Fix line break to Unix

This commit is contained in:
Christian Zeitnitz 2021-03-16 22:04:40 +01:00
parent a34485225f
commit fd487a9824
2 changed files with 46 additions and 46 deletions

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ readonly raspap_adblock="/etc/dnsmasq.d/090_adblock.conf"
readonly raspap_sysctl="/etc/sysctl.d/90_raspap.conf"
readonly raspap_network="$raspap_dir/networking/"
readonly rulesv4="/etc/iptables/rules.v4"
readonly raspap_client_scripts="/usr/local/sbin"
# readonly raspap_client_scripts="/usr/local/sbin"
readonly notracking_url=""
git_source_url="$repo" # $repo from
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function _install_raspap() {
@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ function _install_features() {
f=$(basename $feature)
if declare -f -F $func > /dev/null; then
_install_log "Installing $func"
$func || _install_status 1 "Not able to install feature ($func)"
_install_status 1 "Install file $f is missing install function $func"
_install_log "Installing $func"
$func || _install_status 1 "Not able to install feature ($func)"
_install_status 1 "Install file $f is missing install function $func"

View file

@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
# RaspAP feature installation: handling of mobile data clients and client configuration
# to be sources by the RaspAP installer script
# Author: @zbchristian <>
# Author URI:
# License: GNU General Public License v3.0
# License URI:
# path for mobile modem scripts
readonly raspap_clients_scripts="/usr/local/sbin"
# table of mobile network operators - links the 5 digit operator code (from the modem) with a clear text operator name
readonly raspap_clients_operator_table=""
function _install_feature_clients() {
name="feature clients"
_install_log "Install $name"
_install_log " - required packages for mobile data clients"
sudo apt-get install wvdial socat bc || _install_status 1 "Unable to install dependencies for $name"
_install_log " - copy configuration files and scripts"
# Move scripts
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/"*.sh "$raspap_clients_scripts/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move client scripts ($name)"
sudo chmod a+rx "$raspap_clients_scripts/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable to chmod client scripts ($name)"
# wget $raspap_clients_operator_table -o "$raspap_clients_scripts/"mcc-mnc-table.csv || _install_status 1 "Unable to wget operator table ($name)"
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/mcc-mnc-table.csv" "$raspap_clients_scripts/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move client data ($name)"
# wvdial settings
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/wvdial.conf" "/etc/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to install client configuration ($name)"
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/interfaces" "/etc/network/interfaces" || _install_status 1 "Unable to install interface settings ($name)"
# udev rules/services to auto start mobile data services
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/70-mobile-data-sticks.rules" "/etc/udev/rules.d/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to install client udev rules ($name)"
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/80-raspap-net-devices.rules" "/etc/udev/rules.d/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to install client udev rules ($name)"
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/"*.service "/etc/systemd/system/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to install client startup services ($name)"
# client configuration and udev rule templates
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_udev_prototypes.json" "/etc/raspap/networking/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to install client configuration ($name)"
_install_status 0
# RaspAP feature installation: handling of mobile data clients and client configuration
# to be sources by the RaspAP installer script
# Author: @zbchristian <>
# Author URI:
# License: GNU General Public License v3.0
# License URI:
# path for mobile modem scripts
readonly raspap_clients_scripts="/usr/local/sbin"
# table of mobile network operators - links the 5 digit operator code (from the modem) with a clear text operator name
readonly raspap_clients_operator_table=""
function _install_feature_clients() {
name="feature clients"
_install_log "Install $name"
_install_log " - required packages for mobile data clients"
sudo apt-get install wvdial socat bc || _install_status 1 "Unable to install dependencies for $name"
_install_log " - copy configuration files and scripts"
# Move scripts
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/"*.sh "$raspap_clients_scripts/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move client scripts ($name)"
sudo chmod a+rx "$raspap_clients_scripts/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable to chmod client scripts ($name)"
# wget $raspap_clients_operator_table -o "$raspap_clients_scripts/"mcc-mnc-table.csv || _install_status 1 "Unable to wget operator table ($name)"
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/mcc-mnc-table.csv" "$raspap_clients_scripts/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move client data ($name)"
# wvdial settings
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/wvdial.conf" "/etc/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to install client configuration ($name)"
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/interfaces" "/etc/network/interfaces" || _install_status 1 "Unable to install interface settings ($name)"
# udev rules/services to auto start mobile data services
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/70-mobile-data-sticks.rules" "/etc/udev/rules.d/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to install client udev rules ($name)"
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/80-raspap-net-devices.rules" "/etc/udev/rules.d/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to install client udev rules ($name)"
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_config/"*.service "/etc/systemd/system/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to install client startup services ($name)"
# client configuration and udev rule templates
sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/client_udev_prototypes.json" "/etc/raspap/networking/" || _install_status 1 "Unable to install client configuration ($name)"
_install_status 0