""" See how many unique URLs and root domains we have crawled. """ import glob import gzip import json import requests from mwmbl.indexer import CRAWL_GLOB API_ENDPOINT = "" def total_num_batches(): return len(glob.glob(CRAWL_GLOB)) def get_batches(): for path in sorted(glob.glob(CRAWL_GLOB)): hashed_batch = json.load(gzip.open(path)) yield hashed_batch def convert_item(item): return { 'url': item['url'], 'status': 200, 'timestamp': item['timestamp'], 'content': { 'title': item['title'], 'extract': item['extract'], 'links': item['links'], } } def run(): total_batches = total_num_batches() batches = get_batches() for i, hashed_batch in enumerate(batches): new_batch = { 'user_id_hash': hashed_batch['user_id_hash'], 'timestamp': hashed_batch['timestamp'], 'items': [convert_item(item) for item in hashed_batch['items']] } response = requests.post(API_ENDPOINT, json=new_batch) print(f"Response {i} of {total_batches}", response) if __name__ == '__main__': run()