Brian Goff e8dc902781 Wire up tests to support otel tracing
Integration tests will now configure clients to propagate traces as well
as create spans for all tests.

Some extra changes were needed (or desired for trace propagation) in the
test helpers to pass through tracing spans via context.

Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <>
2023-09-07 18:38:22 +00:00

402 lines
12 KiB

package main
import (
testdaemon ""
type DockerCLILogsSuite struct {
ds *DockerSuite
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TearDownTest(ctx context.Context, c *testing.T) {
s.ds.TearDownTest(ctx, c)
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) OnTimeout(c *testing.T) {
// This used to work, it test a log of PageSize-1 (gh#4851)
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsContainerSmallerThanPage(c *testing.T) {
testLogsContainerPagination(c, 32767)
// Regression test: When going over the PageSize, it used to panic (gh#4851)
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsContainerBiggerThanPage(c *testing.T) {
testLogsContainerPagination(c, 32768)
// Regression test: When going much over the PageSize, it used to block (gh#4851)
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsContainerMuchBiggerThanPage(c *testing.T) {
testLogsContainerPagination(c, 33000)
func testLogsContainerPagination(c *testing.T, testLen int) {
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", "busybox", "sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("for i in $(seq 1 %d); do echo -n = >> a.a; done; echo >> a.a; cat a.a", testLen))
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
dockerCmd(c, "wait", id)
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "logs", id)
assert.Equal(c, len(out), testLen+1)
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsTimestamps(c *testing.T) {
testLen := 100
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", "busybox", "sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("for i in $(seq 1 %d); do echo = >> a.a; done; cat a.a", testLen))
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
dockerCmd(c, "wait", id)
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "logs", "-t", id)
lines := strings.Split(out, "\n")
assert.Equal(c, len(lines), testLen+1)
ts := regexp.MustCompile(`^.* `)
for _, l := range lines {
if l != "" {
_, err := time.Parse(log.RFC3339NanoFixed+" ", ts.FindString(l))
assert.NilError(c, err, "Failed to parse timestamp from %v", l)
// ensure we have padded 0's
assert.Equal(c, l[29], uint8('Z'))
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsSeparateStderr(c *testing.T) {
msg := "stderr_log"
out := cli.DockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", "busybox", "sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("echo %s 1>&2", msg)).Combined()
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
cli.DockerCmd(c, "wait", id)
cli.DockerCmd(c, "logs", id).Assert(c, icmd.Expected{
Out: "",
Err: msg,
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsStderrInStdout(c *testing.T) {
// TODO Windows: Needs investigation why this fails. Obtained string includes
// a bunch of ANSI escape sequences before the "stderr_log" message.
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
msg := "stderr_log"
out := cli.DockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", "-t", "busybox", "sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("echo %s 1>&2", msg)).Combined()
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
cli.DockerCmd(c, "wait", id)
cli.DockerCmd(c, "logs", id).Assert(c, icmd.Expected{
Out: msg,
Err: "",
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsTail(c *testing.T) {
testLen := 100
out := cli.DockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", "busybox", "sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("for i in $(seq 1 %d); do echo =; done;", testLen)).Combined()
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
cli.DockerCmd(c, "wait", id)
out = cli.DockerCmd(c, "logs", "--tail", "0", id).Combined()
lines := strings.Split(out, "\n")
assert.Equal(c, len(lines), 1)
out = cli.DockerCmd(c, "logs", "--tail", "5", id).Combined()
lines = strings.Split(out, "\n")
assert.Equal(c, len(lines), 6)
out = cli.DockerCmd(c, "logs", "--tail", "99", id).Combined()
lines = strings.Split(out, "\n")
assert.Equal(c, len(lines), 100)
out = cli.DockerCmd(c, "logs", "--tail", "all", id).Combined()
lines = strings.Split(out, "\n")
assert.Equal(c, len(lines), testLen+1)
out = cli.DockerCmd(c, "logs", "--tail", "-1", id).Combined()
lines = strings.Split(out, "\n")
assert.Equal(c, len(lines), testLen+1)
out = cli.DockerCmd(c, "logs", "--tail", "random", id).Combined()
lines = strings.Split(out, "\n")
assert.Equal(c, len(lines), testLen+1)
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsFollowStopped(c *testing.T) {
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name=test", "busybox", "echo", "hello")
id := getIDByName(c, "test")
logsCmd := exec.Command(dockerBinary, "logs", "-f", id)
assert.NilError(c, logsCmd.Start())
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
errChan <- logsCmd.Wait()
select {
case err := <-errChan:
assert.NilError(c, err)
case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
c.Fatal("Following logs is hanged")
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsSince(c *testing.T) {
name := "testlogssince"
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name="+name, "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "for i in $(seq 1 3); do sleep 2; echo log$i; done")
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "logs", "-t", name)
log2Line := strings.Split(strings.Split(out, "\n")[1], " ")
t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, log2Line[0]) // the timestamp log2 is written
assert.NilError(c, err)
since := t.Unix() + 1 // add 1s so log1 & log2 doesn't show up
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "logs", "-t", fmt.Sprintf("--since=%v", since), name)
// Skip 2 seconds
unexpected := []string{"log1", "log2"}
for _, v := range unexpected {
assert.Check(c, !strings.Contains(out, v), "unexpected log message returned, since=%v", since)
// Test to make sure a bad since format is caught by the client
out, _, _ = dockerCmdWithError("logs", "-t", "--since=2006-01-02T15:04:0Z", name)
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, `cannot parse "0Z" as "05"`), "bad since format passed to server")
// Test with default value specified and parameter omitted
expected := []string{"log1", "log2", "log3"}
for _, cmd := range [][]string{
{"logs", "-t", name},
{"logs", "-t", "--since=0", name},
} {
result := icmd.RunCommand(dockerBinary, cmd...)
result.Assert(c, icmd.Success)
for _, v := range expected {
assert.Check(c, strings.Contains(result.Combined(), v))
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsSinceFutureFollow(c *testing.T) {
// TODO Windows TP5 - Figure out why this test is so flakey. Disabled for now.
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
name := "testlogssincefuturefollow"
dockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", "--name", name, "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", `for i in $(seq 1 5); do echo log$i; sleep 1; done`)
// Extract one timestamp from the log file to give us a starting point for
// our `--since` argument. Because the log producer runs in the background,
// we need to check repeatedly for some output to be produced.
var timestamp string
for i := 0; i != 100 && timestamp == ""; i++ {
if out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "logs", "-t", name); out == "" {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100) // Retry
} else {
timestamp = strings.Split(strings.Split(out, "\n")[0], " ")[0]
assert.Assert(c, timestamp != "")
t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, timestamp)
assert.NilError(c, err)
since := t.Unix() + 2
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "logs", "-t", "-f", fmt.Sprintf("--since=%v", since), name)
assert.Assert(c, len(out) != 0, "cannot read from empty log")
lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
for _, v := range lines {
ts, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, strings.Split(v, " ")[0])
assert.NilError(c, err, "cannot parse timestamp output from log: '%v'", v)
assert.Assert(c, ts.Unix() >= since, "earlier log found. since=%v logdate=%v", since, ts)
// Regression test for #8832
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsFollowSlowStdoutConsumer(c *testing.T) {
// TODO Windows: Fix this test for TP5.
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
expected := 150000
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("usleep 600000; yes X | head -c %d", expected))
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
stopSlowRead := make(chan bool)
go func() {
dockerCmd(c, "wait", id)
stopSlowRead <- true
logCmd := exec.Command(dockerBinary, "logs", "-f", id)
stdout, err := logCmd.StdoutPipe()
assert.NilError(c, err)
assert.NilError(c, logCmd.Start())
defer func() { go logCmd.Wait() }()
// First read slowly
bytes1, err := ConsumeWithSpeed(stdout, 10, 50*time.Millisecond, stopSlowRead)
assert.NilError(c, err)
// After the container has finished we can continue reading fast
bytes2, err := ConsumeWithSpeed(stdout, 32*1024, 0, nil)
assert.NilError(c, err)
assert.NilError(c, logCmd.Wait())
actual := bytes1 + bytes2
assert.Equal(c, actual, expected)
// ConsumeWithSpeed reads chunkSize bytes from reader before sleeping
// for interval duration. Returns total read bytes. Send true to the
// stop channel to return before reading to EOF on the reader.
func ConsumeWithSpeed(reader io.Reader, chunkSize int, interval time.Duration, stop chan bool) (n int, err error) {
buffer := make([]byte, chunkSize)
for {
var readBytes int
readBytes, err = reader.Read(buffer)
n += readBytes
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
select {
case <-stop:
case <-time.After(interval):
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsFollowGoroutinesWithStdout(c *testing.T) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux, testEnv.IsLocalDaemon)
ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
d := daemon.New(c, dockerBinary, dockerdBinary, testdaemon.WithEnvVars("OTEL_SDK_DISABLED=1"))
defer func() {
d.StartWithBusybox(ctx, c, "--iptables=false")
out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "while true; do echo hello; sleep 2; done")
assert.NilError(c, err)
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
assert.NilError(c, d.WaitRun(id))
client := d.NewClientT(c)
nroutines := waitForStableGourtineCount(ctx, c, client)
cmd := d.Command("logs", "-f", id)
r, w := io.Pipe()
defer r.Close()
defer w.Close()
cmd.Stdout = w
res := icmd.StartCmd(cmd)
assert.NilError(c, res.Error)
defer res.Cmd.Process.Kill()
finished := make(chan error)
go func() {
finished <- res.Cmd.Wait()
// Make sure pipe is written to
chErr := make(chan error)
go func() {
b := make([]byte, 1)
_, err := r.Read(b)
chErr <- err
// Check read from pipe succeeded
assert.NilError(c, <-chErr)
assert.NilError(c, res.Cmd.Process.Kill())
// NGoroutines is not updated right away, so we need to wait before failing
waitForGoroutines(ctx, c, client, nroutines)
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsFollowGoroutinesNoOutput(c *testing.T) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux, testEnv.IsLocalDaemon)
d := daemon.New(c, dockerBinary, dockerdBinary, testdaemon.WithEnvVars("OTEL_SDK_DISABLED=1"))
defer func() {
ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
d.StartWithBusybox(ctx, c, "--iptables=false")
out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "while true; do sleep 2; done")
assert.NilError(c, err)
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
assert.NilError(c, d.WaitRun(id))
client := d.NewClientT(c)
nroutines := waitForStableGourtineCount(ctx, c, client)
assert.NilError(c, err)
cmd := d.Command("logs", "-f", id)
res := icmd.StartCmd(cmd)
assert.NilError(c, res.Error)
finished := make(chan error)
go func() {
finished <- res.Cmd.Wait()
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
assert.NilError(c, res.Cmd.Process.Kill())
// NGoroutines is not updated right away, so we need to wait before failing
waitForGoroutines(ctx, c, client, nroutines)
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsCLIContainerNotFound(c *testing.T) {
name := "testlogsnocontainer"
out, _, _ := dockerCmdWithError("logs", name)
message := fmt.Sprintf("No such container: %s\n", name)
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, message))
func (s *DockerCLILogsSuite) TestLogsWithDetails(c *testing.T) {
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name=test", "--label", "foo=bar", "-e", "baz=qux", "--log-opt", "labels=foo", "--log-opt", "env=baz", "busybox", "echo", "hello")
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "logs", "--details", "--timestamps", "test")
logFields := strings.Fields(strings.TrimSpace(out))
assert.Equal(c, len(logFields), 3, out)
details := strings.Split(logFields[1], ",")
assert.Equal(c, len(details), 2)
assert.Equal(c, details[0], "baz=qux")
assert.Equal(c, details[1], "foo=bar")