2022-02-04 23:26:24 +00:00

922 lines
27 KiB
Executable file

# This script is run both using the system-wide Python 3
# interpreter (/usr/bin/python3) as well as through the
# virtualenv (/usr/local/lib/mailinabox/env). So only
# import packages at the top level of this script that
# are installed in *both* contexts. We use the system-wide
# Python 3 in setup/questions.sh to validate the email
# address entered by the user.
import subprocess
import shutil
import os
import sqlite3
import re
import utils
from email_validator import validate_email as validate_email_, EmailNotValidError
import idna
def validate_email(email, mode=None):
# Checks that an email address is syntactically valid. Returns True/False.
# An email address may contain ASCII characters only because Dovecot's
# authentication mechanism gets confused with other character encodings.
# When mode=="user", we're checking that this can be a user account name.
# Dovecot has tighter restrictions - letters, numbers, underscore, and
# dash only!
# When mode=="alias", we're allowing anything that can be in a Postfix
# alias table, i.e. omitting the local part ("@domain.tld") is OK.
# Check the syntax of the address.
allow_empty_local=(mode == "alias"))
except EmailNotValidError:
return False
if mode == 'user':
# There are a lot of characters permitted in email addresses, but
# Dovecot's sqlite auth driver seems to get confused if there are any
# unusual characters in the address. Bah. Also note that since
# the mailbox path name is based on the email address, the address
# shouldn't be absurdly long and must not have a forward slash.
# Our database is case sensitive (oops), which affects mail delivery
# (Postfix always queries in lowercase?), so also only permit lowercase
# letters.
if len(email) > 255:
return False
if re.search(r'[^\@\.a-z0-9_\-]+', email):
return False
# Everything looks good.
return True
def sanitize_idn_email_address(email):
# The user may enter Unicode in an email address. Convert the domain part
# to IDNA before going into our database. Leave the local part alone ---
# although validate_email will reject non-ASCII characters.
# The domain name system only exists in ASCII, so it doesn't make sense
# to store domain names in Unicode. We want to store what is meaningful
# to the underlying protocols.
localpart, domainpart = email.split("@")
domainpart = idna.encode(domainpart).decode('ascii')
return localpart + "@" + domainpart
except (ValueError, idna.IDNAError):
# ValueError: String does not have a single @-sign, so it is not
# a valid email address. IDNAError: Domain part is not IDNA-valid.
# Validation is not this function's job, so return value unchanged.
# If there are non-ASCII characters it will be filtered out by
# validate_email.
return email
def prettify_idn_email_address(email):
# This is the opposite of sanitize_idn_email_address. We store domain
# names in IDNA in the database, but we want to show Unicode to the user.
localpart, domainpart = email.split("@")
domainpart = idna.decode(domainpart.encode("ascii"))
return localpart + "@" + domainpart
except (ValueError, UnicodeError, idna.IDNAError):
# Failed to decode IDNA, or the email address does not have a
# single @-sign. Should never happen.
return email
def is_dcv_address(email):
email = email.lower()
for localpart in ("admin", "administrator", "postmaster", "hostmaster",
"webmaster", "abuse"):
if email.startswith(localpart + "@") or email.startswith(localpart +
return True
return False
def open_database(env, with_connection=False):
conn = sqlite3.connect(env["STORAGE_ROOT"] + "/mail/users.sqlite")
if not with_connection:
return conn.cursor()
return conn, conn.cursor()
def get_mail_users(env):
# Returns a flat, sorted list of all user accounts.
c = open_database(env)
c.execute('SELECT email FROM users')
users = [row[0] for row in c.fetchall()]
return utils.sort_email_addresses(users, env)
def sizeof_fmt(num):
for unit in ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T']:
if abs(num) < 1024.0:
if abs(num) > 99:
return "%3.0f%s" % (num, unit)
return "%2.1f%s" % (num, unit)
num /= 1024.0
return str(num)
def get_mail_users_ex(env, with_archived=False):
# Returns a complex data structure of all user accounts, optionally
# including archived (status="inactive") accounts.
# [
# {
# domain: "domain.tld",
# users: [
# {
# email: "name@domain.tld",
# privileges: [ "priv1", "priv2", ... ],
# status: "active" | "inactive",
# },
# ...
# ]
# },
# ...
# ]
# Get users and their privileges.
users = []
active_accounts = set()
c = open_database(env)
c.execute('SELECT email, privileges, quota FROM users')
for email, privileges, quota in c.fetchall():
(user, domain) = email.split('@')
box_size = 0
box_count = 0
box_quota = 0
percent = ''
dirsize_file = os.path.join(
'mail/mailboxes/%s/%s/maildirsize' % (domain, user))
with open(dirsize_file, 'r') as f:
box_quota = int(f.readline().split('S')[0])
for line in f.readlines():
(size, count) = line.split(' ')
box_size += int(size)
box_count += int(count)
percent = (box_size / box_quota) * 100
percent = 'Error'
box_size = '?'
box_count = '?'
box_quota = '?'
percent = '?'
if quota == '0':
percent = ''
user = {
"email": email,
"privileges": parse_privs(privileges),
"quota": quota,
"box_quota": box_quota,
"box_size": sizeof_fmt(box_size) if box_size != '?' else box_size,
'%3.0f%%' % percent if type(percent) != str else percent,
"box_count": box_count,
"status": "active",
# Add in archived accounts.
if with_archived:
root = os.path.join(env['STORAGE_ROOT'], 'mail/mailboxes')
for domain in os.listdir(root):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, domain)):
for user in os.listdir(os.path.join(root, domain)):
email = user + "@" + domain
mbox = os.path.join(root, domain, user)
if email in active_accounts:
user = {
"email": email,
"privileges": [],
"status": "inactive",
"mailbox": mbox,
"box_count": '?',
"box_size": '?',
"box_quota": '?',
"percent": '?',
# Group by domain.
domains = {}
for user in users:
domain = get_domain(user["email"])
if domain not in domains:
domains[domain] = {"domain": domain, "users": []}
# Sort domains.
domains = [
domains[domain] for domain in utils.sort_domains(domains.keys(), env)
# Sort users within each domain first by status then lexicographically by email address.
for domain in domains:
key=lambda user: (user["status"] != "active", user["email"]))
return domains
def get_admins(env):
# Returns a set of users with admin privileges.
users = set()
for domain in get_mail_users_ex(env):
for user in domain["users"]:
if "admin" in user["privileges"]:
return users
def get_mail_aliases(env):
# Returns a sorted list of tuples of (address, forward-tos, permitted-senders, auto).
c = open_database(env)
'SELECT source, destination, permitted_senders, 0 as auto FROM aliases UNION SELECT source, destination, permitted_senders, 1 as auto FROM auto_aliases'
aliases = {row[0]: row for row in c.fetchall()} # make dict
# put in a canonical order: sort by domain, then by email address lexicographically
aliases = [
for address in utils.sort_email_addresses(aliases.keys(), env)
return aliases
def get_mail_aliases_ex(env):
# Returns a complex data structure of all mail aliases, similar
# to get_mail_users_ex.
# [
# {
# domain: "domain.tld",
# alias: [
# {
# address: "name@domain.tld", # IDNA-encoded
# address_display: "name@domain.tld", # full Unicode
# forwards_to: ["user1@domain.com", "receiver-only1@domain.com", ...],
# permitted_senders: ["user1@domain.com", "sender-only1@domain.com", ...] OR null,
# auto: True|False
# },
# ...
# ]
# },
# ...
# ]
domains = {}
for address, forwards_to, permitted_senders, auto in get_mail_aliases(env):
# skip auto domain maps since these are not informative in the control panel's aliases list
if auto and address.startswith("@"):
# get alias info
domain = get_domain(address)
# add to list
if not domain in domains:
domains[domain] = {
"domain": domain,
"aliases": [],
"forwards_to": [
for r in forwards_to.split(",")
"permitted_senders": [
for s in permitted_senders.split(",")
] if permitted_senders is not None else None,
# Sort domains.
domains = [
domains[domain] for domain in utils.sort_domains(domains.keys(), env)
# Sort aliases within each domain first by required-ness then lexicographically by address.
for domain in domains:
key=lambda alias: (alias["auto"], alias["address"]))
return domains
def get_noreply_addresses(env):
# Returns a set of noreply addresses:
# Noreply addresses are a special type of addresses that are send-only.
# Mail sent to these addresses is automatically bounced with a customized message..
c = open_database(env)
c.execute('SELECT email FROM noreply')
return set(row[0] for row in c.fetchall())
def get_domain(emailaddr, as_unicode=True):
# Gets the domain part of an email address. Turns IDNA
# back to Unicode for display.
ret = emailaddr.split('@', 1)[1]
if as_unicode:
ret = idna.decode(ret.encode('ascii'))
except (ValueError, UnicodeError, idna.IDNAError):
# Looks like we have an invalid email address in
# the database. Now is not the time to complain.
return ret
def get_all_mail_addresses(env, no_catchalls=True):
# Gets the email addresses on literally all tables (users, aliases and noreplies)
emails = get_mail_users(env)
emails.extend([a[0] for a in get_mail_aliases(env)])
# Filter out catch-alls
if no_catchalls:
return set(filter(lambda e: e.split("@")[0].strip != "", emails))
return set(emails)
def get_mail_domains(env, filter_aliases=lambda alias: True, users_only=False):
# Returns the domain names (IDNA-encoded) of all of the email addresses
# configured on the system. If users_only is True, only return domains
# with email addresses that correspond to user accounts. Exclude Unicode
# forms of domain names listed in the automatic aliases table.
domains = []
[get_domain(login, as_unicode=False) for login in get_mail_users(env)])
if not users_only:
get_domain(address, as_unicode=False)
for address, _, _, auto in get_mail_aliases(env)
if filter_aliases(address) and not auto
get_domain(address, as_unicode=False)
for address in get_noreply_addresses(env)
return set(domains)
def add_mail_user(email, pw, privs, quota, env):
# validate email
if email.strip() == "":
return ("No email address provided.", 400)
elif not validate_email(email):
return ("Invalid email address.", 400)
elif not validate_email(email, mode='user'):
return (
"User account email addresses may only use the lowercase ASCII letters a-z, the digits 0-9, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and period (.).",
elif is_dcv_address(email) and len(get_mail_users(env)) > 0:
# Make domain control validation hijacking a little harder to mess up by preventing the usual
# addresses used for DCV from being user accounts. Except let it be the first account because
# during box setup the user won't know the rules.
return (
"You may not make a user account for that address because it is frequently used for domain control validation. Use an alias instead if necessary.",
# validate password
# validate privileges
if privs is None or privs.strip() == "":
privs = []
privs = privs.split("\n")
for p in privs:
validation = validate_privilege(p)
if validation:
return validation
if quota is None:
quota = get_default_quota()
quota = validate_quota(quota)
except ValueError as e:
return (str(e), 400)
# get the database
conn, c = open_database(env, with_connection=True)
# hash the password
pw = hash_password(pw)
# add the user to the database
"INSERT INTO users (email, password, privileges, quota) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(email, pw, "\n".join(privs), quota))
except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
return ("User already exists.", 400)
# write databasebefore next step
# Update things in case any new domains are added.
return kick(env, "mail user added")
def set_mail_password(email, pw, env):
# validate that password is acceptable
# hash the password
pw = hash_password(pw)
# update the database
conn, c = open_database(env, with_connection=True)
c.execute("UPDATE users SET password=? WHERE email=?", (pw, email))
if c.rowcount != 1:
return ("That's not a user (%s)." % email, 400)
return "OK"
def hash_password(pw):
# Turn the plain password into a Dovecot-format hashed password, meaning
# something like "{SCHEME}hashedpassworddata".
# http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Authentication/PasswordSchemes
return utils.shell(
["/usr/bin/doveadm", "pw", "-s", "SHA512-CRYPT", "-p", pw]).strip()
def get_mail_quota(email, env):
conn, c = open_database(env, with_connection=True)
c.execute("SELECT quota FROM users WHERE email=?", (email, ))
rows = c.fetchall()
if len(rows) != 1:
return ("That's not a user (%s)." % email, 400)
return rows[0][0]
def set_mail_quota(email, quota, env):
# validate that password is acceptable
quota = validate_quota(quota)
# update the database
conn, c = open_database(env, with_connection=True)
c.execute("UPDATE users SET quota=? WHERE email=?", (quota, email))
if c.rowcount != 1:
return ("That's not a user (%s)." % email, 400)
return "OK"
def dovecot_quota_recalc(email):
# dovecot processes running for the user will not recognize the new quota setting
# a reload is necessary to reread the quota setting, but it will also shut down
# running dovecot processes. Email clients generally log back in when they lose
# a connection.
# subprocess.call(['doveadm', 'reload'])
# force dovecot to recalculate the quota info for the user.
subprocess.call(["doveadm", "quota", "recalc", "-u", email])
def get_default_quota(env):
config = utils.load_settings(env)
return config.get("default-quota", '0')
def validate_quota(quota):
# validate quota
quota = quota.strip().upper()
if quota == "":
raise ValueError("No quota provided.")
if re.search(r"[\s,.]", quota):
raise ValueError(
"Quotas cannot contain spaces, commas, or decimal points.")
if not re.match(r'^[\d]+[GM]?$', quota):
raise ValueError("Invalid quota.")
return quota
def get_mail_password(email, env):
# Gets the hashed password for a user. Passwords are stored in Dovecot's
# password format, with a prefixed scheme.
# http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Authentication/PasswordSchemes
# update the database
c = open_database(env)
c.execute('SELECT password FROM users WHERE email=?', (email, ))
rows = c.fetchall()
if len(rows) != 1:
raise ValueError("That's not a user (%s)." % email)
return rows[0][0]
def remove_mail_user(email, env):
# remove
conn, c = open_database(env, with_connection=True)
c.execute("DELETE FROM users WHERE email=?", (email, ))
if c.rowcount != 1:
return ("That's not a user (%s)." % email, 400)
# Update things in case any domains are removed.
return kick(env, "mail user removed")
def parse_privs(value):
return [p for p in value.split("\n") if p.strip() != ""]
def get_mail_user_privileges(email, env, empty_on_error=False):
# get privs
c = open_database(env)
c.execute('SELECT privileges FROM users WHERE email=?', (email, ))
rows = c.fetchall()
if len(rows) != 1:
if empty_on_error:
return []
return ("That's not a user (%s)." % email, 400)
return parse_privs(rows[0][0])
def validate_privilege(priv):
if "\n" in priv or priv.strip() == "":
return ("That's not a valid privilege (%s)." % priv, 400)
return None
def add_remove_mail_user_privilege(email, priv, action, env):
# validate
validation = validate_privilege(priv)
if validation:
return validation
# get existing privs, but may fail
privs = get_mail_user_privileges(email, env)
if isinstance(privs, tuple):
return privs # error
# update privs set
if action == "add":
if priv not in privs:
elif action == "remove":
privs = [p for p in privs if p != priv]
return ("Invalid action.", 400)
# commit to database
conn, c = open_database(env, with_connection=True)
c.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges=? WHERE email=?",
("\n".join(privs), email))
if c.rowcount != 1:
return ("Something went wrong.", 400)
return "OK"
def add_mail_alias(address,
# convert Unicode domain to IDNA
address = sanitize_idn_email_address(address)
# Our database is case sensitive (oops), which affects mail delivery
# (Postfix always queries in lowercase?), so force lowercase.
address = address.lower()
# validate address
address = address.strip()
if address == "":
return ("No email address provided.", 400)
if not validate_email(address, mode='alias'):
return ("Invalid email address (%s)." % address, 400)
# validate forwards_to
validated_forwards_to = []
forwards_to = forwards_to.strip()
# extra checks for email addresses used in domain control validation
is_dcv_source = is_dcv_address(address)
# Postfix allows a single @domain.tld as the destination, which means
# the local part on the address is preserved in the rewrite. We must
# try to convert Unicode to IDNA first before validating that it's a
# legitimate alias address. Don't allow this sort of rewriting for
# DCV source addresses.
r1 = sanitize_idn_email_address(forwards_to)
if validate_email(r1, mode='alias') and not is_dcv_source:
# Parse comma and \n-separated destination emails & validate. In this
# case, the forwards_to must be complete email addresses.
for line in forwards_to.split("\n"):
for email in line.split(","):
email = email.strip()
if email == "":
email = sanitize_idn_email_address(email) # Unicode => IDNA
# Strip any +tag from email alias and check privileges
privileged_email = re.sub(r"(?=\+)[^@]*(?=@)", '', email)
if not validate_email(email):
return ("Invalid receiver email address (%s)." % email,
if is_dcv_source and not is_dcv_address(
email) and "admin" not in get_mail_user_privileges(
privileged_email, env, empty_on_error=True):
# Make domain control validation hijacking a little harder to mess up by
# requiring aliases for email addresses typically used in DCV to forward
# only to accounts that are administrators on this system.
return (
"This alias can only have administrators of this system as destinations because the address is frequently used for domain control validation.",
# validate permitted_senders
valid_logins = get_mail_users(env)
validated_permitted_senders = []
permitted_senders = permitted_senders.strip()
# Parse comma and \n-separated sender logins & validate. The permitted_senders must be
# valid usernames.
for line in permitted_senders.split("\n"):
for login in line.split(","):
login = login.strip()
if login == "":
if login not in valid_logins:
return (
"Invalid permitted sender: %s is not a user on this system."
% login, 400)
# Make sure the alias has either a forwards_to or a permitted_sender.
if len(validated_forwards_to) + len(validated_permitted_senders) == 0:
return (
"The alias must either forward to an address or have a permitted sender.",
# save to db
forwards_to = ",".join(validated_forwards_to)
if len(validated_permitted_senders) == 0:
permitted_senders = None
permitted_senders = ",".join(validated_permitted_senders)
conn, c = open_database(env, with_connection=True)
"INSERT INTO aliases (source, destination, permitted_senders) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
(address, forwards_to, permitted_senders))
return_status = "alias added"
except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
if not update_if_exists:
return ("Alias already exists (%s)." % address, 400)
"UPDATE aliases SET destination = ?, permitted_senders = ? WHERE source = ?",
(forwards_to, permitted_senders, address))
return_status = "alias updated"
if do_kick:
# Update things in case any new domains are added.
return kick(env, return_status)
def remove_mail_alias(address, env, do_kick=True):
# convert Unicode domain to IDNA
address = sanitize_idn_email_address(address)
# remove
conn, c = open_database(env, with_connection=True)
c.execute("DELETE FROM aliases WHERE source=?", (address, ))
if c.rowcount != 1:
return ("That's not an alias (%s)." % address, 400)
if do_kick:
# Update things in case any domains are removed.
return kick(env, "alias removed")
def add_auto_aliases(aliases, env):
conn, c = open_database(env, with_connection=True)
c.execute("DELETE FROM auto_aliases")
for source, destination in aliases.items():
"INSERT INTO auto_aliases (source, destination) VALUES (?, ?)",
(source, destination))
def get_system_administrator(env):
return "administrator@" + env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']
def get_required_aliases(env):
# These are the aliases that must exist.
aliases = set()
# The system administrator alias is required.
# The hostmaster alias is exposed in the DNS SOA for each zone.
aliases.add("hostmaster@" + env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'])
# Get a list of domains we serve mail for, except ones for which the only
# email on that domain are the required aliases or a catch-all/domain-forwarder.
real_mail_domains = get_mail_domains(
filter_aliases=lambda alias: not alias.startswith("postmaster@") and
not alias.startswith("admin@") and not alias.startswith(
"abuse@") and not alias.startswith("@"))
# Create postmaster@, admin@ and abuse@ for all domains we serve
# mail on. postmaster@ is assumed to exist by our Postfix configuration.
# admin@isn't anything, but it might save the user some trouble e.g. when
# buying an SSL certificate.
# abuse@ is part of RFC2142: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2142.txt
for domain in real_mail_domains:
aliases.add("postmaster@" + domain)
aliases.add("admin@" + domain)
aliases.add("abuse@" + domain)
return aliases
def add_noreply_address(env, address, do_kick=True):
email = sanitize_idn_email_address(address)
# validate email
if email.strip() == "":
return ("No email address provided.", 400)
elif not validate_email(email):
return ("Invalid email address.", 400)
# Make sure it's not an user/alias already
if email in get_mail_users(env):
return ("This address is already an user.", 400)
elif email in get_mail_aliases(env):
return ("This address is already an alias.", 400)
ret = ""
# Add the address
conn, c = open_database(env, with_connection=True)
c.execute("INSERT INTO noreply (email) VALUES (?)", (email, ))
if do_kick:
ret = kick(env, "No-reply address (%s) added" % address)
ret = "No-reply address (%s) added" % address
except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
return ("This noreply (%s) already exists." % address, 400)
return ret
def remove_noreply_address(env, address, do_kick=True):
email = sanitize_idn_email_address(address)
# yeet yeet deleet
conn, c = open_database(env, with_connection=True)
c.execute("DELETE FROM noreply WHERE email=?", (email, ))
if c.rowcount != 1:
return ("That's not a noreply (%s)." % address, 400)
if do_kick:
# Update things in case any domains are removed.
return kick(env, "No-reply address removed")
def get_required_noreply_addresses(env):
return {"noreply-daemon@" + env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']}
def kick(env, mail_result=None):
results = []
# Include the current operation's result in output.
if mail_result is not None:
results.append(mail_result + "\n")
auto_aliases = {}
# Mape required aliases to the administrator alias (which should be created manually).
administrator = get_system_administrator(env)
required_aliases = get_required_aliases(env)
required_noreply = get_required_noreply_addresses(env)
existing_noreply = get_noreply_addresses(env)
for alias in required_aliases:
if alias == administrator:
continue # don't make an alias from the administrator to itself --- this alias must be created manually
auto_aliases[alias] = administrator
# Add domain maps from Unicode forms of IDNA domains to the ASCII forms stored in the alias table.
for domain in get_mail_domains(env):
domain_unicode = idna.decode(domain.encode("ascii"))
if domain == domain_unicode:
continue # not an IDNA/Unicode domain
auto_aliases["@" + domain_unicode] = "@" + domain
except (ValueError, UnicodeError, idna.IDNAError):
add_auto_aliases(auto_aliases, env)
for address in required_noreply - existing_noreply:
add_noreply_address(env, address, do_kick=False)
results.append("added noreply address \"%s\"\n" % address)
# Remove auto-generated postmaster/admin/abuse alises from the main aliases table.
# They are now stored in the auto_aliases table.
for address, forwards_to, permitted_senders, auto in get_mail_aliases(env):
user, domain = address.split("@")
if user in ("postmaster", "admin", "abuse") \
and address not in required_aliases \
and forwards_to == get_system_administrator(env) \
and not auto:
remove_mail_alias(address, env, do_kick=False)
"removed alias %s (was to %s; domain no longer used for email)\n"
% (address, forwards_to))
# Update DNS and nginx in case any domains are added/removed.
from dns_update import do_dns_update
from web_update import do_web_update
return "".join(s for s in results if s != "")
def validate_password(pw):
# validate password
if pw.strip() == "":
raise ValueError("No password provided.")
if len(pw) < 8:
raise ValueError("Passwords must be at least eight characters.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[1] == "validate-email":
# Validate that we can create a Dovecot account for a given string.
if validate_email(sys.argv[2], mode='user'):
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "update":
from utils import load_environment