Previously, we only printed a warning if a storage driver was deprecated. The intent was to continue supporting these drivers, to allow users to migrate to a different storage driver. This patch changes the behavior; if the user has no storage driver specified in the daemon configuration (so if we try to detect the previous storage driver based on what's present in /var/lib/docker), we now produce an error, informing the user that the storage driver is deprecated (and to be removed), as well as instructing them to change the daemon configuration to explicitly select the storage driver (to allow them to migrate). This should make the deprecation more visible; this will be disruptive, but it's better to have the failure happening *now* (while the drivers are still there), than for users to discover the storage driver is no longer there (which would require them to *downgrade* the daemon in order to migrate to a different driver). With this change, `docker info` includes a link in the warnings that: / # docker info Client: Context: default Debug Mode: false Server: ... Live Restore Enabled: false WARNING: The overlay storage-driver is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. Refer to the documentation for more information: https://docs.docker.com/go/storage-driver/ When starting the daemon without a storage driver configured explicitly, but previous state was using a deprecated driver, the error is both logged and printed: ... ERRO[2022-03-25T14:14:06.032014013Z] [graphdriver] prior storage driver overlay is deprecated and will be removed in a future release; update the the daemon configuration and explicitly choose this storage driver to continue using it; visit https://docs.docker.com/go/storage-driver/ for more information ... failed to start daemon: error initializing graphdriver: prior storage driver overlay is deprecated and will be removed in a future release; update the the daemon configuration and explicitly choose this storage driver to continue using it; visit https://docs.docker.com/go/storage-driver/ for more information When starting the daemon and explicitly configuring it with a deprecated storage driver: WARN[2022-03-25T14:15:59.042335412Z] [graphdriver] WARNING: the overlay storage-driver is deprecated and will be removed in a future release; visit https://docs.docker.com/go/storage-driver/ for more information Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
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package daemon // import "github.com/docker/docker/daemon"
import (
metrics "github.com/docker/go-metrics"
// SystemInfo returns information about the host server the daemon is running on.
func (daemon *Daemon) SystemInfo() *types.Info {
defer metrics.StartTimer(hostInfoFunctions.WithValues("system_info"))()
sysInfo := daemon.RawSysInfo()
v := &types.Info{
ID: daemon.id,
Images: daemon.imageService.CountImages(),
IPv4Forwarding: !sysInfo.IPv4ForwardingDisabled,
BridgeNfIptables: !sysInfo.BridgeNFCallIPTablesDisabled,
BridgeNfIP6tables: !sysInfo.BridgeNFCallIP6TablesDisabled,
Name: hostName(),
SystemTime: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
LoggingDriver: daemon.defaultLogConfig.Type,
KernelVersion: kernelVersion(),
OperatingSystem: operatingSystem(),
OSVersion: osVersion(),
IndexServerAddress: registry.IndexServer,
OSType: platform.OSType,
Architecture: platform.Architecture,
RegistryConfig: daemon.registryService.ServiceConfig(),
NCPU: sysinfo.NumCPU(),
MemTotal: memInfo().MemTotal,
GenericResources: daemon.genericResources,
DockerRootDir: daemon.configStore.Root,
Labels: daemon.configStore.Labels,
ExperimentalBuild: daemon.configStore.Experimental,
ServerVersion: dockerversion.Version,
HTTPProxy: config.MaskCredentials(getConfigOrEnv(daemon.configStore.HTTPProxy, "HTTP_PROXY", "http_proxy")),
HTTPSProxy: config.MaskCredentials(getConfigOrEnv(daemon.configStore.HTTPSProxy, "HTTPS_PROXY", "https_proxy")),
NoProxy: getConfigOrEnv(daemon.configStore.NoProxy, "NO_PROXY", "no_proxy"),
LiveRestoreEnabled: daemon.configStore.LiveRestoreEnabled,
Isolation: daemon.defaultIsolation,
// Retrieve platform specific info
daemon.fillPlatformInfo(v, sysInfo)
daemon.fillSecurityOptions(v, sysInfo)
if v.DefaultRuntime == config.LinuxV1RuntimeName {
v.Warnings = append(v.Warnings, fmt.Sprintf("Configured default runtime %q is deprecated and will be removed in the next release.", config.LinuxV1RuntimeName))
return v
// SystemVersion returns version information about the daemon.
func (daemon *Daemon) SystemVersion() types.Version {
defer metrics.StartTimer(hostInfoFunctions.WithValues("system_version"))()
kernelVersion := kernelVersion()
v := types.Version{
Components: []types.ComponentVersion{
Name: "Engine",
Version: dockerversion.Version,
Details: map[string]string{
"GitCommit": dockerversion.GitCommit,
"ApiVersion": api.DefaultVersion,
"MinAPIVersion": api.MinVersion,
"GoVersion": runtime.Version(),
"Os": runtime.GOOS,
"Arch": runtime.GOARCH,
"BuildTime": dockerversion.BuildTime,
"KernelVersion": kernelVersion,
"Experimental": fmt.Sprintf("%t", daemon.configStore.Experimental),
// Populate deprecated fields for older clients
Version: dockerversion.Version,
GitCommit: dockerversion.GitCommit,
APIVersion: api.DefaultVersion,
MinAPIVersion: api.MinVersion,
GoVersion: runtime.Version(),
Os: runtime.GOOS,
Arch: runtime.GOARCH,
BuildTime: dockerversion.BuildTime,
KernelVersion: kernelVersion,
Experimental: daemon.configStore.Experimental,
v.Platform.Name = dockerversion.PlatformName
return v
func (daemon *Daemon) fillDriverInfo(v *types.Info) {
const warnMsg = `
WARNING: The %s storage-driver is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
Refer to the documentation for more information: https://docs.docker.com/go/storage-driver/`
switch daemon.graphDriver {
case "aufs", "devicemapper", "overlay":
v.Warnings = append(v.Warnings, fmt.Sprintf(warnMsg, daemon.graphDriver))
v.Driver = daemon.graphDriver
v.DriverStatus = daemon.imageService.LayerStoreStatus()
func (daemon *Daemon) fillPluginsInfo(v *types.Info) {
v.Plugins = types.PluginsInfo{
Volume: daemon.volumes.GetDriverList(),
Network: daemon.GetNetworkDriverList(),
// The authorization plugins are returned in the order they are
// used as they constitute a request/response modification chain.
Authorization: daemon.configStore.AuthorizationPlugins,
Log: logger.ListDrivers(),
func (daemon *Daemon) fillSecurityOptions(v *types.Info, sysInfo *sysinfo.SysInfo) {
var securityOptions []string
if sysInfo.AppArmor {
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=apparmor")
if sysInfo.Seccomp && supportsSeccomp {
if daemon.seccompProfilePath != config.SeccompProfileDefault {
v.Warnings = append(v.Warnings, "WARNING: daemon is not using the default seccomp profile")
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=seccomp,profile="+daemon.seccompProfilePath)
if selinux.GetEnabled() {
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=selinux")
if rootIDs := daemon.idMapping.RootPair(); rootIDs.UID != 0 || rootIDs.GID != 0 {
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=userns")
if daemon.Rootless() {
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=rootless")
if daemon.cgroupNamespacesEnabled(sysInfo) {
securityOptions = append(securityOptions, "name=cgroupns")
v.SecurityOptions = securityOptions
func (daemon *Daemon) fillContainerStates(v *types.Info) {
cRunning, cPaused, cStopped := stateCtr.get()
v.Containers = cRunning + cPaused + cStopped
v.ContainersPaused = cPaused
v.ContainersRunning = cRunning
v.ContainersStopped = cStopped
// fillDebugInfo sets the current debugging state of the daemon, and additional
// debugging information, such as the number of Go-routines, and file descriptors.
// Note that this currently always collects the information, but the CLI only
// prints it if the daemon has debug enabled. We should consider to either make
// this information optional (cli to request "with debugging information"), or
// only collect it if the daemon has debug enabled. For the CLI code, see
// https://github.com/docker/cli/blob/v20.10.12/cli/command/system/info.go#L239-L244
func (daemon *Daemon) fillDebugInfo(v *types.Info) {
v.Debug = debug.IsEnabled()
v.NFd = fileutils.GetTotalUsedFds()
v.NGoroutines = runtime.NumGoroutine()
v.NEventsListener = daemon.EventsService.SubscribersCount()
func (daemon *Daemon) fillAPIInfo(v *types.Info) {
const warn string = `
Access to the remote API is equivalent to root access on the host. Refer
to the 'Docker daemon attack surface' section in the documentation for
more information: https://docs.docker.com/go/attack-surface/`
cfg := daemon.configStore
for _, host := range cfg.Hosts {
// cnf.Hosts is normalized during startup, so should always have a scheme/proto
h := strings.SplitN(host, "://", 2)
proto := h[0]
addr := h[1]
if proto != "tcp" {
if cfg.TLS == nil || !*cfg.TLS {
v.Warnings = append(v.Warnings, fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: API is accessible on http://%s without encryption.%s", addr, warn))
if cfg.TLSVerify == nil || !*cfg.TLSVerify {
v.Warnings = append(v.Warnings, fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: API is accessible on https://%s without TLS client verification.%s", addr, warn))
func (daemon *Daemon) fillDefaultAddressPools(v *types.Info) {
for _, pool := range daemon.configStore.DefaultAddressPools.Value() {
v.DefaultAddressPools = append(v.DefaultAddressPools, types.NetworkAddressPool{
Base: pool.Base,
Size: pool.Size,
func hostName() string {
hostname := ""
if hn, err := os.Hostname(); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Could not get hostname: %v", err)
} else {
hostname = hn
return hostname
func kernelVersion() string {
var kernelVersion string
if kv, err := kernel.GetKernelVersion(); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Could not get kernel version: %v", err)
} else {
kernelVersion = kv.String()
return kernelVersion
func memInfo() *system.MemInfo {
memInfo, err := system.ReadMemInfo()
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Could not read system memory info: %v", err)
memInfo = &system.MemInfo{}
return memInfo
func operatingSystem() (operatingSystem string) {
defer metrics.StartTimer(hostInfoFunctions.WithValues("operating_system"))()
if s, err := operatingsystem.GetOperatingSystem(); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Could not get operating system name: %v", err)
} else {
operatingSystem = s
if inContainer, err := operatingsystem.IsContainerized(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Could not determine if daemon is containerized: %v", err)
operatingSystem += " (error determining if containerized)"
} else if inContainer {
operatingSystem += " (containerized)"
return operatingSystem
func osVersion() (version string) {
defer metrics.StartTimer(hostInfoFunctions.WithValues("os_version"))()
version, err := operatingsystem.GetOperatingSystemVersion()
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Could not get operating system version: %v", err)
return version
func getEnvAny(names ...string) string {
for _, n := range names {
if val := os.Getenv(n); val != "" {
return val
return ""
func getConfigOrEnv(config string, env ...string) string {
if config != "" {
return config
return getEnvAny(env...)