead to installation issues. Please file an issue if you encounter one.
### Download and install Tipi
Download the latest version of Tipi:
curl -L https://setup.runtipi.com | bash
The script will prompt you the ip address of the dashboard once configured.
### Commands
If you already installed Tipi, you can start it manually by running the `start.sh` script in the `runtipi` folder.
cd runtipi
sudo ./scripts/start.sh
Tipi will run by default on port 80. To select another port you can run the start script with the `--port` argument
sudo ./scripts/start.sh --port 7000
To stop Tipi, run the stop script.
sudo ./scripts/stop.sh
### Update Tipi
To update Tipi to the latest version, run the update script.
sudo ./scripts/system.sh update
### Custom settings
You can change the default settings by creating a `settings.json` file. The file should be located in the `runtipi/state` directory. This file will make your changes persist across restarts. Example file:
"dnsIp": "",
"domain": "mydomain.com"
Available settings:
- `dnsIp` - The IP address of the DNS server to use. Default: ``
- `domain` - The domain name to use for the dashboard. Default: `localhost`
- `port` - The port to use for the dashboard. Default: `80`
- `sslPort` - The port to use for the dashboard with SSL. Default: `443`
- `listenIp` - The IP address to listen on. Default: `automatically detected`
- `storagePath` - The path to use for storing data. Default: `runtipi/app-data`
### Linking a domain to your dashboard
If you want to link a domain to your dashboard, you can do so by providing the `--domain` option in the start script.
sudo ./scripts/start.sh --domain mydomain.com
You can also specify it in the `settings.json` file as shown in the previous section to keep the setting saved across restarts.
A Let's Encrypt certificate will be generated and installed automatically. Make sure to have ports 80 and 443 open on your firewall and that your domain has an **A** record pointing to your server IP.
Please note that this setting will only expose the dashboard. If you want to expose other apps, you need to configure them individually. You cannot use the `--domain` option to expose apps.
This option will only work if you keep the default port 80 and 443 for the dashboard.
### Uninstalling Tipi
Make sure Tipi is completely stopped and then remove the `runtipi` directory.
sudo ./scripts/stop.sh
cd ..
sudo rm -rf runtipi
## 📚 Documentation
For a detailed guide on how to install Tipi. This amazing article by @kycfree [Running a Home Server with Tipi](https://kyc3.life/running-a-home-server-with-tipi/)
You can find more documentation and tutorials / FAQ in the [Wiki](https://github.com/meienberger/runtipi/wiki).
## ❤️ Contributing
Tipi is made to be very easy to plug in new apps. We welcome and appreciate new contributions.
If you want to add a new app or feature, you can follow the [Contribution guide](https://github.com/meienberger/runtipi/wiki/Adding-your-own-app) for instructions on how to do so.
We are looking for contributions of all kinds. If you know design, development, or have ideas for new features, please get in touch.
## 📜 License
Tipi is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. TL;DR — You may copy, distribute and modify the software as long as you track changes/dates in source files. Any modifications to or software including (via compiler) GPL-licensed code must also be made available under the GPL along with build & install instructions.
The bash script `app.sh` located in the `scripts` folder contains some snippets from [Umbrel](https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel)'s code. Therefore some parts of the code are licensed under the PolyForm Noncommercial License 1.0.0 license. You can for now consider the whole file under this license. We are actively working on re-writing those parts in order to make them available under the GPL license like the rest of our code.
## 🗣 Community
- [Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#runtipi:matrix.org)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/runtipi)
- [Telegram](https://t.me/+72-y10MnLBw2ZGI0)
- [Discord](https://discord.gg/Bu9qEPnHsc)
## Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):