215 lines
6.8 KiB
215 lines
6.8 KiB
Create a search index
import json
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import Counter
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, asdict, astuple
from itertools import islice
from mmap import mmap, PROT_READ
from typing import List, Iterator, TypeVar, Generic, Iterable, Callable
from urllib.parse import unquote
import justext
import mmh3
import pandas as pd
from zstandard import ZstdCompressor, ZstdDecompressor, ZstdError
NUM_PAGES = 8192
HTTP_START = 'http://'
HTTPS_START = 'https://'
def is_content_token(nlp, token):
lexeme = nlp.vocab[token.orth]
return (lexeme.is_alpha or lexeme.is_digit) and not token.is_stop
def tokenize(nlp, cleaned_text):
tokens = nlp.tokenizer(cleaned_text)
content_tokens = [token for token in tokens[:NUM_INITIAL_TOKENS]
if is_content_token(nlp, token)]
lowered = {nlp.vocab[token.orth].text.lower() for token in content_tokens}
return lowered
def clean(content):
text = justext.justext(content, justext.get_stoplist("English"))
pars = [par.text for par in text if not par.is_boilerplate]
cleaned_text = ' '.join(pars)
return cleaned_text
class Document:
title: str
url: str
class TokenizedDocument(Document):
tokens: List[str]
T = TypeVar('T')
class TinyIndexBase(Generic[T]):
def __init__(self, item_factory: Callable[..., T], num_pages: int, page_size: int):
self.item_factory = item_factory
self.num_pages = num_pages
self.page_size = page_size
self.decompressor = ZstdDecompressor()
self.mmap = None
def retrieve(self, key: str) -> List[T]:
index = self._get_key_page_index(key)
page = self.get_page(index)
if page is None:
return []
# print("REtrieve", self.index_path, page)
return self.convert_items(page)
def _get_key_page_index(self, key):
key_hash = mmh3.hash(key, signed=False)
return key_hash % self.num_pages
def get_page(self, i):
Get the page at index i, decompress and deserialise it using JSON
page_data = self.mmap[i * self.page_size:(i + 1) * self.page_size]
decompressed_data = self.decompressor.decompress(page_data)
except ZstdError:
return None
return json.loads(decompressed_data.decode('utf8'))
def convert_items(self, items) -> List[T]:
converted = [self.item_factory(*item) for item in items]
# print("Converted", items, converted)
return converted
class TinyIndex(TinyIndexBase[T]):
def __init__(self, item_factory: Callable[..., T], index_path, num_pages, page_size):
super().__init__(item_factory, num_pages, page_size)
# print("REtrieve path", index_path)
self.index_path = index_path
self.index_file = open(self.index_path, 'rb')
self.mmap = mmap(self.index_file.fileno(), 0, prot=PROT_READ)
class TinyIndexer(TinyIndexBase[T]):
def __init__(self, item_factory: Callable[..., T], index_path: str, num_pages: int, page_size: int):
super().__init__(item_factory, num_pages, page_size)
self.index_path = index_path
self.compressor = ZstdCompressor()
self.decompressor = ZstdDecompressor()
self.index_file = None
self.mmap = None
def __enter__(self):
self.index_file = open(self.index_path, 'r+b')
self.mmap = mmap(self.index_file.fileno(), 0)
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
# def index(self, documents: List[TokenizedDocument]):
# for document in documents:
# for token in document.tokens:
# self._index_document(document, token)
def index(self, key: str, value: T):
# print("Index", value)
assert type(value) == self.item_factory, f"Can only index the specified type" \
f" ({self.item_factory.__name__})"
page_index = self._get_key_page_index(key)
current_page = self.get_page(page_index)
if current_page is None:
current_page = []
value_tuple = astuple(value)
# print("Value tuple", value_tuple)
# print("Page", current_page)
self._write_page(current_page, page_index)
except ValueError:
def _write_page(self, data, i):
Serialise the data using JSON, compress it and store it at index i.
If the data is too big, it will raise a ValueError and not store anything
serialised_data = json.dumps(data)
compressed_data = self.compressor.compress(serialised_data.encode('utf8'))
page_length = len(compressed_data)
if page_length > self.page_size:
raise ValueError(f"Data is too big ({page_length}) for page size ({self.page_size})")
padding = b'\x00' * (self.page_size - page_length)
self.mmap[i * self.page_size:(i+1) * self.page_size] = compressed_data + padding
def create_if_not_exists(self):
if not os.path.isfile(self.index_path):
file_length = self.num_pages * self.page_size
with open(self.index_path, 'wb') as index_file:
index_file.write(b'\x00' * file_length)
def prepare_url_for_tokenizing(url: str):
if url.startswith(HTTP_START):
url = url[len(HTTP_START):]
elif url.startswith(HTTPS_START):
url = url[len(HTTPS_START):]
for c in '/._':
if c in url:
url = url.replace(c, ' ')
return url
def get_pages(nlp, titles_and_urls) -> Iterable[TokenizedDocument]:
for i, (title_cleaned, url) in enumerate(titles_and_urls):
title_tokens = tokenize(nlp, title_cleaned)
prepared_url = prepare_url_for_tokenizing(unquote(url))
url_tokens = tokenize(nlp, prepared_url)
tokens = title_tokens | url_tokens
yield TokenizedDocument(tokens=list(tokens), url=url, title=title_cleaned)
if i % 1000 == 0:
print("Processed", i)
def grouper(n: int, iterator: Iterator):
while True:
chunk = tuple(islice(iterator, n))
if not chunk:
yield chunk
def index_titles_and_urls(indexer: TinyIndexer, nlp, titles_and_urls, terms_path):
terms = Counter()
pages = get_pages(nlp, titles_and_urls)
for page in pages:
for token in page.tokens:
indexer.index(token, Document(url=page.url, title=page.title))
terms.update([t.lower() for t in page.tokens])
term_df = pd.DataFrame({
'term': terms.keys(),
'count': terms.values(),