New translations en.json (German)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 174 additions and 174 deletions
@ -3,87 +3,87 @@
"errors": {
"invalid-credentials": "Ungültige Zugangsdaten",
"admin-already-exists": "Es existiert bereits ein Admin-Benutzer. Bitte melde dich an, um einen neuen Benutzer im Admin-Panel zu erzeugen.",
"missing-email-or-password": "Missing email or password",
"invalid-username": "Invalid username",
"user-already-exists": "User already exists",
"error-creating-user": "Error creating user",
"no-change-password-request": "No change password request found",
"operator-not-found": "Operator user not found",
"user-not-found": "User not found",
"not-allowed-in-demo": "Not allowed in demo mode",
"not-allowed-in-dev": "Not allowed in dev mode",
"invalid-password": "Invalid password",
"invalid-password-length": "Password must be at least 8 characters long",
"invalid-locale": "Invalid locale",
"totp-session-not-found": "2FA session not found",
"totp-not-enabled": "2FA is not enabled for this user",
"totp-invalid-code": "Invalid 2FA code",
"totp-already-enabled": "2FA is already enabled for this user",
"app-not-found": "App {id} not found",
"app-failed-to-start": "Failed to start app {id}, see logs for more details",
"app-failed-to-install": "Failed to install app {id}, see logs for more details",
"app-failed-to-stop": "Failed to stop app {id}, see logs for more details",
"app-failed-to-uninstall": "Failed to uninstall app {id}, see logs for more details",
"app-failed-to-update": "Failed to update app {id}, see logs for more details",
"domain-required-if-expose-app": "Domain is required if app is exposed",
"domain-not-valid": "Domain {domain} is not a valid domain",
"invalid-config": "App {id} has an invalid config.json file",
"app-not-exposable": "App {id} is not exposable",
"app-force-exposed": "App {id} works only with exposed domain",
"domain-already-in-use": "Domain {domain} is already in use by app {id}",
"could-not-get-latest-version": "Could not get latest version",
"current-version-is-latest": "Current version is already up to date",
"major-version-update": "The major version has changed. Please update manually (instructions on GitHub)"
"missing-email-or-password": "E-Mail oder Passwort fehlt",
"invalid-username": "Ungültiger Nutzername",
"user-already-exists": "Benutzer existiert bereits",
"error-creating-user": "Fehler bei der Erstellung des Nutzers",
"no-change-password-request": "Keine Anfrage, das Passwort zu ändern gefunden",
"operator-not-found": "Operator-Benutzer nicht gefunden",
"user-not-found": "Benutzer nicht gefunden",
"not-allowed-in-demo": "Im Demo-Modus nicht erlaubt",
"not-allowed-in-dev": "Im Dev-Modus nicht erlaubt",
"invalid-password": "Ungültiges Passwort",
"invalid-password-length": "Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang sein",
"invalid-locale": "Ungültige Region",
"totp-session-not-found": "2FA-Sitzung nicht gefunden",
"totp-not-enabled": "2FA ist für diesen Nutzer nicht aktiviert",
"totp-invalid-code": "Ungültiger 2FA-Code",
"totp-already-enabled": "2FA wurde für diesen Nutzer bereits aktiviert",
"app-not-found": "App {id} nicht gefunden",
"app-failed-to-start": "Starten der App {id} fehlgeschlagen. Siehe die Logs für weitere Informationen",
"app-failed-to-install": "Installieren der App {id} fehlgeschlagen. Siehe die Logs für weitere Informationen",
"app-failed-to-stop": "Stoppen der App {id} fehlgeschlagen. Siehe die Logs für weitere Informationen",
"app-failed-to-uninstall": "Deinstallieren der App {id} fehlgeschlagen. Siehe die Logs für weitere Informationen",
"app-failed-to-update": "Aktualisieren der App {id} fehlgeschlagen. Siehe die Logs für weitere Informationen",
"domain-required-if-expose-app": "Eine Domain ist erforderlich, wenn die App veröffentlicht ist",
"domain-not-valid": "Die Domain {domain} ist ungültig",
"invalid-config": "Die App {id} hat eine ungültige config.json Datei",
"app-not-exposable": "App {id} nicht veröffentlichbar",
"app-force-exposed": "App {id} funktioniert nur mit veröffentlichter Domain",
"domain-already-in-use": "Die Domain {domain} ist bereits in Verwendung von der App {id}",
"could-not-get-latest-version": "Konnte aktuellste Version nicht abfragen",
"current-version-is-latest": "Die aktuelle Version ist bereits auf dem neuesten Stand",
"major-version-update": "Die Hauptversion hat sich geändert. Bitte aktualisieren Sie manuell. (Anleitung auf GitHub)"
"success": {}
"auth": {
"login": {
"title": "Login to your account",
"submit": "Login"
"title": "In Konto einloggen",
"submit": "Anmelden"
"totp": {
"title": "Two-factor authentication",
"instructions": "Enter the code from your authenticator app",
"submit": "Confirm"
"title": "Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung",
"instructions": "Code aus der Authenticator-App eingeben",
"submit": "Bestätigen"
"register": {
"title": "Register your account",
"submit": "Register"
"title": "Ihr Konto erstellen",
"submit": "Registrieren"
"reset-password": {
"title": "Reset your password",
"submit": "Reset password",
"cancel": "Cancel password change request",
"instructions": "Run this command on your server and then refresh this page",
"success-title": "Password reset",
"success": "Your password has been reset. You can now login with your new password. And your email {email}",
"back-to-login": "Back to login"
"title": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
"submit": "Zurücksetzen",
"cancel": "Passwortänderung abbrechen",
"instructions": "Führen Sie diesen Befehl auf Ihrem Server aus und aktualisieren Sie die Seite",
"success-title": "Passwort zurückgesetzt",
"success": "Ihr Passwort wurde gespeichert. Sie können sich nun mit Ihrem neuen Passwort und ihrer E-Mail {email} anmelden",
"back-to-login": "Zurück zur Anmeldung"
"form": {
"email": "Email address",
"email-placeholder": "",
"password": "Password",
"password-placeholder": "Enter your password",
"password-confirmation": "Confirm password",
"password-confirmation-placeholder": "Confirm your password",
"forgot": "Forgot password?",
"new-password-placeholder": "Your new password",
"new-password-confirmation-placeholder": "Confirm your new password",
"email": "E-Mail Adresse",
"email-placeholder": "",
"password": "Passwort",
"password-placeholder": "Passwort eingeben",
"password-confirmation": "Passwort bestätigen",
"password-confirmation-placeholder": "Passwort bestätigen",
"forgot": "Passwort vergessen?",
"new-password-placeholder": "Neues Passwort",
"new-password-confirmation-placeholder": "Neues Passwort bestätigen",
"errors": {
"email": {
"required": "Email address is required",
"email": "Email address is invalid",
"invalid": "Email address is invalid"
"required": "E-Mail-Adresse erforderlich",
"email": "E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig",
"invalid": "E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig"
"password": {
"required": "Password is required",
"minlength": "Password must be at least 8 characters"
"required": "Passwort erforderlich",
"minlength": "Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang sein"
"password-confirmation": {
"required": "Password confirmation is required",
"minlength": "Password confirmation must be at least 8 characters",
"match": "Passwords do not match"
"required": "Passwortbestätigung erforderlich",
"minlength": "Die Passwortbestätigung muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang sein",
"match": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein"
@ -92,110 +92,110 @@
"title": "Dashboard",
"cards": {
"disk": {
"title": "Disk Space",
"subtitle": "Used out of {total} GB"
"title": "Speicherplatz",
"subtitle": "Wird von {total} GB verwendet"
"memory": {
"title": "Memory Used"
"title": "Speichernutzung"
"cpu": {
"title": "CPU Load",
"subtitle": "Uninstall apps to reduce load"
"title": "CPU-Auslastung",
"subtitle": "Apps deinstallieren um Last zu reduzieren"
"apps": {
"status-running": "Running",
"status-stopped": "Stopped",
"status-starting": "Starting",
"status-stopping": "Stopping",
"status-updating": "Updating",
"status-missing": "Missing",
"status-installing": "Installing",
"status-uninstalling": "Uninstalling",
"update-available": "Update available",
"status-running": "Aktiv",
"status-stopped": "Angehalten",
"status-starting": "Startet",
"status-stopping": "Stoppen",
"status-updating": "Aktualisieren",
"status-missing": "Fehlt",
"status-installing": "Installieren",
"status-uninstalling": "Deinstallieren",
"update-available": "Aktualisierung verfügbar",
"my-apps": {
"title": "My Apps",
"empty-title": "No app installed",
"empty-subtitle": "Install an app from the app store to get started",
"empty-action": "Go to app store"
"title": "Meine Apps",
"empty-title": "Keine Apps installiert",
"empty-subtitle": "Installiere eine App aus dem App Store, um loszulegen",
"empty-action": "Zum App Store"
"app-store": {
"title": "App Store",
"search-placeholder": "Search apps",
"category-placeholder": "Select a category",
"no-results": "No app found",
"no-results-subtitle": "Try to refine your search"
"search-placeholder": "Apps suchen",
"category-placeholder": "Kategorie wählen",
"no-results": "Keine App gefunden",
"no-results-subtitle": "Versuche, deine Suche zu verbessern"
"app-details": {
"install-success": "App installed successfully",
"uninstall-success": "App uninstalled successfully",
"stop-success": "App stopped successfully",
"update-success": "App updated successfully",
"start-success": "App started successfully",
"update-config-success": "App config updated successfully. Restart the app to apply the changes",
"install-success": "App erfolgreich installiert",
"uninstall-success": "App erfolgreich deinstalliert",
"stop-success": "App erfolgreich angehalten",
"update-success": "App erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"start-success": "App erfolgreich gestartet",
"update-config-success": "App-Konfiguration erfolgreich aktualisiert. Starte die App neu, um die Änderungen zu übernehmen",
"version": "Version",
"description": "Description",
"base-info": "Base info",
"source-code": "Source code",
"author": "Author",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"base-info": "Basisinfo",
"source-code": "Quellcode",
"author": "Autor",
"port": "Port",
"categories-title": "Categories",
"categories-title": "Kategorien",
"link": "Link",
"website": "Website",
"supported-arch": "Supported architectures",
"supported-arch": "Unterstütze Architekturen",
"categories": {
"data": "Data",
"network": "Network",
"data": "Daten",
"network": "Netzwerk",
"media": "Media",
"development": "Development",
"automation": "Automation",
"social": "Social",
"utilities": "Utilities",
"security": "Security",
"photography": "Photography",
"featured": "Featured",
"books": "Books",
"music": "Music",
"finance": "Finance",
"development": "Entwicklung",
"automation": "Automatisierung",
"social": "Soziale Medien",
"utilities": "Dienstprogramme",
"security": "Sicherheit",
"photography": "Fotografie",
"featured": "Empfohlen",
"books": "Bücher",
"music": "Musik",
"finance": "Finanzen",
"gaming": "Gaming",
"ai": "AI"
"ai": "KI"
"actions": {
"start": "Start",
"remove": "Remove",
"settings": "Settings",
"stop": "Stop",
"open": "Open",
"loading": "Loading",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"install": "Install",
"update": "Update"
"remove": "Löschen",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"stop": "Anhalten",
"open": "Öffnen",
"loading": "Laden",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"install": "Installieren",
"update": "Aktualisieren"
"install-form": {
"title": "Install {name}",
"expose-app": "Expose app",
"domain-name": "Domain name",
"domain-name-hint": "Make sure this exact domain contains an A record pointing to your IP.",
"choose-option": "Choose an option...",
"sumbit-install": "Install",
"submit-update": "Update",
"title": "{name} installieren",
"expose-app": "App veröffentlichen",
"domain-name": "Domainname",
"domain-name-hint": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass diese Domain einen A-Eintrag enthält, der auf Ihre IP verweist.",
"choose-option": "Wählen Sie eine Option...",
"sumbit-install": "Installieren",
"submit-update": "Aktualisieren",
"errors": {
"required": "{label} is required",
"regex": "{label} must match the pattern {pattern}",
"max-length": "{label} must be less than {max} characters",
"min-length": "{label} must be at least {min} characters",
"between-length": "{label} must be between {min} and {max} characters",
"invalid-email": "{label} must be a valid email address",
"number": "{label} must be a number",
"fqdn": "{label} must be a valid domain",
"ip": "{label} must be a valid IP address",
"fqdnip": "{label} must be a valid domain or IP address",
"url": "{label} must be a valid URL"
"required": "{label} ist erforderlich",
"regex": "{label} stimmt nicht mit dem Format {pattern} überein",
"max-length": "{label} muss kleiner als {max} Zeichen sein",
"min-length": "{label} muss mindestens {min} Zeichen lang sein",
"between-length": "{label} muss zwischen {min} und {max} Zeichen lang sein",
"invalid-email": "{label} muss eine gültige E-Mail Adresse sein",
"number": "{label} muss eine Nummer sein",
"fqdn": "{label} muss eine gültige Domain sein",
"ip": "{label} muss eine gültige IP-Adresse sein",
"fqdnip": "{label} muss eine gültige Domain oder IP-Addresse sein",
"url": "{label} muss eine gültige URL sein"
"stop-form": {
"title": "Stop {name} ?",
"title": "{name} anhalten?",
"subtitle": "All data will be retained",
"submit": "Stop"
@ -243,53 +243,53 @@
"dns-ip": "DNS IP",
"internal-ip": "Internal IP",
"internal-ip-hint": "IP address your server is listening on.",
"apps-repo": "Apps repo URL",
"apps-repo-hint": "URL to the apps repository.",
"storage-path": "Storage path",
"storage-path-hint": "Path to the storage directory. Keep empty for default (runtipi/app-data). Make sure it is an absolute path and that it exists",
"submit": "Save",
"user-settings-title": "User settings",
"language": "Language",
"help-translate": "Help translate Tipi"
"apps-repo": "App-Repo-URL",
"apps-repo-hint": "URL zum App-Repository.",
"storage-path": "Speicherpfad",
"storage-path-hint": "Pfad zum Speicherverzeichnis. Leer lassen für Standard (runtipi/app-data). Stelle sicher, dass es ein absoluter Pfad ist, der existiert",
"submit": "Speichern",
"user-settings-title": "Benutzereinstellungen",
"language": "Sprache",
"help-translate": "Beim Übersetzen helfen"
"security": {
"tab-title": "Security",
"change-password-title": "Change password",
"change-password-subtitle": "Changing your password will log you out of all devices.",
"password-change-success": "Password changed successfully",
"2fa-title": "Two-factor authentication",
"2fa-subtitle": "Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an additional layer of security to your account.",
"2fa-subtitle-2": "When enabled, you will be prompted to enter a code from your authenticator app when you log in.",
"2fa-enable-success": "Two-factor authentication enabled",
"2fa-disable-success": "Two-factor authentication disabled",
"scan-qr-code": "Scan this QR code with your authenticator app.",
"enter-key-manually": "Or enter this key manually.",
"enter-2fa-code": "Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app",
"enable-2fa": "Enable two-factor authentication",
"disable-2fa": "Disable two-factor authentication",
"password-needed": "Password needed",
"password-needed-hint": "Your password is required to change two-factor authentication settings.",
"tab-title": "Sicherheit",
"change-password-title": "Passwort ändern",
"change-password-subtitle": "Das Ändern des Passworts wird Sie von allen Geräten abmelden.",
"password-change-success": "Passwort erfolgreich geändert",
"2fa-title": "Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung",
"2fa-subtitle": "Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung (2FA) fügt deinem Konto eine weitere Sicherheitsebene zu.",
"2fa-subtitle-2": "Wenn aktiviert, werden Sie bei der Anmeldung aufgefordert, einen Code aus ihrer Authentifizierungs-App einzugeben.",
"2fa-enable-success": "Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung aktiviert",
"2fa-disable-success": "Zwei‐Faktor‐Authentifizierung deaktiviert",
"scan-qr-code": "Scannen Sie diesen QR-Code mit Ihrer Authentifizierungs-App.",
"enter-key-manually": "Oder diesen Code manuell eingeben.",
"enter-2fa-code": "Geben Sie den 6-stelligen Code aus\nihrer Authentifizierungs-App ein",
"enable-2fa": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivieren",
"disable-2fa": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung deaktivieren",
"password-needed": "Passwort erforderlich",
"password-needed-hint": "Ihr Passwort wird benötigt, um die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungseinstellungen zu ändern.",
"form": {
"password-length": "Password must be at least 8 characters",
"password-match": "Passwords do not match",
"current-password": "Current password",
"new-password": "New password",
"confirm-password": "Confirm new password",
"change-password": "Change password",
"password": "Password"
"password-length": "Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang sein",
"password-match": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein",
"current-password": "Aktuelles Passwort",
"new-password": "Neues Passwort",
"confirm-password": "Neues Passwort bestätigen",
"change-password": "Passwort ändern",
"password": "Passwort"
"header": {
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"my-apps": "My Apps",
"my-apps": "Meine Apps",
"app-store": "App Store",
"settings": "Settings",
"logout": "Logout",
"dark-mode": "Dark Mode",
"light-mode": "Light Mode",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"logout": "Abmelden",
"dark-mode": "Dunkler Modus",
"light-mode": "Heller Modus",
"sponsor": "Sponsor",
"source-code": "Source code",
"update-available": "Update available"
"source-code": "Quellcode",
"update-available": "Aktualisierung verfügbar"
Reference in a new issue