* Add a way for users to specify custom upstream directives via .upstream.conf file;
* MiaB-managed applications and user applications will now use different sockets;
* drop the ondrej/php PPA since PHP 7.x is available directly from Ubuntu 18.04
* intall PHP 7.2 which is just the "php" package in Ubuntu 18.04
* some package names changed, some unnecessary packages are no longer provided
* update paths
* Install PHP7 via a PPA, enable unattended upgrades for the PPA, and switch all of our PHP configuration to the PHP7 install.
* Keep installing PHP5 for ownCloud/Nextcloud packages because we need it to possibly run transitional updates to ownCloud/Nextcloud versions less than 12. But replace PHP5 packages with PHP7 packages elsewhere.
* Update to Nextcloud 12 which requires PHP7, with a transitional upgrade to Nextcloud 11.0.3.
* Disable TLS cert validation by Roundcube when connecting to localhost IMAP and SMTP. Validation became the default in PHP7 but we don't necessarily have a (non-self-)signed certificate and it definitely isn't valid for the IP address
Merges #1140