Integration tests will now configure clients to propagate traces as well as create spans for all tests. Some extra changes were needed (or desired for trace propagation) in the test helpers to pass through tracing spans via context. Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <cpuguy83@gmail.com>
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package config // import "github.com/docker/docker/integration/config"
import (
swarmtypes "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm"
is "gotest.tools/v3/assert/cmp"
func TestConfigInspect(t *testing.T) {
skip.If(t, testEnv.DaemonInfo.OSType == "windows")
ctx := setupTest(t)
d := swarm.NewSwarm(ctx, t, testEnv)
defer d.Stop(t)
c := d.NewClientT(t)
defer c.Close()
testName := t.Name()
configID := createConfig(ctx, t, c, testName, []byte("TESTINGDATA"), nil)
insp, body, err := c.ConfigInspectWithRaw(ctx, configID)
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(insp.Spec.Name, testName))
var config swarmtypes.Config
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &config)
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, is.DeepEqual(config, insp))
func TestConfigList(t *testing.T) {
skip.If(t, testEnv.DaemonInfo.OSType == "windows")
ctx := setupTest(t)
d := swarm.NewSwarm(ctx, t, testEnv)
defer d.Stop(t)
c := d.NewClientT(t)
defer c.Close()
// This test case is ported from the original TestConfigsEmptyList
configs, err := c.ConfigList(ctx, types.ConfigListOptions{})
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(len(configs), 0))
testName0 := "test0-" + t.Name()
testName1 := "test1-" + t.Name()
testNames := []string{testName0, testName1}
// create config test0
createConfig(ctx, t, c, testName0, []byte("TESTINGDATA0"), map[string]string{"type": "test"})
config1ID := createConfig(ctx, t, c, testName1, []byte("TESTINGDATA1"), map[string]string{"type": "production"})
// test by `config ls`
entries, err := c.ConfigList(ctx, types.ConfigListOptions{})
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, is.DeepEqual(configNamesFromList(entries), testNames))
testCases := []struct {
desc string
filters filters.Args
expected []string
desc: "test filter by name",
filters: filters.NewArgs(filters.Arg("name", testName0)),
expected: []string{testName0},
desc: "test filter by id",
filters: filters.NewArgs(filters.Arg("id", config1ID)),
expected: []string{testName1},
desc: "test filter by label key only",
filters: filters.NewArgs(filters.Arg("label", "type")),
expected: testNames,
desc: "test filter by label key=value " + testName0,
filters: filters.NewArgs(filters.Arg("label", "type=test")),
expected: []string{testName0},
desc: "test filter by label key=value " + testName1,
filters: filters.NewArgs(filters.Arg("label", "type=production")),
expected: []string{testName1},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := testutil.StartSpan(ctx, t)
entries, err = c.ConfigList(ctx, types.ConfigListOptions{
Filters: tc.filters,
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, is.DeepEqual(configNamesFromList(entries), tc.expected))
func createConfig(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, client client.APIClient, name string, data []byte, labels map[string]string) string {
config, err := client.ConfigCreate(ctx, swarmtypes.ConfigSpec{
Annotations: swarmtypes.Annotations{
Name: name,
Labels: labels,
Data: data,
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, config.ID != "")
return config.ID
func TestConfigsCreateAndDelete(t *testing.T) {
skip.If(t, testEnv.DaemonInfo.OSType == "windows")
ctx := setupTest(t)
d := swarm.NewSwarm(ctx, t, testEnv)
defer d.Stop(t)
c := d.NewClientT(t)
defer c.Close()
testName := "test_config-" + t.Name()
configID := createConfig(ctx, t, c, testName, []byte("TESTINGDATA"), nil)
err := c.ConfigRemove(ctx, configID)
assert.NilError(t, err)
_, _, err = c.ConfigInspectWithRaw(ctx, configID)
assert.Check(t, errdefs.IsNotFound(err))
assert.Check(t, is.ErrorContains(err, configID))
err = c.ConfigRemove(ctx, "non-existing")
assert.Check(t, errdefs.IsNotFound(err))
assert.Check(t, is.ErrorContains(err, "non-existing"))
testName = "test_secret_with_labels_" + t.Name()
configID = createConfig(ctx, t, c, testName, []byte("TESTINGDATA"), map[string]string{
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
insp, _, err := c.ConfigInspectWithRaw(ctx, configID)
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(insp.Spec.Name, testName))
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(len(insp.Spec.Labels), 2))
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(insp.Spec.Labels["key1"], "value1"))
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(insp.Spec.Labels["key2"], "value2"))
func TestConfigsUpdate(t *testing.T) {
skip.If(t, testEnv.DaemonInfo.OSType == "windows")
ctx := setupTest(t)
d := swarm.NewSwarm(ctx, t, testEnv)
defer d.Stop(t)
c := d.NewClientT(t)
defer c.Close()
testName := "test_config-" + t.Name()
configID := createConfig(ctx, t, c, testName, []byte("TESTINGDATA"), nil)
insp, _, err := c.ConfigInspectWithRaw(ctx, configID)
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(insp.ID, configID))
// test UpdateConfig with full ID
insp.Spec.Labels = map[string]string{"test": "test1"}
err = c.ConfigUpdate(ctx, configID, insp.Version, insp.Spec)
assert.NilError(t, err)
insp, _, err = c.ConfigInspectWithRaw(ctx, configID)
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(insp.Spec.Labels["test"], "test1"))
// test UpdateConfig with full name
insp.Spec.Labels = map[string]string{"test": "test2"}
err = c.ConfigUpdate(ctx, testName, insp.Version, insp.Spec)
assert.NilError(t, err)
insp, _, err = c.ConfigInspectWithRaw(ctx, configID)
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(insp.Spec.Labels["test"], "test2"))
// test UpdateConfig with prefix ID
insp.Spec.Labels = map[string]string{"test": "test3"}
err = c.ConfigUpdate(ctx, configID[:1], insp.Version, insp.Spec)
assert.NilError(t, err)
insp, _, err = c.ConfigInspectWithRaw(ctx, configID)
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(insp.Spec.Labels["test"], "test3"))
// test UpdateConfig in updating Data which is not supported in daemon
// this test will produce an error in func UpdateConfig
insp.Spec.Data = []byte("TESTINGDATA2")
err = c.ConfigUpdate(ctx, configID, insp.Version, insp.Spec)
assert.Check(t, errdefs.IsInvalidParameter(err))
assert.Check(t, is.ErrorContains(err, "only updates to Labels are allowed"))
func TestTemplatedConfig(t *testing.T) {
skip.If(t, testEnv.DaemonInfo.OSType == "windows")
ctx := testutil.StartSpan(baseContext, t)
d := swarm.NewSwarm(ctx, t, testEnv)
defer d.Stop(t)
c := d.NewClientT(t)
defer c.Close()
referencedSecretName := "referencedsecret-" + t.Name()
referencedSecretSpec := swarmtypes.SecretSpec{
Annotations: swarmtypes.Annotations{
Name: referencedSecretName,
Data: []byte("this is a secret"),
referencedSecret, err := c.SecretCreate(ctx, referencedSecretSpec)
assert.Check(t, err)
referencedConfigName := "referencedconfig-" + t.Name()
referencedConfigSpec := swarmtypes.ConfigSpec{
Annotations: swarmtypes.Annotations{
Name: referencedConfigName,
Data: []byte("this is a config"),
referencedConfig, err := c.ConfigCreate(ctx, referencedConfigSpec)
assert.Check(t, err)
templatedConfigName := "templated_config-" + t.Name()
configSpec := swarmtypes.ConfigSpec{
Annotations: swarmtypes.Annotations{
Name: templatedConfigName,
Templating: &swarmtypes.Driver{
Name: "golang",
Data: []byte(`SERVICE_NAME={{.Service.Name}}
{{secret "referencedsecrettarget"}}
{{config "referencedconfigtarget"}}
templatedConfig, err := c.ConfigCreate(ctx, configSpec)
assert.Check(t, err)
serviceName := "svc_" + t.Name()
serviceID := swarm.CreateService(ctx, t, d,
File: &swarmtypes.ConfigReferenceFileTarget{
Name: "templated_config",
UID: "0",
GID: "0",
Mode: 0o600,
ConfigID: templatedConfig.ID,
ConfigName: templatedConfigName,
File: &swarmtypes.ConfigReferenceFileTarget{
Name: "referencedconfigtarget",
UID: "0",
GID: "0",
Mode: 0o600,
ConfigID: referencedConfig.ID,
ConfigName: referencedConfigName,
File: &swarmtypes.SecretReferenceFileTarget{
Name: "referencedsecrettarget",
UID: "0",
GID: "0",
Mode: 0o600,
SecretID: referencedSecret.ID,
SecretName: referencedSecretName,
poll.WaitOn(t, swarm.RunningTasksCount(ctx, c, serviceID, 1), swarm.ServicePoll, poll.WithTimeout(1*time.Minute))
tasks := swarm.GetRunningTasks(ctx, t, c, serviceID)
assert.Assert(t, len(tasks) > 0, "no running tasks found for service %s", serviceID)
attach := swarm.ExecTask(ctx, t, d, tasks[0], types.ExecConfig{
Cmd: []string{"/bin/cat", "/templated_config"},
AttachStdout: true,
AttachStderr: true,
expect := "SERVICE_NAME=" + serviceName + "\n" +
"this is a secret\n" +
"this is a config\n"
assertAttachedStream(t, attach, expect)
attach = swarm.ExecTask(ctx, t, d, tasks[0], types.ExecConfig{
Cmd: []string{"mount"},
AttachStdout: true,
AttachStderr: true,
assertAttachedStream(t, attach, "tmpfs on /templated_config type tmpfs")
// Test case for 28884
func TestConfigCreateResolve(t *testing.T) {
skip.If(t, testEnv.DaemonInfo.OSType != "linux")
ctx := setupTest(t)
d := swarm.NewSwarm(ctx, t, testEnv)
defer d.Stop(t)
c := d.NewClientT(t)
defer c.Close()
configName := "test_config_" + t.Name()
configID := createConfig(ctx, t, c, configName, []byte("foo"), nil)
fakeName := configID
fakeID := createConfig(ctx, t, c, fakeName, []byte("fake foo"), nil)
entries, err := c.ConfigList(ctx, types.ConfigListOptions{})
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Assert(t, is.Contains(configNamesFromList(entries), configName))
assert.Assert(t, is.Contains(configNamesFromList(entries), fakeName))
err = c.ConfigRemove(ctx, configID)
assert.NilError(t, err)
// Fake one will remain
entries, err = c.ConfigList(ctx, types.ConfigListOptions{})
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Assert(t, is.DeepEqual(configNamesFromList(entries), []string{fakeName}))
// Remove based on name prefix of the fake one
// (which is the same as the ID of foo one) should not work
// as search is only done based on:
// - Full ID
// - Full Name
// - Partial ID (prefix)
err = c.ConfigRemove(ctx, configID[:5])
assert.Assert(t, nil != err)
entries, err = c.ConfigList(ctx, types.ConfigListOptions{})
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Assert(t, is.DeepEqual(configNamesFromList(entries), []string{fakeName}))
// Remove based on ID prefix of the fake one should succeed
err = c.ConfigRemove(ctx, fakeID[:5])
assert.NilError(t, err)
entries, err = c.ConfigList(ctx, types.ConfigListOptions{})
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Assert(t, is.Equal(0, len(entries)))
func assertAttachedStream(t *testing.T, attach types.HijackedResponse, expect string) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
_, err := stdcopy.StdCopy(buf, buf, attach.Reader)
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, is.Contains(buf.String(), expect))
func configNamesFromList(entries []swarmtypes.Config) []string {
var values []string
for _, entry := range entries {
values = append(values, entry.Spec.Name)
return values