With containerd image store the images don't depend on each other even if they share the same content and it's totally fine to delete the "parent" image. The skip is necessary because deleting the "parent" image does not produce an error with the c8d image store and deleting the `busybox` image breaks other tests. Signed-off-by: Paweł Gronowski <pawel.gronowski@docker.com>
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package main
import (
type DockerCLIRmiSuite struct {
ds *DockerSuite
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TearDownTest(ctx context.Context, c *testing.T) {
s.ds.TearDownTest(ctx, c)
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) OnTimeout(c *testing.T) {
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiWithContainerFails(c *testing.T) {
errSubstr := "is using it"
// create a container
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", "busybox", "true")
cleanedContainerID := strings.TrimSpace(out)
// try to delete the image
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("rmi", "busybox")
// Container is using image, should not be able to rmi
assert.ErrorContains(c, err, "")
// Container is using image, error message should contain errSubstr
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, errSubstr), "Container: %q", cleanedContainerID)
// make sure it didn't delete the busybox name
images, _ := dockerCmd(c, "images")
// The name 'busybox' should not have been removed from images
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(images, "busybox"))
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiTag(c *testing.T) {
imagesBefore, _ := dockerCmd(c, "images", "-a")
dockerCmd(c, "tag", "busybox", "utest:tag1")
dockerCmd(c, "tag", "busybox", "utest/docker:tag2")
dockerCmd(c, "tag", "busybox", "utest:5000/docker:tag3")
imagesAfter, _ := dockerCmd(c, "images", "-a")
assert.Equal(c, strings.Count(imagesAfter, "\n"), strings.Count(imagesBefore, "\n")+3, fmt.Sprintf("before: %q\n\nafter: %q\n", imagesBefore, imagesAfter))
dockerCmd(c, "rmi", "utest/docker:tag2")
imagesAfter, _ := dockerCmd(c, "images", "-a")
assert.Equal(c, strings.Count(imagesAfter, "\n"), strings.Count(imagesBefore, "\n")+2, fmt.Sprintf("before: %q\n\nafter: %q\n", imagesBefore, imagesAfter))
dockerCmd(c, "rmi", "utest:5000/docker:tag3")
imagesAfter, _ := dockerCmd(c, "images", "-a")
assert.Equal(c, strings.Count(imagesAfter, "\n"), strings.Count(imagesBefore, "\n")+1, fmt.Sprintf("before: %q\n\nafter: %q\n", imagesBefore, imagesAfter))
dockerCmd(c, "rmi", "utest:tag1")
imagesAfter, _ := dockerCmd(c, "images", "-a")
assert.Equal(c, strings.Count(imagesAfter, "\n"), strings.Count(imagesBefore, "\n"), fmt.Sprintf("before: %q\n\nafter: %q\n", imagesBefore, imagesAfter))
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiImgIDMultipleTag(c *testing.T) {
out := cli.DockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "mkdir '/busybox-one'").Combined()
containerID := strings.TrimSpace(out)
// Wait for it to exit as cannot commit a running container on Windows, and
// it will take a few seconds to exit
if testEnv.DaemonInfo.OSType == "windows" {
cli.WaitExited(c, containerID, 60*time.Second)
cli.DockerCmd(c, "commit", containerID, "busybox-one")
imagesBefore := cli.DockerCmd(c, "images", "-a").Combined()
cli.DockerCmd(c, "tag", "busybox-one", "busybox-one:tag1")
cli.DockerCmd(c, "tag", "busybox-one", "busybox-one:tag2")
imagesAfter := cli.DockerCmd(c, "images", "-a").Combined()
// tag busybox to create 2 more images with same imageID
assert.Equal(c, strings.Count(imagesAfter, "\n"), strings.Count(imagesBefore, "\n")+2, fmt.Sprintf("docker images shows: %q\n", imagesAfter))
imgID := inspectField(c, "busybox-one:tag1", "Id")
// run a container with the image
out = runSleepingContainerInImage(c, "busybox-one")
containerID = strings.TrimSpace(out)
// first checkout without force it fails
// rmi tagged in multiple repos should have failed without force
cli.Docker(cli.Args("rmi", imgID)).Assert(c, icmd.Expected{
ExitCode: 1,
Err: fmt.Sprintf("conflict: unable to delete %s (cannot be forced) - image is being used by running container %s", stringid.TruncateID(imgID), stringid.TruncateID(containerID)),
cli.DockerCmd(c, "stop", containerID)
cli.DockerCmd(c, "rmi", "-f", imgID)
imagesAfter = cli.DockerCmd(c, "images", "-a").Combined()
// rmi -f failed, image still exists
assert.Assert(c, !strings.Contains(imagesAfter, imgID[:12]), "ImageID:%q; ImagesAfter: %q", imgID, imagesAfter)
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiImgIDForce(c *testing.T) {
out := cli.DockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "mkdir '/busybox-test'").Combined()
containerID := strings.TrimSpace(out)
// Wait for it to exit as cannot commit a running container on Windows, and
// it will take a few seconds to exit
if testEnv.DaemonInfo.OSType == "windows" {
cli.WaitExited(c, containerID, 60*time.Second)
cli.DockerCmd(c, "commit", containerID, "busybox-test")
imagesBefore := cli.DockerCmd(c, "images", "-a").Combined()
cli.DockerCmd(c, "tag", "busybox-test", "utest:tag1")
cli.DockerCmd(c, "tag", "busybox-test", "utest:tag2")
cli.DockerCmd(c, "tag", "busybox-test", "utest/docker:tag3")
cli.DockerCmd(c, "tag", "busybox-test", "utest:5000/docker:tag4")
imagesAfter := cli.DockerCmd(c, "images", "-a").Combined()
assert.Equal(c, strings.Count(imagesAfter, "\n"), strings.Count(imagesBefore, "\n")+4, fmt.Sprintf("before: %q\n\nafter: %q\n", imagesBefore, imagesAfter))
imgID := inspectField(c, "busybox-test", "Id")
// first checkout without force it fails
cli.Docker(cli.Args("rmi", imgID)).Assert(c, icmd.Expected{
ExitCode: 1,
Err: "(must be forced) - image is referenced in multiple repositories",
cli.DockerCmd(c, "rmi", "-f", imgID)
imagesAfter := cli.DockerCmd(c, "images", "-a").Combined()
// rmi failed, image still exists
assert.Assert(c, !strings.Contains(imagesAfter, imgID[:12]))
// See https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/14116
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiImageIDForceWithRunningContainersAndMultipleTags(c *testing.T) {
dockerfile := "FROM busybox\nRUN echo test 14116\n"
buildImageSuccessfully(c, "test-14116", build.WithDockerfile(dockerfile))
imgID := getIDByName(c, "test-14116")
newTag := "newtag"
dockerCmd(c, "tag", imgID, newTag)
runSleepingContainerInImage(c, imgID)
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("rmi", "-f", imgID)
// rmi -f should not delete image with running containers
assert.ErrorContains(c, err, "")
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, "(cannot be forced) - image is being used by running container"))
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiTagWithExistingContainers(c *testing.T) {
container := "test-delete-tag"
newtag := "busybox:newtag"
bb := "busybox:latest"
dockerCmd(c, "tag", bb, newtag)
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name", container, bb, "/bin/true")
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "rmi", newtag)
assert.Equal(c, strings.Count(out, "Untagged: "), 1)
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiForceWithExistingContainers(c *testing.T) {
image := "busybox-clone"
Command: []string{dockerBinary, "build", "--no-cache", "-t", image, "-"},
Stdin: strings.NewReader(`FROM busybox
}).Assert(c, icmd.Success)
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name", "test-force-rmi", image, "/bin/true")
dockerCmd(c, "rmi", "-f", image)
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiWithMultipleRepositories(c *testing.T) {
newRepo := ""
oldRepo := "busybox"
newTag := "busybox:test"
dockerCmd(c, "tag", oldRepo, newRepo)
dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name", "test", oldRepo, "touch", "/abcd")
dockerCmd(c, "commit", "test", newTag)
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "rmi", newTag)
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, "Untagged: "+newTag))
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiForceWithMultipleRepositories(c *testing.T) {
imageName := "rmiimage"
tag1 := imageName + ":tag1"
tag2 := imageName + ":tag2"
buildImageSuccessfully(c, tag1, build.WithDockerfile(`FROM busybox
MAINTAINER "docker"`))
dockerCmd(c, "tag", tag1, tag2)
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "rmi", "-f", tag2)
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, "Untagged: "+tag2))
assert.Assert(c, !strings.Contains(out, "Untagged: "+tag1))
// Check built image still exists
images, _ := dockerCmd(c, "images", "-a")
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(images, imageName), "Built image missing %q; Images: %q", imageName, images)
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiBlank(c *testing.T) {
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("rmi", " ")
// Should have failed to delete ' ' image
assert.ErrorContains(c, err, "")
// Wrong error message generated
assert.Assert(c, !strings.Contains(out, "no such id"), "out: %s", out)
// Expected error message not generated
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, "image name cannot be blank"), "out: %s", out)
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiContainerImageNotFound(c *testing.T) {
// Build 2 images for testing.
imageNames := []string{"test1", "test2"}
imageIds := make([]string, 2)
for i, name := range imageNames {
dockerfile := fmt.Sprintf("FROM busybox\nMAINTAINER %s\nRUN echo %s\n", name, name)
buildImageSuccessfully(c, name, build.WithoutCache, build.WithDockerfile(dockerfile))
id := getIDByName(c, name)
imageIds[i] = id
// Create a long-running container.
runSleepingContainerInImage(c, imageNames[0])
// Create a stopped container, and then force remove its image.
dockerCmd(c, "run", imageNames[1], "true")
dockerCmd(c, "rmi", "-f", imageIds[1])
// Try to remove the image of the running container and see if it fails as expected.
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("rmi", "-f", imageIds[0])
// The image of the running container should not be removed.
assert.ErrorContains(c, err, "")
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, "image is being used by running container"), "out: %s", out)
// #13422
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiUntagHistoryLayer(c *testing.T) {
image := "tmp1"
// Build an image for testing.
dockerfile := `FROM busybox
RUN echo 0 #layer0
RUN echo 1 #layer1
RUN echo 2 #layer2
buildImageSuccessfully(c, image, build.WithoutCache, build.WithDockerfile(dockerfile))
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "history", "-q", image)
ids := strings.Split(out, "\n")
idToTag := ids[2]
// Tag layer0 to "tmp2".
newTag := "tmp2"
dockerCmd(c, "tag", idToTag, newTag)
// Create a container based on "tmp1".
dockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", image, "true")
// See if the "tmp2" can be untagged.
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "rmi", newTag)
// Expected 1 untagged entry
assert.Equal(c, strings.Count(out, "Untagged: "), 1, fmt.Sprintf("out: %s", out))
// Now let's add the tag again and create a container based on it.
dockerCmd(c, "tag", idToTag, newTag)
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "run", "-d", newTag, "true")
cid := strings.TrimSpace(out)
// At this point we have 2 containers, one based on layer2 and another based on layer0.
// Try to untag "tmp2" without the -f flag.
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("rmi", newTag)
// should not be untagged without the -f flag
assert.ErrorContains(c, err, "")
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, cid[:12]))
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, "(must force)"))
// Add the -f flag and test again.
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "rmi", "-f", newTag)
// should be allowed to untag with the -f flag
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, fmt.Sprintf("Untagged: %s:latest", newTag)))
func (*DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiParentImageFail(c *testing.T) {
skip.If(c, testEnv.UsingSnapshotter(), "image are independent when using the containerd image store")
buildImageSuccessfully(c, "test", build.WithDockerfile(`
FROM busybox
RUN echo hello`))
id := inspectField(c, "busybox", "ID")
out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("rmi", id)
assert.ErrorContains(c, err, "")
if !strings.Contains(out, "image has dependent child images") {
c.Fatalf("rmi should have failed because it's a parent image, got %s", out)
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiWithParentInUse(c *testing.T) {
out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "create", "busybox")
cID := strings.TrimSpace(out)
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "commit", cID)
imageID := strings.TrimSpace(out)
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "create", imageID)
cID = strings.TrimSpace(out)
out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "commit", cID)
imageID = strings.TrimSpace(out)
dockerCmd(c, "rmi", imageID)
// #18873
func (s *DockerCLIRmiSuite) TestRmiByIDHardConflict(c *testing.T) {
dockerCmd(c, "create", "busybox")
imgID := inspectField(c, "busybox:latest", "Id")
_, _, err := dockerCmdWithError("rmi", imgID[:12])
assert.ErrorContains(c, err, "")
// check that tag was not removed
imgID2 := inspectField(c, "busybox:latest", "Id")
assert.Equal(c, imgID, imgID2)