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# Contribution Guidelines
Please ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
- Make an individual pull request for each suggestion.
- Use the following format: `[PACKAGE](LINK) - DESCRIPTION. ![LANGUAGE]`
- New categories, or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome.
- Keep descriptions short and simple, but descriptive.
- End all descriptions with a full stop/period.
- Check your spelling and grammar.
- Make sure that your suggestion is positioned as the last item category.
- Make sure your text editor is set to remove trailing whitespace.
#### Deleting
Typical reasons for deleting project:
- Doesn't build in the current Xcode
- No updates / no longer works
- Deprecated
- Lacks license
#### Projects are ineligible if:
- Lack recent commit
- Not written in English
- README is not clear
Your contributions are always welcome! Thank you for your suggestions! :smiley:
@ -1,21 +1,116 @@
MIT License
CC0 1.0 Universal
Copyright (c) 2017 Serhii Londar
Statement of Purpose
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer
exclusive Copyright and Related Rights (defined below) upon the creator and
subsequent owner(s) (each and all, an "owner") of an original work of
authorship and/or a database (each, a "Work").
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Certain owners wish to permanently relinquish those rights to a Work for the
purpose of contributing to a commons of creative, cultural and scientific
works ("Commons") that the public can reliably and without fear of later
claims of infringement build upon, modify, incorporate in other works, reuse
and redistribute as freely as possible in any form whatsoever and for any
purposes, including without limitation commercial purposes. These owners may
contribute to the Commons to promote the ideal of a free culture and the
further production of creative, cultural and scientific works, or to gain
reputation or greater distribution for their Work in part through the use and
efforts of others.
For these and/or other purposes and motivations, and without any expectation
of additional consideration or compensation, the person associating CC0 with a
Work (the "Affirmer"), to the extent that he or she is an owner of Copyright
and Related Rights in the Work, voluntarily elects to apply CC0 to the Work
and publicly distribute the Work under its terms, with knowledge of his or her
Copyright and Related Rights in the Work and the meaning and intended legal
effect of CC0 on those rights.
1. Copyright and Related Rights. A Work made available under CC0 may be
protected by copyright and related or neighboring rights ("Copyright and
Related Rights"). Copyright and Related Rights include, but are not limited
to, the following:
i. the right to reproduce, adapt, distribute, perform, display, communicate,
and translate a Work;
ii. moral rights retained by the original author(s) and/or performer(s);
iii. publicity and privacy rights pertaining to a person's image or likeness
depicted in a Work;
iv. rights protecting against unfair competition in regards to a Work,
subject to the limitations in paragraph 4(a), below;
v. rights protecting the extraction, dissemination, use and reuse of data in
a Work;
vi. database rights (such as those arising under Directive 96/9/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal
protection of databases, and under any national implementation thereof,
including any amended or successor version of such directive); and
vii. other similar, equivalent or corresponding rights throughout the world
based on applicable law or treaty, and any national implementations thereof.
2. Waiver. To the greatest extent permitted by, but not in contravention of,
applicable law, Affirmer hereby overtly, fully, permanently, irrevocably and
unconditionally waives, abandons, and surrenders all of Affirmer's Copyright
and Related Rights and associated claims and causes of action, whether now
known or unknown (including existing as well as future claims and causes of
action), in the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the maximum
duration provided by applicable law or treaty (including future time
extensions), (iii) in any current or future medium and for any number of
copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever, including without limitation
commercial, advertising or promotional purposes (the "Waiver"). Affirmer makes
the Waiver for the benefit of each member of the public at large and to the
detriment of Affirmer's heirs and successors, fully intending that such Waiver
shall not be subject to revocation, rescission, cancellation, termination, or
any other legal or equitable action to disrupt the quiet enjoyment of the Work
by the public as contemplated by Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
3. Public License Fallback. Should any part of the Waiver for any reason be
judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, then the Waiver
shall be preserved to the maximum extent permitted taking into account
Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose. In addition, to the extent the Waiver
is so judged Affirmer hereby grants to each affected person a royalty-free,
non transferable, non sublicensable, non exclusive, irrevocable and
unconditional license to exercise Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights in
the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the maximum duration
provided by applicable law or treaty (including future time extensions), (iii)
in any current or future medium and for any number of copies, and (iv) for any
purpose whatsoever, including without limitation commercial, advertising or
promotional purposes (the "License"). The License shall be deemed effective as
of the date CC0 was applied by Affirmer to the Work. Should any part of the
License for any reason be judged legally invalid or ineffective under
applicable law, such partial invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not
invalidate the remainder of the License, and in such case Affirmer hereby
affirms that he or she will not (i) exercise any of his or her remaining
Copyright and Related Rights in the Work or (ii) assert any associated claims
and causes of action with respect to the Work, in either case contrary to
Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
4. Limitations and Disclaimers.
a. No trademark or patent rights held by Affirmer are waived, abandoned,
surrendered, licensed or otherwise affected by this document.
b. Affirmer offers the Work as-is and makes no representations or warranties
of any kind concerning the Work, express, implied, statutory or otherwise,
including without limitation warranties of title, merchantability, fitness
for a particular purpose, non infringement, or the absence of latent or
other defects, accuracy, or the present or absence of errors, whether or not
discoverable, all to the greatest extent permissible under applicable law.
c. Affirmer disclaims responsibility for clearing rights of other persons
that may apply to the Work or any use thereof, including without limitation
any person's Copyright and Related Rights in the Work. Further, Affirmer
disclaims responsibility for obtaining any necessary consents, permissions
or other rights required for any use of the Work.
d. Affirmer understands and acknowledges that Creative Commons is not a
party to this document and has no duty or obligation with respect to this
CC0 or use of the Work.
For more information, please see
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## Command Line Utilities
- [Awesome macOS Command Line](https://github.com/herrbischoff/awesome-osx-command-line) - Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things.
- [m-cli](https://github.com/rgcr/m-cli) - Swiss Army Knife for macOS.
- [Mac-CLI](https://github.com/guarinogabriel/Mac-CLI) - macOS command line tools for developers.
- [mas](https://github.com/mas-cli/mas) - A CLI for the Mac App Store.
- [gitsome](https://github.com/donnemartin/gitsome) - A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI).
- [SAWS](https://github.com/donnemartin/saws) - A supercharged AWS command line interface (CLI).
- [https://github.com/dschep/ntfy](ntfy) - A utility for sending notifications, on demand and when commands finish.
- [htop](https://github.com/hishamhm/htop) - htop is an interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. It aims to be a better 'top'.
- [haxor-news](https://github.com/donnemartin/haxor-news) - Browse Hacker News like a haxor: A Hacker News command line interface (CLI).
- [Neofetch](https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch) - A fast, highly customizable system info script that supports Linux, MacOS, iOS, BSD, Solaris, Android, Haiku, GNU Hurd, MINIX, AIX, IRIX and Windows (Cygwin/MSYS2/MinGW/Windows 10 Linux subsystem)
## Utilities
- [EnvPane](https://github.com/hschmidt/EnvPane) - An preference pane for environment variables.
- [Glances](https://github.com/nicolargo/glances) - System monitoring tool that runs in terminal.
- [](https://github.com/clementgarbay/AccountBalance) - Account balance app for macOS
## Security
* [macchanger](https://github.com/acrogenesis/macchanger) - Change your mac address, for OS X.
* [macchanger](https://github.com/shilch/macchanger/) - Change / spoof MAC address (random, custom and restore).
* [OS-X-Security-and-Privacy-Guide](https://github.com/drduh/OS-X-Security-and-Privacy-Guide) - A practical guide to securing macOS.
* [OSXCollector](https://github.com/Yelp/osxcollector) - A forensic evidence collection & analysis toolkit for OS X.
* [santa](https://github.com/google/santa) - A binary whitelisting/blacklisting system for Mac OS X.
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<!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the Title above -->
## Project URL
<!--- The project URL -->
## Category
<!--- Category in Awesome macOS open source applications where the project will be added -->
## Description
<!--- Describe your changes in detail -->
## Why it should be included to `Awesome macOS open source applications ` (optional)
## Checklist
<!--- Go over all the following points, and put an `x` in all the boxes that apply. -->
<!--- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! -->
- [ ] Only one project/change is in this pull request
- [ ] Addition in chronological order (bottom of category)
- [ ] Appropriate language icon(s) added if applicable
- [ ] Has a commit from less than 2 years ago
- [ ] Has a **clear** README in English
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
List of awesome open source applications for macOS. This list contains a lot of native and cross-platform apps. The main goal of this repository is to find open source and free apps and start contributing.
You can see which language is using for app. Curently there are next languages:
You can see which in which language an app is written. Curently there are following languages:
- ![CIcon] - C language.
- ![CppIcon] - C++ language.
@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ You can see which language is using for app. Curently there are next languages:
- ![PythonIcon] - Python language.
- ![CSSIcon] - CSS language.
- ![RubyIcon] - Ruby language.
- ![RustIcon] - Rust language.
- ![LuaIcon] - Lua language.
- ![HaskellIcon] - Haskell language.
## Contents
- [Audio](#audio)
@ -26,10 +29,11 @@ You can see which language is using for app. Curently there are next languages:
- [Development](#development)
- [Git](#git)
- [iOS / macOS](#ios--macos)
- [Web development](#web--development)
- [Web development](#web-development)
- [Other](#other)
- [JSON Parsing](#json--parsing)
- [JSON Parsing](#json-parsing)
- [Editors](#editors)
- [JSON](#json)
- [TeX](#tex)
- [Text](#text)
- [Markdown](#markdown)
@ -47,68 +51,70 @@ You can see which language is using for app. Curently there are next languages:
- [Productivity](#productivity)
- [Screensaver](#screensaver)
- [Sharing Files](#sharing--files)
- [Social Networking](#social--networking)
- [Social Networking](#social-networking)
- [Streaming](#streaming)
- [Terminal](#terminal)
- [Utilities](#utilities)
- [VPN & Proxy](#vpn--proxy)
- [Video](#video)
- [Wallpaper](#wallpaper)
- [Window Management](#window--management)
- [Window Management](#window-management)
## Applications
### Audio
- [Background Music](https://github.com/kyleneideck/BackgroundMusic) - Background Music, a macOS audio utility: automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio. ![CppIcon]
- [Cog](https://github.com/kode54/Cog) - A Free and Open Source Audio Player for Mac OS X 10.7+. ![CIcon]
- [Cog](https://github.com/kode54/Cog) - Free and Open Source Audio Player for macOS. ![CIcon]
- [[Un]MuteMic](https://github.com/CocoaHeadsBrasil/MuteUnmuteMic) - macOS app to mute & unmute the input volume of your microphone. Perfect for podcasters. ![CIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Tickeys](https://github.com/yingDev/Tickeys) - Instant audio feedback for typing. macOS version. [Rust]
- [Tickeys](https://github.com/yingDev/Tickeys) - Instant audio feedback for typing. macOS version. ![RustIcon]
- [Mous Player](https://github.com/bsdelf/mous) - Simple yet powerful audio player for BSD/Linux/macOS. ![CppIcon]
- [SpotSpot](https://github.com/will-stone/SpotSpot) - A Spotify mini-player for macOS. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [SBPlayer](https://github.com/shibiao/SBPlayerClient) - SBPlayer is a beautiful and powerful media player base on VLCKit. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [SpotSpot](https://github.com/will-stone/SpotSpot) - Spotify mini-player for macOS. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [SBPlayer](https://github.com/shibiao/SBPlayerClient) - SBPlayer is a beautiful and powerful media player base on VLCKit. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Aural Player](https://github.com/maculateConception/aural-player) - Aural Player is a free and open source audio player application for the macOS platform. Inspired by the classic Winamp player for Windows, it is designed to be to-the-point and easy to use. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Suohai](https://github.com/Sunnyyoung/Suohai) - Audio input/output source lock for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [LocalRadio](https://github.com/dsward2/LocalRadio) - LocalRadio is software for listening to "Software-Defined Radio" on your Mac and mobile devices. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [LocalRadio](https://github.com/dsward2/LocalRadio) - LocalRadio is software for listening to "Software-Defined Radio" on your Mac and mobile devices. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [fre:ac](https://github.com/enzo1982/freac) - The fre:ac audio converter project. ![CppIcon]
- [CAM](https://github.com/hanayik/CAM) - macOS camera recording using ffmpeg ![JavascriptIcon]
- [CAM](https://github.com/hanayik/CAM) - macOS camera recording using ffmpeg ![JavascriptIcon]
- [SpotMenu](https://github.com/kmikiy/SpotMenu) - Spotify and iTunes in your menu bar. ![SwiftIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Lyricism](https://github.com/lyc2345/Lyricism) - macOS app to show you lyric what currently iTunes or Spotify is playing.
- [waveSDR](https://github.com/getoffmyhack/waveSDR) - A macOS native desktop Software Defined Radio application using the RTL-SDR USB device.
- [waveSDR](https://github.com/getoffmyhack/waveSDR) - macOS native desktop Software Defined Radio application using the RTL-SDR USB device.
- [Lyrics](https://github.com/MichaelRow/Lyrics) - Swift-based iTunes plug-in to display lyrics on the desktop. ![SwiftIcon]
- [LyricsX](https://github.com/ddddxxx/LyricsX) - Lyrics for iTunes, Spotify and Vox. ![SwiftIcon]
- [jmc](https://github.com/jcm93/jmc) - jmc - a new macOS media organizer. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Muse](https://github.com/xzzz9097/Muse) - An open-source Spotify controller with TouchBar support.
- [Sonora](https://github.com/sonoramac/Sonora) - A minimal, beautifully designed music player for OS X. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [jmc](https://github.com/jcm93/jmc) - jmc - new macOS media organizer. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Muse](https://github.com/xzzz9097/Muse) - Open source Spotify controller with TouchBar support.
- [Sonora](https://github.com/sonoramac/Sonora) - Minimal, beautifully designed music player for OS X. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [AUHost](https://github.com/vgorloff/AUHost) - Application which hosts AudioUnits v3 using AVFoundation API. ![SwiftIcon]
- [iTunes-Volume-Control](https://github.com/alberti42/iTunes-Volume-Control) - This app allows you to control the iTunes volume using volume up and volume down hotkeys. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
### Browser
- [Brave Browser](https://github.com/brave/browser-laptop) - Brave browser for Desktop and Laptop computers running Windows, OSX, and Linux. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Helium](https://github.com/JadenGeller/Helium) - A floating browser window for OS X. ![SwiftIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Helium](https://github.com/JadenGeller/Helium) - Floating browser window for OS X. ![SwiftIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [otter-browser](https://github.com/OtterBrowser/otter-browser) - Otter Browser aims to recreate the best aspects of the classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5. ![CppIcon]
- [seb-mac](https://github.com/SafeExamBrowser/seb-mac) - Safe Exam Browser for macOS and iOS. ![CIcon]
### Cryptocurrency
- [AddressGenerator](https://github.com/onmyway133/AddressGenerator) - A macOS app to safely generate cryptocurrency address. ![SwiftIcon]
- [AddressGenerator](https://github.com/onmyway133/AddressGenerator) - macOS app to safely generate cryptocurrency address. ![SwiftIcon]
- [CoinBar](https://github.com/adamwaite/CoinBar) - macOS menu bar application for tracking crypto coin prices. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Balance Open](https://github.com/balancemymoney/balance-open) - An app for all the world’s currencies. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Balance Open](https://github.com/balancemymoney/balance-open) - App for all the world’s currencies. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Crypto Bar](https://github.com/geraldoramos/crypto-bar) - macOS menu bar application built with Electron. ![JavascriptIcon]
### Chat
- [ChitChat](https://github.com/stonesam92/ChitChat) - A native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [ChitChat](https://github.com/stonesam92/ChitChat) - Native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Telegram Desktop](https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop) - Telegram Desktop messaging app. ![CppIcon]
- [Textual](https://github.com/Codeux-Software/Textual) - Textual is an IRC client for OS X. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Electronic WeChat](https://github.com/geeeeeeeeek/electronic-wechat) - A better WeChat on macOS and Linux. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Telegram [Deprecated]](https://github.com/overtake/telegram) - Source code of deprecated Telegram for macos version. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Telegram](https://github.com/overtake/TelegramSwift) - Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Google Allo for Desktop](https://github.com/kelyvin/Google-Allo-For-Desktop) - A native OS X & Windows desktop app for Google Allo.
- [Electronic WeChat](https://github.com/geeeeeeeeek/electronic-wechat) - Better WeChat on macOS and Linux. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Telegram [Deprecated]](https://github.com/overtake/telegram) - Source code of deprecated Telegram for macOS version. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Telegram](https://github.com/overtake/TelegramSwift) - Source code of Telegram for macOS on Swift. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Google Allo for Desktop](https://github.com/kelyvin/Google-Allo-For-Desktop) - Native OS X & Windows desktop app for Google Allo.
- [GroupMe](https://github.com/dcrousso/GroupMe) - Unofficial GroupMe App. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [Sidetalk](https://github.com/clint-tseng/sidetalk) - macOS Google Hangouts/XMPP chat client (available in App Store!).
- [Torchat-Mac](https://github.com/javerous/TorChat-Mac) - TorChat for Mac is a macOS native and unofficial port of torchat. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Signal Desktop](https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop) - An Electron app that links with your Signal Android or Signal iOS app. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Wire Desktop](https://github.com/wireapp/wire-desktop) - Standalone Electron app for the chatapp Wire. ![JavascriptIcon]
### Development
@ -117,115 +123,121 @@ You can see which language is using for app. Curently there are next languages:
- [GitHub Desktop](https://github.com/desktop/desktop) - Simple collaboration from your desktop. ![TypescriptIcon]
- [GitUp](https://github.com/git-up/GitUp) - The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Gitee](https://github.com/Nightonke/Gitee) - Gitee, OS X status bar application for Github. ![SwiftIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Streaker](https://github.com/jamiestraw/streaker) - GitHub contribution streak tracking menubar app. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [TeamStatus-for-GitHub](https://github.com/marcinreliga/TeamStatus-for-GitHub) - A macOS status bar application for tracking code review process within the team. ![SwiftIcon]
- [GithubNotify](https://github.com/erik/github-notify) - Simple MacOS app to alert you when you have unread GitHub notifications. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Streaker](https://github.com/jamieweavis/streaker) - GitHub contribution streak tracking menubar app. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [TeamStatus-for-GitHub](https://github.com/marcinreliga/TeamStatus-for-GitHub) - macOS status bar application for tracking code review process within the team. ![SwiftIcon]
- [GithubNotify](https://github.com/erik/github-notify) - Simple macOS app to alert you when you have unread GitHub notifications. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Cashew](https://github.com/simplerocket-llc/OpenCashew) - Cashew macOS Github Issue Tracker. ![CIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon] ![AppStore]
- [GPM](https://github.com/mtgto/GPM) - macOS application for easily operating GitHub Projects. ![SwiftIcon]
- [MessagesHistoryBrowser](https://github.com/glaurent/MessagesHistoryBrowser) - a macOS/OSX app to comfortably browse and search through your Messages.app history. ![SwiftIcon]
- [MessagesHistoryBrowser](https://github.com/glaurent/MessagesHistoryBrowser) - macOS/OSX app to comfortably browse and search through your Messages.app history. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Xit](https://github.com/Uncommon/Xit) - Xit is a graphical tool for working with git repositories. ![SwiftIcon]
- [GitSync](https://github.com/eonist/GitSync) - A minimalistic Git client for Mac. ![SwiftIcon]
- [GitSync](https://github.com/eonist/GitSync) - Minimalistic Git client for Mac. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Github contributions](https://github.com/remirobert/Github-contributions) - GitHub contributions app, for iOS, WatchOS, and OSX. ![SwiftIcon]
#### iOS / macOS
- [CocoaRestClient](https://github.com/mmattozzi/cocoa-rest-client) - A free, native Apple macOS app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [CocoaRestClient](https://github.com/mmattozzi/cocoa-rest-client) - Free, native Apple macOS app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Knuff](https://github.com/KnuffApp/Knuff) - The debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs). ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Touch Bar Simulator](https://github.com/sindresorhus/touch-bar-simulator) - Use the Touch Bar on any Mac. ![SwiftIcon]
- [WWDC](https://github.com/insidegui/WWDC) - The unofficial WWDC app for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [WWDC.srt](https://github.com/ssamadgh/WWDCsrt) - WWDC.srt is a powerful app for downloading subtitle for each WWDC session video since 2013 in (srt) format. ![SwiftIcon]
- [WWDC](https://github.com/insidegui/WWDC) - Unofficial WWDC app for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [WWDC.srt](https://github.com/ssamadgh/WWDCsrt) - Powerful app for downloading subtitle for each WWDC session video since 2013 in (srt) format. ![SwiftIcon]
- [iOS Images Extractor](https://github.com/devcxm/iOS-Images-Extractor) - iOS Images Extractor is a Mac app to normalize , decode and extract images from iOS apps. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [SmartPush](https://github.com/shaojiankui/SmartPush) - iOS Push Notification Debug App. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Cleaner for Xcode](https://github.com/waylybaye/XcodeCleaner) - Cleaner for Xcode.app built with react-native-macos. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Cleaner for Xcode](https://github.com/waylybaye/XcodeCleaner) - Cleaner for Xcode.app built with react-native-macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Attabench](https://github.com/attaswift/Attabench) - Attabench is a microbenchmarking app for macOS, designed to measure and visualize the performance of Swift code. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Asset Catalog Tinkerer](https://github.com/insidegui/AssetCatalogTinkerer) - An app that lets you open .car files and browse/extract their images. ![ObjectiveCIcon] ![SwiftIcon]
- [IconGenerator](https://github.com/onmyway133/IconGenerator) - A macOS app to generate app icons. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Asset Catalog Tinkerer](https://github.com/insidegui/AssetCatalogTinkerer) - App that lets you open .car files and browse/extract their images. ![ObjectiveCIcon] ![SwiftIcon]
- [IconGenerator](https://github.com/onmyway133/IconGenerator) - macOS app to generate app icons. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [AppleTrace](https://github.com/everettjf/AppleTrace) - Trace tool for iOS/macOS.
- [Iconizer](https://github.com/raphaelhanneken/iconizer) - Create Xcode image catalogs (xcassets) on the fly. ![SwiftIcon]
- [PushNotitication](https://github.com/onmyway133/PushNotifications) - A macOS app to test push notifications on iOS and Android. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [PushNotitication](https://github.com/onmyway133/PushNotifications) - macOS app to test push notifications on iOS and Android. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Localizations](https://github.com/athiercelin/Localizations) - Localizations is an OS X app that manages your Xcode project localization files (.strings). ![SwiftIcon]
- [AppBox](https://github.com/vineetchoudhary/AppBox-iOSAppsWirelessInstallation) - AppBox is a tool for iOS developers to build and deploy Development, Ad-Hoc and In-house (Enterprise) applications directly to the devices from your Dropbox account. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Menubar Colors](https://github.com/nvzqz/Menubar-Colors) - A macOS app for convenient access to the system color panel. ![SwiftIcon]
- [AppIcons](https://github.com/kuyawa/AppIcons) - AppIcons is a tool for generating icons in all sizes as required by macOS and iOS apps. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Alloy](https://github.com/alexlee002/alloy) - Alloy is a simple toolkit that makes your iOS / OS X apps development more easier. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [AppBox](https://github.com/vineetchoudhary/AppBox-iOSAppsWirelessInstallation) - Tool for iOS developers to build and deploy Development, Ad-Hoc and In-house (Enterprise) applications directly to the devices from your Dropbox account. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Menubar Colors](https://github.com/nvzqz/Menubar-Colors) - macOS app for convenient access to the system color panel. ![SwiftIcon]
- [AppIcons](https://github.com/kuyawa/AppIcons) - Tool for generating icons in all sizes as required by macOS and iOS apps. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Alloy](https://github.com/alexlee002/alloy) - Simple toolkit that makes your iOS / OS X apps development more easier. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Icons.app](https://github.com/SAP/macos-icon-generator) - App for macOS which is designed to generate consistent sized icons of an existing application in various states, jiggling (shaking) etc. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Touch Bar Preview](https://github.com/touchbar/Touch-Bar-Preview) - A small open source app to display your designs on the Touch Bar of the new MacBook Pro. ![SwiftIcon]
- [LayerX](https://github.com/yuhua-chen/LayerX) - An intuitive app to display transparent images on screen. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Board For GitHub](https://github.com/JustinFincher/BoardForGitHub) - A small application to monitor your GitHub project web page in a native macOS app :octocat:! ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Touch Bar Preview](https://github.com/touchbar/Touch-Bar-Preview) - Small open source app to display your designs on the Touch Bar of the new MacBook Pro. ![SwiftIcon]
- [LayerX](https://github.com/yuhua-chen/LayerX) - Intuitive app to display transparent images on screen. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Board For GitHub](https://github.com/JustinFincher/BoardForGitHub) - Small application to monitor your GitHub project web page in a native macOS app :octocat:! ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [ResignTool](https://github.com/InjoyDeng/ResignTool) - This is an app for macOS that can (re)sign apps and bundle them into ipa files that are ready to be installed on an iOS device. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [FilterShop](https://github.com/KrisYu/FilterShop) - A macOS App to explore CoreImage Filters. ![SwiftIcon]
- [FilterShop](https://github.com/KrisYu/FilterShop) - macOS App to explore CoreImage Filters. ![SwiftIcon]
- [TransporterPad](https://github.com/iseebi/TransporterPad) - iOS/Android app deployment tool for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [iSimulator](https://github.com/shaojiankui/iSimulator) - iSimulator,iOS Simulator Sandbox,like simpholders,a macOS app to find simulator's sandbox and go. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Assets](https://github.com/athiercelin/Assets) - Assets is a macOS app that manages assets for your developement projects (Xcode, web, etc). ![SwiftIcon]
- [Assets](https://github.com/athiercelin/Assets) - Assets is a macOS app that manages assets for your development projects (Xcode, web, etc). ![SwiftIcon]
- [ProfilesManager](https://github.com/shaojiankui/ProfilesManager) - Apple iOS/macOS Provisioning Profiles management,.provisionprofile, .mobileprovision files manager tool for mac. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [AppStoreReviewTimes](https://github.com/arbel03/AppStoreReviewTimes) - An iOS open source project for the great site that gives you indication about the average iOS / MacOS app stores review times. ![SwiftIcon]
- [AppStoreReviewTimes](https://github.com/arbel03/AppStoreReviewTimes) - iOS open source project for the great site that gives you indication about the average iOS / macOS app stores review times. ![SwiftIcon]
- [iSimulator](https://github.com/wigl/iSimulator) - iSimulator is a GUI utility to control the Simulator, and manage the app installed on the simulator. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Brisk](https://github.com/br1sk/brisk) - A macOS app for submitting radars. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Brisk](https://github.com/br1sk/brisk) - macOS app for submitting radars. ![SwiftIcon]
- [calabash-launcher](https://github.com/xing/calabash-launcher) - iOS Calabash Launcher is a macOS app that helps you run and manage Calabash tests on your Mac. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Localizable.strings](https://github.com/ralcr/Localizable.strings) - Mac app to localize your iOS and macOS projects. ![SwiftIcon]
- [PodsUpdater](https://github.com/kizitonwose/PodsUpdater) - A macOS app which helps you manage dependency releases in your Podfile.
- [PodsUpdater](https://github.com/kizitonwose/PodsUpdater) - macOS app which helps you manage dependency releases in your Podfile. ![SwiftIcon]
- [xib2Storyboard](https://github.com/novemberfiveco/xib2Storyboard) - Tool to convert Xcode .xib to .storyboard files. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [MyTouchbarMyRules](https://github.com/toxblh/MTMR) - App for customisation you Touch Bar as you want ![SwiftIcon]
#### Web development
- [Now Desktop](https://github.com/zeit/now-desktop) - Create deployments right from the tray menu. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [CoreOS VM](https://github.com/TheNewNormal/coreos-osx) - CoreOS VM is macOS status bar app which allows in an easy way to control CoreOS VM on your Mac. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [CoreOS VM](https://github.com/TheNewNormal/coreos-osx) - CoreOS VM is macOS status bar app which allows in an easy way to control CoreOS VM on your Mac. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Mockup Generator](https://github.com/andypotts/mockup-generator) - Mockup Generator is a macOS app built with AngularJS/Electron that sits in your menu bar allowing you to capture screenshots of your favourite websites and wrap them in device mock-ups. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [aws-s3-uploader](https://github.com/RafalWilinski/s3-uploader) - Simple macOS app for uploading files to Amazon Web Services. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [stts](https://github.com/inket/stts) - stts is a macOS app for monitoring the status of cloud services. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Lantern](https://github.com/BurntCaramel/Lantern) - A dedicated Mac app for website auditing and crawling. ![SwiftIcon]
- [stts](https://github.com/inket/stts) - macOS app for monitoring the status of cloud services. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Lantern](https://github.com/BurntCaramel/Lantern) - Dedicated Mac app for website auditing and crawling. ![SwiftIcon]
- [ndm](https://github.com/720kb/ndm) - The Open Source npm desktop GUI. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Corectl App for macOS](https://github.com/TheNewNormal/corectl.app) - Corectl App is a macOS Status bar App which works like a wrapper around the corectl command line tool corectld to control the server runtime process. ![SwiftIcon]
- [LocalSites](https://github.com/plan44/localSites) - Simple Menu Bar (Status Bar) App for macOS X listing local Bonjour websites (as Safari 11 no longer has Bonjour Bookmarks). ![SwiftIcon]
- [LocalSites](https://github.com/plan44/localSites) - Simple Menu Bar (Status Bar) App for macOS listing local Bonjour websites (as Safari 11 no longer has Bonjour Bookmarks). ![SwiftIcon]
- [KubeMonitor](https://github.com/DanSanche/KubeMonitor) - KubeMonitor is a macOS app that displays information about your active Kubernetes cluster in your menu bar. ![SwiftIcon]
- [iTunesConnect](https://github.com/ronakdev/itunesconnect) - A Mac OS X app to let you access iTunesConnect. ![SwiftIcon]
- [iTunesConnect](https://github.com/ronakdev/itunesconnect) - macOS app to let you access iTunesConnect. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Insomnia](https://github.com/getinsomnia/insomnia) - Insomnia is a cross-platform REST client, built on top of Electron. ![JavascriptIcon]
#### Other
- [vegvisir](https://github.com/ant4g0nist/vegvisir) - A browser based GUI for **LLDB** Debugger. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [vegvisir](https://github.com/ant4g0nist/vegvisir) - Browser based GUI for **LLDB** Debugger. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [macho-browser](https://github.com/dcsch/macho-browser) - Browser for macOS Mach-O binaries. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
### Downloader
- [Get It](https://github.com/Kevin-De-Koninck/Get-It) - A native macOS video/audio downloader. Think of it as a youtube downloader that works on many sites. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Youtube Downloader](https://github.com/onmyway133/YoutubeDownloader) - A macOS app to downloadYoutube videos. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Get It](https://github.com/Kevin-De-Koninck/Get-It) - Native macOS video/audio downloader. Think of it as a youtube downloader that works on many sites. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Youtube Downloader](https://github.com/onmyway133/YoutubeDownloader) - macOS app to downloadYoutube videos. ![SwiftIcon]
- [YouTube Downloader for macOS](https://github.com/DenBeke/YouTube-Downloader-for-macOS) - Simple menu bar app to download YouTube movies on your Mac. I wrote this as a test project to learn more about app development on macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Pillager](https://github.com/Pjirlip/Pillager) - A macOS Video Downloader written in Swift and Objective-C ![SwiftIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Pillager](https://github.com/Pjirlip/Pillager) - macOS Video Downloader written in Swift and Objective-C ![SwiftIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [App Downloader](https://github.com/yep/app-downloader) - Easily search and download macOS apps from the huge `homebrew cask` app catalog. ![SwiftIcon]
- [udemy-downloader-gui](https://github.com/FaisalUmair/udemy-downloader-gui) - A desktop application for downloading Udemy Courses.
- [udemy-downloader-gui](https://github.com/FaisalUmair/udemy-downloader-gui) - desktop application for downloading Udemy Courses.
#### Other
- [Cakebrew](https://github.com/brunophilipe/Cakebrew) - Manage your Homebrew formulas with style using Cakebrew. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Gas Mask](https://github.com/2ndalpha/gasmask) - Hosts file manager for OS X. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Hosts](https://github.com/specialunderwear/Hosts.prefpane) - a Cocoa GUI for /etc/hosts. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [ImageOptim](https://github.com/ImageOptim/ImageOptim) - GUI image optimizer for Mac. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Cakebrew](https://github.com/brunophilipe/Cakebrew) - Manage your Homebrew formulas with style using Cakebrew. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Gas Mask](https://github.com/2ndalpha/gasmask) - Hosts file manager for OS X. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Hosts](https://github.com/specialunderwear/Hosts.prefpane) - Cocoa GUI for /etc/hosts. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [ImageOptim](https://github.com/ImageOptim/ImageOptim) - GUI image optimizer for Mac. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Postgres.app](https://github.com/PostgresApp/PostgresApp) - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac. ![SwiftIcon]
- [QorumLogs](https://github.com/goktugyil/QorumLogs) - Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Sequel Pro](https://github.com/sequelpro/sequelpro) - MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Unused](https://github.com/jeffhodnett/Unused) - A Mac app for checking Xcode projects for unused resources. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Vagrant Manager](https://github.com/lanayotech/vagrant-manager) - Manage your vagrant machines in one place with Vagrant Manager for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Reactotron](https://github.com/infinitered/reactotron) - A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Sequel Pro](https://github.com/sequelpro/sequelpro) - MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Unused](https://github.com/jeffhodnett/Unused) - Mac app for checking Xcode projects for unused resources. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Vagrant Manager](https://github.com/lanayotech/vagrant-manager) - Manage your vagrant machines in one place with Vagrant Manager for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Reactotron](https://github.com/infinitered/reactotron) - Desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [SwiftyBeaver](https://github.com/SwiftyBeaver/SwiftyBeaver) - Convenient logging during development & release in Swift. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Shuttle](https://github.com/fitztrev/shuttle) - A simple SSH shortcut menu for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Shuttle](https://github.com/fitztrev/shuttle) - Simple SSH shortcut menu for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Lepton](https://github.com/hackjutsu/Lepton) - Democratizing Code Snippets Management (macOS/Win/Linux). ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Keyframes Player](https://github.com/insidegui/KeyframesPlayer) - A simple macOS app to preview animations created with Facebook's keyframes framework. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Keyframes Player](https://github.com/insidegui/KeyframesPlayer) - Simple macOS app to preview animations created with Facebook's keyframes framework. ![SwiftIcon]
- [macGist](https://github.com/Bunn/macGist) - Simple app to send pasteboard items to GitHub's Gist. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Ruby.app](https://github.com/gosu/ruby-app) - macOS app that contains a full Ruby installation (for use with Ruby/Gosu). ![RubyIcon]
- [Postbird](https://github.com/Paxa/postbird) - Open source PostgreSQL GUI client for macOS. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [LuLu](https://github.com/objective-see/LuLu) - LuLu is the free open-source macOS firewall that aims to block unauthorized (outgoing) network traffic. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [LuLu](https://github.com/objective-see/LuLu) - LuLu is the free open source macOS firewall that aims to block unauthorized (outgoing) network traffic. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Platypus](https://github.com/sveinbjornt/Platypus) - Mac developer tool that creates application bundles from command line scripts. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [RktMachine](https://github.com/woofwoofinc/rktmachine) - Menu bar macOS app for running rkt in a macOS hypervisor CoreOS VM. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Regxr](https://github.com/lukakerr/regxr) - Regxr is a minimal, lightweight and beautiful MacOS desktop application that allows for easy checking of regular expression pattern matching. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Regxr](https://github.com/lukakerr/regxr) - Regxr is a minimal, lightweight and beautiful macOS desktop application that allows for easy checking of regular expression pattern matching. ![SwiftIcon]
#### JSON Parsing
- [JSON Mapper](https://github.com/AppCraft-LLC/json-mapper) - A simple macOS app to generate Swift Object Mapper classes from JSON. ![SwiftIcon]
- [JSONExport](https://github.com/Ahmed-Ali/JSONExport) - JSONExport is a desktop application for Mac OS X which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite language. ![SwiftIcon]
- [j2s](https://github.com/zadr/j2s) - A macOS app to convert JSON objects into Swift structs (currently targets Swift 4 and Codable). ![SwiftIcon]
- [JSON Mapper](https://github.com/AppCraft-LLC/json-mapper) - Simple macOS app to generate Swift Object Mapper classes from JSON. ![SwiftIcon]
- [JSONExport](https://github.com/Ahmed-Ali/JSONExport) - Desktop application for macOS which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite language. ![SwiftIcon]
- [j2s](https://github.com/zadr/j2s) - macOS app to convert JSON objects into Swift structs (currently targets Swift 4 and Codable). ![SwiftIcon]
### Editors
#### JSON
- [JSON-Splora](https://github.com/wellsjo/JSON-Splora) - GUI for editing, visualizing, and manipulating JSON data. ![JavascriptIcon]
#### TeX
- [Qilin Editor](https://github.com/qilin-editor/qilin-app) - Text editor for exact sciences with built-in KaTeX/AsciiMath support. ![JavascriptIcon]
@ -233,250 +245,263 @@ You can see which language is using for app. Curently there are next languages:
#### Text
- [CotEditor](https://github.com/coteditor/CotEditor) - Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [MacVim](https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim) - Vim - the text editor - for macOS. ![CIcon]
- [MacVim](https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim) - Text editor for macOS. ![CIcon]
- [TextMate](https://github.com/textmate/textmate) - TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [VimR](https://github.com/qvacua/vimr) - Project VimR — Refined Neovim experience for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [VimR](https://github.com/qvacua/vimr) - Refined Neovim experience for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Google-Docs-for-Mac](https://github.com/himidi/Google-Docs-for-Mac) - Native Google Docs app for Mac. ![SwiftIcon]
#### Markdown
- [MacDown](https://github.com/MacDownApp/macdown) - Open source Markdown editor for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Markr](https://github.com/lukakerr/markr) - Minimalistic markdown editor for MacOS with live preview. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Markr](https://github.com/lukakerr/markr) - Minimalistic markdown editor for macOS with live preview. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Mark Text](https://github.com/marktext/marktext/) -Realtime preview markdown eidtor for macOS Windows and Linux. ![JavascriptIcon]
### Extensions
- [PiPifier](https://github.com/arnoappenzeller/PiPifier) - PiPifier is a native macOS 10.12 Safari extension that lets you use every HTML5 video in Picture in Picture mode. ![SwiftIcon]
- [PiPTool](https://github.com/bfmatei/PiPTool) - Add the Picture-in-Picture Functionality to YouTube, Netflix, Plex and other video broadcasting services in macOS. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [BetterPiP](https://github.com/Capevace/BetterPiP) - A macOS application that enables the use of native picture-in-picture with browsers such as Google Chrome for HTML5 videos. ![SwiftIcon]
- [BetterPiP](https://github.com/Capevace/BetterPiP) - macOS application that enables the use of native picture-in-picture with browsers such as Google Chrome for HTML5 videos. ![SwiftIcon]
### Finder
- [Clipy](https://github.com/Clipy/Clipy) - Clipy is a Clipboard extension app for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Finder Go](https://github.com/onmyway133/FinderGo) - A macOS app and Finder Sync Extension to open Terminal, iTerm, Hyper from Finder. ![SwiftIcon]
- [OpenInCode](https://github.com/sozercan/OpenInCode) - Finder toolbar app to open current folder in Visual Studio Code. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Finder Go](https://github.com/onmyway133/FinderGo) - macOS app and Finder Sync Extension to open Terminal, iTerm, Hyper from Finder. ![SwiftIcon]
- [OpenInCode](https://github.com/sozercan/OpenInCode) - Finder toolbar app to open current folder in Visual Studio Code. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
### Games
- [Battle for Wesnoth](https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth) - Turn-based tactical strategy game, featuring both single-player and online multiplayer combat. ![CppIcon]
- [Boxer](https://github.com/alunbestor/Boxer) - The DOS game emulator that’s fit for your Mac. ![ObjectiveCIcon] ![CppIcon]
- [Dolphin](https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin) - A powerful, Open Source emulator for Nintendo GameCube and Wii games. ![CppIcon]
- [OpenEmu](https://github.com/OpenEmu/OpenEmu) - Retro video game emulation for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Screentendo](https://github.com/AaronRandall/Screentendo) - Turn your screen into a playable level of Mario. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Stockfish](https://github.com/daylen/stockfish-mac) - Beautiful, powerful chess application. ![CppIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [OpenRCT2](https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2) - An open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. ![CppIcon]
- [Dolphin](https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin) - Powerful, Open Source emulator for Nintendo GameCube and Wii games. ![CppIcon]
- [OpenEmu](https://github.com/OpenEmu/OpenEmu) - Retro video game emulation for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Screentendo](https://github.com/AaronRandall/Screentendo) - Turn your screen into a playable level of Mario. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Stockfish](https://github.com/daylen/stockfish-mac) - Beautiful, powerful chess application. ![CppIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [OpenRCT2](https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2) - Open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. ![CppIcon]
### Graphics
- [GifCapture](https://github.com/onmyway133/GifCapture) - Gif capture app for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Sketch Toolbox](https://github.com/buzzfeed/Sketch-Toolbox) - A plugin manager for Sketch.app. ![ObjectiveCIcon] ![CIcon]
- [Sketch Toolbox](https://github.com/buzzfeed/Sketch-Toolbox) - Plugin manager for Sketch.app. ![ObjectiveCIcon] ![CIcon]
- [Aseprite](https://github.com/aseprite/aseprite) - Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Windows, macOS, Linux). ![CppIcon] ![CIcon]
- [macSVG](https://github.com/dsward2/macSVG) - An open-source macOS app for designing HTML5 SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) art and animation with a WebKit web view. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [macSVG](https://github.com/dsward2/macSVG) - Open source macOS app for designing HTML5 SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) art and animation with a WebKit web view. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [InfiniteCanvas](https://github.com/CleanCocoa/InfiniteCanvas) - Proof of concept Mac drawing application. ![SwiftIcon]
- [ScreenToLayers for macOS](https://github.com/duyquoc/ScreenToLayers) - ScreenToLayers is a macOS application to easily capture your screen as a layered PSD file. ![ObjectiveCIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [CaptuocrToy](https://github.com/gragrance/CaptuocrToy) - A tool to capture screenshot and recognize text by online ocr apis. ![SwiftIcon]
- [CaptuocrToy](https://github.com/gragrance/CaptuocrToy) - Tool to capture screenshot and recognize text by online ocr apis. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Gifski](https://github.com/sindresorhus/gifski-app) - Convert videos to high-quality GIFs. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Gifcurry](https://github.com/lettier/gifcurry) - Open source video to GIF maker with a graphical interface capable of cropping, adding text, seeking, and trimming. ![HaskellIcon]
- [Material Colors Native](https://github.com/BafS/Material-Colors-native) - Choose your Material colours and copy the hex code. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
### IDE
- [Atom](https://github.com/atom/atom) - The hackable text editor. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [ZeroBraneStudio](https://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBraneStudio) - ZeroBrane Studio is a lightweight cross-platform Lua IDE with code completion, syntax highlighting, remote debugger, code analyzer, live coding, and debugging support for various Lua engines. [Lua]
- [Visual Studio Code](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode) - Code editor developed by Microsoft. ![TypescriptIcon]
- [ZeroBraneStudio](https://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBraneStudio) - ZeroBrane Studio is a lightweight cross-platform Lua IDE with code completion, syntax highlighting, remote debugger, code analyzer, live coding, and debugging support for various Lua engines. ![LuaIcon]
### Images
- [Imagine](https://github.com/meowtec/Imagine) - Imagine is a desktop app for compression of PNG and JPEG, with a modern and friendly UI. ![TypescriptIcon]
- [ImageAlpha](https://github.com/kornelski/ImageAlpha) - Mac GUI for pngquant, pngnq and posterizer. ![PythonIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [WebPonize](https://github.com/1000ch/WebPonize) - WebPonize is a Mac OS App for converting PNG, JPEG, animated (or not) GIF images into WebP. ![CIcon] ![SwiftIcon]
- [Freehand](https://github.com/wddwycc/Freehand) - A MacOS Status Bar App for quick sketch. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Screenbar](https://github.com/crilleengvall/Screenbar) - A MacOS menubar app for automating screenshots. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Katana](https://github.com/bluegill/katana) - Katana is a simple, open-source screenshot utility for macOS that lives in your menubar. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [WebPonize](https://github.com/1000ch/WebPonize) - WebPonize is a macOS App for converting PNG, JPEG, animated (or not) GIF images into WebP. ![CIcon] ![SwiftIcon]
- [Freehand](https://github.com/wddwycc/Freehand) - macOS Status Bar App for quick sketch. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Screenbar](https://github.com/crilleengvall/Screenbar) - macOS menubar app for automating screenshots. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Katana](https://github.com/bluegill/katana) - Katana is a simple, open source screenshot utility for macOS that lives in your menubar. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [APNGb](https://github.com/shgodoroja/APNGb) - macOS app which assembles and disassembles animated png files. ![SwiftIcon]
- [PhotoMiner](https://github.com/gergelysanta/photominer) - macOS app for finding and lost forgotten photos on your disks. ![SwiftIcon]
### Keyboard
- [Fluor](https://github.com/Pyroh/Fluor) - A handy tool for macOS allowing you to switch Fn keys' mode based on active application. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Karabiner](https://github.com/tekezo/Karabiner) - Karabiner (KeyRemap4MacBook) is a powerful utility for keyboard customization. ![CppIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Fluor](https://github.com/Pyroh/Fluor) - Handy tool for macOS allowing you to switch Fn keys' mode based on active application. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Karabiner](https://github.com/tekezo/Karabiner) - Karabiner (KeyRemap4MacBook) is a powerful utility for keyboard customization. ![CppIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Karabiner-Elements](https://github.com/tekezo/Karabiner-Elements) - Karabiner-Elements is a powerful utility for keyboard customization on macOS Sierra (10.12) or later. ![CppIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [AnnePro-mac](https://github.com/msvisser/AnnePro-mac) - MacOS application for controlling AnnePro keyboard over bluetooth.
- [Kawa](https://github.com/utatti/kawa) - A better input source switcher for OS X. ![SwiftIcon]
- [AnnePro-mac](https://github.com/msvisser/AnnePro-mac) - macOS application for controlling AnnePro keyboard over bluetooth.
- [Kawa](https://github.com/utatti/kawa) - Better input source switcher for OS X. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Thor](https://github.com/gbammc/Thor) - Switch the right application ASAP. ![SwiftIcon]
### Mail
- [gInbox](https://github.com/chenasraf/gInbox) - A Mac wrapper for Inbox by Gmail. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Nylas Mail](https://github.com/nylas/nylas-mail) - The open-source, extensible mail client. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Rambox](https://github.com/saenzramiro/rambox) - Free, Open Source and Cross Platform messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [Correo](https://github.com/amitmerchant1990/correo) - A menubar/taskbar Gmail App for Windows and macOS. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Inboxer](https://github.com/denysdovhan/inboxer) - Unofficial, free and open-source Google Inbox Desktop App. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [gInbox](https://github.com/chenasraf/gInbox) - Wrapper for Inbox by Gmail. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Nylas Mail](https://github.com/nylas/nylas-mail) - Open source, extensible mail client. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Rambox](https://github.com/saenzramiro/rambox) - Free, Open Source and Cross Platform messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [Correo](https://github.com/amitmerchant1990/correo) - Menubar/taskbar Gmail App for Windows and macOS. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Inboxer](https://github.com/denysdovhan/inboxer) - Unofficial, free and open source Google Inbox Desktop App. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [dejalu](https://github.com/dinhviethoa/dejalu) - Fast and Simple Email Client. ![CppIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
### Music
- [lyricsify](https://github.com/mamal72/lyricsify-mac) - A simple Spotify lyrics viewer menu bar app for macOS in Swift. ![SwiftIcon]
- [lyricsify](https://github.com/mamal72/lyricsify-mac) - Simple Spotify lyrics viewer menu bar app for macOS in Swift. ![SwiftIcon]
- [DeezPlayer](https://github.com/imanel/deezplayer) - Deezer Desktop app for Windows, Linux and macOS. ![CoffeescriptIcon]
- [SoundCleod](https://github.com/salomvary/soundcleod) - SoundCloud for macOS and Windows. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [iTunes Graphs](https://github.com/Zac-Garby/iTunes-Graphs) - A macOS app to visualise your iTunes library as graphs. ![SwiftIcon]
- [iTunes Graphs](https://github.com/Zac-Garby/iTunes-Graphs) - macOS app to visualise your iTunes library as graphs. ![SwiftIcon]
### News
- [hacker-menu](https://github.com/jingweno/hacker-menu) - Hacker News Delivered to Desktop. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Vienna](https://github.com/ViennaRSS/vienna-rss) - Vienna is a free and open-source RSS/Atom newsreader for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Vienna](https://github.com/ViennaRSS/vienna-rss) - Vienna is a free and open source RSS/Atom newsreader for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Diurna](https://github.com/ngquerol/Diurna) - Basic/Classic Hacker News app, used as a Cocoa & Swift learning platform. ![SwiftIcon]
### Notes
- [Simplenote](https://github.com/Automattic/simplenote-macos) - The simplest way to keep notes. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Boostnote](https://github.com/BoostIO/Boostnote) - Boostnote is an open source note-taking app made for programmers just like you. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [tmpNote](https://github.com/buddax2/tmpNote) - Very simple macOS X app to make temporary notes. ![SwiftIcon]
- [NoteTaker](https://github.com/insidegui/NoteTaker) - A simple note taking app for macOS and iOS which uses Realm and CloudKit for syncing. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Tusk](https://github.com/klauscfhq/tusk) - Tusk is an unofficial, open source, third-party, community driven, free Evernote app with a handful of useful features. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [FromScratch](https://github.com/Kilian/fromscratch) - FromScratch is a little app that you can use as a quick note taking or todo app. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [Simplenote](https://github.com/Automattic/simplenote-macos) - Simplest way to keep notes. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Boostnote](https://github.com/BoostIO/Boostnote) - Open source note-taking app made for programmers just like you. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [tmpNote](https://github.com/buddax2/tmpNote) - Very simple macOS app to make temporary notes. ![SwiftIcon]
- [NoteTaker](https://github.com/insidegui/NoteTaker) - Simple note taking app for macOS and iOS which uses Realm and CloudKit for syncing. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Tusk](https://github.com/klauscfhq/tusk) - Unofficial, open source, third-party, community driven, free Evernote app with a handful of useful features. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [FromScratch](https://github.com/Kilian/fromscratch) - Little app that you can use as a quick note taking or todo app. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [Notes](https://github.com/SauvageP/Notes) - Notes is a macOS application built to create notes, using text amongst other formats: images, videos, contacts, and etc. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Jupyter Notebook Viewer](https://github.com/tuxu/nbviewer-app) - A Jupyter notebook viewer for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [notable](https://github.com/jmcfarlane/notable) - Notable - a simple note taking application.
- [joplin](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin) - Joplin - a note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Jupyter Notebook Viewer](https://github.com/tuxu/nbviewer-app) - Notebook viewer for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [notable](https://github.com/jmcfarlane/notable) - Simple note taking application.
- [joplin](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin) - Note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. ![JavascriptIcon]
### Podcast
- [Cumulonimbus](https://github.com/z-------------/cumulonimbus) - A simple, beautiful podcast app. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Cumulonimbus](https://github.com/z-------------/cumulonimbus) - Simple, beautiful podcast app. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [mkchromecast](https://github.com/muammar/mkchromecast) - Cast macOS and Linux Audio/Video to your Google Cast and Sonos Devices. ![PythonIcon]
### Productivity
- [ClipMenu](https://github.com/naotaka/ClipMenu) - A clipboard manager for Mac OS X. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Quicksilver](https://github.com/quicksilver/Quicksilver) - Quicksilver is a fast and free Mac OS X productivity application that gives you the power to control your Mac quickly and elegantly. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [SelfControl](https://github.com/SelfControlApp/selfcontrol) - Mac app to block your own access to distracting websites etc for a predetermined period of time. It can not be undone by the app or by a restart – you must wait for the timer to run out. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [PDF Archiver](https://github.com/PDF-Archiver/PDF-Archiver) - A nice tool for tagging and archiving tasks. ![SwiftIcon]
- [stretchly](https://github.com/hovancik/stretchly) - stretchly is cross-platform electron app that reminds you to take breaks when working with computer. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [ClipMenu](https://github.com/naotaka/ClipMenu) - Clipboard manager for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Quicksilver](https://github.com/quicksilver/Quicksilver) - Quicksilver is a fast and free macOS productivity application that gives you the power to control your Mac quickly and elegantly. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [SelfControl](https://github.com/SelfControlApp/selfcontrol) - macOS app to block your own access to distracting websites etc for a predetermined period of time. It can not be undone by the app or by a restart – you must wait for the timer to run out. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [PDF Archiver](https://github.com/PDF-Archiver/PDF-Archiver) - Nice tool for tagging and archiving tasks. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Keka](https://github.com/aonez/Keka) - The macOS file archiver. ![CIcon] ![CppIcon]
- [stretchly](https://github.com/hovancik/stretchly) - Cross-platform electron app that reminds you to take breaks when working with computer. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Whale](https://github.com/1000ch/whale) - Unofficial Trello app. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Ao](https://github.com/klauscfhq/ao) - Elegant Microsoft To-Do desktop app. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [KeyHolder](https://github.com/Clipy/KeyHolder) - Record shortcuts in macOS, like Alfred.app. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Kiwix](https://github.com/kiwix/apple) - Kiwix for iOS and macOS, build on Swift. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Paperless Desktop](https://github.com/thomasbrueggemann/paperless-desktop) - Desktop app that uses the paperless API to manage your document scans. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Yomu](https://github.com/sendyhalim/Yomu) - Manga reader app for Mac OS X. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Linked Ideas](https://github.com/fespinoza/LinkedIdeas) - A macOS application to write down and connect ideas. ![SwiftIcon]
- [PSIBar](https://github.com/nikhilsh/PSIBar) - A quickly hacked up PSI OS X status bar app. ![SwiftIcon]
- [BitBar](https://github.com/matryer/bitbar) - Put the output from any script or program in your Mac OS X Menu Bar. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Yomu](https://github.com/sendyhalim/Yomu) - Manga reader app for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Linked Ideas](https://github.com/fespinoza/LinkedIdeas) - macOS application to write down and connect ideas. ![SwiftIcon]
- [PSIBar](https://github.com/nikhilsh/PSIBar) - Quickly hacked up PSI OS X status bar app. ![SwiftIcon]
- [BitBar](https://github.com/matryer/bitbar) - Put the output from any script or program in your macOS Menu Bar. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [status-bar-todo](https://github.com/Onix-Systems/osx-status-bar-todo) - Simple macOS app to keep TODO-list in status bar. ![SwiftIcon]
- [TrelloApp](https://github.com/jlong/TrelloApp) - An unofficial wrapper application for Trello.com written in Swift. This is almost a "Hello World" for a site specific browser. ![SwiftIcon]
- [TrelloApp](https://github.com/jlong/TrelloApp) - Unofficial wrapper application for Trello.com written in Swift. This is almost a "Hello World" for a site specific browser. ![SwiftIcon]
- [ControlPlane](https://github.com/dustinrue/ControlPlane) - Automate running tasks based on where you are or what you do. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Clocker](https://github.com/abhishekbanthia/Clocker) - macOS app to plan and organize through timezones. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Toggl Desktop](https://github.com/toggl/toggldesktop/tree/app-store-release-v7.3.319) - Toggl Desktop app for Windows, Mac and Linux. ![CppIcon]
### Screensaver
### Screensaver
- [The GitHub Matrix Screensaver](https://github.com/winterbe/github-matrix-screensaver) - The GitHub Matrix Screensaver for Mac OSX. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Aerial](https://github.com/JohnCoates/Aerial) - Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac. ![SwiftIcon]
- [The GitHub Matrix Screensaver](https://github.com/winterbe/github-matrix-screensaver) - The GitHub Matrix Screensaver for macOS. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Aerial](https://github.com/JohnCoates/Aerial) - Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Irvue](https://github.com/leonspok/Irvue-Screensaver) - Screensaver for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Image-As-Wallpaper](https://github.com/ved62/Image-As-Wallpaper) - Utility application helps with selection of images for using as desktop wallpaper or in screensaver on Mac computers. ![SwiftIcon]
- [MusaicFM](https://github.com/docterd/MusaicFM) iTunes Screensaver Clone for Spotify and Last.fm ![ObjectiveCIcon]
### Sharing Files
- [mac2imgur](https://github.com/mileswd/mac2imgur) - A simple Mac app designed to make uploading images and screenshots to Imgur quick and effortless. ![SwiftIcon]
- [mac2imgur](https://github.com/mileswd/mac2imgur) - Simple Mac app designed to make uploading images and screenshots to Imgur quick and effortless. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Transmission](https://github.com/transmission/transmission) - Official Transmission BitTorrent client repository. ![CIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Rhea](https://github.com/timonus/Rhea) - A Mac status bar app for quickly sharing files and URLs. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Rhea](https://github.com/timonus/Rhea) - macOS status bar app for quickly sharing files and URLs. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
### Social Networking
- [Goofy](https://github.com/danielbuechele/goofy) - Unofficial Facebook Messenger client. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Caprine](https://github.com/sindresorhus/caprine#features) - An elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [Caprine](https://github.com/sindresorhus/caprine#features) - Elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [Ramme](https://github.com/terkelg/ramme) - Unofficial Instagram Desktop App. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [appear.in](https://github.com/vitorgalvao/appear.in) - Unofficial appear.in app. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Quail](https://github.com/1000ch/quail) - Unofficial [esa](https://esa.io) app. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Simpo](https://github.com/KeliCheng/Simpo) - A macOS menubar app to post status quickly. ![RubyIcon]
- [Leviathan](https://github.com/Swiftodon/Leviathan) - Leviathan is a iOS and macOS client application for the Mastodon social network.
- [Simpo](https://github.com/KeliCheng/Simpo) - macOS menubar app to post status quickly. ![RubyIcon]
- [Leviathan](https://github.com/Swiftodon/Leviathan) - Leviathan is a iOS and macOS client application for the Mastodon social network.
### Streaming
- [Galeri](https://github.com/michealparks/galeri-www) - A perpetual artwork streaming app.
- [Galeri](https://github.com/michealparks/galeri-www) - Perpetual artwork streaming app.
### Terminal
- [iTerm 2](https://github.com/gnachman/iTerm2) - iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Alacritty](https://github.com/jwilm/alacritty) - A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator. [Rust]
- [OpenTerminal](https://github.com/es-kumagai/OpenTerminal) - This is a app for macOS that to open a new Finder window and change the current directory to the folder this app launched. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Console](https://github.com/macmade/Console) - OS X console application. ![SwiftIcon]
- [iTerm 2](https://github.com/gnachman/iTerm2) - Terminal emulator for macOS that does amazing things. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Alacritty](https://github.com/jwilm/alacritty) - Cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator. ![RustIcon]
- [OpenTerminal](https://github.com/es-kumagai/OpenTerminal) - App for macOS that opens a new Finder window and changes the current directory to the folder launched by the app. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Console](https://github.com/macmade/Console) - macOS console application. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Hyper](https://github.com/zeit/hyper) - A terminal built on web technologies. ![JavascriptIcon] ![CSSIcon]
- [Kitty](https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty) - A cross-platform, fast, feature full, GPU based terminal emulator. ![CIcon] ![PythonIcon]
### Utilities
- [AnyBar](https://github.com/tonsky/AnyBar) - OS X menubar status indicator. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [AnyBar](https://github.com/tonsky/AnyBar) - macOS menubar status indicator. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [BeardedSpice](https://github.com/beardedspice/beardedspice) - Control web based media players with the media keys found on Mac keyboards. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [DisableMonitor](https://github.com/Eun/DisableMonitor) - Easily disable or enable a monitor on your Mac. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [EtreCheck](https://github.com/etresoft/EtreCheck) - EtreCheck is an easy-to-use macOS app to display important details of your system configuration and allow you to copy that information to the Clipboard. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Fanny](https://github.com/DanielStormApps/Fanny) - Monitor your Mac's fan speed and CPU temperature from your Notification Center. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Finicky](https://github.com/johnste/finicky) - Finicky - always opens the right browser. ![SwiftIcon]
- [gfxCardStatus](https://github.com/codykrieger/gfxCardStatus) - gfxCardStatus is an open-source menu bar application that keeps track of which graphics card your unibody, dual-GPU MacBook Pro is using at any given time, and allows you to switch between them on demand. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Finicky](https://github.com/johnste/finicky) - Always opens the right browser. ![SwiftIcon]
- [gfxCardStatus](https://github.com/codykrieger/gfxCardStatus) - gfxCardStatus is an open source menu bar application that keeps track of which graphics card your unibody, dual-GPU MacBook Pro is using at any given time, and allows you to switch between them on demand. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [KeepingYouAwake](https://github.com/newmarcel/KeepingYouAwake) - Prevents your Mac from going to sleep. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Loading](https://github.com/BonzaiThePenguin/Loading) - Simple network activity monitor for OS X. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Mackup](https://github.com/lra/mackup) - Keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux). ![PythonIcon]
- [MacPass](https://github.com/MacPass/MacPass) - A native OS X KeePass client. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [MenuMeters](https://github.com/yujitach/MenuMeters) - A set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [MacPass](https://github.com/MacPass/MacPass) - Native OS X KeePass client. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [MenuMeters](https://github.com/yujitach/MenuMeters) - CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Noti](https://github.com/jariz/Noti/) - Receive Android notifications on your mac (with PushBullet). ![SwiftIcon]
- [SlowQuitApps](https://github.com/dteoh/SlowQuitApps) - Add a global delay to Command-Q to stop accidental app quits. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Übersicht](https://github.com/felixhageloh/uebersicht) - Keep an eye on what's happening on your machine and in the world. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [The Unarchiver](https://bitbucket.org/kosovan/theunarchiver) - The Unarchiver is an Objective-C application for uncompressing archive files. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Turbo Boost Switcher](https://github.com/rugarciap/Turbo-Boost-Switcher) - Turbo Boost Switcher is a little application for Mac computers that allows to enable and/or disable the Turbo Boost feature. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [AppPolice](https://github.com/fuyu/AppPolice) - An app for Mac OS X with a minimalistic UI which lets you quickly throttle down the CPU usage of any running process. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Clean-Me](https://github.com/Kevin-De-Koninck/Clean-Me) - A small macOS app that acts as a system cleaner (logs, cache, ...). ![SwiftIcon]
- [Shifty](https://github.com/thompsonate/Shifty) - A macOS menu bar app that gives you more control over Night Shift. ![SwiftIcon]
- [AppPolice](https://github.com/fuyu/AppPolice) - App for macOS with a minimalistic UI which lets you quickly throttle down the CPU usage of any running process. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Clean-Me](https://github.com/Kevin-De-Koninck/Clean-Me) - Small macOS app that acts as a system cleaner (logs, cache, ...). ![SwiftIcon]
- [Shifty](https://github.com/thompsonate/Shifty) - macOS menu bar app that gives you more control over Night Shift. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Crypter](https://github.com/HR/Crypter) - Crypter is an innovative, convenient and secure cross-platform crypto app that simplifies secure password generation and management by requiring you to only remember one bit, the MasterPass. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Sloth](https://github.com/sveinbjornt/Sloth) - Sloth is an OS X application that displays a list of all open files and sockets in use by all running applications on your system. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [DatWeatherDoe](https://github.com/inderdhir/DatWeatherDoe) - Simple menu bar weather app for macOS written in Swift. ![SwiftIcon]
- [iOScanX](https://github.com/alessiomaffeis/iOScanX) - iOScanX (iOS Application Scanner for OS X) is a Cocoa application for semi-automated iOS app analysis and evaluation. ![ObjectiveCIcon] ![CIcon]
- [Menubar Brightness](https://github.com/lucasbento/menubar-brightness) - MacOS app to change the screen brightness on the menubar. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Apple Juice](https://github.com/raphaelhanneken/apple-juice) - An advanced battery gauge for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Telephone](https://github.com/64characters/Telephone) - SIP softphone for Mac. ![SwiftIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [iOScanX](https://github.com/alessiomaffeis/iOScanX) - Cocoa application for semi-automated iOS app analysis and evaluation. ![ObjectiveCIcon] ![CIcon]
- [Menubar Brightness](https://github.com/lucasbento/menubar-brightness) - macOS app to change the screen brightness on the menubar. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Apple Juice](https://github.com/raphaelhanneken/apple-juice) - Advanced battery gauge for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Telephone](https://github.com/64characters/Telephone) - SIP softphone for Mac. ![SwiftIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [ECheck](https://github.com/josejuanqm/ECheck) - Small tool to validate epub files for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [UrBackup](https://github.com/uroni/urbackup_backend) - UrBackup - Client/Server Open Source Network Backup for Windows, MacOS and Linux. ![CIcon] ![CppIcon]
- [UrBackup](https://github.com/uroni/urbackup_backend) - UrBackup - Client/Server Open Source Network Backup for Windows, macOS and Linux. ![CIcon] ![CppIcon]
- [Meme Maker](https://github.com/MemeMaker/Meme-Maker-Mac) - Meme Maker open source macOS app made in Swift. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Maria](https://github.com/shincurry/Maria) - a macOS native app/widget for aria2 download tool. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Maria](https://github.com/shincurry/Maria) - macOS native app/widget for aria2 download tool. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Life-Calendar](https://github.com/wvdk/Life-Calendar) - Life Calendar. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Night Shift Control](https://github.com/isaiasmatewos/night-shift-control) - Night Shift Control is a simple macOS menubar app for controlling Night Shift. It's aim is to bring features from f.lux which are missing from Night Shift such as disabling Night Shift for certain apps. ![SwiftIcon]
- [CornerCal](https://github.com/ekreutz/CornerCal) - A simple, clean calendar and clock app for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Latest](https://github.com/mangerlahn/Latest) - A small utility app for macOS that makes sure you know about all the latest updates to the apps you use. ![SwiftIcon]
- [CornerCal](https://github.com/ekreutz/CornerCal) - Simple, clean calendar and clock app for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Latest](https://github.com/mangerlahn/Latest) - Small utility app for macOS that makes sure you know about all the latest updates to the apps you use. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Overkill](https://github.com/KrauseFx/overkill-for-mac) - Stop iTunes from opening when you connect your iPhone. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Diagnostics](https://github.com/macmade/Diagnostics) - Diagnostics is an application displaying the diagnostic reports from applications on macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [VerticalBar](https://github.com/DeromirNeves/VerticalBar) - MacOS application to add a vertical bar to Dock. ![SwiftIcon]
- [VerticalBar](https://github.com/DeromirNeves/VerticalBar) - macOS application to add a vertical bar to Dock. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Catch](https://github.com/mipstian/catch/) - Catch: Broadcatching made easy. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Juice](https://github.com/brianmichel/Juice) - Make your battery information a bit more interesting. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Kap](https://github.com/wulkano/kap) - An open-source screen recorder built with web technology. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Kap](https://github.com/wulkano/kap) - Open source screen recorder built with web technology. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [ScreenCat](https://github.com/maxogden/screencat) - ScreenCat is an open source screen sharing + remote collaboration application. ![CSSIcon] ![JavascriptIcon]
- [ProfileCreator](https://github.com/erikberglund/ProfileCreator) - macOS Application to create standard or customized configuration profiles. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [ToTheTop](https://github.com/zenangst/ToTheTop) - A small macOS application to help you scroll to the top. ![SwiftIcon]
- [browserosaurus](https://github.com/will-stone/browserosaurus) - MacOS tool that prompts you to choose a browser when opening a link.
- [ToTheTop](https://github.com/zenangst/ToTheTop) - Small macOS application to help you scroll to the top. ![SwiftIcon]
- [browserosaurus](https://github.com/will-stone/browserosaurus) - macOS tool that prompts you to choose a browser when opening a link.
- [PB for Desktop](https://github.com/sidneys/pb-for-desktop) - Receive native push notifications on macOS, Windows and Linux. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [stronghold](https://github.com/alichtman/stronghold) - Easily configure macOS security settings from the terminal. ![PythonIcon]
- [SensibleSideButtons](https://github.com/archagon/sensible-side-buttons) - A small menu bar utility that lets you use your third-party mouse's side buttons for navigation across a variety of apps. ![CIcon] ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Airpass](https://github.com/alvesjtiago/airpass) - Status bar Mac app to overcome time constrained WiFi networks. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [DisplayMenu](https://github.com/Kwpolska/DisplayMenu) - A simple (bare-bones) macOS menubar extra to apply display presets. ![SwiftIcon]
### VPN & Proxy
- [Tunnelblick](https://github.com/Tunnelblick/Tunnelblick) - Tunnelblick is a free, open source graphic user interface for OpenVPN on OS X. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [ShadowsocksX-NG](https://github.com/shadowsocks/ShadowsocksX-NG) - Next Generation of ShadowsocksX. ![SwiftIcon]
- [SpechtLite](https://github.com/zhuhaow/SpechtLite) - A rule-based proxy app for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [SpechtLite](https://github.com/zhuhaow/SpechtLite) - Rule-based proxy app for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [rvc-mac](https://github.com/riboseinc/rvc-mac) - Ribose VPN Client macOS Menu App. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Specht](https://github.com/zhuhaow/Specht) - A rule-based proxy app built with Network Extension for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Specht](https://github.com/zhuhaow/Specht) - Rule-based proxy app built with Network Extension for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
### Video
- [Yoda](https://github.com/whoisandy/yoda) - Yoda is a nifty osx application which enables you to browse and download videos from YouTube. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [WebTorrent Desktop](https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent-desktop) - The streaming torrent app. For Mac, Windows, and Linux. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [Yoda](https://github.com/whoisandy/yoda) - Nifty osx application which enables you to browse and download videos from YouTube. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [WebTorrent Desktop](https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent-desktop) - Streaming torrent app. For Mac, Windows, and Linux. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [MenuTube](https://github.com/edanchenkov/MenuTube) - Catch YouTube into your macOS menu bar! ![JavascriptIcon]
- [QuickLook Video](https://github.com/Marginal/QLVideo) - This package allows macOS Finder to display thumbnails, static QuickLook previews, cover art and metadata for most types of video files. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [AppleEvents](https://github.com/insidegui/AppleEvents) - The unofficial Apple Events app for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [AppleEvents](https://github.com/insidegui/AppleEvents) - Unofficial Apple Events app for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Acid.Cam.v2.OSX](https://github.com/lostjared/Acid.Cam.v2.OSX) - Acid Cam v2 for macOS distorts video to create art. ![CppIcon]
- [Gifted](https://github.com/vdel26/gifted) - Turn any short video into an animated GIF quickly and easily. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Datamosh](https://github.com/roecrew/Datamosh) - Datamosh your videos on macOS. ![SwiftICon]
- [Face Data](https://github.com/xiaohk/FaceData) - A macOS application used to auto-annotate landmarks from a video. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Vid Quiz Creator](https://github.com/sahil-a/vidquizcreator) - A macOS application to insert quizzes within video playback and play those videos to receiving devices using the LISNR API. ![SwiftIcon]
- [HandBrake](https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake) - HandBrake is an open-source video transcoder available for Linux, Mac, and Windows. ![CIcon]
- [Subler](https://bitbucket.org/galad87/subler/overview) - Subler is an Mac OS X app created to mux and tag mp4 files. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Face Data](https://github.com/xiaohk/FaceData) - macOS application used to auto-annotate landmarks from a video. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Vid Quiz Creator](https://github.com/sahil-a/vidquizcreator) - macOS application to insert quizzes within video playback and play those videos to receiving devices using the LISNR API. ![SwiftIcon]
- [HandBrake](https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake) - HandBrake is an open source video transcoder available for Linux, Mac, and Windows. ![CIcon]
- [Subler](https://bitbucket.org/galad87/subler/overview) - Subler is an macOS app created to mux and tag mp4 files. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
#### Player
- [IINA](https://github.com/lhc70000/iina) - The modern video player for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [MPlayerX](https://github.com/niltsh/MPlayerX) - Media player on Mac OS X. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [IINA](https://github.com/lhc70000/iina) - Modern video player for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [MPlayerX](https://github.com/niltsh/MPlayerX) - Media player on macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [MacMorpheus](https://github.com/emoRaivis/MacMorpheus) - 3D 180/360 video player for macOS for PSVR with head tracking. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Movie Monad](https://github.com/lettier/movie-monad) - A desktop video player built with Haskell that uses GStreamer and GTK+. [Haskell]
- [Movie Monad](https://github.com/lettier/movie-monad) - Desktop video player built with Haskell that uses GStreamer and GTK+. ![HaskellIcon]
#### Subtitles
@ -487,27 +512,28 @@ You can see which language is using for app. Curently there are next languages:
### Wallpaper
- [Muzei](https://github.com/naman14/Muzei-macOS) - Muzei wallpaper app for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [BingPaper](https://github.com/pengsrc/BingPaper) - Use Bing daily photo as your wallpaper on Mac OS X. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Satellite Eyes](https://github.com/tomtaylor/satellite-eyes) - Mac OS X app to automatically set your desktop wallpaper to the satellite view overhead. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [BingPaper](https://github.com/pengsrc/BingPaper) - Use Bing daily photo as your wallpaper on macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Satellite Eyes](https://github.com/tomtaylor/satellite-eyes) - macOS app to automatically set your desktop wallpaper to the satellite view overhead. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Sunscreen](https://github.com/davidcelis/Sunscreen) - Sunscreen is a fun, lightweight application that changes your desktop wallpaper based on sunrise and sunset. ![SwiftIcon]
- [WallpaperMenu](https://github.com/diogosantos/WallpaperMenu) - WallpaperMenu is a Mac OS X menubar application that navigates through beautiful pictures on the web and set them up as your desktop image. ![RubyIcon]
- [WallpaperMenu](https://github.com/diogosantos/WallpaperMenu) - macOS menubar application that navigates through beautiful pictures on the web and set them up as your desktop image. ![RubyIcon]
- [ArtWall](https://github.com/JustinFincher/ASWP-for-macOS) - ArtStation set as wallpapers from [artwork.rss](https://www.artstation.com/artwork.rss). ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [earth-wallpapers](https://github.com/viatsko/earth-wallpapers) - Simple Mac OS X menubar app which fetches latest photos from a subreddit. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [500-mac-wallpaper](https://github.com/cuddlecheek/500-mac-wallpaper) - Simple Mac os app for the status bar to automatically download photos from 500px.com to a local folder that can be set as a source of wallpapers. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Desktop Wallpaper Switcher](https://github.com/VioletGiraffe/desktop-wallpaper-switcher) - A Win / Linux / Mac OS tool for managing and cycling desktop wallpapers. ![CppIcon]
- [earth-wallpapers](https://github.com/viatsko/earth-wallpapers) - Simple macOS menubar app which fetches latest photos from a subreddit. ![JavascriptIcon]
- [500-mac-wallpaper](https://github.com/cuddlecheek/500-mac-wallpaper) - Simple macOS app for the status bar to automatically download photos from 500px.com to a local folder that can be set as a source of wallpapers. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Desktop Wallpaper Switcher](https://github.com/VioletGiraffe/desktop-wallpaper-switcher) - Win / Linux / macOS tool for managing and cycling desktop wallpapers. ![CppIcon]
- [pyDailyChanger](https://github.com/IngoHeimbach/pyDailyChanger) - pyDailyChanger is a program that changes your wallpaper daily. ![PythonIcon]
- [BingPaper](https://github.com/Majirefy/BingPaper) - Use Bing daily photo as your wallpaper on mac os x. ![SwiftIcon]
- [BingPaper](https://github.com/Majirefy/BingPaper) - Use Bing daily photo as your wallpaper on macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
### Window Management
- [Amethyst](https://github.com/ianyh/Amethyst) - Automatic tiling window manager for macOS. ![SwiftIcon]
- [Hammerspoon](https://github.com/Hammerspoon/hammerspoon) - Staggeringly powerful OS X desktop automation with Lua. ![ObjectiveCIcon] [Lua]
- [Hammerspoon](https://github.com/Hammerspoon/hammerspoon) - Staggeringly powerful OS X desktop automation with Lua. ![ObjectiveCIcon] ![LuaIcon]
- [kwm](https://github.com/koekeishiya/kwm) - Tiling window manager with focus follows mouse for OSX. ![CppIcon]
- [Phoenix](https://github.com/kasper/phoenix) - A lightweight macOS/OS X window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Phoenix](https://github.com/kasper/phoenix) - Lightweight macOS window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Spectacle](https://github.com/eczarny/spectacle) - Spectacle allows you to organize your windows without using a mouse. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Slate](https://github.com/jigish/slate) - A window management application (replacement for Divvy/SizeUp/ShiftIt).
- [AppGrid](https://github.com/sdegutis/AppGrid) - Grid-based keyboard window manager for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [Slate](https://github.com/jigish/slate) - Window management application (replacement for Divvy/SizeUp/ShiftIt).
- [AppGrid](https://github.com/sdegutis/AppGrid) - Grid-based keyboard window manager for macOS. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [ShiftIt](https://github.com/fikovnik/ShiftIt) - Managing windows size and position. ![ObjectiveCIcon]
- [chunkwm](https://github.com/koekeishiya/chunkwm) - Tiling window manager for macOS that uses a plugin architecture, successor to kwm. ![CppIcon]
[CIcon]: ./icons/c-16.png
[CppIcon]: ./icons/cpp-16.png
@ -519,4 +545,7 @@ You can see which language is using for app. Curently there are next languages:
[PythonIcon]: ./icons/python-16.png
[CSSIcon]: ./icons/css-16.png
[RubyIcon]: ./icons/ruby-16.png
[RustIcon]: ./icons/rust-16.png
[LuaIcon]: ./icons/Lua-16.png
[AppStore]: ./icons/app_store-16.png
[HaskellIcon]: ./icons/haskell-16.png
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